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【新闻部】Capcom -

2018-9-3 08:03 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-3 11:19 PM 编辑

《鬼武者》HD Remaster 版确认支持繁简体中文 重温魔幻战国动作爽快感
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/6/167756.html

  CAPCOM Asia 今(3)日在官方 Fascebook 专页宣布,预定 2019 年 1 月 16 日推出的经典和风武士动作游戏《鬼武者(Onimusha)》HD Remaster 版,确认将支持繁简体中文字幕,以及日语与英语语音。 官方同时公布了数张繁体中文、日文与英文对照的游戏画面,供玩家参考。

  《鬼武者》是 CAPCOM 于 2001 年在 PlayStation 2 主机上发售的动作冒险游戏,以爽快的剑戟动作、描写主角与「幻魔」之间壮烈战斗的故事俘虏了全球玩家,如今在最新主机上复活!


  永禄三年(公历 1560 年)夏。 今川义元以统一天下为目的,领军自骏河出发上京。

  选择驻扎于尾张国的田乐狭间的决定,改变了他的命运。 仅带领 2000 兵势的织田信长突袭了今川的本阵,世称「桶狭间之战」。


  明智左马介秀满。 拒绝历史上赫赫有名的武将的邀请,随心到处游历的左马介,正是后来于本能寺谋反的明智光秀之甥。

  一年后...... 美浓国,斋藤义龙的居城. 稻叶山城接连发生士兵和侍女失踪的奇怪事件。 收到来自义龙之妹──雪姬诉说不安的的信件,左马介急赶至稻叶山城。

  当时的左马介还没有「鬼之笼手」。 而与鬼的相遇,以及与幻魔战斗,就马上要发生......


  被誉为具有「空前绝后的爽快感」的剑戟动作回归,能够再度回味其手感和爽快感。 利用鬼之一族授予左马介的「鬼之笼手」,于被幻魔盘踞的战国上驰骋,救出雪姬!

  在受到敌人攻击的前一刻,时机刚好地攻击便能使出「一闪」。 能够一击击毙各种幻魔,是爽快剑戟动作的精髓!

  消耗鬼力能使出强力的「战术壳」。 利用会根据 3 种类型武器而变化的必杀技,扭转战况!

  打倒幻魔后,可透过「鬼之笼手」吸收和利用幻魔之魂。 用幻魔之魂来强化武器和道具,回复体力,从壮烈的战斗中生还吧!



支持宽屏幕画面(16:9)/ 画面卷动功能

※ 4:3 和 16:9 的比例设定可于游戏内随时改变。

  此外,选择宽屏幕画面时还有「画面卷动功能」。 因应玩家的移动,画面会上下卷动,令原本在画面外的背景部份显示出来。

  除了收录跟原作一样的操作方式,亦追加了能够以模拟游戏杆移动的操作方式。 此直觉式操作更方便移动,还能快速转换方向,动作性更高。

  原作中需要特定条件才能开放的「容易」模式如今在游戏初期便开放。 不论是久违地游玩《鬼武者》的玩家,还是初次接触的人,都能轻松体验《鬼武者》的世界。

  《鬼武者》是 2001 年于 PlayStation 2 推出,因出色爽快感,以及请到知名演员金城 武担任主角明智左马介的模特儿兼声优,一时蔚为话题的游戏作品。 Remaster 版除了高分辨率化,还支持宽屏幕比例(16:9)、追加画面卷动功能(配合玩家的移动卷动画面)、支持模拟游戏杆、游戏一开始就可选择「简单」难度等追加要素。 此外还收录新录制的日文语音,以及全新制作的 BGM。 设计成不论曾体验过的玩家,或是首次游玩的玩家都能提起兴趣。

  本作的日版将率先于 2018 年 12 月 20 日发售,登陆 PS4、Switch、Xbox One 平台,美版则预定在 2019 年 1 月 15 日推出,亚洲版本以及 PC(Steam) 版则会在 2019 年 1 月 16 日在全球发售。

2018-9-7 04:48 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-7 07:27 PM 编辑

《洛克人 11:命运的齿轮!! 》新宣传片公布 展示游戏关卡和个性BOSS们

  卡普空 CAPCOM 今天为即将发售的平台动作游戏《洛克人11(Mega Man 11)》放出了一段新的宣传片。


  《洛克人 11:命运的齿轮!! 》将于 10 月 2 日登陆PS4、Xbox One、Switch 和 PC平台,敬请期待。

2018-9-7 06:26 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-7 07:22 PM 编辑

Mega Man 11 demo now available for Switch, launches September 7 for PS4 and Xbox One

A demo for Mega Man 11 is available now for Switch, and will launch on September 7 for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, Capcom announced. The demo allows users to play the Block Man stage with Rush by your side in three difficulty settings.

