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Nintendo NX

2018-8-27 10:48 PM
《真·女神转生 V》制作人 大部分角色恶魔已经能在实机跑

  根据本周电击PS杂志速报消息,Switch 新作《真·女神转生V》的制作人山井一千在接受采访时表示:游戏在努力制作当中,真的在做呢。目前从以往的恶魔到新的角色大部分都已经可以在实机上动起来了。因为是系列正统续作所以内容上绝不含糊。至于公开后续情报可能还要再等等。另外《真·女神转生III-Nocturne》的移植或充值经常在讨论,但要看有没有合适的时机。

  《真·女神转生V》于去年 10 月正式发表,目前发售日与售价均未定。

2018-8-28 06:40 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-8-28 10:52 PM 编辑

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Limited Edition, Pro Controller live on Best Buy
NS《任天堂明星大乱斗 特别版》将推出特殊样式Pro手柄

转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201808/8288920642.html

  今日任天堂官网宣布将在与旗下Swich平台游戏《任天堂明星大乱斗:特别版(Super Smash Bros. Ultimate)》发售日同一天即2018年12月7日向海外推出本作专属设计任天堂Switch PRO手柄。


  从宣传图来看本次Switch PRO手柄采用了黑白相间的设计,手柄主体与普通 Pro 手柄相同,为黑色透明材质,但正面印有白色《任天堂明星大乱斗 特别版》游戏 Logo,手柄握柄也为白色。其简约的设计使人赏心悦目。

  除此之外任天堂还推出了本作的特别限定铁盒版,除了上述所说到的限定Switch PRO手柄外还将附加一个专属设计游戏铁盒。铁盒外部以黑色为主中心印有由火焰组成的《任天堂明星大乱斗 特别版》游戏 Logo,打开后铁盒内部画面组成了游戏中其中一个战斗场景,十分具有收藏价值。


Nintendo will release a Super Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Switch Pro Controller bundle alongside the game’s standard edition, the company announced.

The $139.99 bundle will include a copy of the game, a steel case with the Super Smash Bros. logo on the cover, and a white and black Switch Pro Controller with the Super Smash Bros. logo in the background.

The Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Switch Pro Controller will also be released as a standalone product for $74.99.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is due out for Switch on December 7.
2018-8-29 05:11 PM
Nintendo Announces Diverse Lineup of Nindies Coming to Nintendo Switch


Nintendo Announces Diverse Lineup of Nindies Coming to Nintendo Switch

Over the next several months, Nintendo Switch will see its already deep game library grow even more with the release of a diverse lineup of games from independent developers. During a Nindies Showcase video presentation, Nintendo highlighted just a slice of this varied lineup of indie games, which includes indie hits like Into the Breach, Hyper Light Drifter – Special Edition and TowerFall, as well as first-time releases like Zarvot and Bullet Age.

“The ever-growing community of talented independent developers sees the benefit of releasing creative games on the versatile Nintendo Switch, a system that can be played at home or on the go,” said Steve Singer, Vice President for Nintendo of America’s Publisher & Developer Relations team. “We are happy to support their work and contributions on our platform as we further grow our strong relationship.”

Highlights of the presentation include:

• Into the Breach: The hit turn-based strategy game is headed to Nintendo Switch. In the stylish Into the Breach, players will suit up in powerful mechs and defend against the Vek infestation across randomly generated islands. Players can perfect their strategy and build the ultimate mech by finding powerful new weapons and unique pilots throughout the campaign. Into the Breach is available for Nintendo Switch starting … TODAY!

• Hyper Light Drifter – Special Edition: In the Nintendo Switch version of this critically acclaimed action/adventure game, players can equip an exclusive outfit that will help them locate hidden items. The Special Edition also includes new weapons like the Crystal Shot and deadly Blade Caster. Hyper Light Drifter – Special Edition is available for pre-purchase today, and launches for Nintendo Switch on Sept. 6.

• TowerFall: Anyone who is interested in the indie game scene has most likely heard of TowerFall. The extremely popular action game is beloved by many people for its slick fast-paced gameplay and raucous local multiplayer matches. This version of the game includes all the original and add-on content, as well as a new six-player battle mode, four additional Variants and the ability to play as Madeline and Badeline, two characters from indie game Celeste. TowerFall ascends onto Nintendo Switch on Sept. 27, but is also available for pre-purchase starting today.

