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【IOS/Android】Pokémon Go

2015-9-10 06:15 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-9-10 07:29 PM 编辑


Pokémon Go Announced for iOS & Android



Pokémon GO Allows Players to Catch ‘em All in the Real World

The Pokémon Company, Niantic and Nintendo today announced their collaboration on a new project for mobile devices called Pokémon GO. This ground breaking mobile game will encourage fans to search far and wide in the real world to discover Pokémon. Pokémon GO will be available for download at no charge on the App Store and Google Play in 2016.

In the past, the Pokémon video game series has used real world locations like the Hokkaido and Kanto regions of Japan, as well as New York and Paris, as inspiration for its fantasy settings. In Pokémon GO, players will be able to catch, trade, and battle in the real world by utilizing location information. Pokémon GO’s gameplay experience goes beyond what appears on screen as players explore their neighborhoods, communities and the world they live in to discover Pokémon alongside friends and other players. Junichi Masuda, game director of the Pokémon video game series at Game Freak. will be contributing to the project. His involvement will ensure that the fun of Pokémon makes its way into Pokémon GO, while developing new types of gameplay and thinking of ways to connect this project with the main series of Pokémon video games. In-app purchases will be available in Pokémon GO.

“Our challenge was to develop a great game for smart phone devices that expressed the core values of Pokémon,” said Tsunekazu Ishihara, president and CEO of The Pokémon Company. “Pokémon GO is the answer to that challenge.”

“Pokémon GO is a wonderful combination of Niantic’s real world gaming platform and one of the most beloved franchises in popular culture,” said John Hanke, founder and CEO of Niantic, Inc. “Our partnership with The Pokémon Company and Nintendo is an exciting step forward in real-world gaming and using technology to help players discover the world and people around them.”

Players will be able to enhance their Pokémon GO experience even when they are looking away from their smartphones by using a unique device called Pokémon GO Plus. By pressing a button on Pokémon GO Plus, simple in-game actions like catching a Pokémon can be performed. Developed and manufactured by Nintendo Co., Ltd., Pokémon GO Plus will connect to smartphones via Bluetooth and by flashing and vibrating, will notify players about events like the appearance of a Pokémon nearby.

Pokémon GO is being developed by Niantic, Inc. Originally founded by Google Earth co-creator John Hanke as a start-up within Google, Niantic is known for creating Ingress, the augmented reality mobile game which utilizes GPS technology to fuel a sci-fi story encompassing the entire world. Ingress currently has 12 million downloads worldwide.

在现实世界收服神奇宝贝! Ingress x Pokémon《神奇宝贝 GO》2016 年释出下载

  Pokemon 于今(10)日举办新事业战略发表会,宣布将在智能型手机平台推出 iPhone / Android 平台新作《神奇宝贝 GO(Pokémon GO)》,并宣布在 2016 年释出下载。 同时,任天堂的《玛利欧》之父宫本茂也于现场现身站台,同时表示本计划是已故的任天堂社长岩田聪耗费两年才得以实现的共同开发计划。




  你曾经幻想过,在现实世界中收服「神奇宝贝」会是怎么样的景象呢? 也许《神奇宝贝 GO》离这个梦想更接近一步了! Pokemon 和实境游戏《Ingress》的开发商 Niantic Labs 携手合作打造了这个新的企划,延续《Ingress》结合虚拟和真实世界的玩法,让玩家可在现实世界中寻找虚拟的《神奇宝贝》并尝试收服捕捉它们。 同时,玩家也会在现实中遭遇其他同样游玩《神奇宝贝 GO》的玩家,并在路上及时对战。 并且还会举办共同讨伐梦幻神奇宝贝的大型活动,大量玩家可共同参与和强力的神奇宝贝战斗。

  而任天堂也表示,将会推出搭配本作的穿戴式周边「神奇宝贝 GO Plus (Pokémon Go Plus)」,这个宝贝球旗标形状的装置会在玩家在现实世界中接近神奇宝贝时,及时震动及闪烁来推播通知,来协助玩家不必紧盯智能型手机,也可随时留意神奇宝贝的出现或其他动态。