In addition to the demo release, Capcom also shared information about the game’s latest Robot Master, Bounce Man. Get the details below.

With a spring in his step and a cheerful outlook, Bounce Man makes for one unlikely Robot Master in Mega Man 11. Compared to the angular Impact Man who’s driven to a point, the concerns of modern robot life simply bounce off of this smooth, round Robot Master. Don’t let appearances fool you, though; Bounce Man’s stage might just stretch you to your limits!

Originally an exercise instructor, Bounce Man’s brightly-colored body and friendly appearance have made him a smash hit with children and adults alike. Despite taking over an indoor wonderland as his own personal playground, Bounce Man still views everything as a playful game, bouncing off the walls with joy the moment Mega Man enters his chamber. Before you reach this rubbery robot, you’ll have to hop to it and navigate your way through the vibrant Boing-Boing Park.

True to its name, Boing-Boing Park is dedicated to safety first. You’ll rarely need to worry about falling into pits thanks to the noble efforts of Tosanizer V, a robot designed to keep people from jumping across gaps. Spikes are nowhere to be seen either, save for small, spiky robots called Gabyoalls patrolling along the ground that are installed for security. All that safety comes at a cost, though; bounding all over the place can make it difficult to get to where you want to go! True to its name, Boing-Boing Park will have you springing off the walls, the floor, and maybe the ceiling on occasion thanks to large parts of the stage being covered in brightly colored rubber balls that keep you on and off your toes at all times.

To further complicate things, bright, spherical robots Boyorn and Poyorn will tumble around, protected by a thick rubber armor that allows them to take significant damage while happily bouncing about. You might be tempted to blast them on sight, but their high resistance to damage and tendency to rebound off of everything makes it safer to leave them alone if you can help it. However you decide to tackle this stage, you’ll want to keep an eye out for solid ground to take a breather every now and then.

You’ll encounter all sorts of unusual platforming perils along the way, such as hands that recoil for a few seconds when you shoot them, only to swing around in a mighty slap when their timer runs out. They won’t cause any damage to Mega Man and are useful for crossing larger gaps that you may not be able to reach otherwise. Careful as you’re bouncing around, though; Bunby Balloons, robots designed to search for lost children, often seem to float right into your jumps. Their balloons are armored, making them difficult to pierce with regular attacks… and raising a lot of questions about how these robots stay afloat to begin with.

As you spring ever upwards through this vertical stage, you’ll eventually encounter the massive, dangerous, terrifying… Frog Balloon? Despite being a mid-boss, this famous mascot of Boing-Boing Park is rather cute. Much like the rest of the stage, looks can be deceiving; Frog Balloon has a way of catching you off guard with his stretchy tongue, capturing Mega Man before crashing into him. Unleash everything you have to deflate him when he’s not hopping about, but keep your wits about you! The diligent Pump Master K is always around to patch things up if Frog Balloon pops. You’ll need to burst Pump Master K’s bubble if you want to take out Frog Balloon for good.

Once you’ve made the final climb to Bounce Man’s chamber, he’s all ready to show off his skills to a new playmate. As his name might suggest, Bounce Man likes to tumble around the room, rebounding off the walls before crashing into Mega Man. He still seems a bit unaware that he’s supposed to be a force for evil, but nevertheless uses the Speed Gear to bounce around at high speed as the fight goes on. Utilizing your own Speed Gear can make life a bit easier, and a solid shot from the Power Gear can turn the tide in your favor – though the extreme force might have unintended consequences on Bounce Man’s systems!

He may be tough as rubber, but if you can best him, you’ll grab a weapon befitting of this Robot Master: Bounce Ball. Firing three rubber balls in front of Mega Man that can be tilted up or down, each projectile will rebound off the walls and enemies for a bit before bursting in a spray of confetti. You can have several shots on screen at once, and unleash colorful chaos with the Power Gear to fire off an additional three bouncy balls behind you with every use.

Mega Man 11 is due out worldwide for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC on October 2.

