Atelier Online now available in Japan
Atelier Online: Alchemists of Braceir is now available for iOS via the App Store and Android via Google Play in Japan. Service will officially begin at 15:00 JST.
Here is an overview of the game, via its store pages:
Welcome to the Royal Academy! You are an Alchemist
The name of your protagonist will become the name of your Atelier. At the Royal Academy attended by many students, you will adventure the world, meet new people, and carve out your own path to become a full-fledged alchemist!
A Free-form Alchemy RPG without Need for Stamina
Monsters that change with the time and weather, and items to collect! Freely walk around fields and collect, synthesize, and battle. In multiplayer mode, you can adventure, battle, and collect with friends and other players!
Alchemy with a High Level of Freedom! Synthesize Equipment and Items Yourself
By gathering materials, you can synthesize equipment and cuisine yourself. It is a simple system with material enhancement and trait inheritance that is full of additional game content.
A Complete Quest Experience with a Grand Scenario
Enjoy a grand scenario, quests, requests, and more like those of a console RPG. Various characters are fully voiced in the main scenario. What choices will you take in unraveling your fate as an “alchemist?”
Popular Characters from the Series Appear
Many popular characters from the Atelier series appear, including Rorona, Marie, and more. Series fans can enjoy their appearances with original scenarios.
《炼金工房 Online ~布雷赛尔的炼金术士~》于日本地区正式开放下载游玩
转载 - 巴哈姆特(
由 NHN PlayArt 与光荣特库摩游戏(KOEI TECMO Games)共同开发的手机游戏《炼金工房 Online ~布雷赛尔的炼金术士~(暂译,原名:アトリエ オンライン ~ブレセイルの錬金术士~)》(iOS/Android)已 于今(3)日正式在日本 App Store 及 Google Play 推出。
《炼金工房 Online ~布雷赛尔的炼金术士~》承袭了家用主机人气 RPG《炼金工房》系列作的世界设定,再额外加入了在线多人冒险、调合、协力等多项要素。
※ 本作目前仅于日本地区推出。
本作是以 KOEI TECMO Games 旗下 GUST 所制作的家用主机平台人气 RPG 游戏「炼金工房」系列作品为蓝本的 Online RPG 游戏,由 NHN PlayArt 负责企划、开发、营运。 保留了温馨可爱的世界观、值得深入研究的调合要素,以及活用时间轴充满战略性的战斗系统等系列作原有的魅力,同时设计出适合在智能型手机等装置上轻松游玩的游戏系统。
《炼金工房 Online》邀请到 tanu 担任绘师,将展开全新的《炼金工房》世界。 游戏角色将会以 SD 化的可爱头身登场,角色的服装和技能也都可以自由更换。 玩家们可在充满《炼金工房》系列世界观的游戏场景中多人一同冒险,挑战随机生成的迷宫。
系列惯例的采取、调合系统也将会重现,并且加入多人协力要素。 游戏内的冒险不采取体力制,战斗的部分则是随着角色速度沿着时间轴来行动的自动战斗,但玩家可以自行施展道具和技能,若成功安排角色连续行动还能发动连锁加成。
《炼金工房 Online》已于日本 iOS / Android 平台上架,采取免费游玩、道具付费制营运。