• Treasure Stack: Treasure Stack adds a unique platforming mechanic with hookshots and grappling hooks to the traditional falling block puzzle formula. In the game, players control a whimsical cast of heroes as they navigate obstacles to stack treasure chests and solve puzzles. With cross-platform play with Xbox One and PC, players will be able to stack online with even more players. Treasure Stack launches for Nintendo Switch this winter.

• Zarvot: Charcoal and Mustard are the stars of this charming arcade game about friendship among cubes. In the game’s story mode, players adventure through nine worlds as they attempt to cheer up their best friend. And in Versus Mode, friends can challenge friends to some cutthroat cube action across five game modes. Zarvot launches first on Nintendo Switch in October.

• Mineko’s Night Market: While Mineko’s Night Market boasts more than 20 hours of story-based gameplay, including four regions to explore, diverse villagers to meet, interesting quests to undertake, and activities like sewing and woodworking to partake in, it also features cats. A lot of them. But even though this is a game starring cats, dog people will love it as well! Mineko’s Night Market opens for business first on consoles on Nintendo Switch in early 2019.

• Samurai Gunn 2: This sequel to the original lightning-fast Bushido brawler features a new adventure mode. Players can explore a medieval metropolis on the brink of crisis to discover the mystery behind Gunn City’s ghostly threat. Classic Versus Mode returns, with up to four players battling it out in sword-and-gun battles. Samurai Gunn 2 launches on Nintendo Switch in early 2019.

• Bullet Age: In this co-op action game, players can team up with another player in an intuitive mix of sword-and-gun gameplay. Bullet Age also features challenging platforming, fully upgradable weapons and a charming cartoon art style. Players will feel HD Rumble when they attack and when locating hidden secrets. Bullet Age launches as a console exclusive on Nintendo Switch in November.

• The World Next Door: Influenced by anime, The World Next Door is a story-driven game that follows a rebellious teenage girl trapped in a parallel world inhabited by magical creatures. Players will meet and develop friendships with an eclectic cast of characters by means of a reputation system, which features branching dialogue based on player choice. The World Next Door becomes a friendly neighbor on Nintendo Switch in early 2019.

• Levelhead: Players that have a head for level building have found a game for them. In Levelhead, players can design their own game levels using a robust level maker using both touch-screen and traditional controls. Subscribing to other people’s content allows players to create a curated feed of levels they can play. With leaderboards, level sharing and couch co-op, the possibilities are endless! With cross-platform capabilities, content can be shared with players on all platforms that also support Levelhead, including PC, iOS and Android. Players can also take control of GR-18, a delivery robot in training, through a full-fledged single-player campaign. Levelhead launches on Nintendo Switch in November.

• King of the Hat: This fast-paced, hat-based party game finds players crushing their friends’ hats before they crush their own! All in game, of course. No actual hats were harmed in the making of this game. Matches in the game are short and action-packed – perfect for playing on the couch or on the go. And thanks to simple two-button controls, anyone can pick up and play in local or online multiplayer. King of the Hat launches on Nintendo Switch in early 2019.

• Untitled Goose Game: With a name like Untitled Goose Game, what’s not to love? In a game that defies all genres, Untitled Goose Game is part stealth, part sandbox and all goose simulator. Play as a goose to take on challenges and cause general goose chaos. Untitled Goose Game launches on Nintendo Switch in early 2019.

In addition to all these games, the Nindies Showcase video also detailed a new channel on the Nintendo Switch system that will entirely focus on indie games. Featuring updates and announcements about indie games, the Indie Channel is live starting today, and can be found by searching in “Find Channels” in the handy News app.

Additional indie games that are coming to Nintendo Switch this year include the following:

• The Messenger (Aug. 30)
• Bastion (Sept. 13)
• Wasteland 2: Director’s Cut (Sept. 13)
• Undertale (Sept. 18)
• Light Fingers (Sept. 20)
• Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP (October)
• Jackbox Party Pack 5 (October)
• Transistor (November)
• Desert Child (December)
• Dragon Marked for Death (Dec. 13)
2018-8-30 08:02 PM
《美丽新世界 -Final Remix-》释出中文版宣传影片 确定 10 月 12 日推出
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/0/167560.html

  香港任天堂今(30)日公布了由 SQUARE ENIX 开发、任天堂发行的 Nintendo Switch 动作角色扮演游戏《美丽新世界 -Final Remix-(The World Ends with You -Final Remix- )》的中文版宣传影片与官方介绍网站,确认游戏将于 10 月 12 日推出,支持繁体中文、简体中文与英文。