《洛克人 11:命运的齿轮!! 》NS 和 PS4 试玩 Demo 今日上架!新预告片展示新机器人大师Bounce Man

  Capcom旗下经典横板过关游戏《洛克人》系列最新作《洛克人11(Mega Man 11)》今日在Switch平台推出了一款免费试玩Demo,同时PSN商店也于今日上架了这款Demo。

  在这款《洛克人11》试玩Demo可以让玩家体验“Block Man(砖块人)”关卡,还有三种不同难度可以选择。除此之外,官方还公布了一段视频,展示了最新登场的机器人大师Bounce Man。

  《洛克人 11:命运的齿轮!! 》将于10月2日正式发售,登陆PC、PS4、Xbox One和Switch平台。

2018-9-14 06:03 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-14 09:25 PM 编辑

Capcom Beat ‘Em Up Bundle announced for PS4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC
《卡普空动作地带合集》将于 9 月 20 日发售

  任天堂于今(14)日早上举办预录直播发表会「Nintendo Direct 2018.9.14」,官方公布了目前正制作开发街机游戏合集《卡普空动作地带合集》的首个宣传视频以及相关情报。

  从视频中中来看,本次合集一共包含了《快打旋风》、《吞食天地2 赤壁之战》、《名将》、《圆桌骑士》、《龙王战士》、《装甲勇士》以及《战斗回路》合计7款卡普空旗下著名动作街机游戏,值得一提的是本作还将支持联网功能与各地的玩家们一同过关斩将。而Switch版在此基础上还将支持本地最多四人共同游玩。



《吞食天地2 赤壁之战》

  《卡普空动作地带合集》将预定于 2018 年 9 月 20 日发售,本作数字版将登陆PS4、Xbox One、Switch 和 Steam 平台,而实体版将只推出 PS4 与 Switch 版。


Capcom has announced the Capcom Beat ‘Em Up Bundle for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC. It will launch digitally on September 18 in North America and Europe, and September 20 in Japan.

In Japan, the game is known as Capcom Belt Action Collection and will also get a retail release on PlayStation 4 and Switch on December 6. The standard physical edition will cost 3,300 yen, while a Collector’s Box including a copy of the game, arcade version reissue B2-size tapestry set, and an arcade version reissue instructions post card set will cost 5,800 yen.

Capcom Beat ‘Em Up Bundle is a collection that includes Final Fight (1989), Captain Commando (1991), The King of Dragons (1991), Knights of the Round (1991), and Warriors of Fate (1992), and for the first time ever on consoles, Armored Warriors (1994) and Battle Circuit (1997).

Here is the official fact sheet:


• Genre: Action
• Platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC (Steam)
• # of Players: Up to 4 players
• Release Date: September 18, 2018
• Pricing: $19.99 MSRP
• Rating: T for “Teen”
• Developer: Capcom
• Publisher: Capcom


Seven side-scrolling arcade classics come together in Capcom Beat ‘Em Up Bundle, available digitally on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and Steam, starting September 18, 2018. This essential collection of beat ‘em ups includes Final Fight (1989), Captain Commando (1991), The King of Dragons (1991), Knights of the Round (1991), and Warriors of Fate (1992). Additionally, two never before ported titles make their console debut, Armored Warriors (1994) and Battle Circuit (1997), allowing players to experience these arcade gems at home for the first time. These seven titles exemplify some of the best side-scrolling, co-op fun of the arcade era, and introduced us to iconic Capcom characters such as Captain Commando, plus Cody, Guy and Mike Haggar from Final Fight.

All seven titles will support drop-in local and online multiplayer co-op play, enabling friends to join up together. Players can also experience the Japanese versions of these games, which features different storylines. During breaks from the action, players can explore galleries for each of the seven games and view stunning art, development documents and even pieces previously exclusive to fan club members at the time.

Key Features

• An essential side-scrolling collection: Celebrate the golden age of side-scrolling action games with seven arcade classics in one package:

• Final Fight (1989): Up to two players can choose between Haggar, Cody or Guy to save Haggar’s daughter Jessica from the Mad Gear Gang.

• Captain Commando (1991): Rid the galaxy of crime as up to three players take on the roles of Captain Commando, Mack the Knife, Ginzu the Ninja, or Baby Head.

• The King of Dragons (1991): Set in a medieval world, three players pick from five options (Fighter, Dwarf, Elf, Cleric, or Wizard) to defeat orcs, harpies and other magical creatures.

• Knights of the Round (1991): Based off of the legend of King Arthur, this game allows up to three players to choose between King Arthur himself, Lancelot, and Perceval.

• Warriors of Fate (1992): Up to three players select from five warrior options to defeat the evil overlord in a story based on the Chinese novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

• Armored Warriors (1994): With support for up to three players, control specialized mechs and even merge two mechs into one with a “Team-up Change” for maximum damage.

• Battle Circuit (1997): Making its console debut, up to four players become a colorful cast of bounty hunters pursuing various wanted criminals.

• Console debut: For the first time ever, experience Armored Warriors and Battle Circuit outside the arcade.

