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Nintendo NX

2018-7-18 02:33 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-7-18 03:58 PM 编辑

Shironeko New Project will utilize Switch controller and specs to implement what the smartphone game could not
《白猫 New Project》Switch 版新作并不是手游移植 类型仍为共斗RPG

转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201807/8572919926.html

  Colopl 在 2018 年 7 月 13 日于日本举行的「《白猫 Project》4 周年纪念特别生放送」中,揭晓了 Nintendo Switch 版「白猫 Project」——《白猫 New Project(Shironeko Ne w Project,暂称)》正在开发中的冲击情报。其制作人浅井大树在接受采访时透露了一些有关这个新作的情报,以下为采访要点:

·希望能够让《白猫 Project》的世界观进一步拓展,让粉丝们开心。

·之所以选择 Switch 平台,主要是这个主机既能在家又能拿出去玩。在白猫的原点“朋友们聚在一起游玩”这一点上感到了很大的可能性。



  生放送中所播放之 PV 的标语为「冒险还会变得更加更加广阔」,随着飞船的出现,宣布《白猫 New Project》预计 2020 年发售。

  由于目前 Colopl 与任天堂正因游戏操作相关的技术专利纠纷而对簿公堂,为何却又在此时宣布《白猫 Project》新作将于任天堂最新主机上推出,这点也相当耐人寻味。

The latest issue of Weekly Famitsu has new information on Colopl’s newly announced Shironeko New Project for Switch.

The following are tidbits from the magazine’s interview with producer Hiroki Asai:

• When we thought about what we could to make the world of Shironeko Project bigger than we ever have before and make the fans happy, the option of advancing to the Switch came to mind.
• We chose Switch because it’s a stationary console that you can freely take on the go. We also thought there is be great possibility in terms of gathering up your friends to play, which is also the basis of Shironeko Project.
• The genre is unchanged—a cooperative-type action RPG. We will utilize the system’s controller and specs to implement what we couldn’t in the smartphone version.
• The characters and story will differ from the smartphone version. While it’s not as if existing characters won’t appear, the content of the game will not be the same as the smartphone version.
• We want to further expand the world of Shironeko Project with new protagonists, friends, and graphics.

Shironeko New Project is due out for Switch in 2020 in Japan.
2018-7-20 11:28 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-7-20 02:52 PM 编辑

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe version 1.6 update now available, adds Champion’s Tunic Link and Master Cycle Zero
《玛利欧赛车 8 豪华版》释出《旷野之息》更新 英杰之服林克与大师机车零式登场!
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/9/165649.html

  任天堂今(20)日宣布,贩卖中的 Nintendo Switch 竞速游戏《玛利欧赛车 8 豪华版》已释出 Ver.1.6.0 更新,追加来自《萨尔达传说 旷野之息》的「林克(英杰之服)与「大师机车零式」。

  这次的更新为免费,将追加「林克(英杰之服)」、「大师机车零式」、「古代的轮胎」、「滑翔伞」等 4 种对象。 当林克施展跳跃动作时会挥舞「守护者小刀++」,滑翔时会展开熟悉「滑翔伞」等演出,让《萨尔达传说 旷野之息》 的世界观融入《玛利欧赛车》的世界中。

Nintendo has released the version 1.6 update for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, which adds playable character Champion’s Tunic Link from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, as well as a new vehicle, tires, and glider.

The full list of changes include:

New character added: Link (Champion’s Tunic)
New vehicle added: Master Cycle Zero
New tires added: Ancient Tires
New glider added: Paraglider

Update includes revisions to improve gameplay, as well as some content not listed here.
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is available now for Switch.









2018-7-24 03:24 PM
Adventure Game Incredible Mandy Coming to Switch


Circle Entertainment will bring dream-like action adventure game 'Incredible Mandy' to Nintendo Switch

Circle Entertainment is delighted to announce that it will be publishing Incredible Mandy on the Nintendo Switch, developed by Dotoyou Games (Koi / Koi DX). Still in development, this is a fantasy action adventure game that explores the strange beauty of dreams.

Incredible Mandy is based on the theme of dreams, with a stylized art design that delivers a beautiful world of wonder.

The story follows the protagonist, Mandy, as she looks for memories scattered throughout the dream, challenging and seeking to overcome her fears. She guides her brother in a fantastical tale following a tragic accident that affected both siblings. Having lost his right hand in the accident, the brother’s new hand can summon the Excalibur of Light, symbolizing positive power. Players will tackle obstacles, unlock puzzles, defeat huge enemies and collect forgotten memories, all within scenes and settings that incorporate a broad range of styles.

