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【新闻部】杂谈游戏 -

2014-3-12 07:27 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-3-12 06:33 PM 编辑

《海岛大亨5》最新游戏截图 海岛上建立马戏团

  《海岛大亨5》的开发商Kalypso Media日前公布了游戏的最新截图,这批截图是为下周在美国旧金山召开的开发者大会预热而准备的。图片中可以看到玩家在海岛上可以建立马戏团,一边欣赏着拥有异国情调的野生动物园,一边在海岛上度假,真是别有一番风味。


Plan Your Summer Holiday with Brand New Tropico 5 Screenshots

Have you considered taking your summer vacation to the gorgeous island of Tropico this year? If not, take a look through the brand new screenshots for Tropico 5 and see what a luxurious holiday you might be missing out on. Choose from a range of fun activities: like a night at Tropico’s famous Elephant circus, an expedition into our exotic wild life parks or admire some of the grand historic landmarks dedicated to our brilliant and wise leader El Presidente. Or just simply kick back on the beach at one of our many fantastic island resorts and enjoy a view of the ocean with the bluest blue you’ll ever see.

Kalypso Media will also be at GDC this month - so come along to see Tropico 5 by getting in touch with us at ukinfo@kalypsomedia.com. It will be appointment only so please get in contact to secure a space.

Tropico 5 will be available for PC, Xbox 360, Mac and Linux in early summer – with a version for the PlayStation 4 platform following later this year.
2014-3-20 07:10 PM

  PS4和XBOX ONE的GPU能力相较以往有大幅提升,这些运算能力也可以应用在AI的处理上,提升新时代游戏的品质。开发者大会上的“Massively Parallel AI on GPGPUs with OpenCL or C++”会议就对此作了详细的解说。

  负责演讲的Alex Champandard和Andrew Richards都是一线的游戏AI研究者。两者对AI处理能不能GPGPU化,需不需要GPGPU化进行了讲解。

  PC CPU的主频提升在05,06年已经停滞。很快移动设备的CPU频率也会停滞。牵引性能发展的是原本用于图像处理的GPU,也就是擅长大规模并行运算的处理器。






2014-3-27 07:29 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-3-27 06:58 PM 编辑

Tropico 5 Cinematic Trailer
《海岛大亨5》最新宣传片 海岛是如何被发现的

  Kalypso Media放出最新的《海岛大亨5》宣传片,视频追溯到过去介绍了El Presidente是如何发现《海岛大亨》世界中的小岛的。本作确定将于2014年夏季登陆XBOX360和PC平台,同时会在2014年内晚些时候登陆PS4平台。


New Tropico 5 Cinematic Trailer: Every Presidente Was Once a Pirate

Ever wondered how El Presidente first set foot on the island paradise of Tropico? Kalypso Media is now ready to reveal El Presidente’s first glorious steps towards power back in colonial times in this fantastic new cinematic trailer.

Packed with a whole host of new gameplay features and all new artwork designed from scratch, Tropico 5 takes the series into a new and exciting direction – dynasties!

You, as El Presidente, will first take control of the infamous island of Tropico during early colonial times and then guide it through the centuries as the world changes and moves ever forward. You must tackle the changing needs of your people, as well as opposing governments and factions, and thus lay the foundations for your own dynasty. As you move through your years in office you can promote members of your extended family on the island to positions of power: such as ambassador, commanding general or even Supreme Ruler, to ensure your legacy thrives through the eras.

As well as a wealth of other new features, including advanced trading mechanics, technology, scientific research trees and island exploration, Tropico 5 will add cooperative and competitive multiplayer for up to four players for the first time in the series’ history! Viva El Presidente!
2014-3-27 05:57 PM
Project CARS will support Project Morpheus on PS4

Project CARS... meet Project Morpheus

Here at Slightly Mad Studios we’re always striving for new ways to immerse the player in the race experience beyond the couch, the controller, and the television.

Therefore, building upon all the techniques and features we’ve pioneered in our previous games to simulate a sensation of speed, distance perception, changing focal points, and physically-accurate cockpit and helmet views, we’re proud to announce today that Project CARS will be supporting Project Morpheus giving players a totally fresh and exhilarating new perspective on what it feels like to sit in the cockpit of a high-performance machine screaming around a beautiful location.

Virtual reality is a perfect fit for racing games since the game world literally comes rushing towards you from the distance and the increased sense of depth and speed that stereoscopic vision affords you makes this incredibly real and tangible. So when you’re racing you get a much better perception of distances and position and you feel far more enveloped by that world rather than just looking through a window at it.

