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2017-12-15 03:34 PM
2017-12-26 06:48 PM
CAPCOM 授权中国厂商打造《恶魔猎人:巅峰之战》预计 2018 年问世
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/7/157067.html

  中国厂商「云畅游戏」近日宣布获得日本 CAPCOM 公司旗下知名动作游戏《恶魔猎人》的 IP 授权,将于 2018 年推出改编手机游戏《恶魔猎人:巅峰之战》(中国原名:《鬼泣:巅峰之战》)。

  本次 CAPCOM 授权云畅游戏开发的《恶魔猎人:巅峰之战》是 CAPCOM 首次针对手机游戏进行正版授权,强调将延续华丽的游戏风格以及刺激的战斗操作。 据悉,《恶魔猎人:巅峰之战》将由 CAPCOM 总部的制作团队指导监修,并全程原声配音。





  在画面风格上,游戏将承袭原作的歌德式风格,主打神秘、华美、夸张等元素,并加入数字庞克风的现代审美观。 本作将以 Unity3D 引擎打造,在人物建模、材质贴图上均有所要求。

  由于《恶魔猎人》原作是相当重视玩家操作的动作游戏,系列作的一大特征是「浮空」和「自由切换武器组成连击」,研发团队在这两点上都表示会尽力还原。 在此基础下,《恶魔猎人:巅峰之战》还将增加网络联机要素,包含组队战斗、实时 PVP 等,玩家的相互配合将成为胜负的重要因素。




2017-12-27 04:49 PM
2017-12-29 06:44 PM
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/7/157257.html

  隆中网络于今(29)日宣布,取得日本动画正版授权手机游戏《进击的巨人 - 为人类献出你的心脏》台港澳、东南亚部分地区的独家代理经营权。

  此款游戏是获得日本讲谈社官方授权,并且由腾讯旗下光子工作室群打造而成,全程由日方监修,企图还原动画场景、配乐、剧情及原角色声优配音,重现《进击的巨人》第一季动画内容。 游戏中将会出现动画里各式场景,像是高大雄伟的玛利亚之墙、阴郁参天的巨木森林,玩家将可逐一体验。










  据故事开始的一百多年前,人类的天敌出现了,他们和人类之间存在着压倒性的力量差距,转眼间人类就面临灭绝的危机。 幸存下来的人类,筑起了玛利亚、罗塞、席纳三座城墙以此实现了百年的和平。 直到 845 年,达 60 公尺的「 超大型巨人」突袭了玛利亚之墙,而另一个全身装甲的盔甲巨人打碎了大门,让其它较小的巨人纷纷进入城中,人类放弃了玛利亚和罗塞之墙中间的土地,逃入内城,一夕之间四处哀鸿遍野,尽是断垣残壁,人类感受自己的渺小无力,未来,又该如何自处呢 ?




  在《进击的巨人》手机游戏中,玩家所扮演的是一名 104 期训练兵团的新兵,将和艾连、米卡莎、阿尔敏等同期生一起受训、战斗、成长,以第一人称方式体验原著中末日悲怆与绝望刺激的氛围。 此游戏主要战斗方式是以 QTE 连击的半回合实时制战斗为主。 面对巨人,玩家首先需要熟练立体机动装置的操作,如果能顺利完成连击,即可累积大量的伤害加成,瞄准巨人后颈狠狠猎杀。 但如果玩家稍有不慎,有可能反被巨人抓住而受伤,甚至引发灭队危机。 如果不想成为伙伴的累赘,死命练习及战斗是活下去的唯一准则。


自己来选择,不会后悔的道路 —— 里维 · 阿卡曼


士兵们,献出你们的心脏吧 —— 艾尔文 · 史密斯


2017-12-29 07:19 PM
2018-1-2 06:11 PM
手机游戏《Fate/Grand Order》释出第二部宣传影片
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/5/157295.html

      TYPE-MOON / FGO PROJECT 旗下智能型手机 RPG《Fate/Grand Order》,日本官网在 1 月 1 日这天宣布第二部的标题名称为「Fate/Grand Order 【第2部】 -Cosmos in the Lostbelt-」,同时也释出第二部的宣传影片。


      从这次所公开的宣传影片中可以看到这次第二部故事的重要人物与关键词。 第二部预计在 2018 年春季推出。
2018-1-11 06:14 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-1-11 06:34 PM 编辑

《圣火降魔录 英雄云集》公开「晓之女神」新英雄召唤预告以及 2.1.0 更新介绍
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/5/157665.html

  结合《圣火降魔录 FIRE EMBLEM》要素的手机游戏《圣火降魔录 英雄云集(FIRE EMBLEM HEROES)》官方于本日(2017 年 1 月 11 日)公开新情报,释出「晓之女神」新英雄召唤预告以及 2.1.0 版本更新介绍。


Yo-kai Sangokushi: Kunitori Wars now available in Japan


Yo-kai Sangokushi: Kunitori Wars is now available for iOS via the App Store and Android via Google Play in Japan.