The enemies that appear in the game embody the fear from the hearts of the brother and sister. They will prevent you from looking for the memories that are scattered throughout your dreams; defeat them with the Excalibur of Light!

In addition to being a weapon for close combat, the Excalibur of Light can also be inserted anywhere in the scene, including the ground, walls, movable traps, and enemies. It can also be detonated, releasing the power of light.

This is a game that features a broad range of environments, an emotive soundtrack and more. Details on these locations, bosses and more will be shared in the coming weeks and months.

Follow Circle Entertainment and the game’s Twitter profile for more updates: twitter.com/Circle_Ent and twitter.com/InMandyGame.
2018-7-24 04:17 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-7-24 07:18 PM 编辑

《星之卡比:星之盟友》第二弹DLC情报公布 往日的劲敌如今变为可靠伙伴

  先前任天堂官方宣布旗下游戏《星之卡比:星之盟友(Kirby: Star Allies)》将在2018年7月27日推出免费第二弹DLC,并声明将加入三名大家所熟知的角色作为梦幻伙伴,就在近期任天堂官方公布了全部三名角色的详细情报和宣传PV,接下来就让我们一起来了解下吧。









2018-7-25 05:24 PM
2018-7-25 10:29 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-7-25 10:36 PM 编辑

Surgeon Simulator CPR Announced for Switch
《外科模拟》今秋登陆Switch 支持双人合作

转载 - 游明星空(http://www.gamersky.com/news/201807/1077984.shtml

  开发商Bossa Studios宣布旗下模拟游戏《外科模拟》将于今年秋天登陆Switch,届时玩家可以进行双人合作游戏,体验不一样的手术过程。

  《外科模拟》是Bossa Studios在2013年推出的一款手术模拟游戏,本作的操作难度相当高,玩家需要完全控制整个手术过程,包括工具的选择、使用等,还要保证病人不会因失血过多死亡。其重口味的画面和独特的喜剧效果为不少玩家称道。



Critically-Acclaimed Operation Sim, Surgeon Simulator, is Coming to Nintendo Switch!

Surgeon Simulator - the critically-acclaimed and YouTube-renowned operation sim by Bossa Studios - is celebrating its five year anniversary with a Nintendo Switch release. The port was hinted at in an 18 second Teaser Trailer earlier this month, which saw the infamously defiant hand knock a series of objects off a shelf, before finally hitting a light ‘switch’, but Bossa Studios are pleased to now officially confirm the news. Titled “Surgeon Simulator CPR” (Co-op Play Ready), the latest port will be arriving on Nintendo Switch this Autumn.

Taking on the role of Nigel Burke - a would-be surgeon with a less-than-conventional toolkit - the game sees players perform terrifying transplants in theatre, high-pressure procedures in an ambulance, and anti-gravitational operations in space! But it’s Surgeon Simulator’s notoriously difficult controls for which the game was originally celebrated, with previous ports on PC, PS4, PSVR and iOS spawning over 2 million fanmade instructional videos, not to mention a strong influencer following including PewDiePie, Fernanfloo and JackSepticEye.

Fully revived and feeling better-than-ever, the upcoming Nintendo Switch version takes advantage of the console’s much-lauded functionalities to create the most immersive surgeon experience yet. By snapping out a Joy-Con controller, players will be able to swap to motion controls at any time for nail-biting precision, while HD Rumble will help bring the full roster of tools - from hammers to hatchets, buzzsaws to laser pens - to life like never before!

Also taking advantage of Nintendo’s split Joy-Con support, players will be able to tag a second surgeon in at any time, whether it’s at home or on the go, to immediately launch local co-op play! Because sometimes you need a second opinion...

Containing all the original heart-in-your-mouth (or wherever else you decide to put it!) operations, including the additional teeth and eye transplants from the A&E Edition, Surgeon Simulator CPR also includes the highly-classified Alien Autopsy mode, too! Coupled with the console’s effortless portability and multitude of play options, it’s safe to say operating on the go’s never been easier!
2018-7-26 02:56 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-7-26 07:15 PM 编辑

Salt and Sanctuary Coming to Switch on August 2

  之前已经在Steam平台发售,并获得玩家91%“特别好评”的“横版黑魂”游戏《盐与避难所(Salt and Sanctuary)》将在8月2号登陆任天堂的Switch主机平台。昨晚游戏开发商Ska Studios公布了相关消息以及Switch 版宣传片。



Dark Hand-Drawn 2D Action RPG Salt and Sanctuary Haunts Nintendo Switch August 2

Salt and Sanctuary, Ska Studios’ brutal hand-drawn 2D Soulslike platformer with over 800,000 downloads, comes to Nintendo Switch August 2 with the help of porting specialist BlitWorks.

