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Nintendo NX

2018-9-13 11:22 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-13 08:32 PM 编辑

Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae coming to Switch on September 20 in Japan
《巫剑神威控》将于 9 月 20 日登陆Switch

  近日 Zenith Blue 制作组宣布,旗下经典作品《巫剑神威控》(Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae)将于 9 月 20 日登陆任天堂 Switch 平台,售价为 1200 日元,喜欢爽快砍杀的玩家不要错过了。这款游戏已经登陆 PS4,PC 以及 Xbox One 平台,玩家在 Steam 上也能购买游戏PC版。







Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae is coming to Switch via the Nintendo eShop on September 20 in Japan for 1,200 yen, developer Zenith Blue announced.

The action game is currently available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. Here is an overview of the game, via its Steam page:

Misa is a Blade Templar, a secret defender of humanity, who also happens to be a high school student. When her classmate Suzuka succumbs to the dark seduction of the Demon Blade, Misa realizes she must protect the world at all costs. The evil sword has already begun draining Suzuka’s life force, and if Misa can’t destroy the Blade alone, she may very well need to strike her friend down.

Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae focuses on high-speed, arena-based action. Use lightning-fast sword slashes, hand-to-hand attacks, and mysterious ancient fighting techniques to defeat wave after wave of demonic foes. Make no mistake; this will not be easy. Your enemies are relentless and will attack from all sides. If you aren’t prepared to strike and roll, you’ll be overwhelmed in no time flat.

Weaken your opponents with vicious wounds, employ hand-to-hand techniques to build your katana gauge, and then cut deep with your divine sword. A spectacular flurry of blades will take down even the largest crowd of NPCs! After beating them bloody, sheathe your sword to finish them off with style. Be warned, however: if the enemy isn’t “bleeding”, then they’ll take the opportunity to strike you mid-pose!

Use skill points to learn new skills, upgrade your abilities, and take on brutal bosses. With every playthrough of Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae, you will continue to hone your skills as a player until you’re virtually unstoppable! If the game suddenly becomes too easy, there are three difficulty levels with which to test your mettle. Good luck!
2018-9-13 05:14 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-18 06:39 PM 编辑

Dragon: Marked for Death launches January 31, 2019 in Japan with physical edition

转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201809/3062621015.html

  由前 CAPCOM 员工组成的 Inti Creates 小组宣布《龙之死印》将于 2019 年 1 月 31 在日本发售Switch实体版,同时该作预计在 2018 年 12 月 13 日发售 Switch 数字版。同时还公布标准版和限量版的售价与特典。

  本作实体版预计发售普通版和限定版两个版本,普通版售价 5537 日币,限定版售价 9241 日币。限定版除了游戏本体还将包含一本资料设定集、两张原声 CD。同时两个版本均有首批特典,是一套游戏中角色可以使用的“闪电盔甲”。

  《龙之死印》数字版将于 2018 年 12 月 13 日登陆Switch,上架任天堂e-Shop商店。

Dragon: Marked for Death will launch for Switch in Japan on January 31, 2019 with a physical standard and limited edition, developer Inti Creates announced.

In the west, the action RPG was already dated for a Nintendo eShop release on December 13, 2018 release.

In Japan, the standard physical edition will cost 5,537 yen, while the limited physical edition will cost 9,241 yen. The latter edition will include an art book and two-disc original soundtrack CD.

First-print copies of either edition will include a download code for the “Lightning Armor” that can be equipped to the player character.

Inti Creates also updated the official English website for Dragon: Marked for Death today with new information about the game’s systems and two new character introducions.

2018-9-13 05:16 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-13 08:37 PM 编辑

Omega Labyrinth Life teaser website launched
Switch 迷宫 RPG《欧米伽迷宫:人生》官方网站上线

  本周上市的日本游戏杂志《FAMI通》上刊登了Switch绅士游戏《欧米伽迷宫:人生(Omega Labyrinth Life)》的首批情报以及官方网站正式公布。

  由 Matrix 开发制作,D3 Publisher发行的《欧米伽迷宫:人生》从前作的PSV平台《欧米伽迷宫》转移到了任天堂Switch平台,游戏使用了全新的角色,仍然延续前作Rogue-like的迷宫玩法。当然,这些都不是主要的。在前作中就受到玩家关注的依靠胸部尺寸增大提升能力的系统在本作仍然存在。而且,女生们的胸部功能也更多了。




D3 Publisher has opened the teaser website newly-announced Omega Labyrinth Life for Switch.https://www.d3p.co.jp/omegalabyrinth_life/

The “roguelike RPG x slow life x oppai” game will exhibit Tokyo Game Show 2018 from September 20 to 23.

