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【新闻部】Capcom -

2016-1-14 07:46 AM

2016-1-20 07:32 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-1-20 07:31 PM 编辑

Resident Evil Origins Collection Now Available in North America, Launch Trailer




Resident Evil Origins Collection now available in North America, Resident Evil 0 is also out digitally

Capcom, a leading worldwide developer and publisher of video games, today announced the release of Resident Evil 0, which can be enjoyed in both physical and digital formats beginning today. Experience an introduction to the origin stories that started it all with Resident Evil Origins Collection, a physical disc product that contains remastered versions of both Resident Evil 0 and the critically-acclaimed Resident Evil. This retail bundle is available starting today across North America on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system for USD 39.99. The bundle will also be available at European retail from January 22 on these platforms as well as Windows PC. Resident Evil 0 is also available to purchase from today as a standalone digital download for EUR 19.99 / GBP 14.99 / USD 19.99 MSRP on Xbox One, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system, and Windows PC.

Resident Evil 0 takes the fear-inducing atmosphere from the original 2002 release and transforms it with stunning new HD visuals, improved sound, widescreen support, an optional modernized control system and more. A prequel to the original Resident Evil, the title offers newcomers and series fans the chance to revisit the story of what really happened before the iconic Mansion Incident that was the catalyst for the entire Resident Evil saga.

New to this version of the game, Wesker Mode is unlocked when the main campaign is completed. In this mode, players can experience the game playing as Resident Evil's infamous villain, Albert Wesker, wielding the powerful abilities he gained from the Uroboros virus in later games, alongside rookie cop Rebecca Chambers in an alternate costume.

2016-1-21 06:48 PM

2016-1-27 08:01 PM
2016-1-30 07:21 AM
2016-2-3 07:38 AM
2016-2-19 06:52 PM
《龙息之焰 6》一举公开 8 部战斗系统以及迷你游戏等实机游玩影片
完整报导 - http://gnn.gamer.com.tw/8/128068.html

  CAPCOM 日前公开了旗下 PC/iOS/Android 平台 RPG 新作《龙息之焰 6:白龙的守护者(ブレス オブ ファイア 6 白竜の守护者たち)》(旧译:龙战士,官方正式定名《龙息之焰》)的战斗系统「技能链接」以及登场职业等,介绍本作独特要素的游戏影片。


  本作在日本时间 2 月 19 日 14:00 开始「村长先行测试活动」。 在这次公开的影片中可以看到「游戏教学任务」以及迷你游戏「钓鱼」等实机游玩影片,同时也公布了主角所生活的「多拉格尼尔村」等跟故事舞台有关系的主要区域以及登场角色的情报。
2016-2-19 07:02 PM
《生化危机 0 HD Remaster》x《亚人》联动衣装配信 新PV公开

  发售中的多平台游戏《生化危机 0 HD Remaster》日前公布,将从今天起配信与TV动画《亚人》的联动衣装,价格免费此外还公开了游戏中的特别衣装介绍影像,以及瑞贝卡特别衣装“leather”相关原版开发当时由森气楼所绘的各版准备稿。

2016-2-22 06:06 PM
2016-2-26 07:10 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-2-26 07:24 AM 编辑

Resident Evil 4, 5 and 6 Coming to PS4 & Xbox One
《生化危机4,5,6》正式陆续登入PS4和Xbox One平台

  粉丝们已经等了又等的新作迟迟还没公布,但是今天从目前看来多款HD重制的卡普空Capcom 在短期内还没有搞新作的计划。

  今天Capcom正式宣布《生化危机4》、《生化危机5》和《生化危机6》将会在2016年内先后登陆PS4和Xbox One平台。不过这三部作品并不会同时推出。相对最新正统作品的《生化危机6》会在2016年3月29日发售,而《生化危机5》和《生化危机4》的发售时间则分别是今年夏季和秋季。每部作品是以分开发售的方式,售价则是19.99美金(约马币 RM100不到)每款还可接受范围,另外官方也声明还会推出实体版。如果你想重温一下《生化危机》系列的话,又或者是白金控是个不错的选择。


Action-Packed Resident Evil Favorites Coming in 2016

In March 1996, the world was introduced to the first Resident Evil game, which helped shape survival horror as we know it and has since brought you some of the most loved games of all time. You’ve been able to play through the origins stories that started everything with the recent releases of Resident Evil and Resident Evil 0, and we’ve confirmed that a remake of Resident Evil 2 is on the way. Since then, the series and story have evolved to amp up the action and introduce new epic gaming moments with Resident Evil 4, 5 and 6. If you haven’t had a chance to play these yet or if you’ve been wanting to play them on your current consoles, we’ve got good news for you. Starting with Resident Evil 6 on March 29, all three games will be available for PS4 and Xbox One for an MSRP of only $19.99 each.

Resident Evil 6 is the biggest Resident Evil game to date with not one (Leon S. Kennedy and Helena Harper), not two (Chris Redfield and Piers Nivans), not even three (Jake Muller and Sherry Birkin), but FOUR (Ada Wong and Agent) campaigns that are all interwoven and can be played alone or coop in any order. These series staples and new characters face a global C-virus outbreak that’s threatening to destroy the world. In addition to all the story campaigns, RE6 includes a variety of multiplayer modes that vary up the action. Extra good news for everyone – the upcoming release will also include all the additional post-launch content from the console version (DLC and all the costumes originally only available through ResidentEvil.net).

Resident 4, 5, and 6 will all be available digitally for MSRP $19.99 each starting with Resident Evil 6 on March 29, Resident Evil 5 in summer 2016 and Resident Evil 4 in fall 2016. Physical disc versions will also be available in the Americas.

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