While sailing across a stormy sea to transport a princess and strike a truce between rival kingdoms, a calamitous encounter with a sinister abomination wrecks the player’s ship. Upon drifting onto the shore, the journey to broker peace dissolves into a struggle for survival on a treacherous island rife with undead.

Whether braving this alone or with a friend via local co-op, the customizable hero, known as the Saltborn, can only persevere by navigating this grim, forgotten bastion. Pressing on and cleaving through anyone or anything that rears its malformed head is the only way forward. Hidden platforming abilities including air-dashing and wall-jumping help the Saltborn find and eradicate more than twenty horrifying bosses all drawn in Ska Studios’ stylized signature art style.

Discovering the truth behind this cursed land necessitates both a keen eye and a bloodlust, but all manner of implements of death await adventurers. All character builds are worthy: a whip-wielding, crossbow-brandishing bandit and sorcerer wreathed in Fire and Sky magic have equal chances of survival. Sixteen weapon types and more than fifty sets of armor that both strengthen the Saltborn and visibly change their appearance can be upgraded with the right equipment. A massive skill tree provides further options for progression.

Battles play out in a tough-but-fair fashion. Every swing of the sword drains stamina, so calculated attacks often win out over desperate flails. Magic wielders have their own tribulations: all of the games’ spells align with either Fire or Sky elements and casting too much of one causes an imbalance that damages the Saltborn. Holy Prayers don’t have an element but offer defensive boosts. Each harrowing skirmish rewards patience.

Multiple endings and New Game+ provide ample reasons to play again. While playing as a different character build alone changes the gameplay entirely, optional challenge runs offer distinct new trials for players still hungering for battle after finishing the story. Modes like permadeath, no blocking, and no rolling alter playstyles and keep Salt and Sanctuary fresh long after the credits roll.

“The two of us wanted to create a Soulslike game that we wanted to play, and finding that so many others who wanted it too warmed our dark little hearts,” said Michelle and James Silva, co-creators at Ska Studios. “Bringing Salt and Sanctuary to the Nintendo Switch means more people who like dismal, satisfying games can play our very dismal, satisfying game.”

Salt and Sanctuary will be available digitally for $17.99 USD for Nintendo Switch on the Nintendo eShop in English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Traditional and Simplified Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. Ska Studios is also excited to announce that Salt and Sanctuary: Drowned Tome Edition for Nintendo Switch will be coming to a retail store near you this holiday. More details will be announced soon.

To learn more, please visit the game’s official site.
2018-7-27 02:46 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-7-27 03:21 PM 编辑

Nintendo Labo: Vehicle Kit Revealed, Launching September 14
《任天堂实验室》新套件《Toy-Con03 DRIVE KIT》登场! 收录陆海空三栖载具

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/5/165955.html

  任天堂宣布,将于 9 月 14 日推出 Nintendo Switch 创意纸板玩具《任天堂实验室(Nintendo Labo)》系列的第 3 款产品《任天堂实验室 Toy-Con03 DRIVE KIT》 ,并公布宣传影片。


  《任天堂实验室》是任天堂结合旗下 Nintendo Switch 可携式主机与 Joy-Con 分离式控制器所诞生的创意纸箱玩具,运用 NS 可独立运作的特性以及 Joy-Con 所搭载的六轴动态感测、红外线摄影机与 HD 震动功能,搭配容易造型组装的瓦楞纸板,来打造出各式各样创意十足的玩法。

  本次发表的《任天堂实验室 Toy-Con03 DRIVE KIT》,一如其名,将收录以瓦楞纸板打造的载具套件。 玩家只要把以 Joy-Con 控制器打造的「玩具控制器钥匙(Toy-Con Key)」插入不同的纸板驾驶控制器中,就能让游戏中的载具变化为汽车、飞机与潜水艇,挑战陆海空三栖任务。

  《任天堂实验室 Toy-Con03 DRIVE KIT》预定 9 月 14 日上市,价格 6980 日圆(未税)。


Drive, Dive and Fly with the New Nintendo Labo Vehicle Kit

Buckle up for a new adventure while sitting in the driver’s seat of a car, a submarine and a plane with the Nintendo Labo: Vehicle Kit, launching on Sept. 14. This new Nintendo Labo kit is designed to work with the Nintendo Switch system*, and contains materials to build a variety of customizable cardboard creations called Toy-Con, including a Car, a Submarine, a Plane, a Pedal, two Keys and more. By inserting one of the assembled Keys into any of the vehicles, players can enjoy a variety of fun games and activities. Changing between vehicles while adventuring is a cinch – simply pull the Key out of one and slot it into another to transform from an airplane pilot to a submarine captain!

