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【新闻部】日本一ソフトウェア Nippon Ichi Software

2017-7-20 06:41 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-7-20 08:11 PM 编辑

Nippon Ichi Software summer greeting card teases new project due out summer 2018 in Japan


Nippon Ichi Software’s summer greeting card this year teases a new project from the company due out in Japan in summer 2018.

The card reads, “New Project Started” in Japanese and “Coming Summer 2018” in English, with what looks like blood splatter behind the text. The image shows the back of a woman wearing a white dress standing in front of a window in an ominous room, with her arm scribbled over in red.

This is par the course for new Nippon Ichi Software projects. Their 2016 summer greeting card teased The Witch and the Hundred Knight 2, their 2015 card teased Coven and Labyrinth of Refrain, and their 2014 card teased Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance.
2017-8-3 03:55 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-8-3 04:15 PM 编辑

Yomawari: Midnight Shadows system overview trailer




Nippon Ichi Software has released a new trailer for Yomawari: Midnight Shadows introducing the various gameplay systems of the upcoming horror game.

Yomawari: Midnight Shadows will launch for PlayStation 4 and PS Vita on August 24 in Japan, and for PlayStation 4, PS Vita, and PC via Steam on October 24 in North America and October 27 in Europe.

2017-8-10 08:21 PM
日本一 PlayStation 4 游戏《深夜回》繁体中文版开始接受预购

  SEGA Games 宣布,PlayStation 4 平台的日本一 Software,Inc. 游戏《深夜回》繁体中文版,今(10)日开始在 PlayStation Store 接受预购。

  《深夜回》是由日本一 Software,Inc. 开发,以「潜伏于夜晚的恐怖」为主题的动作游戏。 将在日本获得高评价的《夜回》全面大幅强化。 回程时走散的两位少女,为了寻找对方,在漆黑的夜晚中徘徊。


  在 PlayStation Store 预购本款游戏的玩家,可于发售日前下载,于发售当天游玩本款游戏之外,还可获得《深夜回》特制主题与 3 款个人造型的预购特典。



  《深夜回》将与日本版同时,于 8 月 24 日(星期四)在 PlayStation 4 平台发售。



主机平台:PlayStation 4
上市日期:预定 2017 年 8 月 24 日
游玩人数:1 人
开发:日本一 Software,Inc.
发行・销售:SEGA Games
2017-8-24 03:39 PM

2017-8-24 04:05 PM

2017-9-7 06:16 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-9-7 06:32 PM 编辑

Coven and Labyrinth of Refrain for PS4 second trailer

Nippon Ichi Software has released the second trailer for the PlayStation 4 version of Coven and Labyrinth of Refrain, providing an overview of the game’s facets (classes).

As previously detailed, the PlayStation 4 version of the dungeon RPG is a port through and through, but offers new visuals for each facet and now lets you choose between three visual types at the start of the game.

Coven and Labyrinth of Refrain will launch for PlayStation 4 in Japan on September 28. It launched for PS Vita in June 2016.

2017-10-2 11:26 PM
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/3/153353.html

  巴哈姆特 GNN 在 2017 年东京电玩展获得机会,独家专访到日本老牌的游戏开发商「 日本一软件(日本一ソフトウェア)」社长新川宗平,访谈中他分享了日本一软件这间游戏公司的社风,以及未来对于亚洲市场的动向,有兴趣的玩家可以参考本篇专访内容。




新川:我们「日本一软件」是一间电视游乐器游戏的软件制造商,明年将迎接创业 25 周年的到来。 起初是在超级任天堂(SFC)主机上开发游戏,在第一代 PlayStation 主机上才首度以独立游戏开发商的身份跃上舞台。 我们主要和 Sony 的 PlayStation 长年合作,但最近也将触角多方伸展,也投入 Nintendo Switch 主机的游戏制作。

  事实上,《魔界战记 DISGAEA 5》也是 Nintendo Switch 的首发软件之一。 对了,我们也会在台湾推出 Nintendo Switch 版《魔界战记 DISGAEA 5》的繁体中文版,目标配合 Nintendo Switch 主机在台湾发售一同在 12 月 1 日上市。 已经购买香港公司货的玩家也可以透过在线下载,来更新为繁体中文版的游戏内容。

编辑:据悉「日本一」是一间本社设在岐阜县的游戏公司。 游戏开发目前是在岐阜吗? 不将公司设在招募人才较便利的东京原因为何?

