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Nintendo NX

2018-9-14 06:34 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-14 10:27 PM 编辑

Daemon X Machina ‘Advanced Gameplay Demo,’ September Nintendo Direct trailer, and screenshots
装甲动作对战《Daemon X Machina》多人协力&人体改造最新情报公开

转载 - 游戏基地(https://www.gamebase.com.tw/news/topic/99086534/

  日本 Marvelous 预定于 2019 年在 Nintendo Switch 主机上推出的《Daemon X Machina》(デモンエクスマキナ),官方公开了本作最多四人的协力同乐与游戏系统「人体改造」的最新情报给玩家们欣赏。

  《Daemon X Machina》为《Armored Core 机战佣兵》系列开发者「佃健一郎」全新打造,日本知名机械设计师「河森正治」担任机械设计的全新机甲动作游戏。 在游戏中,玩家们将化身为能够装备「Arsenal」特殊力量装甲,被称为「Outer」的超能者,与被称为「AI(Arms of Immortal)」的杀戮机器展开对抗!

  而在游戏中,除了单人模式外,也将支持最多四人的区域联机协力模式,以及透过网络联机进行的在线多人模式。 在多人模式中,玩家们不但可以使用自己自定义的「Arsenal」力量装甲来跟伙伴朋友一起挑战各种巨大 Boss 头目,还可以在战斗中从敌人身上夺取零件与武器,藉此来开发新的武器装甲,让自己的战力更加提升!

  另外游戏中,也将会搭载让玩家们脱下「Arsenal」装甲在原野上进行探索冒险的动作冒险模式。 在这情况下,将会有不同于平常装备装甲进行战斗的新肉身战斗方式登场,玩家们可以透过游戏内的「 人体改造」系统来改造强化角色的肉身,或是藉此来学习新的技能,提升肉身的战斗能力,或是藉此来提升装备装甲的性能,也让游戏的养成变得更加有趣!



Marvelous has released an “Advanced Gameplay Demo” video, new trailer, and set of screenshots for Daemon X Machina, its upcoming mech action game for Switch.

Here is an overview of the game, via Nintendo.com:


A brand-new Nintendo Switch title with the strategy of a mech game at the speed of an action game!

A brand-new, fast-paced mech action game from Kenichiro Tsukuda is coming to Nintendo Switch. Take your Arsenal, a fully customizable powered suit, out for an array of missions to surmount the enemy at all costs. Choose and equip your Arsenal with a multitude of weapons, obtain more from downed enemy Arsenals, and swap them on the fly to suit your strategy in the face of ever-changing threats.

Key Features

• Kenichiro Tsukuda is well known for his work developing the Armored Core series. He and his talented team have developed this brand-new title with the goal of making it “the best mech action game” out there.

• The character designs were created by Yusuke Kozaki, who also worked on the Fire Emblem Awakening and Fire Emblem Fates games.

• Mech concept designs were created by Mr. Kawamori, who also worked on the Armored Core series and the Super Dimension Fortress Macross series.

• The player’s avatar is fully customizable with a variety of options.

• Each Arsenal can be equipped with different weapons on its arms and shoulders. The player can also equip back-up weapons on its back and swap them out during battle.

• Arsenals can battle freely in the air and on the ground.

• Grab objects in the environment, like cars and street signs, and use them as melee weapons or projectiles!

• Defeated enemies may drop ammo and weapons, which the player can obtain and use on the fly.

• Online and local wireless multiplayer modes will be available in the full game.

2018-9-14 06:43 PM
Dies irae: Amantes Amentes for Switch delayed to October 18 in Japan


Dies irae: Amantes Amentes for Nintendo Switch, which was previously planned for a September 27 release in Japan, has been delayed to October 18, publisher Views and developer Greenwood announced.

According to Greenwood, there were bugs that occurred in the game’s final debugging stage and the extra time is required to fix them ahead of release.
2018-9-14 08:04 PM
任天堂宣布《耀西的手工世界》 《动物森友会》《路易吉洋楼 3》等 NS 新作支持中文
转载 - 香港任天堂官方网站(http://www.nintendo.com.hk/pressrelease/switch_20180914_2.htm

  任天堂(香港)有限公司今(14)日宣布 Nintendo Switch 游戏软件《New 超级玛利欧兄弟 U 豪华版》、《耀西的手工世界》、《动物森友会(暂定名称)》、《路易吉洋楼 3 (暂定名称)》等新作游戏将正式发售在亚洲发售, 并支持中文语系。

横向卷轴玛利欧以 2 份游戏的份量在 Nintendo Switch 上登场

  为人熟悉的横向卷轴玛利欧《New 超级玛利欧兄弟 U 豪华版》将发售并支持繁体及简体中文。

  本作除了玛利欧、路易吉和奇诺比奥,还新增了以朋友身份加入的「偷天兔」和「奇诺比珂」角色。 即使遇到敌人,可操作不会受伤的偷天兔或可变身成「奇诺比姬公主」的奇诺比珂。

  此外,可完全体验以路易吉为主角的《New 超级路易吉 U》。 世界虽然和《New 超级玛利欧兄弟 U(New スーパーマリオブラザーズ U)》共通,但关卡是全新的。 每一个关卡的限制时间设定为 100 计数,以终点为目标全速全进地冒险。