• Offline and Online options: Team up with friends locally or connect online for drop-in co-op fun.

• Customizable Options: Players can adjust the number of lives, continues or overall difficulty.

• Comprehensive Galleries: Explore each game’s history with stunning art, design sketches, development documents, and special artwork only available to fan-club members at the time.

2018-9-18 10:38 AM
2018-9-20 05:12 PM
Mega Man 11 Tundra Man trailer, details, and screenshots


A Robot Master with a penchant for ice skating and a flair for the theatric.
Capcom has released new video, information, and screenshots of Mega Man 11 detailing Robot Master Tundra Man.

”Want to dance? Feel freeze!” Tundra Man, a Robot Master with a penchant for ice skating and a flair for the theatric, has just been revealed for Mega Man 11! This elegant boss is sure to be a fan favorite, so read on for more about the marvelous Robot Master and his sinister stage set in a museum that’s been frozen to its core.

In a past life, Tundra Man was a surveying robot, designed to keep track of various environmental changes in some of the coldest places on the planet. With no one else around except a few animals and a television to keep him company, Tundra Man found a new purpose watching an ice skating championship on TV. Ever since that fateful day, Tundra Man has dedicated his life to the fine art of figure skating, and now claims a frozen museum as his new lair with the hopes of one day displaying his icy art form to the world.

Unlike the (relative) safety of Boing-Boing Park, the museum is a much more hazardous place. The floors, walls, and ceilings are covered with dangerous icicles, and true to classic Mega Man games, a single run-in with spikes can spell doom for our hero! Be sure to tread carefully, as getting around on the slippery, icy floors can be a difficult task on its own. You’ll have to stay on your feet and ensure you’re keeping a grip on things to avoid sliding into stray enemies like robotic snowflakes that lazily drift down from the sky, or birds that drop frozen blocks of ice on Mega Man’s head. Keep an eye out for stray Gabyoall security robots, too – this classic floor-hugging enemy becomes an even bigger threat when you’re sliding around.

You may be on thin ice in this stage, but that doesn’t mean it’s all doom and gloom. You’re still in a museum, so think of it like you’re taking in exhibits. Watch your step as you go, take things slow and steady to avoid nasty run-ins with spikes and pits, and maybe give yourself a moment to appreciate the sights. Most museums ask you nicely not to touch the exhibits, but this marvel of technological archaeology is decidedly more hands-on when you get to the mid-boss.

I present to you this specimen from an unknown era: a robot platform carrying around the skeleton of a mechanical mastodon. While you may be tempted to aim for the mastodon on top, don’t be fooled – it’s the platform below that makes up the brain of the operation. For something so large, this duo is surprisingly agile! You’ll need to put all your skills to use to avoid being hit by damaging attacks as it crashes around the room. The icicles that drop from the ceiling can do some serious damage to a certain blue robot caught underneath, but they might have more than one use if you keep your wits about you. After you send this mid-boss back to the Stone Age, you’ll be able to glide on to Tundra Man’s lair.

Tundra Man gives Mega Man the cold shoulder as he makes his grand entrance, complete with stage lights to highlight his big moment. Ready to show off his impressive ice skating skills to a captive audience, Tundra Man will skate along the ice-covered floor of his lair while throwing in a few aerial twists and graceful pirouettes for good measure. Although he may be difficult to hit as he whirls around at high speeds, his natural need for showmanship in between attacks can provide just the opening you need to land some powerful shots. Tundra Man can be tough to take down – he was built for arctic exploration and research, after all – but with careful movement or the right Robot Master weapon, you can shatter his icy veneer and claim his weapon for your own.

Defeating Tundra Man will equip you with Tundra Storm, channeling Tundra Man’s graceful aerial twists to create a column of icy winds in an attack that can hit enemies above and below the Blue Bomber. If you really want to send your foes into a deep freeze, turn on the Power Gear for a frozen blast that covers the entire screen!

Mega Man 11 is due out worldwide for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC on October 2. A demo is available now on consoles.
2018-9-20 05:13 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-20 11:16 PM 编辑

《洛克人 11:命运的齿轮!! 》公开最新宣传影片 预定 10 月问世
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/3/168503.html

  CAPCOM 今天在东京电玩展中,曝光《洛克人》系列新作《洛克人 11:命运的齿轮!! 》最新宣传影片。

  《洛克人 11:命运的齿轮!! 》为系列诞生 30 周年的最新作,强调完整保留以跳跃射击为中心的轻快动作、建构多样化丰富机关等,同时追加了全新游戏系统等多项要素,还有像是洛克人获得的全新能力「双重齿轮系统」等。


