Lapis Re Abyss debut trailer, details, and screenshots
Nippon Ichi Software has released the debut trailer, information, and screenshots for its recently announced action RPG Lapis Re Abyss for PlayStation 4 and Switch.
■ Story
A rural town located on the frontier of a certain small country. Do you know the legend of the “Golden Forest” that has been passed down here?
In the depths of the dense woodlands that extend over this land, it is said that there exists a “Golden Forest” where the trees produce gold.
Many adventurers have sought out this huge fortune, but none have yet found it.
This town, which once flourished as a base, has become completely deserted and is about to disappear from the map.
At this town where time has stopped, a group of adventurers—perhaps its last—arrived.
■ Characters
Player Character
In Lapis Re Abyss, there are eight classes of playable characters. Each as different traits, usable weapons, and fighting styles, so choose from the various characters that match your play style.
—The player character can be customized to a limited extent, including hair color and voice.
A close-range attacker that specializes in one-on-one combat.
Weapon: Dual Blades
Technique: Blood Strike – Quickly moves forward and slashes. Can damage enemies even during the attack movement.
A mid-to-long range attack specialist.
Weapon: Sickle
Technique: Soul Bullet – Fires a scattered shot forward.
A shield-based defense and counterattack specialist.
Weapon: Shield
Technique: Shield Bash – Prepares shield and rushes forward.
Specializes in party support and enemy weakening.
Weapon: Pot
Technique: Love Sign – Enchants (status ailment) the enemies it hits.
A long distance attack specialist.
Weapon: Guns
Technique: Rolling Shot – Rotates while firing bullets left and right.
An attacker that uses various magic attacks.
Weapon: Staff
Technique: Tornado – Fires magic that creates a tornado.
Uses a great sword for wide-range attacks.
Weapon: Great Sword
Technique: Tyrant Break – A powerful downward swing attack.
Specializes in party recovery and spear-based wide-range attacks.
Weapon: Spear
Technique: Viper Shine – Jumps then fires a spear all-shot.
■ System
◆ Game System
In Lapis Re Abyss, you fight in DANGO formation, where three party members become heads and stack on top of the full body leader. Since you can choose from eight classes, there are 4,096 possible party compositions. Form your party as you please while considering the stage, enemy traits, and overall balancing.
—This style of fighting, in which party members become heads stacked on top of the leader, is a secret battle technique formulated during the Great War of the Old World. In this world, it is called “DANGO.”
In battle, the status of each stacked character is reflected in the overall status of the party (DANGO). The bottommost character in a DANGO formation is the leader, and the leader is the character that attacks.
—The leader (the bottommost character) can be switched out during battle. When changing leaders, the leader moves to the top of the stack, and the head that was right above the leader becomes the new leader.
Assist Order
An attack you can use by consuming the “Action Gauge” represented by the diamonds in the upper-left corner of the screen. In an Assist Order, the leader throws the head directly above them.
The thrown head is invincible and will become a full body character to attack. Once the character completes its action, it will become a head again and return not to its previous position, but to the top of the stack.
—The leader Necromancer throws the Hunter head right above it. The Action Gauge automatically accumulates, so slice up any enemy in your way to move forward.
Extra Order
Available when the “Extra Gauge” reaches its MAX. All heads stacked on top of the leader are thrown to attack. The thrown heads each take action before simultaneously returning to the stack.
—The Extra Gauge is represented by the “EX” above the Action Gauge. It automatically accumulates, so use it freely as you need it.
Fever Mode
By building up the cog-like “Fever Gauge” in the upper-right corner of the screen during battle, you can activate “Fever Mode.” During Fever Mode, you become invincible and can collect “Fever Gems” from enemies and blocks.
Fever Gems can be used for the Fever Slots to win rewards, through which you can increase your attack power, defense power, and money drop rate. In other words, Fever Mode is a matchless bonus time mode.
—Defeat enemies and open treasure chests to fill up the Fever Gauge.