  《神奇宝贝 GO》将会在 2016 年于 iPhone / Android 上架,并采取免费下载、游戏内置购买项目的方式营运。
2015-10-15 10:53 PM
Nintendo, The Pokémon Company and Google invest $30M in Pokémon GO developer

Niantic Raises Series A Financing of $20 Million from The Pokémon Company Group, Google and Nintendo

Real world games maker Niantic has raised its Series A financing round from The Pokémon Company Group, Google and Nintendo. The companies are investing up to $30 million in Niantic, which includes an initial $20 million upfront and an additional $10 million conditioned upon achieving certain milestones. Niantic will leverage the funding and strategic relationships to continue work on Pokémon GO, support its thriving global Ingress community, scale its platform and bring new games to market.

“The Pokémon Company, Google and Nintendo are incredible investors and strategic partners to help build the next chapter for Niantic,” said John Hanke, CEO, Niantic. “We will be using this capital to continue the development of Pokémon GO, to evolve and grow Ingress and its thriving global community, and to build out our real-world gaming platform.”

Pokémon GO, Niantic’s most recently announced project, is being developed in collaboration with The Pokémon Company and Nintendo. The new title is a groundbreaking mobile game that will encourage fans to search far and wide in the real world to discover Pokémon. Pokémon GO will be available on the App Store and Google Play in 2016.

“Pokémon’s strategic investment in Niantic paves the way for a social mobile experience the world has never seen before,” said Tsunekazu Ishihara, president and CEO of The Pokémon Company. “The Pokémon Company is committed to partnering with companies like Niantic that share the same spirit of community and innovation.”

"Niantic has shown the great potential of mixing geo-location technology, dynamic storytelling and innovative game design, and we're excited to continue supporting the team on their journey,” Don Harrison, vice president, Corporate Development, Google, added.

Originally founded by Google Earth co-creator John Hanke as a start-up within Google, Niantic is known for creating Ingress, the real world mobile game which utilizes geo-location technology to fuel a sci-fi story encompassing the entire world. Ingress has seen more than 13 million downloads worldwide.
2016-2-4 06:16 PM
《Ingress》开发商执行长将于 GDC 揭露更多《神奇宝贝 GO》的神秘面纱

  于去年 9 月公开,由 Pokemon 和《Ingress》开发商 Niantic Labs 携手打造的手机游戏《神奇宝贝 GO(Pokémon GO)》可说是去年最受玩家期待的作品之一。 透过类似《Ingress》结合虚拟和真实世界的玩法,玩家将有机会进入《神奇宝贝 GO》的世界中收服各式各样的神奇宝贝。 而在今年 3 月举办的 GDC 2016 游戏开发者大会中,Niantic 执行长 John Hanke 预计会在其中一场座谈会中谈游戏的开发过程,玩家或许可以藉此在上市前了解更多有关游戏的第一手情报。

  在这场座谈会的说明页面中,指出 Niantic 开发中的《神奇宝贝 GO》面临将游戏带至现实世界的挑战,数以百计玩家所熟知的神奇宝贝们将散落在全球各地,玩家得利用依靠蓝牙技术与手机联机的特制装置来找到牠们。 而主讲者 Join Niantic 则将于会中与听众讨论 Niantic 是如何研发这款将《神奇宝贝》带至行动装置的独特游戏,并让想要成为神奇宝贝大师的人们走向户外。

  《神奇宝贝 GO》预计在 2016 年于 iPhone / Android 平台推出。

2016-3-4 06:19 PM
《神奇宝贝 GO》针对日本地区募集场测参加者 预计 3 月下旬展开首波测试

  Pokémon 与 Niantic, Inc. 宣布,现正开发中的《神奇宝贝 GO(Pokémon GO)》(iOS/Android)已于今(4)日正式在日本开始募集场测(field test)参加者,场测预计于 3 月下旬实施。