  《美丽新世界 -Final Remix-》是以 2007 年在 Nintendo DS 上推出的《美丽新世界》为基础追加各种新要素的强化版。 画面配合 Nintendo Switch 性能全面重新绘制。 所有音乐、音效、语音全面高音质化,追加混音乐曲及新曲。 配合 Nintendo Switch 的 TV 模式、桌上模式、手提模式等设置,提供触碰操作以及 Joy-Con 体感操作等不同玩法。 收录先前所无的全新故事篇章。





2018-8-31 09:42 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-3 07:51 PM 编辑

Nintendo Labo Toy-Con 03: Vehicle Kit Overview Trailer
《任天堂实验室 Toy-Con03 DRIVE KIT》公布介绍影片 揭露陆海空三栖的丰富驾驶乐趣

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/1/167731.html

  任天堂制作,预定 9 月 14 日推出 Nintendo Switch 创意纸板玩具《任天堂实验室(Nintendo Labo)》系列第 3 款产品《任天堂实验室 Toy-Con03 DRIVE KIT》 ,现公布详细介绍影片。

  《任天堂实验室》是任天堂结合旗下 Nintendo Switch 可携式主机与 Joy-Con 分离式控制器所诞生的创意纸箱玩具,运用 NS 可独立运作的特性以及 Joy-Con 所搭载的六轴动态感测、红外线摄影机与 HD 震动功能,搭配容易造型组装的瓦楞纸板,来打造出各式各样创意十足的玩法。

  本次公布的影片详细介绍了《任天堂实验室 Toy-Con03 DRIVE KIT》所收录的 3 种 Toy-Con 控制器,包括驾驶汽车的方向盘、驾驶飞机的操纵杆与驾驶潜艇的升降舵,还有共通的加速踏板。 玩家只要把以 Joy-Con 控制器打造的「Toy-Con 钥匙」插入不同的驾驶控制器中,就能让游戏中载具变化为汽车、飞机与潜艇,在平原、溪谷等 10 个不同区域挑战多采多姿的驾驶任务。



  除了在广大空间体验驾驶乐趣的任务之外,游戏中还准备了各式各样不同的玩法,像是挑战在时限内通过闸门的「拉力模式」、以装备了战斗手臂的汽车体验激烈竞速战斗的「赛道模式」等。 此外还有特殊的喷漆控制器,让玩家可以自由涂装自己的载具,还能使用喷漆模板来涂上花样。




  玩家还可以透过自制的 Toy-Con 控制器来操作这些载具。


  《任天堂实验室 Toy-Con03 DRIVE KIT》预定 9 月 14 日上市,价格 6980 日圆(未税)。




New Video Highlights Cool Features of Nintendo Labo: Vehicle Kit Ahead of Sept. 14 Launch

Start your engines! Only two weeks until the launch of Nintendo Labo: Vehicle Kit! To celebrate, Nintendo just released an overview video that dives (and drives and flies!) into more detail about this new Nintendo Labo kit.

After building several unique Toy-Con creations using Nintendo Labo: Vehicle Kit, there are plenty of games and features to explore. Here are a few experiences shown in the video:

• A closer look at Adventure, one of the included games, in which you get to explore a mysterious world featuring pyramids, an archeological dig site, snowy mountains and much more. Use the Toy-Con Key creation to seamlessly swap between a car, plane and submarine to explore the deepest depths and highest heights of the world. Interact with a variety of intriguing characters as you explore and complete different missions solo or co-op with a friend.

• Each vehicle is controlled using the various Toy-Con projects you build with the included materials in the Vehicle Kit. And each has different controls and special moves in the game – launch a grappling hook with your submarine, do a barrel roll and shoot missiles with your plane, perform wheelies and deploy saw blades or bombs with your car, and more!

• Different included games offer a variety of fun experiences: In Rally, you pass through checkpoints while racing to the goal. Circuit is a racing game with a twist – you can launch punches at opponents! Slot Cars is a classic game that is controlled using only the Toy-Con Pedal. And in Battle, you can participate in one-on-one automotive combat with other players.

• Paint Studio uses the Toy-Con Spray Can to let you personalize your in-game vehicles – and the driver! Gently shake it to feel and hear the “ball” inside as you mix up the paint.

• Custom Controls, a new feature for Nintendo Labo, lets you make your own controllers for the included games with common household items. Want to ride a broom to steer the plane? How about drawing button controls on a customized screen protector when playing in Handheld Mode? Go ahead! It’s a great way to get started with building your own Toy-Con creations.