Here is a summary of the game’s story, via the latest issue of Weekly Famitsu:


The Bellefleurs Girls’ Academy has an extremely large and beautiful garden.

There was a certain legend in this large garden. It is said that beautiful flowers will continue to bloom for eternity due to the miraculous power emitted by the holy flower “Flora” that blooms in its center.

At this school attended by ultra high-class girls, the first transfer student since its founding had arrived.

Her name is Hinata Akatsuki.

Although Hinata’s heart was filled with expectations of her new school life from hereon, the day after her transfer the flowers in the large garden that had never withered had suddenly all withered.

Having lost the garden that was their pride and the spiritual support to make their dreams come true, the students were upset…

In order to restore the beautiful large garden, Hinata and the others, each with their own feelings close to their heart, challenge the adventure of the holy cave.

Omega Labyrinth Life is due out for Switch in Japan in 2019.

2018-9-13 08:01 PM
GAMETECH推出Switch Joy-Con单手握持套件 可解放一只手

  周边厂商GAMETECH宣布推出一款单手用Switch Joy-Con握持套件,可以将两支Joy-Con插在一起用单手操作。习惯之后适合用于玩一些操作相对比较简单的游戏,比如RPG之类的,大拇指操控正面按键,其余手指按背面的按键。这样玩家就可以解放另一只手去做别的事。

  该套件预定于9月21日发售,开放价格。产品官方网站 - http://www.gametech.co.jp/release/news_20180913.html

2018-9-14 04:26 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-14 07:59 PM 编辑

Diablo III Eternal Collection for Switch launches November 2
《暗黑破坏神 3:永恒之战版》11 月 3 日进攻 Nintendo Switch 即日开放数字预购

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/4/168244.html

  暴雪娱乐今(14)日宣布,备受好评的 ARPG 代表作《暗黑破坏神 3:永恒之战版》将于时间 11 月 3 日(六)登陆 Nintendo Switch,让全新世代玩家也能迎战烈焰地狱的骇人魔物。 热爱冒险的玩家现可透过 Nintendo eShop 数字商店进行预购。

  百玩不厌的《暗黑破坏神 3》持续为玩家带来终生难忘的挑战和冒险。 《永恒之战版》包含多项游戏最新特色和更新调整,玩家不但可享受从至高天打到烈焰地狱的史诗级剧情模式,还可在任务目标不断变换的冒险模式中赚取丰厚奖励,并在游戏中各地点探险。 《暗黑破坏神 3:永恒之战版》内容也包含赛季, 透过循环进行的游戏模式鼓励玩家创建全新角色,获得赛季限定奖励并击溃成群恶魔,在各地区天梯取得一席之地。

  暴雪娱乐执行长暨共同创办人 Mike Morhaime 表示:「地狱之门即将再度开启,我们非常兴奋 Nintendo Switch 玩家将共同加入这场战斗。 无论是独自探索或组队前往,这群圣休亚瑞的最新英雄将在台湾时间 11 月 3 日《暗黑破坏神 3:永恒之战版》上市后,迎接无尽的冒险与宝物。 」

  Nintendo 美国分公司总裁暨营运长 Reggie Fils-Aime 表示:「今年 11 月起,全球玩家将可随时随地尽情体验《暗黑破坏神 3:永恒之战版》。 Nintendo 致力于重新定义游戏方式,我们很兴奋能与暴雪合作,实践这项宗旨。 」

  《暗黑破坏神 3:永恒之战版》整合 Nintendo Switch 的灵活弹性与多元用途,玩家无论使用 Joy-Con 或 Pro 控制器都能尽情畅玩。 忠于《暗黑破坏神》系列精神,玩家可以不同合作方式扫荡圣休亚瑞,包含透过共享单一 Switch 主机屏幕、无线方式进行主机互连,或使用 Nintendo Switch Online 组队出战,最多可有四位玩家结伴同行。

