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【PC/PS4/Xbox One】ELEX

2015-7-2 07:08 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-7-3 07:05 AM 编辑

Nordic Games teases ELEX reveal

2015-7-3 07:05 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-7-3 07:07 PM 编辑

ELEX Revealed ~ Sci-fi Action RPG for PS4, Xbox One & PC by Piranha Bytes

  Nordic游戏在昨天正式宣布了一款全新开放世界角色扮演游戏《ELEX》,开发商Piranha Bytes表示这款新作将于2016年或2017年早些时候发售。

  “《ELEX》将会是一款黑暗、有难度、复杂的游戏,在开发这款游戏的时候我们拥有足够的自由,这对我们来说至关重要。我们已经等不及向大家展示这款有着全新设定、内容和足够可能性的游戏了。”Piranha Bytes的负责人Bjorn Pankratz这么说道。

  《ELEX》将会登陆XBOX ONE、PS4以及PC平台,目前本作除了一段游戏描述和名字以及一张图片外再无更多进一步的内容。

Nordic Games + Piranha Bytes = ELEX

Nordic Games teams up with veteran studio Piranha Bytes to work on their first collaborative and new project: ELEX. The Eclectic, Lavish, Exhilarating, Xenial open-world RPG is scheduled to release in Winter 2016/2017 on PC and current gen console platforms. This is by far the most ambitious project for Piranha Bytes and Nordic Games to-date.

"To say we are excited to see this new project unfold in the hands of Piranha Bytes is an understatement. ELEX is going to be edgy, dark, uncompromising, complex, and we love it already,“ comments Reinhard Pollice Business & Product Development Director at Nordic Games. “We will be premiering a vertical slice build at Gamescom 2015, more info will be released in due time."

"Apart from being enthusiastic about the cooperation with Nordic Games, it is great to know, that we will have ample creative freedom with ELEX, which is a very important factor for us” said Björn Pankratz, Game Director at Piranha Bytes. "We can't wait to show you a completely new game experience with a fresh setting, new assets and plenty of possibilities."

About ELEX

ELEX is a handcrafted action role-playing experience from the award-winning creators of the Gothic series, set in a brand new post-apocalyptic science fantasy universe that puts players into a huge, seamless game world full of original characters, mutated creatures, deep moral choices and powerful action.
2016-3-24 06:46 PM

  《崛起》系列开发商Piranha Bytes的新作《ELEX》,经发行商Nordic Games确认将于2017年推出。

  《ELEX》是Piranha Bytes开发制作的一款“后启示录科幻风”的开放世界角色扮演游戏。这个开放世界将充满原创角色、突变生物、道德选择和强烈的动作元素。游戏你还为玩家配备了飞行背包,允许玩家进行“完全的垂直探索”。
  《ELEX》计划于2017年推出,登陆PS4、Xbox One和PC平台,游戏确切发售日期尚未公布。
2016-5-31 07:11 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-5-31 07:16 AM 编辑

Elex ~ Sci-fantasy from Piranha Bytes Gets New Info & Screens
《Elex》全新截图概念图公布 大量游戏细节曝光

《哥特王朝》系列开发商Piranha Bytes公开了开放世界RPG新作《ELEX》的全新截图,概念图和游戏细节。《ELEX》设定在一个全新的后启示录世界中,这是一个非常独特的世界,在这里魔法和未来机甲科技相互并存。










Elex - About the Game

An action, role-playing open world game for PC and Consoles, Elex was developed by Piranha Bytes, creators of the award winning Gothic series and is set in a brand new, post-apocalyptic, Science-Fantasy universe where magic meets mechs.


Thanks to the open world, you have access to all five regions of the game world right from the very start. Go where you want, choose your battles and your allies, the only thing in the world that will stop you, are the mutant creatures that live in Magalan’s Elex polluted landscapes. Walk, run, or punch your jetpack into action, if you can see it, you can reach it. Open world role-playing has never been more open.