  《神奇宝贝 GO》是使用实际的地理位置情报,结合虚拟与现实生活环境,让玩家可以在真实世界内捕捉、养成神奇宝贝的手机应用程序。

  本次的场测需要事先报名,应募条件为居住于日本、持有 Android(4.3 版或更新版本)或 iOS 装置(iPhone 5 或更新装置)的用户。 为确保报名者符合「居住于日本」的条件,报名网页也不开放非日本 ip 浏览。 日后或许会在其他地区实施场测,有兴趣的玩家可关注官方动向。



2016-3-21 07:19 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-3-21 06:32 PM 编辑

【未證實】精靈寶可夢 GO遊玩畫面流出?!

在去年The Pokémon Company公司宣佈旗下知名作品精靈寶可夢即將推出第一款手機遊戲Pokémon GO後,結合了AR的玩法讓玩家可以說是相當期盼!

而就在昨日,nintendo everything網站報導刊登了Pokémon GO疑似為遊玩的影片,而這段影片是真是假尚待確認,但是真實性相當的高!


2016-3-25 07:01 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-3-29 06:12 PM 编辑

New details and images of Pokémon GO
《神奇宝贝 GO》官方公开最新截图与玩法 在现实世界展开道馆争夺战

《神奇寶貝 GO》場測開始前基本情報總整理 利用位置情報的「真實世界遊戲」

  由 Pokémon、任天堂,以及《虚拟入口(Ingress)》开发商 Niantic 三方联合开发之手机新作《神奇宝贝 GO(Pokémon GO)》(iOS/Android)于官方网志上正式对外披露游戏的最新截图,并进一步解释了游戏的基本玩法。


  根据 Niantic 在原文中的说明,《神奇宝贝 GO》是体现 Niantic 平台次世代「Real World Gaming」概念的一款游戏,透过行动装置的地理定位与扩增实境(AR)技术结合,鼓励人们外出并在真实世界中进行冒险。

《神奇宝贝 GO》地图的缩小画面

  在游玩的过程中,玩家将可探索周遭的环境,发现并捕捉野生的神奇宝贝。 野生神奇宝贝各自有特定的栖息场所,举例来说,若是在湖或海的附近,可能就会遇见水系的神奇宝贝。



  除了透过捕捉的方式,玩家还可以带着入手的「蛋」来行走,藉此孵化出新的神奇宝贝。 「蛋」或是「神奇宝贝球」等特殊道具可以在「PokéStops」取得,像是公共艺术品、历史景点、博物馆或遗迹等地。

  当然,游戏中也可以进行神奇宝贝对战。 玩家可以从 3 个阵营中选择其一,赌上道馆的所有权与名声,与其他玩家互相竞争。

  玩家对阵营做出贡献的管道,包括将自己捕捉到的神奇宝贝放置在我方道馆,或是前往挑战被放置在敌方道馆的神奇宝贝。 跟「PokéStops」一样,「神奇宝贝道馆」也会与真实世界景点进行结合。

  《神奇宝贝 GO》现正开发中,即将在日本举行场测。 官方强调,场测版本的游戏内容、对应语言以及用户接口都并非最终版本,更多详情会在日后陆续公开。

New Pokémon GO Features Announced

The Pokémon Company and Niantic today revealed new features for their upcoming mobile release, Pokémon GO. The much-anticipated mobile game launching later this year on the App Store and Google Play will encourage fans to search far and wide in the real world to discover Pokémon. An early user test limited to Japan only is planned for Pokémon GO while the game is still in active development. Features, available languages, design, and overall appearance are not finalized.

In Pokémon GO, players around the globe will explore their surroundings to find and catch wild Pokémon hiding in our midst. Some wild Pokémon appear only in their native environments; for example, Water-type Pokémon may only appear near lakes and oceans. As players explore the world around them, their phones will vibrate to let them know a Pokémon is nearby. Once they have encountered a Pokémon, it can be caught by using the phone’s touch screen to throw a Poké Ball. Poké Balls and other special items can be found at PokéStops located at interesting places such as public art installations, historical markers and monuments.