• With the Toy-Con Car, Key and Pedal, you’ll also be able to race against your friends in the Mario Kart 8 Deluxe game for Nintendo Switch shortly after launch (Nintendo Switch and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe sold separately). Learn more about this new way to play with Vehicle Kit here.

Nintendo Labo allows fans of all ages to make, play and discover with its interactive DIY cardboard kits that come to life with the power of the Nintendo Switch system. Nintendo Labo: Vehicle Kit launches on Sept. 14 at a suggested retail price of $69.99. For more information about the kit, visit labo.nintendo.com/kits/vehicle-kit.
2018-8-31 10:33 PM
2018-9-2 09:51 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-2 11:01 PM 编辑

Observer coming to Switch
赛博朋克风恐怖游戏《观察者》登陆Switch 首个宣传片公布

       《观察者》由波兰游戏开发商Bloober Team(代表作:层层恐惧)打造,游戏营造了令人陶醉的氛围和沉浸感十足的未来世界,玩家将扮演一名依靠未来科技探案的侦探,并牵扯进了一件与自己相关的案件。《观察者》曾于去年登陆了PS4、Xbox One和Steam,目前开发商宣布将把这款作品带到Switch平台,以下为本作Switch版宣传片。


Cyberpunk horror game Observer, which first launched for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in August 2017, is coming to Switch, developer Bloober Team announced. A release date was not announced.

Here is an overview of the game, via Bloober Team:


<WARNING! Security breach, receiving unauthorized message>

> What would you do if your fears were hacked?_

<Breach removed, system rebooting>

The year is 2084. You are Daniel Lazarski an elite neural detective known as an Observer, whose purpose is to hack and invade suspects’ minds. To gather evidence, you must relive their darkest fears, and, finally, face your own.

Key Features

• Observe and Report – You are Dan Lazarski, an elite neural detective known as an Observer, and part of a corporate-funded police unit whose purpose is to hack and invade suspects’ minds. In this future, anything you think, feel, or remember can be used against you in a court of law.

• A Dark Dystopia – The year is 2084. If you somehow survived the Nanophage, odds are you were killed in the War. Those who live have turned to drugs, VR, neural implants— anything to distract themselves from this new reality. But they can’t hide from you.

• Interactive Insanity – As you hack into the unstable minds of criminals and victims to look for clues, you will relive their darkest fears, forcing you to question your own reality — and your sanity.

• Take the Horror With You! – Observer for Nintendo Switch uses all of the unique features of the system, including full Joy-Con support, Touchscreen, and the option to play both in docked and in handheld modes.

2018-9-2 09:53 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-2 10:51 PM 编辑

Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes launches January 18, 2019
《特拉维斯再战江湖:英雄不再》公布发售日期 锁定 2019 年 1 月 18 日

  Switch 独占游戏《特拉维斯再战江湖:英雄不再(NO MORE HEROS:Travis Strikes Again)》是一款极具特色的动作游戏,玩家扮演一名职业杀手,向成为杀手排行榜第一的目标而战斗。最近,系列开发商Grasshopper宣布了本作的具体发售日。

  《英雄不再》初代登陆于任天堂will主机,玩家按住攻击键并挥动手柄就可以像真实战斗一样使用武器来攻击敌人,爽快感满点。特色的战斗系统加上有趣的世界观设定,使本作受到玩家好评,不过也由于作品中对于暴力和血腥元素着墨甚多,日版游戏做了一定程度的和谐才上架。系列最新作品《英雄不再 特拉维斯的反击》讲述了主角意外进入了游戏机“Death Drive MarkII”的世界并展开战斗的故事。

  《特拉维斯再战江湖:英雄不再》预计将于 2019 年 1 月 18 日正式发售,敬请期待。


Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes will launch for Switch on January 18, 2019 in North America and Europe, developer Grasshopper Manufacture announced.

Here is an overview of the game, via Grasshopper Manufacture:

Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes is a raucous 3D action title, where Travis touchdown wields the Beam Katana to massacre his way through countless enemies, taking on ferocious bosses in an epic battle with Badman.

Set in the remote countryside of the southern US, seven years has passed since the events of No More Heroes. Badman has come to exact his revenge on Travis for the murder of his daughter, Badgirl. As the two foes are battling it out, they’re [粗俗词语过滤-#0003]ed inside the phantom game console ‘Death Drive MK-II’, a machine developed by Doctor Juvenile. It is said that whomever collects and beats all six of its games will have their wishes granted.

