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【新闻部】日本一ソフトウェア Nippon Ichi Software

2017-2-20 06:24 PM
2017-2-28 06:05 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-2-28 06:54 PM 编辑

Exile Election first Full-Length Trailer ~ PS4 & Vita




Nippon Ichi Software has released the first full-length trailer for Exile Election, its upcoming death game adventure title.

The new trailer follows 13 character trailers (Kaname Ichijou, Noori, Ichika Houshi, Izuki Ayara, Issei Ninchouji, Shihori Yurizono, Michimune Isurugi, Miori Himeno, Yuri Himeno, Kashe Tadenomiya, Asie Tedenomiya, Hakushu Isumi, and Alice) and an opening movie.

Exile Election is due out for PlayStation 4 and PS Vita in Japan on April 27.


2017-3-23 06:12 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-3-23 06:54 PM 编辑

《追放选挙》公布游戏形象 PV 及登场角色人际关系介绍

  日本一软件预定于 2017 年 4 月 27 日推出,售价分别为 6,980 及 5,980 日币的 PS4/PS Vita 版冒险新作《追放选挙》,日前公布本作形象影片及参加「选举」的 9 名登场人物的「真面目」相关情报。


  本作以存在于荒废世界中,四周围绕着吃人怪物亳无逃脱可能的「艾丽斯乐园」(アリスランド)为舞台,游戏在一个神秘人偶「艾丽斯」(アリス)主导下展开一场互相残杀的争斗,以主角一条要为首的 12 名登场人物将在充满诡计及阴谋的极限状态下挑战最后只能有两名幸存者的死亡游戏「追放选举」,由「候选人」与「对立候选人」展开辩论,获得较多「 支持者」赞同的一方即获胜,输的一方将被"放逐"到有鬼怪徘徊的外面世界。 但是生存却非本作主轴,实际上主角妹妹一条未彩(みさ)在一开始的追放选举中即遭到放逐而死亡,对于放逐妹妹的这 9 个人所展开的报复行动才是他真正的目的。

CASE1:蓬茨 莓恋

CASE2:姫野 实乃璃

CASE3:姫野 勇璃

CASE4:石动 道宗

CASE5:蓼宫 爱夏/加莎

蓼宫 爱夏/蓼宫 卡莎

CASE6:伊纯 白秋

CASE7:绚雷 雷神

CASE8:忍顶寺 一政

CASE9:百合园 志歩理

2017-3-27 06:14 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-4-6 06:22 PM 编辑

NIS launches 'Hakoniwa' new title teaser website



Hakoniwa Company Works first details, screenshots

Nippon Ichi Software has released the first official information and screenshots for its recently announced PlayStation 4 crafting simulation RPG Hakoniwa Company Works.

Get the details below.

■ Outline

Destroy, create, and become stronger. A new simulation RPG from Nippon Ichi Software!

Nippon Ichi Software will release the PlayStation 4-exclusive title Hakoniwa Company Works on July 13, 2017 in Japan.

The setting of this game is a world of the sky where many islands made up of blocks float.

Players will become the “master” of a “company” that connects islands, and take on various requests received from all over the world.

The game is a new simulation RPG with a crafting element. Maps, which are made up of blocks, can be “destroyed” by character attacks, which changes its terrain.

You can obtain materials from destroyed blocks, and by taking it back to your base, you can make various crafts (create buildings and towns).

By crafting things to place in the city, you can strengthen the abilities of the characters.

Repeatedly crafting and expanding the city will lead to the “growth” of the characters that live there.

■ Story


The protagonist was living an ordinary life on a certain island.

But then one day, the island is attacked by an evil company that destroys islands wherever it goes and plunders their floating stones.

The protagonist, driven out of the island on which he lived, meets a girl on a drifting island, and starts a new life.

A company business that builds houses to live in, cultivates islands, expands cities, and takes on requests from various people.

This is the start of many encounters and stories of adventure.