As players progress through Pokémon GO, their Trainer level will increase, enabling them to capture more-powerful Pokémon and gain access to more items. Some Pokémon can be evolved if the same species is caught on multiple occasions. Pokémon Eggs, which can be found at PokéStops, will hatch after players walk a certain distance. Players will be able to impress their friends by unlocking achievement medals that are earned by completing a variety of challenges.

During gameplay, Pokémon GO players will be encouraged to join one of three teams and engage in Gym battles with other teams. Once they have joined a team, players will have the ability to assign their Pokémon to empty Gyms. Like PokéStops, Gyms can be found at real locations in the world, and because only one Pokémon per player can be placed at a given Gym, team members will need to work together to build a strong defense. A Gym claimed by one team can be challenged by the other two teams.

With real-life surroundings providing a backdrop for encounters with wild Pokémon, this unique Pokémon game represents the next generation of Niantic’s “Real World” gaming platform, which combines mobile location technology and Augmented Reality to create a gaming experience that motivates players to go outside and explore the world around them. For more information, visit pokemon.com/go.
2016-3-30 06:41 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-3-30 06:37 PM 编辑

Pokémon Go Quick Look ~ First Beta Gameplay


Pokémon Go Information

• Players will create and customize their own character. You can join three teams: Red, Blue, and Yellow.

• There are no battles against wild Pokémon. To catch a Pokémon, touch the Poke Ball with the touch screen and throw it.

• Pokémon have natures: Stoic, Assassin, Guardian, Raider, Protector, Sentry, and Champion.

• Pokémon have CP values. It is not yet known that this means, but there is speculation that it might be “Capture Points.” The higher the Capture Points, the more difficult it is to capture.

• There are normal, legendary, and mythical Pokémon. All Pokémon types, including Fairy, are present in the game.

• You evolve Pokémon via Evolution Shards obtained by battling wild Pokémon. Once you obtain enough Shards, you’l receive an Evolution Stone.

• There doesn’t appear to be status ailments like paralysis and burn since all moves in the game cause damage.

• There are 137 movements programmed into the game, as well as 95 “fast” versions of those movements.

• There are seven categories of items in the game: Poke Balls, Potions, Revives, Battle Items, Food, and Camera. The field test only features the following items: Poke Ball, Great Ball, Ultra Ball, Master Ball, Potion, Super Potion, Hyper Potion, Max potion, Max Revive, X Attack, X Defense, X Miracle, Razz Berry, Bluk Berry, Nanab Berry, Wepear Berry, Pinap Berry and Special Camera.

• During gym battles, it seems that Pokémon only have two moves. Each gym will have a level of prestige. You’ll get points in the gym, but their purpose is unknown.

• The following rankings exist: Novice (level 5), Trainer (level 10), Leader (level 25), and Professor (level 50). By the time you reach level 50, you can store up to 500 Pokémon and 1,000 items.

• Medals will function as achievements, and will be awarded to you when you’ve captured a certain number of Pokémon, walked a certain amount of steps, participated in a certain amount of gym battles, etc.

• You can buy packages including items and gems with real-world money.

• There will be a day-night cycle.

• The Android version is 47.97 MB. There are references to Google Cardboard within the game data.

• The field test only features the first generation of Pokémon (Models here) and does not give players a starter Pokémon. There is no indication of Mega Evolutions yet.