Grasshopper Manufacture also shared new information on its collaboration with publisher Devolver Digital to feature in-game t-shirts based on their catalog of indie games. Here is the complete list of Devolver Digital titles-themed shirts in the game:

Ape Out
Crossing Souls
Enter the Gungeon
Gods Will Be Watching
Hatoful Boyfriend
High Hell
Hotline Miami
Mother Russia Bleeds
The Messenger
The Red Strings Club
The Swords of Ditto

2018-9-3 07:33 PM
人气节目游戏化新作《超. 全员逃走中&超. 战斗中 双重包》今冬登上 Nintendo Switch
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/1/167751.html

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 今(3)日公布,决定今年冬季于 Nintendo Switch 平台推出动作游戏《超. 全员逃走中&超. 战斗中 双重包(超・逃走中&超・戦闘中 ダブルパック)》。 价格目前未定,并开设官方网站。


  本作于 2018 年 9 月 2 日富士电视台系列频道播放的特别节目「全员逃走中」公布,是将 2015 年推出的 Nintendo 3DS 游戏《超. 全员逃走中 集结! 最强的逃亡者们(超・逃走中 あつまれ! 最强の逃走者たち)》与 2016 年推出同为 Nintendo 3DS 游戏的《超. 战斗中 究极忍者与战斗玩家的顶上决战! (超・戦闘中 究极の忍とバトルプレイヤー顶上决戦! )》包装为套组,支持 Nintendo Switch 平台的作品。

  正如众人所知,《超. 全员逃走中 集结! 最强的逃亡者们》与《超. 战斗中 究极忍者与战斗玩家的顶上决战! 》,是改编自富士电视台系列频道不定期播放的人气综艺节目「全员逃走中」、「全员战斗中 」,基本规则与节目完全相同。

  关于《双重包》的内容还得等待日后报导,但现在已知因应 Nintendo Switch 平台,除了地图、角色、影片等部分的图像有所进化,还能藉由 Nintendo Switch 的协力游玩设计「分享游玩」,让最多四位玩家同时对战或协力 。 详情请参考下列报导。

人气电视节目游戏《超. 全员逃走中》与《超. 战斗中 》
化身套组于 Nintendo Switch 平台全新登场
《超. 全员逃走中&超. 战斗中 双重包》决定发售


BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 制作,富士电视台系列频道高人气综艺节目的 Nintendo 3DS 游戏化作品《超. 全员逃走中 集结! 最强的逃亡者们》与《超. 战斗中 究极忍者与战斗玩家的顶上决战! 》将包装为套组,推出 Nintendo Switch 游戏《超. 全员逃走中&超. 战斗中 双重包》。


将富士电视台系列频道高人气节目的 3DS 游戏《超. 全员逃走中 集结! 最强的逃亡者们》与《超. 战斗中 究极忍者与战斗玩家的顶上决战! 》装为套组,于 Nintendo Switch 平台全新登场。

Nintendo Switch 版的特征

• 重制为 Nintendo Switch 版,将地图、角色、影片等部分进化的更美丽写实
• 分割画面进行分享游玩,一款游戏就能享受最多四人同时对战、协力游玩的乐趣

官方网站 - https://cho-wpack.bn-ent.net/



2018-9-4 03:34 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-4 08:07 PM 编辑

The World Ends with You: Final Remix final Japanese trailer
《美丽新世界 -Final Remix-》日版最终宣传片公开

  由 SQUARE ENIX 开发、任天堂发行的 Nintendo Switch 动作角色扮演游戏《美丽新世界 -Final Remix-(The World Ends with You -Final Remix- )》公开了日版最终宣传片,这款游戏的日版预定于 9 月 27 日发售。而在 10 月 12 日,支持繁体与简体中文的国际版将会发售,早期购买还可获得纪念徽章摆设。

  《美丽新世界 -Final Remix-》是以 2007 年在 Nintendo DS 上推出的《美丽新世界》为基础追加各种新要素的强化版。 画面配合 Nintendo Switch 性能全面重新绘制。 所有音乐、音效、语音全面高音质化,追加混音乐曲及新曲。 配合 Nintendo Switch 的 TV 模式、桌上模式、手提模式等设置,提供触碰操作以及 Joy-Con 体感操作等不同玩法。 收录先前所无的全新故事篇章.


Square Enix has released the final Japanese trailer for The World Ends with You: Final Remix.

The trailer highlights the game’s touch controls, Joy-Con controls, one Joy-Con per player local multiplayer, and additional scenario “A New Day.”

The World Ends with You: Final Remix is due out for Switch on September 27 in Japan, and October 12 in North America and Europe.
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