“Clouds End,” a world where many islands float in the sky.

The islands are isolated in the sky and have each built their own culture.

Companies are what connect these sorts of islands. Their job is freedom itself.

There are those who do helpful work and earn honor, as well as those who steal and destroy with no regard for others.

A company that flies freely around the sky for their own resolution is a symbol of this world.

This is that such world, and while you’re not a someone yet, you’ll lead a company to save the world, and such a story will—.

■ Characters

Meme Kazamidori (voiced by Shuka Saito)

A girl who the protagonist meets on a drifting island. She once belonged to a famous company. She has a cheerful and positive personality, and together with the protagonist starts a new company. She is a reliable person that supports the protagonist, who lacks work experience, in various ways.

■ System

Battle System

The world of Hakoniwa Company Works, from the stages to the placed objects and characters, is made up entirely of blocks.

The battle map, which is also made up of blocks, can be destroyed by character attacks.

By attacking, the broken pieces of blocks will violently scatter and blow away, making for an exceptionally refreshing feeling.

Also, excavation tools like pickaxes and shovels are also weapons, and depending on your job and weapon, you can destroy the terrain with various attacks.

Blow away enemies and maps, and enjoy an extremely flashy battle!

—The foundation of battle is a turn-based simulation RPG. There are various elements unique to this game.

—Not only skills, normal attacks can also destroy the map. Some blocks are easier destroyed using certain weapons.

Crafting and Growth System

By bringing the material you obtain from destroyed maps back to the city, which acts as your base, you can craft various things.

When crafting, you can create buildings and roads, as well as interiors to decorate a room, and develop various facilities used for new crafts.

You can expand your favorite city.

Additionally, depending on the things you create and interior placements, the abilities of the characters living on the base (your battle units) will power up.

You can receive various benefits, such as learning new skills and increasing your stats.

—For each broken block you obtain, the material is different. There are also rare materials among them. Be sure to destroy various things!

—As you build things, and expand the town and its dwellings, characters will grow stronger. By crafting various things, you’ll be able to craft even more.

Requests and the Company

Together with your partner Meme, you’ll ride atop the “Worldwide Whale,” the island that has become your base, and fly around throughout the world to handle various requests from all over.

Your goal is to be recognized by people from all over the world and become the world’s number one company.

At the beginning, you’ll only receive requests for simple crafting, but sooner or later bigger job requests will come along, such as repairing the kingdom’s castle gates.

From small requests to big requests, take on many and aim to one day lead a company whose name is known all over the world!

■ First-Print Bonus

In Hakoniwa Company Works, there is an editing feature, different from the building and town -making craft element, in which players can draw the appearances of the characters used in battle.

First-print copies of the game include a product code for a “Character Drawing Parts 100 Piece Set” reated by staff at Nippon Ichi Software using this feature.

In addition to characters from across Nippon Ichi Software games, like the girl from Yomawari: Night Alone, Flonne from Disgaea, and Chelka from The Witch and the Hundred Knight 2, there are also original character parts that can be readily used even by users who aren’t familiar with the company’s past works.

Hakoniwa Company Works is due out for PlayStation 4 on July 13 in Japan for 6,980 yen.
2017-4-7 03:27 PM
NIS launches new horror title teaser website
日本一又双叒叕上线迷之新作页面 恐怖类题材




Nippon Ichi Software has launched a teaser website for a new horror title.

The website features a five-second video recording of a room. A pillow, bookcase, clock, and doll are among some of the items visible in the video. The time stamp is November 27, 2015, starting at 05:55:51 and ending at 05:55:55.

The website will be updated on April 7 to 13, excluding weekends, with a new teaser video each day.