  PC/PS4/Xbox One/Switch《洛克人 11:命运的齿轮!! 》预定 10 月 4 日问世。

《洛克人 11:命运的齿轮!! 》新BOSS「冻原人」宣传片

  CAPCOM 今天在东京电玩展中,曝光《洛克人》系列新作《洛克人 11:命运的齿轮!! 》介绍机器人BOSS「冻原人」。


  PC/PS4/Xbox One/Switch《洛克人 11:命运的齿轮!! 》预定 10 月 4 日问世。

2018-9-21 04:41 PM
2018-9-22 04:47 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-22 04:52 PM 编辑

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy coming to PS4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC in early 2019
《逆转裁判 123 成步堂精选集》首度跨 PS4 / XB1 推出 集合系列前三代故事

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/8/168648.html

  CAPCOM 今(22)日在 2018 东京电玩展举办的舞台活动中宣布,将于 2019 年初推出集合经典法庭战斗游戏《逆转裁判(逆転裁判)》系列前三代的精选集《逆转裁判 123 成步堂精选集(逆転裁判123 成歩堂セレクション)》, 平台包括 PS4 / Nintendo Switch / Xbox One / PC。



  《逆转裁判 123 成步堂精选集》是全系列累计销售超过 670 万套的《逆转裁判》系列前三代的精选集,首度登上 PlayStation 与 Xbox 平台。 集合由成步堂龙一担任主角、共 14 话的系列原点故事篇章,以高分辨率化细致图像呈现。 除了日文版原作之外,还同步收录英文版的内容。

游戏名称:逆转裁判 123 成步堂精选集
游戏原名:逆転裁判123 成歩堂セレクション
对应平台:PlayStation 4 / Nintendo Switch / Xbox One / PC
     Nintendo 3DS(贩卖中)
发售日期:2019 年初(N3DS 版 2014 年 4 月 17 日)
语言版本:日文 / 英文 / 繁体中文

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy is coming to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC, Capcom announced during a Tokyo Game Show 2018 stage event. It will launch worldwide in early 2019. In Japan, a collector’s physical edition and e-Capcom limited edition in Japan.

The collection includes all 14 chapters of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Justice For All, and Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Trials and Tribulations. It features both English and Japanese language settings, and offers up to 10 save data slots.


2018-10-2 06:41 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-10-2 06:48 PM 编辑

Onimusha: Warlords remaster Japanese voice cast announced
「金城武」为《鬼武者》HD Remaster 版重新配音 新公开日文配音阵容

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/9/169029.html

  根据日本知名电玩杂志《周刊ファミ通》的预告指出,预定 2019 年 1 月 16 日推出的经典和风武士动作游戏《鬼武者(Onimusha)》HD Remaster 版,将会请回知名的演员「金城武」,重新配音演绎本作的主角「 明智左马介秀満」,同时也公开了全新的日文配音阵容。 关于本游戏更多的新情报,《周刊ファミ通》也预告会在 10 月 4 日发售的最新一期杂志中揭露。

• 明智左马介秀満:金城 武
• 织田信长:立木文彦
• かえで:小松未可子
• 雪姫:名冢佳织
• 梦丸:金元寿子
• 木下藤吉郎:高木 渉
• ギルデンスタン:大冢芳忠
• ヘキュバ:佐古真弓
• 旁白...... 麦人

  《鬼武者》是 CAPCOM 于 2001 年在 PlayStation 2 主机上发售的动作冒险游戏,以爽快的剑戟动作、描写主角与「幻魔」之间壮烈战斗的故事俘虏了全球玩家,如今将在最新主机上复活。

游戏原名:Onimusha: Warlords
对应平台:PlayStation 4 / Xbox One / PC Steam
     Nintendo Switch(亚洲未定)
发售日期:2019 年 1 月 16 日

The latest issue of Weekly Famitsu reveals the Japanese voice cast for the upcoming remaster of Onimusha: Warlords for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC. The remaster features newly recorded Japanese voices.

The following cast members have been confirmed:

Samanosuke Akechi (voiced by Takeshi Kaneshiro)
Nobunaga Oda (voiced by Fumihiko Tachiki)
Kaede (voiced by Mikako Komatsu)
Yuki (voiced by Kaori Nazuka)
Yumemaru (voiced by Hisako Kanemoto)
Hideyoshi Toyotomi (voiced by Wataru Takagi)
Guildenstern (voiced by Houchuu Ootsuka)
Hecuba (voiced by Mayumi Sako)
Narration (voiced by Mugihito)

Onimusha: Warlords is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC worldwide on January 15, 2019.
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