  《暗黑破坏神 3》缔造 PC 游戏销售最快的历史纪录。 《夺魂之镰》数据片推出强悍的圣教军职业、百玩不厌的冒险模式、以及影响深远的特色﹙例如随机掉宝的涅法雷姆秘境)。 《死灵法师的崛起》在 2017 年上市,《暗黑破坏神 II》热门职业死灵法师重现江湖,以阴森恐怖的鲜血与白骨之力壮大玩家声势。 Nintendo Switch 系统的《暗黑破坏神 :永恒之战版》包括上述所有内容及独家好康物品(例如加侬多夫的传奇护甲造型组,灵感来源是《萨尔达传说》系列经典反派)。

  Nintendo Switch 的《暗黑破坏神 3:永恒之战版》将于时间 11 月 3 日起进攻各地实体零售店与 Nintendo eShop 数字商店,售价为 $59.99 美元。

The August-announced Switch version of Diablo III Eternal Collection will launch on November 2 for $59.99, Blizzard Entertainment announced.

Here is an overview of the game, via Blizzard Entertainment:

Endlessly playable and continually evolving, Diablo III provides a lifetime of challenge and adventure, and the Eternal Collection includes the multitude of features, refinements, and updates that have been added to the game to date. On top of fighting through an epic story campaign that spans the High Heavens, the Burning Hells, and beyond, players can earn bountiful rewards in Adventure Mode, a never-ending onslaught of activity with constantly shifting objectives across all of the game’s locales. Diablo III Eternal Collection also includes Seasons, a recurring game mode that encourages players to create fresh characters, earn exclusive Seasonal rewards, and crush hordes of demons to earn spots on their region’s leaderboards.

“The gates of Hell will soon be opening once again, and we couldn’t be more excited to have Nintendo Switch players joining the battle,” said Mike Morhaime, CEO and cofounder of Blizzard Entertainment. “Whether they’re bravely diving in alone or teaming up with friends, Sanctuary’s newest heroes are in store for endless adventuring—and endless loot—when Diablo III Eternal Collection launches on November 2.”

Diablo III Eternal Collection has been forged to take advantage of the Nintendo Switch System’s flexibility and versatility, whether players are using the Joy-Con controller or a Pro Controller. And true to Diablo’s spirit, players will have a wealth of options when it comes to cleansing Sanctuary cooperatively—parties of up to four can play together, either by sharing a screen on a single Nintendo Switch, linking their consoles together wirelessly, or connecting through the Nintendo Switch Online subscription service.

Diablo III is the fastest-selling PC game of all time.* The Reaper of Souls expansion introduced the mighty Crusader class, the infinitely-replayable Adventure Mode, and a host of other game-defining features, like the random loot-filled Nephalem Rift dungeons. In 2017, Rise of the Necromancer resurrected the fan-favorite Necromancer class from Diablo II, bolstering players’ forces with the gruesome powers of blood and bone. All of this is included in Diablo III Eternal Edition for the Nintendo Switch, on top of platform-exclusive bonus items, like Ganondorf’s cosmetic armor set, inspired by the iconic villain from The Legend of Zelda series.
2018-9-14 05:08 PM
Nintendo Direct Presentation and Info


New Games in the Animal Crossing and Luigi’s Mansion Series Coming to Nintendo Switch

In a new Nintendo Direct video presentation, Nintendo revealed that new games in two major Nintendo series are currently in development for the Nintendo Switch system. Animal Crossing for Nintendo Switch (working title), a new main game in the Animal Crossing series, and Luigi’s Mansion 3 (working title), will both come exclusively to Nintendo Switch in 2019. The video presentation also debuted a new Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Nintendo Switch hardware and software bundle.

The Nintendo Direct revealed a diverse lineup of games headed to Nintendo Switch, including a massive collection of classic Final Fantasy games, an HD remake of the beloved Katamari Damacy game and adaptations of some best-selling card and board games like Carcassonne and Pandemic. If that’s not already enough, the Nintendo Direct also unveiled new details for Nintendo Switch Online, highlighted a solid selection of Nintendo 3DS games and revealed more details about previously announced Nintendo Switch games like Yoshi’s Crafted World, Daemon X Machina and Mega Man 11.

“The announcements for Nintendo Switch keep coming,” said Doug Bowser, Nintendo of America’s Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing. “With the additions of new games in the Animal Crossing and Luigi’s Mansion series, as well as a surge of new games from our development partners, there really is something for everyone in the ever-growing Nintendo Switch library.”

Nintendo Switch

• Animal Crossing for Nintendo Switch (working title): A new mainline game in the Animal Crossing series – the first since Animal Crossing: New Leaf debuted on Nintendo 3DS in 2013 – is slated for a 2019 release exclusively on Nintendo Switch.