  《New 超级玛利欧兄弟 U 豪华版》将支持繁体及简体中文并于 2019 年 1 月 11 日发售。


  耀西在由空箱和纸杯等建造而成的世界里飞翔、吞食,并在手工世界里奔走来进行大冒险! 《耀西的手工世界》将发售并支持繁体及简体中文。

  作为耀西系列的最新作品,这个世界布满着机关! 所有关卡都有外侧和内侧,所见的景色各有不同,玩法也随着改变。 撞到蛋后可开拓道路、或从内侧完完全全看到在一般关卡里无法看到的地方,到处探索,一边收集隐藏道具,一边向终点前进。

  不但可支持分享游戏,最多还可 2 人进行复数游戏。

  《耀西的手工世界》将支持繁体及简体中文并预定于 2019 年春天发售。

《动物森友会(暂定名称)》及《路易吉洋楼3(暂定名称)》Nintendo Switch 最新作现正开发中

  Animal Crossing 系列最新作《动物森友会(暂定名称)》及路易吉洋楼系列最新作《路易吉洋楼 3(暂定名称)》现正开发中,将支持繁体及简体中文并预定于 2019 年发售。

2018-9-14 08:22 PM
《怪物弹珠》工作室新作《随身魔球》曝光玩法影片 可 3DS 与手机联机对战!
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/8/168248.html

  Mixi 旗下 XFLAG 工作室今(14)日在任天堂预录直播发表会「Nintendo Direct 2018.9.14」当中,公布了预计 2018 年冬季推出的动作游戏新作《随身魔球(暂译,原名:モバイルボール)》(Nintendo 3DS / iOS / Android)最新影片。 随着影片的曝光,官方网站也同步开张。


《随身魔球》「Nintendo Direct 2018.9.14」影片


  本作所主打的特色就是「跨平台游玩」,可以让 Nintendo 3DS 与智能型手机彼此联机,进行最多 6 人的实时对战。 玩家要操作被透明球所包覆的角色来移动,一边抢夺巨大的球,一边使用各种道具跟技巧来妨碍敌人,并且想办法射门得分。




  目前已得知,游戏内的登场角色将有 80 人以上,随着类型的不同而会有相异的动作以及「必杀技」。 玩家可活用角色的各色来赢取胜利,体验「肾上腺素全开」的战斗。



滚动在球内的角色 抢球射门得分

  玩家要滚动里面装有角色的透明球,争夺在场地内出现的一颗巨大球,瞄准球门以得分。 场地上还会出现各式各样的道具,双方的你来我往将左右胜负。



对应 Nintendo 3DS 与智能型手机跨平台游玩 最多六人同时对战

  不只是 Nintendo 3DS 和 Nintendo 3DS、智能型手机与智能型手机,连 Nintendo 3DS 跟智能型手机都能够跨平台一起游玩! 玩家可以和亲朋好友对战、共斗,透过各种玩法来炒热气氛。




  游戏内会有许多充满个性的角色登场。 藉由使用角色们各自拥有的独特动作以及「必杀技」,就能将对战导向对我方有利的方向。


  《随身魔球(暂译,原名:モバイルボール)》预计 2018 年冬季在 Nintendo 3DS / iOS / Android 平台推出。

官方网站 - https://mobileball.jp/
2018-9-15 03:39 PM
Zoids Wild game first screenshot

Takara Tomy has released the first screenshot of its upcoming Zoids Wild game for Switch.

Zoids Wild is due out for Switch this winter in Japan. Further information about the game has yet to be announced.

2018-9-20 04:12 PM
Grandia + Grandia II HD Remaster details new and updated features

GungHo Online Entertainment has released more information regarding the recently announced Grandia + Grandia II HD Remaster coming to Switch this winter.

The company also confirms that it only plans to release this collection in North America and Europe, and not in Japan.

Grandia (also coming to PC)

• Enhanced details to UI, sprites, and texture art.
• Original cinematic videos receiving visual enhancements
• Widescreen support and customizable resolutions for PC
• Addition of MSAA, bloom, normal mapping, and blur effects
• Steam cards and Achievements
• Japanese Audio & English Subtitles
• Language Support: English & Japanese
• Digitally converted game manual
• Utilizing PS1 & Sega Saturn source code
• Gamepad and keyboard support with remappable controls

Grandia II

• Digitally converted game manual
• Utilizing Grandia II Anniversary Edition source code, which originally was based on the Sega Dreamcast source code
• Fix PC video/audio desync and switch to XInput
• Add support to exit to title
• Japanese Subtitles added, for Switch version
2018-9-20 04:25 PM
YU-NO anime to air in April 2019, Switch version launches spring 2019 in Japan


5pb. has released the debut trailer for the YU-NO: A Girl Who Chants Love at the Bound of this World anime, confirming an April 2018 broadcast start and spring 2019 release window for the Switch version of the remake currently available for PlayStation 4 and PS Vita in Japan.