From swords and axes, to bows, crossbows and harpoons, Elex offers one of the widest selection of weaponry in the history of role-playing. Pick up a shotgun, power up a plasma rifle or unleash a flame thrower – there’s a weapon and combat style for every fighter out there. Be it a hammer, a rocket launcher or the power of magic, Elex balances science, fantasy and brute force to let you choose the combat style that fits your role best!


Find a companion, choose a faction and influence the world. In Elex there is no traditional class system. Instead you must earn the trust of experienced teachers to develop the skills you select. But, skills alone won’t be enough to survive in this harsh and challenging world. Your attitude towards the people you meet will influence those around you. Will you make an ally or an enemy? Is now the time to show emotion or take the course of logic? Every choice will forge the future of your game.


Being raised as an Alb and fed pure Elex to strengthen your body and to be free from emotion, you lived in a world of cold logic and military discipline. Set to rise through the ranks, a scourge to your enemies, your destiny seemed sure. Now, as the smoke rises over the wreckage of your glider in the mountains of Edan, you are trapped far from Xacor. With no access to pure Elex, you are experiencing emotions for the first time in your life. Stranded amongst your enemies, outcast from your people, you must find a new course, you must decide how your life can decide the fate of the world.


Advanced in technology, civilized and with a population of billions, Magalan was a planet looking to the future. Then the meteor hit.

Those who survived are now trapped in a battle to survive, a struggle to decide the fate of a planet. At the center of this fight is the element "Elex". A precious, limited resource that arrived with the meteor, Elex can power machines, open the door to magic, or re-sculpt life into new, different forms.

But which of these choices should be the future of Magalan? Can technology, or magic save this world? Or will this new power destroy all those left alive amongst the ruins?

The Berserkers in Edan

Wiping the planet clean, the meteor has given the people of Magalan a chance. The world can be regrown again. Having found a way to transmute Elex into pure Mana, the Berserkers are transforming Magalan’s shattered wastes into lush, living woodland. Where the Albs bring destruction, the Berserkers offer true hope. As magic replaces technology, Magalan shall offer all its people a future.

The Albs in Xacor

Where the meteor destroyed, it also gave the people of Magalan their future – Elex. Harnessing its power for technology is only the start. By consuming pure Elex all the people of Magalan can be stronger, think clearer and free from emotion. Driven, focused, from their base in the mountains of Xacor, the Albs are reaching out to conquer Magalan. They claim that all Elex is theirs by right. The Albs are sure that only strength can save and the weak must be sacrificed for Magalan to survive.

The Clerics in Ignadon

The site of the meteor’s impact, Ignadon is riven by constant volcanic activity. Thought to be devoid of life, Ignadon was the perfect hiding place for the Clerics to grow in power. Followers of the god Calaan, the Clerics see the consumption of Elex in any form as a sin. Instead they use Elex to power their machines. Guardians of Magalan’s technology, the Clerics put their faith in Calaan, plasma weapons, mechs and the power of industry. From the ashes shall rise a new Magalan even more advanced than before.

The Outlaws in Tavar

A rocky, desert wasteland, Tavar is home to the Outlaws. Scavenging the ruins for weapons and equipment, the Outlaws will worship no god, they will not pledge themselves to the strict laws of the Berserkers, or surrender to a life of emotionless conflict. With the meteor came a chance for freedom, choice, a world where anyone can rise to the top. The Outlaws live by the motto, that life may be brutal, but it’s free and easy, and that all shall be rewarded for their strengths.
2016-6-1 07:22 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-6-22 06:16 PM 编辑

Elex Pre-Alpha Environment Video
跨平台开放世界 RPG 新作《ELEX》2017 年初登场

  以《救世英豪》(Gothic)及《异世界》(Risen)知名的德国开发商 Piranha Bytes 一手打造的 PC/PS4/Xbox One 动作 RPG 新作《ELEX》,确定将于 2017 年初上市,官方并在 E3 2016 试玩展出。