The previous issue of Dengeki PlayStation teased three consecutive issues of Nippon Ichi Software new title scoops. Last week, it revealed Hakoniwa Company Works, which we detailed yesterday. The next issue of Dengeki PlayStation is due out on April 13 and should reveal this new title.
2017-4-13 07:13 PM
《祝姬:祀》剧情角色介绍 被噩梦缠身的少女

  日本一推出的PS4/PSV平台游戏《祝姬 祀》于本周电击PS杂志上正式公布,本作为以《寒蝉鸣泣之时》等为大家所熟知的人气作家龙骑士07的和风恐怖冒险游戏PC版《祝姬》的移植版,讲述诅咒为主题悲伤怨念的物语,游戏预定于7月20日发售。







2017-4-21 06:04 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-4-21 06:42 PM 编辑







Nippon Ichi Software has released the second official trailer for Exile Election, its death game adventure title due out for PlayStation 4 and PS Vita on April 27 in Japan.

The game follows a group of people trapped in an amusement park who are forced to “elect” from among them who will be “exiled” one by one until only two people remain. Read more about the story here.

The new trailer highlights the three rules of an election:

Rule #1: Three days before the election, a candidate is named and an opposing candidate is nominated.
Rule #2: The candidate and opposing candidate have a debate, and gather the support of the other participants.
Rule #3: The candidate who is unable to build up support will be exiled.
2017-4-21 07:13 PM
追放选举中文名称更改为《放逐选举》 预计2017年夏季上市

  SEGA Games Consumer & Online Company (以下略称 SEGA Games)宣布,Nippon Ichi Software, Inc. 的 PlayStation4 平台日文游戏『追放选挙』 ,繁体中文版更改游戏名称为『放逐选举』 ,预计于 2017 年夏季上市。该游戏的前导网站也一并开张,公布了带有繁体中文字幕的宣传影片。

官方网站 URL: http://asia.sega.com/exiling/


  『放逐选举』为 Nippon Ichi Software, Inc.开发的死亡冒险游戏。以荒废世界中仅存的游乐园「爱丽 丝岛」为舞台,主角·一条要为了向「放逐」妹妹未彩的 9 位参加者报仇,利用「选举」一一放逐了各个参加者。

  官方网站里公开的宣传影片中,介绍了参加死亡游戏的 12 位少年少女与举办了死亡游戏的谜之 机器娃娃「艾丽斯」 。

2017-4-25 06:20 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-4-25 06:57 PM 编辑

Shin Yomawari announced for PS4, PS Vita
恐怖游戏《夜廻》续作《深夜廻》发表 将于8月24日发售/size]

  日本一发行的恐怖游戏《夜廻(Yomawari: Night Alone)》的续作《深夜廻》正式公布,游戏将于2017年8月24日发售,登陆PS4和PSV。《深夜廻》讲述的是两个女孩在深夜之中寻找对方,要保护自己免受鬼魂的伤害。游戏的首张截图对外公布。




The latest issue of Dengeki PlayStation reveals Shin Yomawari for PlayStation 4 and PS Vita from Nippon Ichi Software. It will launch on August 24 in Japan.

Shin Yomawari is the sequel to Yomawari, the PS Vita title that offered the play style of “exploring the night world with a flashlight in hand,” causing users to recall the “fear lurking in the night.” The sequel will offer a world more than twice the size of its predecessor.
2017-4-27 06:19 PM
《深夜廻》详细介绍 夜世界画风可爱恐怖不减

  日本一在电击 PS 杂志上连续三期每期公开一部新作,这次发表的是 PSV 平台游戏《夜廻》的续作《深夜廻》,这次将登陆 PS4 和 PSV 双平台而海外英文版本还将登入 PC Steam 平台。“利用手电来探索夜世界”的前作赢得了不少玩家的喜爱,虽然画风可爱恐怖要素却丝毫不减,这次就介绍了新作的主人公及剧情、世界观等内容。




  本作的地图为前作 2 倍大,还追加了洋馆、图书馆等可以进入其内部的场所,从而能够探索更多场景。另外画面上也为提升恐怖感而大幅强化了演出效果。





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