新川:目前开发核心是在岐阜县没错,大概 70 人左右的开发规模。 另外大阪也有 15 人、越南也有 15 人规模的 3D 团队。 至于不设在东京的理由,我认为东京是个竞争激烈的地方,不论是人才的争夺、通勤花的时间精力、还有城市的生活压力等,都很辛苦。 我们基本上是专心在游戏开发的公司,想要在生活舒适的岐阜县,零压力专心的开发出最好的游戏。

  越南的部分,一方面海外人事成本比较低,一方面是越南的 3D 技术高超,我们想要补足 3D 技术不够的地方。 其实我非常敬佩友社的《圣骑士之战》和《火影忍者 疾风传:终极风暴》这些作品的 3D 动画表现,今后我们日本一软件也会朝着制作 3D 游戏的方向,但要到达可以和业界比肩的地步还有很长一段路要走。


新川:对我们来说,台湾的市场很有魅力。 我们在欧美也有设立游戏销售公司,专注在自家游戏的发行。

  我们选择平台的时候会选择全世界主流的主机上面推出,但制作游戏的内容并不会意识到海外市场,因为我们是本着类似「日本职人」的精神来制作游戏。 与其勉强自己配合欧美的口味制作游戏,不如做一些「只有日本人才做得出来」的东西。

  像是《魔界战记 DISGAEA》一开始以为在欧美应该卖不动,我想说「这种东西,欧美人怎么可能喜欢? 」因为是蛮针对日本人的喜好制作的游戏。 但实际推出之后,反而欧美卖得比日本更好! 我就想「全世界的御宅族都是一样的啊,世界大同。 」


编辑:这么说的确很有道理。 亚洲玩家对于日本品味的游戏接受度高,日本一的游戏在台湾也很多粉丝,您是怎么看待这点的呢?

新川:没有想到在岐阜县制作的游戏,可以在台湾、香港这些海外国家受到喜爱,我感到很荣幸。 《魔界战记 DISGAEA 5》会是一款可以杀掉很多时间让大家尽情游玩的作品,让喜爱的玩家们久等了真是不好意思!

编辑:为何选择和 SEGA 亚洲合作,在台湾推广游戏?

新川:SEGA 一直是我们合作的有力厂商,尤其是未来将持续注力在亚洲市场。 之前虽然我们日本一软件的游戏只能做一部分的中文化,但是接下来我想要「全部游戏都推出繁体中文版」。

  虽然这是一个很困难的任务,但是我们很想把旗下游戏全数中文化。 虽然对于 SEGA 可能很困扰,连可能卖不太好的游戏也帮我们做中文化,但真的很感谢 SEGA 亚洲的大力帮忙! (苦笑)

编辑:这意味着未来日本一的游戏,中文化都是交由 SEGA 亚洲来制作的吗?



新川:基本上游戏内容会和日文版本相同。 翻译的水平,是交给 SEGA 亚洲来做,我很信任他们的能力。 当然我们也会确认监修,务必带来最高的游戏质量给玩家。


新川:虽然说不排除可能性,但我是日本人,我们公司也不太确定台湾玩家会喜欢什么内容。 像是以游戏内容来说的话,也许可以做做看像「台湾版限定『传说之剑』」,或是来个台湾特别的实体预约特典,或是限定的 DLC 之类的,这种也许会比较好做。


编辑:想请教日本一未来的经营策略? 未来会朝向手机市场投入? 还是继续加强家用主机游戏的制作?

新川:未来会和之前一样主力在「家用主机游戏」。 手机游戏我们也会尝试看看,目前投入的资源大概是占 10% 左右吧。

  虽然手机游戏的市场很大,但竞争非常的激烈,这门生意也是很难做啊。 像是服务器的架设、游戏改版和维护成本,很多游戏也是很快就石沈大海,风险很大。 比起大家都跳进去赌一把,我觉得单机游戏还是比较有稳定的获利。 发挥我们擅长做的,细心的打造单机游戏,一方面把代表作的 IP 维护好,一方面持续投入新作。 新作人气有做起来的话,还有机会和其他厂商一起推出跨媒体企划,推出漫画、动画和周边等商品,这个模式是最理想的。

编辑:日本一即将迎接 25 周年的到来,可以透露未来是否有针对 25 周年的纪念企划或是新作吗?

新川:七月的时候我们有办发表会,那时候有发表《魔界大战(魔界ウォーズ)》这款手机游戏,还有和须田刚一合作的《银色事件 2425(シルバー2425)》等。 虽然很不好意思,发表会公布的软件阵容数量没那么多,我们还有没赶上发表的隐藏作品,请期待今后的新发表。


编辑:最后,请描述一下日本一作游戏的精神和核心理念。 所谓「创作」究竟是什么?

新川:我认为做游戏「有不有趣? 」这点是最重要的。 追根究底,人活着「食衣住行」是基本元素,但游戏和这些无关,就算没有也死不了人。

  但正因为这样,才显得这文化特别,我们尝试带给人们平常没机会感受的体验,像是「恐怖游戏」感受到的恐惧感之类。 我们也只能以这方式贡献社会,尽力去创造新的感动,不断追求崭新的体验。
2017-10-16 02:26 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-10-18 07:15 AM 编辑

NIS launches colorful new title teaser website
日本一公开神秘新作页面 蓝黄绿红四色是提示



Nippon Ichi Software has launched a teaser website for a new game.

The pop-style website currently features a blue, yellow, green, and red tiled background with the words, “Nippon Ichi Software New Game News Coming Soon!”