《神奇宝贝 GO》场测开始前基本情报总整理 利用位置情报的「真实世界游戏」

  2016 年 3 月 29 日起,利用位置情报在真实世界中捕捉神奇宝贝的智能型手机游戏《神奇宝贝 GO(Pokémon GO)》(iOS/Android)的官方场测将在日本正式开始。

  本作是经手系列作品的 Pokémon、任天堂、GAME FREAK 与以《虚拟入口 Ingress》(iOS/Android)闻名的 Niantic 共同开发的作品,也是受到全世界玩家瞩目的作品之一。 本篇报导就要向玩家介绍这款利用位置情报的游戏基础,以及至今所公开过的情报总整理。

《神奇宝贝 GO》日本国内场测招待开始

  本作针对日本国内的场测参加者招待已经在今天(2016 年 3 月 29 日)开始。 根据开发本作的 Niantic 官方部落格来看,这次测试会以玩家所使用的装置以及真实世界游戏的经验等为抽选基准。 部落格中也公布了抽选以及招待等方法。 就算今天没有收到电子邮件通知,官方之后似乎也会陆续增加开放测试的玩家数量。

在火中、水中、草中、森林中... 利用位置情报来寻找神奇宝贝?


  单形容的话,就是把游戏跟动画中熟悉的「神奇宝贝大师之旅」化为现实。 玩家要前往被登录为神奇宝贝出现地点的现实世界古迹或建筑物,在智能型手机上捕捉神奇宝贝。 而智能型手机其实就是当作导航来使用而已,要捕捉神奇宝贝的话就必须亲自前往该地点才行,也就是说玩家自己的行动力是很重要的。

  回顾过去公开情报的话,可得知玩家等级是透过捕捉神奇宝贝来提升。 让游戏中分为 3 个势力的神奇宝贝训练师们参加「道馆争夺战」则是最大目的。

  神奇宝贝的获得方法除了投掷宝贝球之外,也可在「神奇宝贝停驻点(PokéStops)」中获得神奇宝贝的蛋,只要孵化就可以成为伙伴。 要孵化神奇宝贝蛋,就必须进行长距离的移动才行,所以玩家带着智能型手机出远门的状况应该也会增加。 换个方向来想,一边孵化神奇宝贝蛋一边散步减肥也是一举两得的事。

  • 在神奇宝贝停驻点中获得宝贝球以及神奇宝贝蛋
  • 根据所捕捉的神奇宝贝数量提升训练师等级
  • 提升等级的话就可以遭遇到更强的神奇宝贝
  • 从 3 个阵营中选择所属队伍,参加道馆战斗
  • 达成游戏中的挑战事项,就可获得成就勋章

与其他玩家交流变得更重要? 影片中所提示的情报总整理

  在此要以先前曝光的影片来为大家整理出尚未公开的情报。 在目前所公开的宣传影片中可以看到战斗、交换神奇宝贝,以及玩家们协力挑战野生超梦的场面。 从已得知的新情报来观赏影片的话,或许会有新发现?






  除了交换神奇宝贝,似乎也可以与其他玩家协力进行战斗。 虽然看起来也很像是在争夺道馆的「道馆战斗」,但影片中还可看到对应 3 VS 3 的多人战斗。

  那么,可以任意选择指令或者是使用道具来支持吗? 这些系统的详情也是令人在意的地方。


  影片中也有出现复数玩家可以参加的特别事件,也可以看到随着倒数一起出现的超梦与许多玩家进行战斗的场面。 在倒数时间结束前打倒目标的话,似乎参加战斗的所有玩家都可以获得神奇宝贝的样子。


  在此虽然回顾了基本情报,但关于战斗详情以及神奇宝贝的栖息地等依然是有着许多谜团。 虽然不知道在场测时是否能一探本作全貌,但是将真实世界与虚拟世界融合的《神奇宝贝 GO》世界确实引起了全世界的关注。
2016-4-12 05:54 PM
Pokémon Co-Master out on Android in Japan

Pokémon Co-Master Released in Japan

The App, Pokémon Co-Master, has just been released in Japan on Google Play, with iOS support to come shortly. This game is a board game where you select multiple various figures and have to try and take over the board using your figures against opponent figures. It's a free to play game and allows you to purchase diamonds in order to get better figures and items. You need Android 2.3.3 or higher to run and it requires 41MB to initially install.