  本作为一款描述文明崩坏后世界的开放世界 RPG,以自制游戏引擎「Genome Engine」针对次世代主机开发而成,仍沿袭之前作品以开放世界为舞台,一边培养技能一边与敌人作战,并透过对话及动作的道德选择机制影响世界的游戏系统,但剧情也包含了某个名为「 ELEX」,含有能赋予部份人类强大能力矿物的陨石坠落在行星上,造成人们生活方式及环境产生极大差异的科幻元素在内。 游戏中大部份场景为原始森林与冰原地带,但其中却存在着高科技建筑与兵器,是一款兼具剑与魔法加上科幻装备的华丽作品。

2016-8-20 07:13 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-8-22 06:32 PM 编辑

《异世界》开发团队新作《核心元素 ELEX》曝光 9 分钟实机影片

  《救世英豪》、《异世界》系列德国研发团队 Piranha Bytes 此次在德国科隆游戏展 Gamescom 展出开放世界角色扮演游戏《核心元素 ELEX(暂译,ELEX)》,Youtube 频道曝光最新游戏实机影片。

  《核心元素 ELEX》故事背景设定在具有先进科技的 Magalan 行星,原本一切非常美好,却遭到流星击中,幸存下来的人被卷入决定星球命运的战火当中,存活下来的势力为了争夺核心元素「ELEX」而战,这是珍贵、限量的动力资源,「ELEX」可以使机器获得能量,甚至可以打开魔法之门等;然而,到底魔法或是科技能够拯救这个世界吗? Magalan 星球的未来又该如何决定呢?

  这款融合科幻与幻想风格的角色扮演游戏《核心元素 ELEX》在 Youtube 曝光了 9 分钟游戏实机影片,此次释出的影片为 Pre-Alpha 版本的内容,届时游戏正式上市时将会有很大改变。

  PC/PS4/Xbox One《核心元素 ELEX》预定 2017 年上市。

2017-4-22 07:35 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-4-25 07:02 AM 编辑

Piranha Bytes' ELEX Prologue Trailer
《异世界》团队新作《核心元素 ELEX》今年第三季上市 曝光故事预告影片

  THQ Nordic 今日宣布,由《救世英豪》、《异世界》系列德国研发团队 Piranha Bytes 研发、角色扮演游戏新作《核心元素 ELEX(暂译,ELEX)》预定今年第三季上市,新公开序章预告影片,描述玩家将进入这个遭到名为 ELEX 元素所控制的世界中。

  游戏影片描述马格兰.... 这个数百万人的家乡,却遭到彗星落下的强烈攻击,地震震坏了城市,暴风席卷了整个星球,现在马格兰陷入了一片黑暗当中,而幸存者已经不认识这个他们原本居住的世界。

  然而,彗星在马格兰留下了神秘的物质 ELEX,星球上各派势力纷纷想要争夺这个物质,世界各地的居民不断地寻找 ELEX,不管是想要当作魔法力量或是武器,甚至是药物等....

  THQ Nordic 表示,《核心元素 ELEX》游戏研发核心主要是想要呈现对比的想法,不管是科学对上幻想、魔法对上雷射武器、逻辑对上情感等,在这款游戏中,玩家将可以体会到科学与幻想间的全新环境。

  PC/PS4/Xbox One《核心元素 ELEX》预定今年第三季上市。


Elex Prologue Trailer Now Online

Today, THQ Nordic presents a brand-new trailer for Piranha Bytes’ upcoming sci-fi/fantasy action RPG ELEX, set for release in Q3 this year. The prologue leads up to the point where players will be thrown into this world, now controlled by a substance called Elex.

“Magalan... home to a civilization of millions. After the comet hit, earthquakes shattered its cities and firestorms swept the planet. As Magalan fell into darkness, the survivors faced a world that was unrecognizable…”

ELEX is set to release in Q3 this year on PC, Xbox One and PS4. For more information on the game, visit elexgame.com, follow twitter.com/Elex_Game or like the game on facebook.com/elexgame.

