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【新闻部】日本一ソフトウェア Nippon Ichi Software

2018-3-8 06:57 PM
Liar Princess and the Blind Prince details Princess and Wolf-only abilities, basic systems

Nippon Ichi Software has released new information and screenshots of Liar Princess and the Blind Prince, introducing things only the “Princess” can do, things only the “Wolf” can do, and basic systems.

Get the details below.

■ The Adventure of a Wolf Transformed into a Princess, and a Blind Prince

The player is a wolf monster that can transform into a “princess.” In order to heal the blind eyes of the prince, the wolf must guide him by the hand to the depths of the forest to reach the witch’s house. Dangerous monsters and complex challenges await them in the forest. Make proper use of the “princess” and “wolf” forms, and head towards the witch alongside the prince.

—The “wolf” can use its powerful strength to break normally unbreakable obstacles.

—The “princess” can hold the prince’s hand and cooperate with him.

Various Challenges

Various challenges await the two in the forest. From obstacles that can only be broken by the wolf’s strength, to switches that can only be pushed by the princess’ hands, and footholds that react to weight, there is a large variety of mechanisms in the forest. Using your wit and ability to transform, find your way past these challenges.

—A foothold that goes high and low in response to the weight of what stands atop it—like a weight machine.

—The light of the moon shines in through the clouds. Under this light, you can untransform and return to your original monster form.

Requests for the Prince

If the wolf is in “princess” form, it can asks “requests” of the prince as a mechanism for solving puzzles. There are two kinds of “requests” you can ask of the prince: “Hold (or Drop)” and “Walk.” Use these to cooperate with the prince and move forward.

—Only the prince is able is able to hold things. When he is holding something, you can grab his hand to guide him, or request that he “Walk” and bring what he is holding to the target location.

—If you find a fire lantern, you can burn obstacles and light up your surroundings. The wolf (princess) is bad with fire, so only the prince can hold it.

■ The Strange Creatures You Will Meet in the Forest

Many man-eating monsters live in the forest where the game is set. Proceed with caution in order for the prince and princess to avoid being attacked.

—At the very beginning of the forest, you’ll meet a small creature with tufty fur. It moves by crawling on the ground.

—A frog-like creature lives where many mushrooms grow in the forest. It jumps up and down while moving.

—You will find bird-like creatures in the caves. They are always airborne, and may attack from overhead.

■ Flowers and the Prince, and the Witch’s Tale

As you walk through the forest, you will come across small flower gardens.

If you give one of the flowers blooming there to the prince as a present, the prince will gradually tell you of the “Witch Fairy Tale” passed down to him in his kingdom.

While this is an optional collection element of the game that is not necessary to clear the story, if you gather all the flowers, the forest witch’s past will become clear… perhaps.

—By collecting flowers, the witch’s story is added to the “Album” on the menu screen. You can also replay event scenes at any time from the Album.

Liar Princess and the Blind Prince is due out for PlayStation 4, Switch, and PS Vita in Japan on May 31.
2018-3-9 03:17 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-3-9 06:22 PM 编辑

《谎言公主与失明王子》宣传片 手绘风格演绎悲伤的爱情故事


2018-3-15 06:28 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-3-16 03:23 PM 编辑

须田刚一作品《银色事件 25 区》PC 版今日上市
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/9/160109.html

  由 GRASSHOPPER MANUFACTUR 研发的冒险游戏《银色事件 25 区(シルバー事件25区)》PC 版今日在 Steam 平台正式上市。

  由知名游戏制作人须田刚一担任制作与编剧的《银色事件》是 Grasshopper Manufacture 制作在 PS1 发行的文字冒险游戏,后来还推出了《银色事件 25 区》,故事描述在《银色事件》故事发生后五年,在 25 区公寓房间 里,一名女子被发现遭到谋杀,随后发生了一连串随机事件,但调查起来背后确有着令人震惊的模式可寻.....

  如今美国游戏厂商 NIS 宣布,将重新在 PC 平台推出冒险游戏《银色事件 25 区》,并于今日正式在 Steam 平台上市。



2018-4-3 04:02 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-4-3 05:18 PM 编辑

Liar Princess and the Blind Prince ‘Image’ trailer
《说谎公主与盲目王子》主题曲印象宣传片 志方晶子演唱




Nippon Ichi Software has released an “image” trailer for Liar Princess and the Blind Prince, its upcoming action adventure game about a wolf who can transform into a princess guiding a blind prince through a forest in order to cure his eyesight.

The trailer features the theme song “Tsukiyo no Ongakukai” by Akiko Shikata.

Liar Princess and the Blind Prince is due out for PlayStation 4, Switch, and PS Vita in Japan on May 31.