The “country-stealing strategy RPG,” a collaboration between Level-5 and Koei Tecmo, is set on the vast continent of China, where each season players are divided into three or more powers and a country-stealing free-for-all between nations unfolds. On the battlefield, troops of “Yo-kai Officers” bustle and move about, and can occasionally unleash special moves with tremendous effects. Famous warriors of the Three Kingdoms period will also appear as “War Devils.”

BlazBlue Alternative: Dark War launches 2018 in Japan

BlazBlue Alternative: Dark War, the August 2017-announced iOS and Android game, will launch in Japan in 2018, Arc System Works announced.

Additionally, the teaser website for BlazBlue Alternative: Dark War was updated with the following text and heroine character description:

This is a Story that Leads to Azure

When a step forward was taken from natural tranquility, the world began to end…

A hell with the name of possibility begins.

Ciel Sulphur (voiced by Rina Honnizumi)

A mysterious girl who belongs to The Mitsurugi Agency. She will fight alongside the player as support.
2018-1-16 10:27 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-1-16 10:57 PM 编辑

Dx2 Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation launches the week of January 22 in Japan

Dx2 Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation will launch for iOS and Android during the week of January 22 in Japan, Sega announced.

An official release date will be announced as soon as it is decided.

Pre-registration is currently available at the game’s official website.http://d2-megaten-l.sega.jp/pre-registration/

《D×2 真・女神轉生 Liberation》釋出主角所屬組織「解放者」成員視覺圖及介紹
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/1/157871.html

  由 SEGA Games Co., Ltd. 所推出的《真 ‧ 女神转生》手机游戏新作《D×2 真・女神转生 Liberation》发表了事前登录人数突破 60 万人的奖励内容。 官方并公开了主角所属组织 「解放者」 据点成员的视觉图与人物介绍。

事前登录人数突破 60 万人即可获得至今成为恶魔合体对象的所有恶魔

  只要事前登录突破 60 万人,即可获得 5 万突破报酬的 “皮克希”,10 万突破报酬的 “恶灵”,20 万突破报酬的 “天使”,30 万突破报酬的 “单卡拉比”。 近期即将正式上市,还请继续多加期待!
2018-1-16 10:31 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-1-17 07:52 AM 编辑

Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Coming West this Winter ~ Mobile


Final Fantasy Characters Battle Together on Mobile Devices in Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia

Today, Square Enix begins pre-registration for the upcoming mobile RPG Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia. Final Fantasy fans who follow the official Opera Omnia Facebook and Twitter pages or pre-register on Google Play will help work towards earning a special prize of up to 5000 Gems, a valuable in-game currency, upon the title’s launch this winter for all players.

Full details on pre-registration goals and prize tiers are available on each of the pre-registration web pages (Google Play).

Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia continues the Dissidia Final Fantasy adventure on mobile devices, where players can form parties from dozens of their favorite Final Fantasy heroes and villains and equip them with a variety of weapons from the series. The title features an extensive story and strategic turn-based combat that the Final Fantasy series is known for.

The unique Bravery system challenges bring greater depth to the battle system—players must build their Bravery through special attacks in battle and wait for the right moment to strike. Additionally, players can join forces with friends and other players in a full multiplayer experience, challenging powerful enemies to win rewards.

Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia is coming soon to the App Store for iPhone and iPad and Google Play for Android devices.


Darkness converges upon us, and the world crumbles before our very eyes…

What was once a sanctuary for the weary has now become a battlefield.

Long ago, the deities Spiritus and Materia warped the fabric of time and space to create a new world—a world they populated with warriors from other realms.

These men and women were forced to fight day and night without reprieve, and the strain of endless battle soon grew to be too great.

With battered bodies and shattered spirits, they sent out a cry for help…

Key Features

• A Dream Collaboration! – Legendary heroes and villains from across the Final Fantasy series come together in a compelling story of powerful deities and a world in peril. Fans of the series will see their favorite characters in a brand-new adventure, and newcomers will experience the compelling story, drama, and combat that the Final Fantasy series is known for!

