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楼主: kirassss
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2018-1-24 02:08 PM
2018-1-31 03:29 PM

2018-2-1 02:04 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-2-1 03:30 PM 编辑

Digimon ReArise teaser trailer
《数码宝贝 ReArise》释出首支概念宣传影片 描述数码宝贝「实体化」之物语

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/6/158596.html

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 于今(1)日释出旗下智能型手机游戏新作《数码宝贝 ReArise(暂译,原名:デジモンリアライズ)》(iOS / Android)的第一支宣传影片。


  目前游戏的官方网站已经公开,并曝光了两张游戏截图。 虽然详细的游戏内容尚未明朗,但是据悉将会是一款让「全新描绘的角色」与熟悉的数码宝贝们展开故事的「友情进化数码宝贝 RPG」。 担任本作人物角色设计的是设计初代动画《数码宝贝大冒险》角色的「中鹤胜祥」,玩家可以在「数码城镇(デジタウン)」中培育数码宝贝。


Bandai Namco has released the teaser trailer for Digimon ReArise, its upcoming “friendship evolution RPG” for smartphones.

Digimon ReArise mixes new characters illustrated by Katsuyoshi Nakatsuru with familiar Digimon as they face against “Spiral,” a mysterious power that suddenly appears. The development team describes it as both “the adventure story of tamers and their Digimon,” and “looking after and training Digimon at any time.” It will launch in Japan in 2018.

2018-2-8 06:14 PM
2018-2-9 04:19 PM
2018-2-21 02:55 PM
2018-2-21 03:34 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-2-23 05:04 PM 编辑

Digimon ReArise reveals key visual, original Digimon Erismon
动画版角色设计师担纲人设! 《数码宝贝 ReArise》释出主视觉宣传图

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/3/159403.html

  Bandai Namco Entertainment 于日前释出预计 2018 年推出之新作《数码宝贝 ReArise》(iOS / Android)的主视觉插图,并公开新数码宝贝的相关介绍。


  此外,本作的主题曲也确定由成军 20 周年的摇滚乐团「Straightener」担纲,预定在 3 月时与游戏内的开头动画影片一同公开。

Bandai Namco has revealed the key visual for Digimon ReArise, as well as an original new Digimon set to appear in the upcoming smartphone game.

The key visual is illustrated by Katsuyoshi Nakatsuru, who has previously done character designs for Digimon anime such as Digimon Adventure. Alongside human characters, it features Digimon Elecmon, Salamon, Agumon, Dorumon, Kudamon, and the original new Digimon Erismon.

Erismon is described as the key to the story of Digimon ReArise. His special attack is “Lightning Fur,” which shoots light-covered needle hairs at the enemy.

Bandai Namco also announced that the theme song for Digimon ReArise will be performed by Japanese rock band Straightener, which like Digimon is also celebrating its 20th anniversary. The theme song will debut in March with the release of the game’s opening movie.

Digimon ReArise mixes new characters illustrated by Katsuyoshi Nakatsuru with familiar Digimon as they face against “Spiral,” a mysterious power that suddenly appears. The development team describes it as both “the adventure story of tamers and their Digimon,” and “looking after and training Digimon at any time.” It will launch in Japan in 2018.

2018-2-23 04:01 PM
Atelier Marie Plus: The Alchemist of Salburg coming to smartphones

Gust will release Atelier Marie Plus: The Alchemist of Salburg for iOS and Android in Japan soon, the company announced. It will cost 1,200 yen.

Atelier Marie was the first entryi n the long-running Atelier series, which first launched for PlayStation in May 1997. Atelier Marie Plus followed in June 1998. An English version was never released.

Visit the teaser website https://www.gamecity.ne.jp/atelier/marie/
2018-2-26 04:12 PM
AR 手机游戏《魔鬼克星 世界》将于今年问世 在现实世界扮演抓鬼特攻队!
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/6/159486.html

  改编自电影《魔鬼克星(Ghostbusters)》的 AR(虚拟现实)手机游戏新作《魔鬼克星 世界(暂译,原名:Ghostbusters World)》对外曝光宣传影片,预告 2018 年内在 iOS / Android 平台问世, 目前尚未公开日期以及售价等信息。 更多详细信息,预计会在下个月于旧金山举办的游戏开发者大会(Game Developers Conference)中揭晓。


  《魔鬼克星 世界》由 NextAge 开发,4:33、索尼影视娱乐、Ghost Corps. 联合发行。 本作于全球行动通讯大会(Mobile World Congress)上作为 Google AR 开发平台「ARCore」计划的一部份发表,并进行了实机展示。

  在《魔鬼克星 世界》中,玩家将能够与上百种出自系列作的鬼怪战斗并且设法捕捉他们,涵盖的作品包括电影、电视影集、漫画、主题公园、电玩游戏等等。 不只如此,游戏内也会有专为本作设计打造的原创鬼怪。
2018-2-27 04:23 PM
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