Official website: pokemon-comaster.jp
2016-4-12 06:04 PM
《神奇宝贝 战棋大师》于 Google Play 抢先推出 以玩偶展开阵地攻防战

  Pokémon 和 HEROZ 共同开发的智能型手机战略游戏《神奇宝贝 战棋大师(暂译,ポケモンコマスター)》Android 版在今(11)日于日本抢先上架,iOS 版预计日后推出。

※ 本作目前仅于日本地区推出。






攻占本阵就胜利! 基本规则介绍

  《神奇宝贝 战棋大师》是一款使用「神奇宝贝」的玩偶来互相对战的桌上游戏。 玩家要和对手交互移动桌上的玩偶,设法抢先攻占对手本阵。





  本作的特征之一就在于以 3D CG 呈现、各具特征的神奇宝贝玩偶,玩家可以收集喜爱的角色来培育出专属的队伍。





  获得神奇宝贝的方法,除了在战斗中取胜之外,也可以在游戏内商店以「钻石」来抽奖购买。 钻石可花费实际金钱购买,也会随着游戏进度取得。




AI 是战斗的好伙伴! 棋盘上的脑力对决

  在战斗的时候,玩家要安排 6 只神奇宝贝来组成「手牌」,也就是说场上最多会有 12 个棋子彼此争夺地盘。 玩家一回合只能移动一个棋子,因此战略思考尤为重要。




  如果与对手的旗子相邻,就会触发神奇宝贝对战,用绝招打退对手就能离本阵更进一步。 战斗的规则由轮盘决定,而游戏中也有可对场地或神奇宝贝产生特别效果的「道具卡」。





  值得一提的是,本作会有特殊的「AI 装置」成为玩家的伙伴,当玩家不知道自己下一步该如何行动的时候,就可以委托 AI 来帮忙。 AI 会考虑玩家牌组、盘面状况、对手强度等条件,实时判断最好的选择,代替玩家来移动棋子。



「AI 装置」会协助玩家决定下一步棋该如何走

  本游戏是由以构筑人工智能闻名的 HEROZ 来提供 AI,该公司曾推出的手机游戏《将棋 WARS(将棋ウォーズ)》也拥有曾经击败日本职业棋士的纪录。 HEROZ 曾强调「HEROZ 的 AI 并不是『竞争』而是以『共斗』为命题来设计」,玩家可以在本游戏中体验和 AI 通力合作的独特乐趣。

我要成为饭店大王!? 《神奇宝贝 战棋大师》的世界观

  《神奇宝贝 战棋大师》的舞台是一座高级饭店林立的岛屿,这座岛同时也是「神奇宝贝玩偶大会(Pokemon Figure Game)」的举办场地。 究竟会有什么样的故事等待玩家探索呢?





挑战自己的能耐! 于在线对战磨练实力

  《神奇宝贝 战棋大师》也搭载网络在线对战功能,可透过「Rank Match(ランクマッチ)」功能快速搜寻到实力相当的对手,「Room Match」则是能与好友对战。



  特别的是,在在线对战模式中,玩家还能够使用比普通的 AI 更聪明的「超级 AI」。 由于使用条件有所限制,可要抓准机会使用。


  随着《神奇宝贝 战棋大师》Android 版抢先上架,官方也举行了每日登入礼以及特别登入礼等活动,更多详情可参考官方公告。


2016-5-5 06:42 PM
《神奇宝贝 GO》于澳洲展开测试 9 分钟实机影片流出

  由 Pokémon、任天堂、GAME FREAK 与以《虚拟入口 Ingress》(iOS/Android)闻名的 Niantic 共同开发的手机游戏作品《神奇宝贝 GO(Pokémon GO)》日前在澳洲举行测试,虽然理论上参与者都须签订保密协议,但仍有长达 9 分钟的实机影片流出。


透过短短的影片中,可以看到游戏的还原度不错! 可以跟游戏中一样,使用各种宝贝球来收服宝可梦们。

以及培育宝可梦的蛋,并且看到宝可梦们孵化出来的样子! 非常符合原作的培育风格呢!

另外经典的图鉴功能也还原度相当高! 让人相当期待游戏的成品呢!

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