First-print copies of the Switch version will include the Famicolle action game YU-NO’s Great Adventure (title tentative) as a bonus.
2018-9-20 05:18 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-20 10:14 PM 编辑

Omega Labyrinth Life teaser trailer, screenshots


D3 Publisher has released the teaser trailer and first screenshots for its upcoming “roguelike RPG x slow life x oppai” game Omega Labyrinth Life.

Here is a summary of the game’s story, via our previous coverage:


The Bellefleurs Girls’ Academy has an extremely large and beautiful garden.

There was a certain legend in this large garden. It is said that beautiful flowers will continue to bloom for eternity due to the miraculous power emitted by the holy flower “Flora” that blooms in its center.

At this school attended by ultra high-class girls, the first transfer student since its founding had arrived.

Her name is Hinata Akatsuki.

Although Hinata’s heart was filled with expectations of her new school life from hereon, the day after her transfer the flowers in the large garden that had never withered had suddenly all withered.

Having lost the garden that was their pride and the spiritual support to make their dreams come true, the students were upset…

In order to restore the beautiful large garden, Hinata and the others, each with their own feelings close to their heart, challenge the adventure of the holy cave.

Omega Labyrinth Life is due out for Switch in Japan in 2019.

Nintendo Switch《ω 迷宫 Life》释出游戏系统等最新情报
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/2/168492.html

  将于 2019 年发售的《ω 迷宫 Life(オメガラビリンス ライフ)》,宣布将于目前正于日本展开的 2018 东京电玩展展出试玩,并公开主题曲及游戏系统的相关情报。

  本作是由美少女们大显身手的 Roguelike RPG《ω 迷宫(オメガラビリンス)》系列最新作。 对至今为止的 RPG 系统加入「悠闲生活(スローライフ)」要素,享受在学园里照顾花朵、与三五好友交流的乐趣。

  在《ω 迷宫 Life》游戏中,探索的地下城以及出现道具将会有所变化,而角色的等级也将从 1 级展开,让玩家每次在游玩时都有全新的冒险体验。 而藉由回合制以及一旦落败就会失去道具和装备的设定,也让探险有着更深一层的刺激感。

  在击倒敌人时,除了可获得经验提升等级外,也可以藉由获得「ω 力量」提升女主角罩杯尺寸,而在每次提升尺寸时,还会引发提升角色素质的「发胸模式」。

获得「ω 力量」来逐渐成长吧

  而在地下城探索过程中,可能会获得一些名称以及效果不明的神秘道具「不确定结晶」,而不确定结晶可以藉由胸部夹住,使用「ω 力量」判断其名称及效果。

使用使用「ω 力量」鉴定道具吧

  除了地下城探索之外,玩家也可以享受在学园里与伙伴交流的日常生活。 此外,除了自己设计花坛的摆设外,玩家也可以并且藉由探险的过程,让因为谜之力量枯萎的花朵们重新绽放。 当花朵细心的养育开花后,便可以采取让角色强化的「闷绝★开华」必要道具「花蜜」以及强化装备用的「花朵」等相关道具。


当使用「闷绝★开华」触碰少女时 少女身上会出现「花苞的痣」 当累积完成后就会进入「满开 BREAK」啰

  此外,游戏中也提供了有机会起死回生的「胸部猜拳」模式,有着将胸部集中的「布」、一上一下的「剪刀」、以及外扩的「布」,藉由猜拳的形式,让玩家在学园或地下城等场所要是不小心落败,可以藉由在探险过程中拿到的「 猜拳券」一搏起死回生的机会。


  随着首波情报的释出,官方也宣布本作主题曲「Life is a Labyrinth」将由 DelightStyle 演唱的消息。 对于《ω 迷宫 Life》有兴趣的人,可注意后续相关报导。
2018-9-20 05:20 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-20 10:14 PM 编辑

2018-9-20 06:34 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-20 10:49 PM 编辑

Billion Road launches November 29 in Japan
《亿万富翁之路》大富翁同乐游戏 2018 年 11 月 29 日发售Switch

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 发布了《亿万富翁之路(Billion Road))的宣传片,宣传片中展示了本作的实机画面。

  《亿万富翁之路》是款大富翁类型的桌上游戏,请到担任《桃太郎电铁》系列角色设计与作画的漫画家土居孝幸参与制作。 游戏以日本全国为舞台,玩家将扮演追逐财富的挑战者,以成为日本第一的亿万富翁为目标展开竞争。 游戏中玩家将周游全日本,透过购买对象来增加资产提升收益。 有超过 30 种道具可运用,还有超过 50 种各具特色的怪物登场,有些会带来帮助,有些则会带来妨碍,这些怪兽将成为左右胜负的关键。 最多可 4 人同乐,支持 Joy-Con 控制器轮流操作。

  《亿万之路》预计于2018 年 11 月 29 日在日本发售,登陆Switch。


Bandai Namco’s recently announced Billion Road will launch for Switch on November 29 in Japan, the company announced.

Billion Road is a Japan-set sugoroku game. Players will roll dice and aim for the goal while buying property and adding to their assets. The key to victory is the more than 50 types of monsters that appear in the game. It will support four-player local multiplayer with a single Joy-Con per player.

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