Project Morpheus also allows you to see detail you might have otherwise missed… Via our interior cameras not only can you look around the cockpit and see everything from a first-person perspective, but using head-tracking via the PlayStation Camera you can also now move around the cockpit too – peer closer at some intricate detail or turn around and look out of the back window.

We think players are going to be blown away by Project Morpheus when they get their hands on it. Project CARS is all about stepping into the shoes of a race driver and taking that ultimate journey towards the hall of fame. Virtual reality and Project Morpheus are going to allow you to experience every start light, every corner, every finish line now through the driver’s eyes like never before.

This is Beyond Reality.

http://www.wmdportal.com/project ... t-project-morpheus/

《赛车计划》PS4版确认支持Project Morpheus

  《赛车计划(Project Cars)》是由Slightly Mad Studios所开发的一款全新竞速游戏,将登陆PS4、XBOX One、WiiU、Steam OS和PC平台。而日前开发商已经确认本作的PS4版将支持索尼不久前公开的全新VR设备Project Morpheus。

  在该工作室的一篇博文中,他们表示:“基于我们在以前的游戏中已开发的所有技术和功能,我们模拟了速度感、距离感、焦点改变、驾驶舱以及偷窥的物理精确度,我们今天可以非常自豪的宣布《赛车计划》将支持Project Morpheus,将给予玩家们完全新鲜和振奋的角度来体验游戏,让大家觉得就像是坐在周围不断出现美景的高速机器的驾驶舱里。”

  Project Morpheus能让玩家们感觉自己就坐在赛车的驾驶舱中,并能以第一视角看到所有的东西。此外利用头部跟踪技术还可以让驾驶舱中的细节变得更接近真实,玩家们既可以环视驾驶舱中的一切,也能够观察后视窗外的美景。

  “虚拟现实技术和Project Morpheus能让你通过驾驶员的眼睛充分感受每个起动灯、每个转角、每个终点线,这是前所未有的体验。”

2014-3-28 07:32 PM
2014-4-1 07:11 PM

  在美国旧金山举行的第28届开发者大会拉上了帷幕,但是大会上展示的游戏和技术将会在未来几年内继续在我们的耳边回响。Oculus VR公司推出的第二代Oculus Rift虚拟现实头戴显示器,昭示了开发者将要使用的硬件设备将如何改变游戏行业的未来。索尼也开始进军虚拟现实领域,开发者将会改变他们开发游戏的方式。这是一个盛大的展会。

  美国科技媒体Digital Trends的游戏编辑亚当-罗森伯格(Adam Rosenberg)和莱恩-弗莱明(Ryan Fleming)在旧金山开发者大会呆了整整一周,采访了开发商和发行商,感受了最新的硬件产品以及观摩了开发者大会上展示的一切东西。下面,他们详细列出了此次盛会的重要主题及其预示的未来发展趋势。


  在2014年游戏开发者大会上最闪亮最夺目的产品,毫无疑问是虚拟现实设备。Oculus VR的虚拟现实头戴显示器在一年前才推出开发者套件,但是到现在,它已从一项炫酷但却粗糙的技术发展成了一项令人惊叹的技术。

  当然,2014年开发者大会不仅仅属于Oculus公司。索尼也推出了自己的虚拟现实设备Project Morpheus,从很多方面来看,它已可以媲美帕尔默-勒奇(Palmer Luckey)发明的Oculus Rift产品了。但是,这两种虚拟现实设备并不完全一样,它们各自展现出了不同的优点。

  例如,Oculus Rift大大减少了早期开发者套件中常见的导致用户产生眩晕感的模糊区域。Oculus公司即将推出的DK2(第二代开发者套件),开发者能够轻易获得。而索尼则大大改善了虚拟现实输入的方法。在演示中,它的PlayStation 4 Eye摄像头已能解读整个身体的运动了,索尼的运动感应控制器Move能够将手和胳膊的任何动作1:1地还原到游戏中。




  Epic Games和Crytek公司本周均宣布,它们的开发引擎——分别是Unreal Engine 4和CryEngine——将会通过订阅模式提供给游戏玩家。现在,你每个月支付19美元就能够获得Unreal Engine及其所有专业工具,而且能够从你发布的任何游戏的总营收获得5%的提成;而Crytek Engine的价格才9.90美元。更妙的是,Epic公司还提供该引擎的源代码以及其工作人员的帮助;而Crytek公司不收取任何版权费。