2018-4-10 06:44 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-4-11 03:58 PM 编辑

Nippon Ichi Software live-action horror adventure Closed Nightmare launches for PS4, Switch July 19 in Japan



● 在关键地方插入的以主角第一人称视角展开的「真人影像」部分。

● 用文字+画面进行根据选项展开故事的「文字冒险部分」。

● 调查画面中的各种地方寻找逃离线索的「探索部分」。

● 通过探索部分获得的线索解决房间内机关陷阱的「机关部分」。







Project Nightmare, the January-announced horror adventure game from Nippon Ichi Software that uses live-action video, is called Closed Nightmare and will launch on July 19 in Japan for 6,980 yen, the latest issue of Dengeki PlayStation reveals. Platform(s) are currently unknown.

In Closed Nightmare, the protagonist Maria Kamishiro is lured by a woman named Chizuru, who detains her. Having lost her memories and her left arm paralyzed, she is forced to participate in a mysterious experiment. The game will play out in four parts: “live-action movies,” “text,” “exploration,” and “challenges.”

Dengeki Online has confirmed that Closed Nightmare will be released for PlayStation 4 and Switch. Here is a preview scan.

Disgaea remake launches for PS4, Switch on July 26 in Japan




The January-announced Disgaea: Hour of Darkness remake is called Disgaea Refine and will launch for PlayStation 4 and Switch on July 26 in Japan, the latest issue of Dengeki PlayStation reveals.

A 9,200 yen limited edition including an original soundtrack, daily desktop calendar, and special-make box will also be released.

Dengeki Online has gone up with an online preview of the Disgaea Refine coverage in this week’s issue of Dengeki PlayStation, officially confirming it for PlayStation 4 and Switch. Here is the preview scan.

2018-4-12 03:20 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-4-13 10:23 PM 编辑

Closed Nightmare teaser trailer, prologue

Nippon Ichi Software has released a teaser trailer and opened the Japanese teaser website for its newly announced live-action horror adventure game Closed Nightmare for PlayStation 4 and Switch.http://nippon1.jp/consumer/nightmare/

Here are some details about the game:

Prologue (via Dengeki PlayStation)

The protagonist wakes up in a dim and dreary room, and has lost all memories about herself. Her left arm is mysteriously paralyzed, as she is unable to move it.

There is a cellphone left in the room and it rings. On the other line is a child’s voice who calls herself Chizuru. “You are Maria Kamishiro. You are a participant in this experiment. I will tell you your role.”

Chizuru tells Maria in a mechanical tone of voice that if she successful in this “experiment,” she will be released, and then suddenly hangs up.

However, there is no indication of when the experiment will begin. Or perhaps it is already beginning?

At any rate, it is clear that you have gotten dragged into an unusual situation. While Chizuru’s goals are unclear, you have to find a way to escape from this place as quickly as possible.

Key Features (via Amazon Japan)

  • Presented Like a Live-Action Horror Movie – The event scenes of Closed Nightmare play out through live-action video. From the first-person perspective of the protagonist Maria, who is played by an actress, you can enjoy highly immersive fear as if you are experiencing it yourself.
  • Exploration Parts: Investigate Items and Clues – During exploration parts, you can investigate areas of interest in a room. Move the cursor onto objects and solve challenges to find clues. By using the items you obtain, such as the instant camera and IC recorder, you can acquire various information.
  • Challenge Parts: Unravel Various Mysteries – Several rooms exist within the building, and in each room are challenges. During challenge parts, solve their gimmicks and puzzles with the goal of escaping from the building. Occasionally maddeningly difficult games exist within “investigation games,” where you find the correct answer based on the clues you obtained.

Closed Nightmare is due out for PlayStation 4 and Switch on July 19 in Japan.


Disgaea Refine Japanese teaser website opened
初代《魔界战记》重制版 PS4 / NS《魔界战记 DISGAEA Refine》开设预告网站

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/9/161329.html

  日本一 Software 制作,将在 7 月 26 日推出的 PS4 / Nintendo Switch《魔界战记 DISGAEA Refine(魔界戦记ディスガイア Refine)》新开张了官方预告网站。

  《魔界战记 DISGAEA Refine》将会把著名的初代《魔界战记 DISGAEA》重制,配合现行主机表现水平高分辨率化,并将游玩感进一步提升。 目前关于游戏的实际样貌尚无法确认,有待后续官方网站在 4 月 19 日正式开张后释出更多消息。

  《魔界战记 DISGAEA》是日本一 Software 于 2003 年 1 月 30 日在 PS2 上推出的战略仿真角色扮演游戏,以独树一帜的欢乐恶搞风格画风、剧情与系统受到玩家喜爱。 其后陆续在各游乐器主机平台上推出多款关联作品,是日本一 Software 知名度最高的当家招牌 IP。

  PS4 / Nintendo Switch《魔界战记 DISGAEA Refine》将会在 7 月 26 日发售,售价 7200 日圆。 限定版售价 9200 日圆。

Nippon Ichi Software has launched the Japanese teaser website for Disgaea Refine, its newly announced Disgaea: Hour of Darkness remake for PlayStation 4 and Switch. The full website will open on April 19.http://disgaea.jp/refine/

Here are some details, via Amazon Japan:

Overhauled and Better-Looking Graphics

The graphics of the Disgaea: Hour of Darkness released in 2003 have been remade in high-resolution, and optimized for PlayStation 4 and Switch. The graphics of the in-game characters are highly detailed and consistent with the series’ latest entry, Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance.

