The Gardens Between will launch for Switch simultaneously alongside the previously announced PlayStation 4, PC, and Mac versions in Q3 2018, developer The Voxel Agents announced.
The Switch version of The Gardens Between will be playable at Gamescom 2018 from August 21 to 25 and PAX West 2018 from August 31 to September 3.
Here is an overview of the game, via The Voxel Agents:
Arina, a headstrong girl, and Frendt, a boy wise beyond his years, fall into a series of vibrant, dreamlike island gardens peppered with everyday objects that hold a special significance to the duo. Together they embark on an emotional journey that examines the significance of their friendship: the memories they’ve built, what must be let go, and what should never be left behind.
Designed as an homage to the enduring power of friendship, The Gardens Between places you in control of not the characters themselves, but the force which will change and shape their relationship: time. In the mysterious realm they find themselves transported to, cause and effect are malleable and time flows in all directions. Solve puzzles to reach the apex of each isle and light up constellations of memories, illuminating threads of a bittersweet narrative.
On Nintendo Switch players will be able to follow Arina and Frendt on the go, solving mind-bending puzzles on a break at work or enjoying the gorgeous environments with friends at a party. The console’s HD Rumble feature brings the game’s lush world to life, underscoring curious moments of time and imagination.
Colopl has announced Shironeko New Project, an new action RPG based on its smartphone title Shironeko Project for Switch. It will be released in 2020 in Japan.
根据来自任天堂官方代理通路的消息,SQUARE ENIX 开发、任天堂海外发行的 Nintendo Switch 动作角色扮演游戏《美丽新世界 -Final Remix-(すばらしきこのせかい -Final Remix- / The Wor ld Ends with You: Final Remix )》将在台湾推出国际版,支持繁简体中文与英文。
Ponos has released the first screenshots of its newly announced Together! The Battle Cats for Switch.
Due out this winter in Japan, Together! The Battle Cats is a completely new entry in the series that will offer cooperative play, allowing players to challenge stages together, and mini-games.
2018-7-17 04:07 PM
Kirby: Star Allies Daroach trailer
Nintendo has released a new trailer for Kirby: Star Allies introducing Daroach, who will be added to the game as a Dream Friend alongside Meta Knight and Adeleine & Ribbon as part of a free update on July 27.
Kirby: Star Allies is available now for Switch.
2018-7-17 06:03 PM
由 Hori 出品任天堂官方授权的 Switch 底座则完全不用担心第三方底座致使Switch变砖这个问题。
需要注意的是,使用该底座时 Switch 版本需要升级至5.0.4以上。且因为该底座无 HDMI 端口,所以无法使用 TV 模式。
2018-7-17 10:24 PM
N.E.R.O.: Nothing Ever Remains Obscure coming to Switch on October 26
N.E.R.O.: Nothing Ever Remains Obscure, which was previously released on Xbox One, PC, and PlayStation 4, is coming to Switch both physically and digitally on October 26, publisher Soedesco and developer Storm in a Teacup announced.
Here is an overview of the game, via Soedesco:
A touching tale of love and loss
N.E.R.O. is a game that explores universal themes such as love, loss and family. Destructoid applauds N.E.R.O. as ‘a hallmark of excellence’, describing: ‘’it’s undoubtedly a story of love and loss, grief and guilt, companionship and family, and coping when the world is so goddamn unfair. (…) You’ll just know that you felt something, and that sensation alone is worth the journey.’’
Enter a world of incredible beauty
In N.E.R.O., players assume the role of a little boy, wandering through a mysterious dreamlike world as the touching story of his family unravels. The game varies between exploring phosphorescent environments and solving interactive puzzles, which results in a fascinating journey.
Key Features
• Experience bittersweet emotions, unraveling a touching story.
• Wander through a magical world of incredible beauty.
• Solve puzzles and decipher bewildering mysteries.
• Be enchanted by a superb soundtrack and a deep narrating voice.