  这种前所未有的做法可让任何人使用与专业开发者相同的工具来开发游戏。他们的局限性只是他们自己的想象力和投入的精力。当然,现在也还有几款令人印象深刻的沙盘建造游戏如《无尽的任务Next:界标》(EverQuest Landmark),可允许你在游戏内建造和分享自己的世界。还记得《我的世界》(Minecraft)游戏吧,但现在你有了更强大的开发工具。现在,你开发自己的游戏变得更简单了。


  “抢先体验”(Early Access)这个词越来越为游戏玩家们所熟悉。Mojang公司的游戏《我的世界》也因此而获得了成功,它鼓励开发者在游戏开发的早期就向玩家提供游戏内容,从而让玩家在游戏的发展走向方面拥有了一定的发言权。在过去一年中,由于像Kickstarter等新融资机会的出现以及数字发行越来越占据主流,这种众人开发游戏的模式获得了长足的发展。


  这种开放式的游戏开发模式不一定会应用到每一款游戏中,但是它无疑会大大提高独立开发者的积极性。我们已在展会上看到了Xaviant公司通过 Steam抢先体验计划开发出来的游戏《巫妖国度:战法师》(Lichdom: Battlemage)。该游戏在演示过程中呈现出来的效果已可媲美某些3A大作。



  这种转变的部分原因是游戏的全球化。中国已一跃成为全世界最大的游戏市场之一,它的绝大多数游戏营收来自于免费PC游戏。俄罗斯也采用了免费游戏模式,很多这样做的游戏公司经常传来捷报。例如,Wargaming公司推出的《坦克世界》(World of Tanks)游戏,仅在俄罗斯就创造了110万个用户同时玩的记录。

  免费游戏模式为游戏公司创造了不俗的效益。去年,韩国游戏《穿越火线》(CrossFire)挣了近10亿美元,而Riot Games公司开发的《英雄联盟》(League of Legend)游戏创造了逾6.24亿美元的营收。当然,标准的定价模式现在还不会马上销声匿迹,但是毫无疑问免费游戏模式正在逐步变成主流,随之而来的是,人们玩游戏的方式也会发生深刻变化。


2014-4-3 07:22 AM

  《我们中的狼》是由DC的经典漫画《成人童话(Fables)》所改编而成的游戏作品,游戏中玩家将扮演改邪归正、由狼化为人形的警长Bigby Wolf。游戏的第二章已经于2014年2月初登陆PS3、XBOX 360、PC、Mac和iOS平台,而现在官方又放出了本作第三章的宣传影像,下面就请大家一起欣赏一下。

2014-4-3 08:02 AM
Tropico 5 hits PC on May 23, PS4 this fall

Tropico 5 PC Global Release Date Announced for 23rd May

Start a bright new future for you and your family by moving to the beautiful land of opportunity known as Tropico. On 23rd May, El Presidente has declared that Tropico 5 will be available globally on PC (US retail release 27th May), so make sure you’ve packed your sunglasses and swim shorts. The Xbox 360 and Mac versions will be releasing this summer with a version for the PlayStation 4 platform following in autumn. Kalypso is also working on an extensive Steam OS (Linux) version which will release with the respective new hardware.

Our brand new website also launches today, which provides potential visitors with all the information they need to know about the fantastic standard of living on our island paradise. View gorgeous pictures, impressive videos and inspiring speeches from our benevolent leader El Presidente. Imagine a place where the people never go hungry, all work has a decent wage and the weather is forever bright and sunny – just make sure you always vote El Presidente. Check out the official website for Tropico 5 here: tropico5.com

Packed with a whole host of new gameplay features and all new artwork designed from scratch, Tropico 5 takes the series into a new and exciting direction – dynasties!

You, as El Presidente, will first take control of the infamous island of Tropico during early colonial times and then guide it through the centuries as the world changes and moves ever forward. You must tackle the changing needs of your people, as well as opposing governments and factions, and thus lay the foundations for your own dynasty. As you move through your years in office you can promote members of your extended family on the island to positions of power: such as ambassador, commanding general or even Supreme Ruler, to ensure your legacy thrives through the eras.

As well as a wealth of other new features, including advanced trading mechanics, technology, scientific research trees and island exploration, Tropico 5 will add cooperative and competitive multiplayer for up to four players for the first time in the series’ history! Viva El Presidente!