Nonstandard Combat and Growth, and Endless Completionist Elements

Disgaea: Hour of Darkness is the origin of the penetrating game systems and endless completionist elements that the series has become known for. Level up to 9,999, and the damage dealt by your attacks will also increase. Develop your characters and strengthen your weapons—the more you play this series, the more expansive the nature of the games become.

Charming Characters and a Nonsensical Story

Demons, Overlords, and Angels full of individuality doing as they please. In this game, you can enjoy a nonsensical and thrilling story where the protagonist Laharl, in order to become a great Overlord, leads his vassals Etna and Flonne into battle to reclaim the Overlord’s throne.

Limited Edition (9,200 yen)

Original soundtrack selection
Daily tear-off desktop calendar
Special box

Disgaea Refine is due out for PlayStation 4 and Switch on July 26 in Japan.
2018-4-18 02:44 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-4-19 06:47 PM 编辑

《说谎公主与盲目王子》公开一段朗读宣传片 介绍游戏剧情
转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201804/3437718336.html



  《说谎公主与盲目王子》预计于 2018 年 5 月 31 日登陆PS4、PSV 和 Nintendo Switch多平台。

2018-4-19 02:45 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-4-19 06:33 PM 编辑

Closed Nightmare full-length trailer, screenshots
真人恐怖游戏《闭锁梦魇》新预告公布 更多详情释出

转载 - Vgtime(http://www.vgtime.com/topic/946817.jhtml

  上周,日本一真人恐怖游戏企划“Project Nightmare”宣布正式定名为《闭锁梦魇》,并确定于2018年7月19日登陆PS4/Swtich平台,售价6900日元+税。现在,游戏释出了全新的预告片与更多详情。















Following last week’s teaser trailer, Nippon Ichi Software has released the first full-length trailer and set of screenshots for Closed Nightmare, its upcoming live-action horror adventure game for PlayStation 4 and Switch.

Prologue (via Dengeki PlayStation)

The protagonist wakes up in a dim and dreary room, and has lost all memories about herself. Her left arm is mysteriously paralyzed, as she is unable to move it.

There is a cellphone left in the room and it rings. On the other line is a child’s voice who calls herself Chizuru. “You are Maria Kamishiro. You are a participant in this experiment. I will tell you your role.”

Chizuru tells Maria in a mechanical tone of voice that if she successful in this “experiment,” she will be released, and then suddenly hangs up.

However, there is no indication of when the experiment will begin. Or perhaps it is already beginning?

At any rate, it is clear that you have gotten dragged into an unusual situation. While Chizuru’s goals are unclear, you have to find a way to escape from this place as quickly as possible.

Key Features (via Amazon Japan)

  • Presented Like a Live-Action Horror Movie – The event scenes of Closed Nightmare play out through live-action video. From the first-person perspective of the protagonist Maria, who is played by an actress, you can enjoy highly immersive fear as if you are experiencing it yourself.
  • Exploration Parts: Investigate Items and Clues – During exploration parts, you can investigate areas of interest in a room. Move the cursor onto objects and solve challenges to find clues. By using the items you obtain, such as the instant camera and IC recorder, you can acquire various information.
  • Challenge Parts: Unravel Various Mysteries – Several rooms exist within the building, and in each room are challenges. During challenge parts, solve their gimmicks and puzzles with the goal of escaping from the building. Occasionally maddeningly difficult games exist within “investigation games,” where you find the correct answer based on the clues you obtained.

Closed Nightmare is due out for PlayStation 4 and Switch on July 19 in Japan.

