Pokemon Go's New AR Mode Revealed
《Pokemon GO》iOS 版开放新功能「AR+」抓怪更有临场感
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/6/156866.html)
《Pokemon GO》营运团队发布公告,宣布从即日起,iOS 版《Pokemon GO》的 AR 功能将更新为「AR+」。 只要玩家使用的是 iPhone 6s 或更新的 iOS 装置,便可在升级至 iOS 11 后体验全新的 AR+ 功能。
Apple 的 ARKit 框架让《Pokemon GO》原有的 AR 功能更上一层楼,使用 AR+ 时,宝可梦将会以实际的尺寸出现在现实世界中。 玩家可以抬头仰望巨大的大钢蛇,也可以看到堵住去路的卡比兽。 官方指出,这个新功能可进一步拉近训练家和宝可梦之间的距离,每一张 AR 照片都将是最特别的纪念。
透过 AR+,玩家可以悄悄靠近宝可梦,获取更多「专家」奖励。 但在靠近牠之前,请务必三思,小心别把牠给吓跑了! 如果被宝可梦发现有人正在靠近牠,牠可是会逃走的。
当屏幕上的「! 」变成红色时,宝可梦就会逃走。 不过就算宝可梦逃走了,玩家也有可能会在屏幕上再次看到草丛。 这时只要点击草丛,宝可梦就会跳出来,千万别错过第二次的机会!
专家奖励:各位知道要具备什么样的条件才能成为捕捉宝可梦的专家吗? 使用 AR + 时,只要能在不被宝可梦发现的情况下靠近牠,除了丢出 Great 或 Excellent 的机率会变高,「专家奖励」更能让玩家获得更多 XP 和星星沙子。
《Pokemon GO》营运团队表示,这是《Pokemon GO》AR 功能进化的第一步,相信未来的 AR 游戏体验将会变得更多采多姿。
The Next Evolution of Augmented Reality Games Begins with Pokémon GO’s New AR+ Mode Exclusively on iPhone
Niantic and The Pokémon Company International, will soon update Pokémon GO with an enhanced augmented reality (AR) experience with the new AR+ feature exclusively available to the hundreds of millions of devices running iOS 11 including iPhone 6s and newer models. The new AR+ feature builds on core AR gameplay in Pokémon GO and leverages Apple’s ARKit framework to enhance the visuals and dynamics of catching Pokémon in the real world.
After activating the new AR+ feature in encounter mode, individual Pokémon will be more accurately positioned based on their surroundings and environment thanks to the six degrees of freedom the technology provides. By utilising ARKit’s advanced 3D AR scaling, a Pokémon’s size will be more accurately based on the world around them, changing in perspective and size as Trainers move closer or further away.
AR+ mode also adds new dynamic gameplay to Pokémon GO encounters that will provide Trainers with more ways to catch Pokémon. Trainers can now get closer to a Pokémon to receive a special capture bonus, but Pokémon are aware of the physical proximity of Trainers, so they must approach carefully as they may flee if a person comes too close too quickly. Getting closer to a Pokémon using AR+ has unique gameplay benefits, including being awarded the new Expert Handler bonus, which provides more XP and Stardust.
To learn more about Pokémon GO, please visit the official Pokémon GO blog at http://indigopearl-pr.com/XF5-5D1AZ-6W0EWT-2XR3J5-1/c.aspx.
Trainers can also stay up-to-date on Pokémon GO announcements by following the game on Twitter or liking it on Facebook.