• Turn-Based Combat with a Twist! – Engage in simple yet strategic turn-based combat! The unique Bravery system challenges you to balance offense with defense as you build up your Bravery and wait for the right moment to strike!

• Assemble Your Party! – Build parties from a cast of dozens of Final Fantasy heroes and villains and prepare them for battle with a variety of equipment and abilities. Embark on a journey alongside beloved characters and encounter familiar faces, summons, and more along the way!

• Play with Friends! – Multiplayer quests allow you to join forces with up to two other players to bring down mighty enemies and earn fabulous rewards!
2018-1-19 02:15 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-1-19 06:07 PM 编辑

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery Teaser Trailer and New Details ~ Mobile RPG
去去武器走! 《哈利波特:霍格华兹之谜》宣传影片曝光 扮演霍格华兹学生体验魔法人生
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/5/158015.html

  由 Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment 授权,Portkey Games 与 Jam City 推出的《 Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery(暂译,哈利波特:霍格华兹之谜)》 今(19)日释出首部宣传影片,同时在官方网站展开事前登录,预计将在 2018 年 推出 iOS 及 Android 版本。

  在此次揭露的宣传影片中,可以窥见更多的游戏相关画面以及细节。 玩家在《哈利波特:霍格华兹之谜》将扮演一位就读于知名魔法学校-霍格华兹中的学生,影片中可以看到玩家将收到由猫头鹰所寄送的入学通知,进入梦寐以求的霍格华兹学习魔法。

  而在霍格华兹中,玩家必须学习各种与魔法有关的咒语、技能以及知识。 而玩家所熟悉的霍格华兹教授像是魔药学教授石内卜、变形学教授麦米奈娃以及奇兽饲育学鲁霸·海格都将登场。

  此外,玩家还可以与朋友组队一同与其他学生们展开竞赛,从宣传影片看来游戏将采用 3D 画面的方式进行,游玩方式则尚未公开,有兴趣的玩家可至官方网站查看详细信息。


Jam City Unveils Teaser Trailer and New Details for Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery Mobile Game

Today, Jam City, a Los Angeles based mobile games studio, in partnership with Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, revealed new details for Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery - including the game’s first teaser trailer. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery is the first game in which players can create their own character and experience life as a Hogwarts student. In the roleplaying game, players will create a personalized student avatar, attend classes, learn magical skills, form friendships or rivalries with other students, and make pivotal decisions that will influence their character’s story arc as they traverse their years at Hogwarts and grow as a witch or wizard. The game will launch under Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment’s Portkey Games, a label dedicated to creating gaming experiences inspired by the magic and adventures of J.K. Rowling’s Wizarding World.

Before launching this spring, the title will be introduced to fans at the upcoming A Celebration of Harry Potter event at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida from January 26-28. There, attendees will be able to go behind the scenes via two panels hosted by the Jam City team as well as visiting the Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery booth to receive exclusive swag, play the game, meet members of the game team, and experience other magical surprises.

“Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery is a role playing experience about magic, friendship, and life as a student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry,” said Chris DeWolfe, co-founder and CEO of Jam City. “We can’t wait to give fans a first look at the game at A Celebration of Harry Potter, and this spring players will be able to explore Hogwarts fully in their journey toward becoming a witch or wizard.”

The game is set in the time between Harry Potter’s birth and his enrollment at Hogwarts, when Nymphadora Tonks and Bill Weasley were students. The avatar customization system allows you to continually upgrade your avatar as you gain new expertise and magical skills - you can even choose your own pet. You will join one of the four Houses before progressing through your years at Hogwarts, participating in magical classes and activities such as Potions and Transfiguration. Building your skills will come in handy as you solve mysteries and go on adventures. As players improve their skills, they will unlock new locations, spells and other magical abilities.

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery features both large plot arcs and smaller stories such as relationship quests. The game features a new encounter system in which player’s decisions in both actions and narrative impact their quests, and how other characters regard and interact with them. These choices will allow Harry Potter fans to create the legacy of the witch or wizard they want to become.

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery is licensed by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, developed by Jam City and will be released this spring for mobile devices under Portkey Games, the new label for gaming experiences inspired by the magic and adventures of J.K. Rowling’s Wizarding World. The title will be available on the App Store, Google Play, and the Amazon Appstore. For more details on Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery as they are revealed, and to connect with other Harry Potter fans as you await your owl, visit facebook.com/HPHogwartsMystery, twitter.com/HogwartsMystery, and for more information visit HarryPotterHogwartsMystery.com/.
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