• Isabelle Joins the Fight!: Taking a break from assisting mayors and just being an all-around lovely pup, Isabelle from the Animal Crossing series is joining the roster as a playable fighter in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

• Luigi’s Mansion 3 (working title): The next installment in the spooky series is currently in production and launching exclusively for Nintendo Switch in 2019.

• Nintendo Switch Online: With Nintendo Switch Online, members gain access to online play and Save Data Cloud backup in compatible games, the NES – Nintendo Switch Online collection of classic games with added online play, special offers and a smartphone app with features to make online gaming sessions more fun and engaging for supported games. In addition to Splatoon 2, more online games will support voice chat through the app, including Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, ARMS and Mario Tennis Aces. Nintendo Switch owners won’t automatically become members when the service launches on Sept. 18, so they will need to purchase an individual or family membership in order to continue enjoying their online play in compatible games. For pricing information, and to pre-order a 3- or 12-month individual membership from select retailers so you can be ready to go once the service launches, visit https://www.nintendo.com/switch/online-service/pricing. A free seven-day trial will also be available. At launch, 20 NES games, including Super Mario Bros. 3, The Legend of Zelda, and the newly announced Ice Hockey and Pro Wrestling (available for the first time since its 1987 release) will be available to play, with more games added regularly.

• Nintendo Entertainment System Controllers: Playing NES – Nintendo Switch Online will feel even more authentic by using the new wireless Nintendo Entertainment System Controller, available for purchase exclusively for Nintendo Switch owners with a paid Nintendo Switch Online membership in the U.S. and Canada. This re-creation of the original, iconic NES controller comes in a pack of two for $59.99 and can be charged by attaching to a docked Nintendo Switch system. NES controllers will be available for pre-order on Sept. 18. For more details, visit https://www.nintendo.com/switch/online-service/special-offers.

• New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe: Up to four players can enjoy this revamped version of the classic Wii U launch game when it comes to Nintendo Switch on Jan. 11. Mario, Luigi and Toad return as playable characters, and are joined by Nabbit and Toadette, who can also turn into Peachette by getting a Super Crown, offering new ways for beginners to play together with friends and family. New Super Luigi U, the first platformer with Luigi in a starring role, will also be included in New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe at no extra charge. Between both games, there are a whopping 164 courses to play. Mamma mia!

• Yoshi’s Crafted World: Play as an adorable Yoshi traveling through a world crafted from household items like boxes and paper cups in this new Nintendo Switch platforming adventure. After traveling through a perfectly constructed stage, players can start at the goal and journey back to the start on the “flip side,” the backside of the course, to discover secrets. Yoshi’s Crafted World launches on Nintendo Switch in spring 2019.

• Nintendo Switch Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Set: This upcoming Nintendo Switch bundle features the Nintendo Switch system – complete with Super Smash Bros. Ultimate branded Joy-Con controllers and dock – and a download code for the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate game, all at a suggested retail price of $359.99. The Nintendo Switch Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Set launches on Nov. 2. (The download code for the game won’t be active until the game launches on Dec. 7.)

• Final Fantasy Extravaganza!: High-definition versions of some of the most beloved Final Fantasy games of all time are coming to Nintendo Switch. This includes Final Fantasy VII, IX and X / X-2 HD Remaster, as well as the recently released Final Fantasy XII: The Zodia Age. This is the first time any of these Final Fantasy games has been released on a Nintendo system. Starting today, Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition HD will be available to download in Nintendo eShop on Nintendo Switch. In addition, three other games in the Final Fantasy universe will launch on Nintendo Switch in the near future: The leveled-up edition of Worls of Final Fantasy Maxima launches Nov. 6, Chocobo’s Mystery Dungeon Eevery Buddy! launches this winter and Nintendo GameCube co-op game Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered Edition with online multiplayer and no need for a link cable comes to Nintendo Switch in 2019. Kupo!

• TOWN (working title): Game Freak, the developer of the Pokémon series, has created a new RPG for Nintendo Switch. In TOWN, players must take up arms against invading monsters, all within the walls of a single village. TOWN launches for Nintendo Switch in 2019.

• Super Mario Party: In the newly revealed Sound Stage mode, up to four players can each shake a Joy-Con in rhythm-based gameplay, while the River Survival mode offers the series’ first four-player co-op. Plus, there’s 80 new mini-games, a single-player Challenge Road, the mini-game gauntlet Online Mariothon and much more. Super Mario Party launches for Nintendo Switch on Oct. 5 and is available for pre-purchase on Nintendo eShop and the game’s website beginning today.

• Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Pokémon: Let’s Go, Eevee!: During the adventure, players will be able to overcome obstacles with their partner Pokémon (either Pikachu or Eevee) using Secret Techniques. These are skills that only partner Pokémon can use, like chopping down trees, traveling across water or soaring in the sky. Both games launch exclusively for Nintendo Switch on Nov. 16. A bundle that includes a Pikachu and Eevee themed Nintendo Switch system and Joy-Con, a Pokémon: Let’s Go! game and the Poké Ball Plus controller will also be available on the same day.

• Katamari Damacy Reroll: “Na naaaaah na na na naaah na na naaaaah na na na na na naaaaaaaaah.” Fans of the groundbreaking Katamari Damacy game can hum its theme song at a moment’s notice. But new fans will be joining the chorus when an HD remaster of the classic game comes to Nintendo Switch, complete with HD Rumble, gyro control and multiplayer support with the Joy-Con controllers. Katamari Damacy Reroll launches in Nintendo eShop on Nintendo Switch on Nov. 30, with the physical packaged version coming winter 2018.

• Asmodee Digital: With a literal Tabletop mode, tabletop gaming is a perfect fit for Nintendo Switch. To prove it, Asmodee Digital is bringing full adaptations of best-selling card and board games like Carcassonne, The Lord the Rings: Living Card Game, Pandemic, Munchkin and Catan to Nintendo Switch, starting this December.
2018-9-14 05:09 PM
• Daemon X Machina: In this stylish action game first revealed at E3, the world and its inhabitants are on the brink of extinction. As a mercenary, players will pilot a powered suit called an Arsenal and face runaway AI. Defeat enemies and acquire parts that can be equipped on the fly or brought back to base to craft new armaments. Use additional tactics by changing between projectile and melee attacks or take the fight on foot to gain an advantage in battle. Daemon X Machina launches for Nintendo Switch in 2019.

• Capcom Beat ’Em Up Bundle: Some of Capcom’s most classic arcade games like Final Fight, Captain Commando and Knights of the Round are coming to Nintendo Switch with up to four-player local or online play. This also includes games that have never launched on home consoles before like Armored Warriors and Battle Circuit. The digital version of this bundle launches in Nintendo eShop on Nintendo Switch this winter.

• Cities: Skylines: The acclaimed city-building game is available today in Nintendo eShop on Nintendo Switch, which means players can manage resources, improve quality of life, energize businesses and stimulate growth anytime or anywhere.

• Sid Meier’s Civilization VI: When the acclaimed strategy game comes to Nintendo Switch on Nov. 16, it will do so with an exclusive four-player wireless LAN multiplayer mode.

• Mega Man 11: The Blue Bomber is back! Mega Man 11 rocks on Nintendo Switch on Oct. 2, with a free demo already available in Nintendo eShop. In addition, players will be able to unlock helpful in-game items for use in the full game by tapping the existing Mega Man amiibo figure, or a new Mega Man amiibo figure, which is included exclusively in the Mega Man 11 – amiibo Edition.

• Splatoon 2 Version 4 Update: Starting tonight, the first set of weapons in the Kensa Collection is coming to Splatoon 2 as part of the new Version 4.0 update. These familiar weapons are painted with stylish monotone designs. In addition, significant new Splatfest changes are coming as part of this update. In early October, Version 4.1 will bring a new stage, new songs and more Kensa Collection weapon sets complete with new sub and special weapons. Check out the Squid Research Lab Tumblr for more details.

• Mario Tennis Aces Version 2.0 Update: After downloading a free update to the action-packed sports game on Sept. 19, players will have access to a new online co-op mode that lets players participate in time-limited missions with other players. Players who complete objectives while these missions are active will receive special outfits, characters with alternate color schemes and more. Also, be on the lookout for new upcoming playable characters like Birdo, Shy Guy, Koopa Paratroopa and Petey Piranha.

• Diablo III: Eternal Collection: The Nintendo Switch version of this classic action-RPG will send players on a journey through Sanctuary, where they’ll vanquish the armies of Hell and plunder powerful loot as one of the seven playable classes. Up to four players can adventure together via local or online multiplayer. The Nintendo Switch version of the game features the exclusive Legend of Ganondorf cosmetic armor set, compatibility with all amiibo figures and more. Diablo III: Eternal Collection launches Nov. 2.