2014-4-14 07:18 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-4-14 06:51 PM 编辑

Guacamelee Developer DrinkBox Announces Gesture-Based Severed


  游戏采用开放世界的设定,战斗则是第一人称,玩法类似iOS平台上的《无尽之剑》,而被砍下的敌人部位可以成为你的得力装备。由于游戏以触摸玩法为主,所以目前开发商确定该作会登陆手机平台,而此外他们还公布PSV、3DS和WiiU等支持触摸的平台版本也会陆续推出,之后还会尝试针对PS MOVE、Kinect和索尼的VR设备Project Morpheus等体感设备开发不同版本。



Severed is the next game from DrinkBox Studios, the creators of Mutant Blobs Attack and Gucamelee! Severed follows a distraught warrior trying to piece together a mystery, such as how she wakes up missing part of her arm. You'll be exploring an open world, taking on enemies through gesture-based controls in first-person, and along your quest you'll gain new powers by severing and attaching your enemies' body parts to yourself.

The nonlinear aspect in this dungeon-crawler adventure will give you control over the upgrade paths, allowing you to take on a variety of enemies with different strengths and weaknesses. As the developers explained it to me, think Severed as a cross between Mega Man, Infinity Blade, and Mike Tyson's Punch-Out.

The trailer that you're seeing here exclusively on Destructoid shows a pretty great progression of the character that you'll be experience. You begin your adventure missing an arm, but as you defeat more and more bosses you will end up looking like a total badass.

The world you're in is completely opened from the start offering many different branching paths, and you're free to move about the world however you want. "The high-level structure is kind of like a Mega Man structure I would say," lead designer Greg Lesky told Destructoid. "You can go down one path, or you can try going down one path and if it's not really working you can go down a different path and try that path, get the new piece of armor or whatever it is from that path, and then try that first path again [as] you'll be more upgraded."

A more visceral experience than Mega Man though, seeing as you're wearing the dead flesh of your enemies in Severed. There's a big emphasis on exploration, and you'll want to revisit locations you've been to before after gaining new abilities as to access areas you couldn't before.

The game is all gesture-based, and with combat it was likened to that of Infinity Blade in that you'll be swiping to perform attacks. The Punch-Out element comes in on how all the enemies require different strategies, and that foes have different tells to make you aware of their incoming strikes or weaknesses. It'll be interesting how difficult combat will become, as enemies can surround you yet you can only be facing one direction at a time. There will be something in place to make you aware there's multiple enemies around you, and learning the tells of enemies will be key in these situations so you know who to strike at first.

Players will be able to use magic spells along with their physical attacks, and this system was compared to The Legend of Zelda. Magic will be usable in offense ways (such as blinding enemies), along with doubling as a tool for exploration (being able to unlock doors).  

Obviously this game is a touch-screen affair, so mobile platforms are a given, but the team is open to bring Severed to wherever makes sense. That includes the PlayStation Vita, 3DS, and even the Wii U. They're open to the idea of trying out stuff like the PlayStation Move, Kinect, and Project Morpheus as well. Severed is aiming for a 2015 release, so the team is still very early on in development and they need to see if bringing the game out to non-touch devices would be a good experience, however.

The team is hoping for a roughly eight-hour experience, but again DrinkBox is very much in early design phases with Severed, so anything can change from here 'til release next year. Regardless, I am floored for this game if it can live up to what the debut trailer is aiming for.

Oh, and if you're curious the music from the trailer is by the band Yamantaka // Sonic Titan. I bought their album immediately after hearing the featured song, "Crystal Fortress Over the Sea of Trees."

2014-4-15 07:30 PM

  独立开发工作室Spark Plug Games近日宣布了他们的新作《机械狂奔(MechRunner)》,并将于今年夏季登陆PC Steam,PS4和PSV平台。官方网站;https://www.kickstarter.com/proj ... hrunner?ref=kickspy


  这个开发工作室还和著名的概念艺术画师Josh Nizzi进行合作,他可是《复仇者联盟》,《钢铁侠》,《变形金刚》等电影的概念艺术画师。Spark Plug的副总裁兼艺术总监Ben Lichius说:“我认为我们有游戏史上细节最丰富,外表最酷炫的机甲。”另外,这部新作将在5月16日通过Kickstarter筹资为游戏增加额外内容,包括更精彩的boss战,更精细的等级设计,更多的剧情内容,聘请专业配音演员,为全平台优化等等。
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