About ELEX

Developed by Piranha Bytes, creators of the award-winning Gothic and Risen series, ELEX is a handcrafted action role-playing experience set in a post-apocalyptic science-fantasy universe, and puts players into a huge, seamless open world full of original characters, mutated creatures, deep moral choices and powerful action. From swords and axes to bows, crossbows and harpoons, ELEX offers one of the widest selection of weaponry in the history of role-playing. Pick up a shotgun, power up a plasma rifle or unleash a flame thrower – there’s a weapon and combat style for every fighter out there. Then find a companion, choose a faction and influence the world; in ELEX, every choice will forge the future of your game.
2017-5-4 10:35 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-5-4 10:36 PM 编辑

Piranha Bytes' ELEX Gameplay Trailer ~ PS4, Xbox One & PC


Elex Gameplay Trailer Now Online

Having found a way to transmute Elex into pure Mana, the Berserkers are transforming Magalan's shattered wastes into lush, living woodland. From their capital Goliet in Edan, they range through the world to find places to plant their "world hearts". Huge plants, able to revitalise the planet.

The Berserkers decline any kind of technology, their city looks like right from the medieval times. When it comes to combat, they rely on sword, axes, crossbows ... and magic.

ELEX is an open-world action RPG, set in a post-apocalyptic Science-Fantasy universe! Coming to PC, PS4 and Xbox One in Q3 2017!
2017-6-2 07:32 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-6-2 07:14 PM 编辑

ELEX Launching October 17, CGI Trailer
开放世界RPG新作《Elex》公开 魔法对轰RPG

  今天,发行商THQ诺迪克以及曾经开发过《崛起》以及《哥特》系列的开发商Piranha Bytes共同宣布了他们旗下的科幻类开放世界动作角色扮演游戏新作《Elex》,将会在2017年10月17日登录XBOX ONE、PS4以及PC平台。与此同时,官方还同步公开了本作的首个宣传CG以及游戏收藏版的详细内容。






Hits like a meteor: ELEX release date, Collector’s Edition, new CGI trailer

THQ Nordic‘s upcoming science-fantasy, open world, action RPG ELEX, developed by Piranha Bytes, creators of the award-winning Gothic and Risen series, will be out on October 17, 2017 for the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system, Xbox One and Windows PC.

Publisher THQ Nordic and developer Piranha Bytes are thrilled to present a new CGI trailer for the game, that establishes the heart of the player’s journey on Magalan, a planet devastated after a meteor collision. Moving to the beat of Benj Heard’s “Whatever Doesn’t Kill Me (Better Run)”, the video sets up the road at the heart of the player’s journey, as they walk the line between the many character progression and faction choices that lay ahead.

Developer Piranha Bytes and publisher THQ Nordic are also proud to announce a fine Collector’s Edition for ELEX. Inside the premium package is:

• A 10-inch-high figurine of an Alb Mage
• A 2-inch amulet in the form of a combat drone
• A cloth map, showing the world of Magalan
• The original score on CD
• An artbook
• The game’s manual
• The game itself, obviously

For more information about ELEX, please visit: elexgame.com - twitter.com - facebook.com/elexgame
2017-6-6 11:48 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-6-7 03:43 PM 编辑


  近日游戏发行商THQ Nordic公布了科幻开放世界RPG《ELEX》新预告,展示了游戏的部分特性,包括开放世界RPG、科幻世界以及主人公要面对的敌人等。

  根据THQ Nordic的介绍,《ELEX》故事发生在一个后启示录风格的开放科幻宇宙中,一种强大的资源给予了人类魔法般强大的力量,不过也把他们转变为冷血残忍的生物。

  《ELEX》已经在亚马逊接受预定,标准版售价59.99美元,典藏版售价199.99美元。《ELEX》将于10月17日发售,登陆PS4,Xbox One,PC平台。

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