• Starlink: Battle for Atlas: Do a barrel roll and defeat Wolf’s team in Star Fox missions, exclusive to the Nintendo Switch version of the game. Starlink: Battle for Atlas launches for Nintendo Switch on Oct. 16.

• Two RPGs on the Way!: Fans who love playing role-playing games anytime and anywhere are in luck! The World Ends with You: Final Remix from Square Enix launches Oct. 12 and Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna ~ The Golden Country – which is available for pre-purchase on Nintendo eShop starting today – comes to Nintendo Switch on Sept. 21 in stores and Nintendo eShop, or on Sept. 14 for owners of the Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Expansion Pass.

• Warframe: New fans can join more than 38 million players for free-to-start co-op space-ninja action when Warframe launches for Nintendo Switch on Nov. 20.

• NBA 2K19: The highest-rated basketball simulation franchise returns to Nintendo Switch with NBA 2K19, now available.

• NBA 2K Playgrounds 2: Get ready to jam in the sequel to the smash-hit NBA arcade game, coming to Nintendo Switch this fall.

• Just Dance 2019: With Just Dance 2019 on Nintendo Switch, there’s no excuse for players to not get down to Camila Cabello, Bruno Mars and Cardi B. at home, in the middle of the park or even at the dentist’s office! Just Dance 2019 launches on Oct. 23.

• EA Sports FIFA 19: EA ports FIFA 19 is fast approaching, and players can pre-purchase now so they won’t drop the ball when it launches for Nintendo Switch on Sept. 28.

• Team Sonic Racing: Gotta go FAST! Like, really fast. Team Sonic Racing launches for Nintendo Switch this winter.

• LEGO DC Super-Villains: Why so serious? Play as The Joker, Harley, Lex Luthor and the rest of the best of the worst in the new LEGO DC Super-Villains game, launching for Nintendo Switch on Oct. 16.

Nintendo 3DS

• Kirby’s Extra Epic Yarn: The hit Wii game Kirby’s Epic Yarn is warping to Nintendo 3DS. Every stage in the original Wii version is stitched in, but this Nintendo 3DS version has some new features, like the ability to craft bigger yarn balls, summon bead-collecting wind and play two new modes featuring familiar faces King Dedede and Meta Knight. Kirby’s Extra Epic Yarn is scheduled to launch for the Nintendo 3DS family of systems in 2019.

• Mario and Luigi: Bowser’s Inside Story + Bowser Jr.’s Journey: One of the most acclaimed games in the Mario & Luigi RPG series is getting a remake on Nintendo 3DS. In addition to the game’s revamped graphics and refined gameplay, a new side story follows Bowser Jr. as he gathers an army, creates formations, supports his allies with an arsenal of moves and generally causes chaos (in the best way possible). Mario & Luigi: Bowser’s Inside Story + Bowser Jr.’s Journey will prove two adventures are better than one on Jan. 11.

• Luigi’s Mansion: Two players who each own the game can team up to explore and capture ghosts in Luigi’s Mansion, a Nintendo 3DS remake of the classic Nintendo GameCube launch game. This new version of the game also features amiibo support. Tapping one of the four compatible amiibo will reveal where Boos are hiding and heal Luigi when he talks to Toad, among other bonuses. Luigi’s Mansion will haunt the Nintendo 3DS family of systems on Oct. 12.

• Yo-Kai Watch Blasters: Whether players throw their allegiance behind the Red Cat Corps or the White Dog Squad, Yo-Kai Watch Blasters lets players team up with friends locally or online to tackle the most action-packed battles in the series yet. A free “Moon Rabbit Crew” software update on Sept. 27 will add new missions, new areas to explore, new Yo-kai to befriend and new Big Boss Yo-kai. Yo-Kai Watch Blasters: Red Cat Corps and Yo-Kai Watch Blasters: White Dog Squad are now available for Nintendo 3DS.
2018-9-14 05:10 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-14 08:42 PM 编辑

Luigi’s Mansion 3 announced for Switch
《路易吉洋楼 3》正式发表并支持中文! 初代 3DS 重制版追加双人模式

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/4/168214.html

  在任天堂今(14)日早上举办的预录直播发表会「Nintendo Direct 2018.9.14」中,宣布了以玛利欧的弟弟「路易吉」为主角的《路易吉洋楼 3(暂称)》预定于 2019 年在 Nintendo Switch 上发售的消息, 官方也同步释出首支宣传影片。