“Nintendo Labo is a collaborative and creative experience designed to encourage imagination in people of all ages,” said Doug Bowser, Nintendo of America’s Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing. “We’re excited to offer a variety of fun gameplay experiences with Vehicle Kit, and look forward to seeing the creative Nintendo Labo community continue to grow.”

Since its introduction in April, Nintendo Labo has inspired new ways to play by combining the family-friendly fun of DIY creations with the technology of Nintendo Switch. Nintendo Labo: Vehicle Kit will unlock even more ways for people to make, play and discover together, as they speed through races, battle cars equipped with extendable arms and explore a mysterious world. Each vehicle features its own controls and special moves, and with the second Key, players can even invite a co-pilot along on their in-game journey. Interacting with the assembled Toy-Con creations instantly translates into in-game actions to create a truly immersive experience – from pulling the cord on the Car to pop a wheelie, pushing the button on the Submarine to launch a grappling hook and so much more.

As with every Nintendo Labo kit, Nintendo Labo: Vehicle Kit includes its own unique Nintendo Switch software designed to work with the included Toy-Con projects. Enjoy the fun of making each Toy-Con creation, playing immersive games with them, discovering how they work and even inventing new ways to play. All materials needed to complete each Toy-Con creations are included – no glue, tape, or scissors required!

The possibilities of Nintendo Labo: Vehicle Kit can be expanded even further with Toy-Con Garage. This intuitive and interactive programming tool is included with every Nintendo Labo kit and features a simple, visual interface and handy tutorials designed for players of all ages. Toy-Con Garage encourages players to experiment with the Toy-Con creations they’ve built or craft their own original designs using handy household items like paper cups, stickers and ribbon. With Toy-Con Garage, the possibilities of Nintendo Labo become almost limitless – players of all ages can enjoy hours of inventing, tinkering, crafting, playing and enriching fun.

Pre-order the Nintendo Labo: Vehicle Kit from select retailers for a suggested retail price of $69.99. Stay tuned to the Nintendo Labo website for more information about Nintendo Labo: Vehicle Kit.

To start making, playing and discovering right now, check out the Nintendo Labo: Variety Kit and Nintendo Labo: Robot Kit, which are currently available in stores at suggested retail prices of $69.99 and $79.99, respectively.
2018-7-31 03:48 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-7-31 04:05 PM 编辑

Switch worldwide sales top 19.67 million; Mario Tennis Aces sales top 1.39 million
任天堂一季财报公布 三款游戏百万销量Labo累计139万

转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201807/2236820166.html



  该季度内实现百万销量的游戏有《大金刚 热带寒流》(140万份)、《马里奥网球ACE》(138万份)、《马里奥赛车8豪华版》。(113万份、累计1035万份)。另外财报中还显示任天堂Labo截至6月30日累计销量为139万份。

Nintendo Switch has sold 19.67 million units to consumers worldwide as of June 30, Nintendo announced in its latest earnings release.

A total of 1.88 million Switch hardware and 17.96 million software were sold during the first quarter, which is a 120.8 percent increase from the same period the previous fiscal year.

Nintendo did not alter its previous forecast that it will ship 20 million Switch hardware between April 2018 and March 2019.

Nintendo also shared updated sales numbers for its first-party Switch titles, which is the first time numbers for Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze and Mario Tennis Aces have been released. The 10 best-selling first-party Switch titles are:

Super Mario Odyssey – 11.17 million
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe – 10.35 million
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild – 9.32 million
Splatoon 2 – 6.76 million
1-2 Switch – 2.45 million
ARMS – 2.01 million
Kirby: Star Allies – 1.89 million
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 – 1.42 million
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze – 1.40 million
Mario Tennis Aces – 1.38 million

Additionally, Nintendo announced that sales of the Nintendo Labo series overall reached 1.39 million units.

More than 86.93 million Switch games have been sold worldwide.
2018-8-1 04:43 PM
《盐与避难所》Switch实体版10月30日发售 包含地图和海报

  之前已经在Steam平台发售,并获得玩家91%“特别好评”的“横版黑魂”游戏《盐与避难所(Salt and Sanctuary)》将在8月2号登陆任天堂的Switch主机平台。同时本作的实体版也已公布。实体版命名为“湿漉圣典版(Drowned Tome Edition )”,除游戏本体外,还将附赠原声带兑换码、说明书、双面海报和游戏(如图)。

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