Further information was not announced.


NIS announces Your Four Knight Princess Training Story for PS4, Switch, and PS Vita
日本一神秘新作揭晓 《你的四骑姬教育谭》登陆3平台





The latest issue of Weekly Famitsu reveals the new Nippon Ichi Software title teased earlier this week to be Anata no Shikihime Kyouikutan (Your Four Knight Princess Training Story), a new action RPG due out for PlayStation 4, Switch, and PS Vita in Japan on January 25, 2018. It will cost 6,980 yen on PlayStation 4 and Switch, and 5,980 yen on PS Vita. First-print copies will include a soundtrack featuring a selection of background music from the game.

Development is being handled by the staff behind Penny-Punching Princess. Character design is being handled by The Witch and the Hundred Knight 2 character designer Madoka Hanashiro.

The game puts players in the role of a knight who teaches and guides four princesses. It is described as a princess-raising strategy action game where players communicate with the princesses while leading soldiers into battle.

A different story will develop for each of the four princesses:

• Veronica (voiced by Hiromi Igarashi) – A young genius witch who leads the Black Magic Guild. She is plotting to seize the world with fear due to her own selfishness.
• Liliati (voiced by Ayane Sakura) – A princess who serves as the kingdom’s head knight. She has a bright and positive personality, and loves her people.
• Monmaria (voiced by Rarisa Takeda Tago) – A fallen noble of the Noble Business Alliance, and the princess of Eudalia. She manages to survive through her vassal and mercenary family business.
• Alpana (voiced by Yuuki Kuwahara) – The princess of the Dragon God Clan, and founder of the “Daimakara Faith.” She is a philanthropist aiming for the coexistence of all races.

Here are details on the game’s growth and battle systems:

• Growth System – The player will guide the four princesses during conversations, battles, etc. There are two ways to guide the princesses—“praise” and “scold”—and the appropriate guidance will stimulate the princess’ growth and temporarily increase their stats.
• Battle System – In battle, the player will control the protagonist and princesses, and attack the enemy with actions. Additionally, the protagonist will lead soldiers as a “commander” by giving them instructions.

Development is currently 70 percent complete.
2017-10-18 02:43 PM
First look at Your Four Knight Princess Training Story

Famitsu has gone up with its online preview of the newly announced Nippon Ichi Software title Anata no Shikihime Kyouikutan (Your Four Knight Princess Training Story).

The action RPG puts players in the role of a training and battle professional who will train four princesses through a unique “scold and praise” growth system, fight against large-scale monsters, make use exhilarating actions, and more.

Anata no Shikihime Kyouikutan is due out for PlayStation 4, Switch, and PS Vita in Japan on January 25, 2018.
2017-10-19 04:12 PM
Your Four Knight Princesses Training Story teaser website opened

Nippon Ichi Software has opened the teaser website for its newly announced Anata no Shikihime Kyoudoutan (Your Four Knight Princesses Training Story).http://nippon1.jp/consumer/shikihime/

The full website will open on October 26.

Additionally, here is an overview of the game’s story and features, via Amazon Japan:


The setting of the story is a world where swords, magic, and “relics” of an ancient civilization exist. You, the battle and training expert known as the “Instructor Knight,” receive a request to visit the four “Relic Islands.”

As an instructor, your mission is the guidance of the four princesses belonging to each power.

“The Kingdom of Alixern City,” a country of lush agriculture. “The Rust Magic Guild,” which has a strong desire for knowledge, but lacks moral value. The “Noble Business Alliance,” where “relics” are actively utilized. And the “North Amata Clan Federation,” where many demi-humans reside.

How will you teach and guide the princesses? Which princess’ battle will you oversee? What sort of conclusion awaits? Everything depends on the choices you make.

The story of “you” and the “four knight princesses” is about to begin.


You are the “Trainer” of Four Princesses – The setting of the story is a world where swords, magic, and “relics” of an ancient civilization exist. The mission of the protagonist, the battle and training expert known as the “Instructor Knight,” is to become the “trainer” of the four princesses of the four countries belonging to the “Relic Islands.” Guide the princesses properly, lead soldiers into battle as a commander, and fight together.

Praise, Scold, and Train the Princesses – The hero can guide the princesses in various situations, such as during conversations or in battle. By appropriately conducting two types of guidance—“praise” or “scold”—you can stimulate the growth of the princesses and grant them temporary stat increase effects, allowing you to advance battles with a greater advantage. Through sometimes praising, and sometimes scolding the princesses, raise them to maturity.

Command Soldiers and Defeat Enemy Armies – The player, as both the princesses and the protagonist, will lead their own platoon into battle, and fight alongside their soldiers while also wielding a weapon themselves, while aiming for the destruction of their enemies and the completion of their mission. This is a type of strategy action where both the player character and the commands issued to soldiers are the key to victory.

Anata no Shikihime Kyoudoutan is due out for PlayStation 4, Switch, and PS Vita in Japan on January 25, 2018.
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