  根据香港任天堂表示,本作将支持繁体及简体中文并预定于 2019 年发售。

  除此之外,先前已经公开过的 3DS 软件《路易吉洋楼(ルイージマンション)》重制版也确定将在 2018 年 11 月 8 日发售。

  初代《路易吉洋楼》于 2001 年在 GAMECUBE 主机上发售,旧译为《路易吉鬼屋》。 玩家要扮演万年绿叶角色「路易吉」勇闯充满妖魔鬼怪的洋楼,手持能吸入鬼怪的「鬼怪吸尘器」踏进栖息着鬼怪的洋楼,用鬼怪吸尘器捕捉鬼怪,一边解谜一边朝洋楼的深处前进。

  在配合「Nintendo Direct 2018.9.14」公开的最新影片中,也介绍到了重制版的新增要素。 本作新对应了双人联机游玩模式,若两名玩家都持有卡带可游玩所有关卡,在只有一方持有卡带的状况下也能透过分享下载游玩功能体验「头目再战」内容。

  此外,游戏也对应部分 amiibo 玩偶,例如使用「害羞幽灵」amiibo 可以探测游戏中害羞幽灵的位置,使用「奇诺比奥」amiibo 可以在游戏中回血,使用「路易吉」amiibo 则是能复活等等。


Nintendo has announced Luigi’s Mansion 3 (working title) for Switch. It will launch worldwide in 2019.

2018-9-14 05:17 PM
Splatoon 2 version 4.0 update announced


Nintendo has announced the version 4.0 update for Splatoon 2.

Here are the details, via Nintendo:

Starting tonight, the first set of weapons in the Kensa Collection is coming to Splatoon 2 as part of the new Version 4.0 update. These familiar weapons are painted with stylish monotone designs. In addition, significant new Splatfest changes are coming as part of this update. In early October, Version 4.1 will bring a new stage, new songs and more Kensa Collection weapon sets complete with new sub and special weapons.

Here are some more details, via the Squid Research Lab Tumblr:

Starting with Ver.4.0.0, Splatfests in Splatoon 2 will be changed significantly. Two new modes, Normal and Pro, will replace the previous Solo and Team modes.

In Normal mode, you can jump into a Splatfest Battle on your own or join up with one to three friends from the same Splatfest team. If you join a match as a group of two or three, random solo players will be matched up to make a group of four.

In this mode, the amount you inked is added to any win bonus you get to determine your clout. If your team is on a win streak, the game will try and match you against teams with a similar streak.

Moreover, when weapons, gear, or general styles of four players in your team meet certain conditions, a nickname and a matching bonus will be given to your team.

Pro mode is for those who want to go solo and push themselves to the limit. In Pro mode, you’re judged on your Splatfest Power. Raise it high enough and you could make it into the Splatfest Top 100! In this mode, you increase your clout by beating the opposing team. You get more clout for beating teams with a higher Splatfest Power.

In addition to the above, 10x Battles will be added in both divisions. These are rare matches that will occur if you are lucky, and if you win, your contribution points will be multiplied by 10! And believe or not, there is a rumor that super rare 100x Battles could also occur!

If your friend wins a 10x Battle or if someone wins a 100x match, teams may appear on the big screen in Inkopolis Square. Also, if you’re in the lobby or during matchmaking, such information will pop up on your game screen like a news flash. Team nicknames are also shown in Regular mode, so you may want to try scoring a cool team name and winning these rare matches for bragging rights!

The final Splatfest results are decided based on three factors: votes, clout from Normal mode players, and clout from Pro mode players.

Even if your side loses the popularity contest, Normal and Pro mode victories can slowly but surely turn the tables! Of course, participants on the winning side will receive slightly more Super Sea Snails as a reward for their victory! Good luck!

2018-9-14 05:21 PM
Mario Tennis Aces version 2.0 update launches September 19

The version 2.0 update for Mario Tennis Aces will launch on September 19 and add several new features, Nintendo announced.

The list of additions includes:

A new online co-op mode that lets players participate in time-limited missions with other players. Players who complete objectives while these missions are active will receive special outfits, characters with alternate color schemes and more.
New playable characters Birdo, Shy Guy, Koopa Paratroopa and Petey Piranha.
Further updates are planned through to June 2019.

Mario Tennis Aces is available now for Switch.

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