2018-4-19 02:57 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-4-19 07:16 PM 编辑

Disgaea Refine first screenshots
初代《魔界战记》重制版 PS4 / NS《魔界战记 DISGAEA Refine》截图公开

转载 - Vgtime(http://www.vgtime.com/topic/946820.jhtml

  日本一 Software 制作,将在 7 月 26 日推出的 PS4 / Nintendo Switch《魔界战记 DISGAEA Refine(魔界戦记ディスガイア Refine)》公开了最新截图。

  《魔界战记 DISGAEA Refine》将会把著名的初代《魔界战记 DISGAEA》重制,配合现行主机表现水平高分辨率化,并将游玩感进一步提升。

  《魔界战记 DISGAEA》是日本一 Software 于 2003 年 1 月 30 日在 PS2 上推出的战略仿真角色扮演游戏,以独树一帜的欢乐恶搞风格画风、剧情与系统受到玩家喜爱。 其后陆续在各游乐器主机平台上推出多款关联作品,是日本一 Software 知名度最高的当家招牌 IP。

  PS4 / Nintendo Switch《魔界战记 DISGAEA Refine》将会在 7 月 26 日发售,售价 7200 日圆。 限定版售价 9200 日圆。《魔界战记 DISGAEA Refine》初回限定版将包含精选原声集、台历、特制包装盒内容等等。

  此外在日本一官方商店购买本作的玩家还能获得独特店铺特典,那就是一张附带主角拉哈鲁语音的卡片型 USB。而在 Fami 通官方商店预定本作的玩家则能获得包含B2尺寸挂画、普利尼图案微纤维布、15周年明信片集、拉哈鲁钥匙圈的豪华特典内容。

  《魔界战记 DISGAEA Refine》最引人注目的限定版本要数“15周年限定版”,将附带一个“A3”大小的 LED 水晶,图案为《魔界战记》全系列主角集合,该限定版的价格也非常引人注目,税后售价15万日元。https://www.famitsu.com/news/201804/19155973.html

《魔界战记 DISGAEA Refine》的各版本售价(不含税):


Nippon Ichi Software has released the first screenshots of Disgaea Refine, its upcoming high-definition remaster of Disgaea: Hour of Darkness for PlayStation 4 and Switch.

Overhauled and Better-Looking Graphics

The graphics of the Disgaea: Hour of Darkness released in 2003 have been remade in high-resolution, and optimized for PlayStation 4 and Switch. The graphics of the in-game characters are highly detailed and consistent with the series’ latest entry, Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance.

Nonstandard Combat and Growth, and Endless Completionist Elements

Disgaea: Hour of Darkness is the origin of the penetrating game systems and endless completionist elements that the series has become known for. Level up to 9,999, and the damage dealt by your attacks will also increase. Develop your characters and strengthen your weapons—the more you play this series, the more expansive the nature of the games become.

Charming Characters and a Nonsensical Story

Demons, Overlords, and Angels full of individuality doing as they please. In this game, you can enjoy a nonsensical and thrilling story where the protagonist Laharl, in order to become a great Overlord, leads his vassals Etna and Flonne into battle to reclaim the Overlord’s throne.

Limited Edition (9,200 yen)

  • Original soundtrack selection
  • Daily tear-off desktop calendar
  • Special box

Disgaea Refine is due out for PlayStation 4 and Switch on July 26 in Japan.

2018-4-19 10:30 PM
Disgaea 1 Complete coming west this fall

Disgaea 1 Complete, known as Disgaea Refine in Japan, is coming to PlayStation 4 and Switch in North America and Europe this fall for $49.99, publisher NIS America announced.

The game will feature English and Japanese audio options, and English and French text options.

A $99.99 limited edition containing a copy of the game, official soundtrack, official hardcover art book, enamel pin set (nine pins), orthodox Prinny coaster set, Noppai Etna flat mousepad, “Poster of Darkness” tear-resistant poster, “Netherworld Unbound” tear-resistant poster, Prinny cube plus, Rosen Queen certificate of authenticity, and Prinny pouch collector’s box is now available for pre-order on the NIS America Online Store (PlayStation 4, Switch).

Here is an overview of the game, via NIS America:


The Overlord is dead. The Netherworld is in turmoil. Time to kick some ass! Netherworld Prince Laharl awakens to fight for his throne and it’s up to him and some unlikely allies to defend what is rightfully his. Together with his devious vassal Etna, the angel trainee Flonne, and a whole cavalcade of explosive characters, Laharl will slash, shoot, and punch his way to the top. Build your squad to level 9999 and unleash crazy special skills, team attacks, and spells to deal millions of points of damage in this zany high-definition remake of an RPG classic.

Key Features

  • Feel the Wrath of Laharl! – Take control of Prince Laharl as he conquers the Netherworld to become the Overlord in this zany story of assassins, Prinnies, and robots!
  • Hours of Darkness! – The original Disgaea is back and better than ever! Play through the main story, or try Etna Mode with extra characters not found in the original release! Get lost in the Item World for hundreds of hours of fast-paced strategy RPG action, now in HD for the first time!
  • Level Up, Dood! – Level up anything from characters to items to shops, all while wearing 100-ton boxers! Things not working out in your favor? Head to the Dark Assembly, and be the change you wish to see in the Netherworld!

Visit the official English website here.http://disgaea.us/d1-complete/
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