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【新闻部】杂谈游戏 -

2013-12-2 07:44 PM





2013-12-2 08:12 PM

  Telltale Games在twitter上公开《行尸走肉》第二季的新截图,同时还强调《行尸走肉》第二季的第一集将会在本月放出,第二季将总共分为5集在整个2014年的不同时间推出,Telltale Games最近才推出《行尸走肉》第一季的年度版包括了400天的DLC。


2013-12-5 06:59 AM
2013-12-7 07:42 AM

  Yager工作室的一系列职位招聘信息提到了下一款AAA级大作游戏项目。招聘关键词包括载具战斗,武器 ,免费游戏,次世代,动作,最新版本虚幻引擎,和多人游戏。Yager今年早些时候买下了虚幻引擎的授权,并且曾透露过正在制作一款次世AAA作品。这款作品最早于2012年8月就曾被提及过,但至今仍未公布发售日期。《特殊行动:一线生机 Spec Ops The Line》在评论界和玩家群体中反响很好,但销量却并不令人满意,因此未能让厂商决定推出续作。

2013-12-7 04:24 PM
Eidos表示PS4和Xbox One正在缩短与PC平台的差距

  开发商Eidos认为PS4和Xbox One已经大幅度缩小了PC与主机的差距。在最近一次采访中,《神偷4》的艺术技术总监Jean-Normand Bucci表示新主机为游戏开发商提供了新的机遇,并且让PC和主机之间的差距大幅度缩小。


  PC版本将会支持所有次世代主机所支持的功能,并且还有一些提高,包括更好的抗锯齿,更高的阴影分辨率和对多屏幕的支持。PC版本的游戏将会成为首批支持AMD最新的Mantle API技术的游戏之一。

  我们已经在游戏中加入了很多提高游戏体验的全新技术。我们加入了视差贴图,接触硬化阴影,接触硬化屏幕反射,Phong 反射模型,散景景深等多个技术。”

2013-12-11 05:51 PM
Double Helix工作室一款未公布游戏原画曝光

  Xbox One《杀手学堂》的外包开发组Double Helix正在进行另一款游戏的开发,游戏是科幻背景设定,看上去是动作射击类游戏。公布了几张游戏的原画,从原画上看有大作的感觉。

2013-12-11 05:56 PM
PS4手柄在XBOX ONE上工作的适配器公布

  在过去两周半的时间内Xbox One游戏主机已经赢得了非常大的关注,其中不乏各种极客和改装狂徒们,他们极尽可能的压榨游戏主机性能扩展主机功能。对于这帮人来说传统的手柄、声控、 手势甚至是遥控板操作已经远远不能满足了,所以名为“CronusMax”的制造商在网络上分享了一段视频,使用价值$60的USB蓝牙适配器连接到Xbox One上,不仅能够连接其他平台的手柄,甚至能够让你使用键盘和鼠标进行输入控制。



2013-12-13 06:52 AM
PS4独占《纯粹桌球》新预告 猛男惨被美女蹂躏

  游戏开发商Ripstone Games近日问他们即将发售的台球游戏《纯粹桌球(Pure Pool)》放出了一个小预告。《纯粹桌球》是一款PS4独占的台球游戏,也是第一款次世代台球游戏。你可以利用PSN和世界上最好的台球玩家一同进行切磋。《纯粹桌球》将于明年年初正式发售。

2013-12-17 07:42 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-12-17 07:13 PM 编辑

Minecraft for PS3 Releasing Tomorrow in North America, December 18 in Europe



  不过目前Mojang表示不知道PS3版《我的世界》是否会包含Remote Play功能,也不清楚是否含有PS4版以及PSV版联动的功能,具体后续情报还有带官方公开。


Minecraft Hits PS3 December 17th in North America

Season’s greetings! Owen from Mojang here. I have some exciting news that you might be interested in. It’s about Minecraft – a game that’s sold over 30 million copies to date. Minecraft is a game about breaking and placing blocks. At first, you’ll probably build simple structures to protect against nocturnal monsters. Later on, you might work with your friends to create wonderful, imaginative things.

It can also be about adventuring or watching the sun rise over a blocky ocean. It’s pretty. Brave players battle terrible things in The Nether, which is more scary that pretty. You can also visit a land of mushrooms if it sounds more like your cup of tea.

Minecraft: PlayStation 3 Edition will be available to download from PSN on December 17th in North America and this Wednesday, 18th December in Europe. Minecraft: PlayStation 4 Edition and Minecraft: PS Vita Edition are also being developed, but we don’t have release dates yet. Expect them sometime next year.

I’ve received a few questions concerning the PS3 edition over the past few months, so let’s clear them up before I get thrown off the blog...

Q: Does Minecraft: PS3 Edition feature everything from the other versions of Minecraft?
Minecraft: PS3 Edition comes with everything present in other console versions. They’re pretty much identical to play, and will be developed in tandem from now on.

Q: Will Minecraft: PS3 Edition feature DLC texture packs and skins?
Downloadable skins and texture packs will be available from PSN soon after release.

Q: Will there be PlayStation-specific content?
PlayStation-specific skins and texture packs would be cool! Fingers crossed, eh?

Q: Will Minecraft: PS3 Edition feature Remote Play or compatibility with the PS4 or PS Vita editions?
We don’t know yet, sorry. We’ll let you know as soon as we do.

Q: Does Herobrine feature in Minecraft: PS3 Edition?
Probably not.

PSBlog:http://blog.us.playstation.com/2 ... h-in-north-america/
http://blog.eu.playstation.com/2 ... g-to-ps3-this-week/

2013-12-18 08:22 PM
《花》《光环2600》被Smithsonian American Art Museum永久收藏

  今天美国史密森艺术博物馆(Smithsonian American Art Museum)永久收藏了两个电子游戏,《花》《光环2600》.

  《花》是由ThatGameCompany开发,对应PS3平台PSN上的下载游戏。游戏初次公开于2007年东京电玩展上,并于2009年2月12日发行。《花》的制作人旅美华人陈星汉表示在开发过程中,“我们开始时并不知道在做什么,只是心中存有这么一个概念:每一台PlayStation都像是你客厅中的一个入口,可以带你通往别处。于是我就想,要是这是这一入口能带你重返自然,那该有多好。 ”


  2013年10月,索尼宣布包括本作在内的4款优秀独立游戏将在2013年11月登陆PlayStation 4以及PlayStation Vita平台。

  Atari 2600游戏机(科普时间:Atari 2600是Atari在1977年推出的一款家用游戏机,它直接开启了家用游戏机时代)也成了《光环》(Halo)系列主角士官长绽现锋芒的平台?其实下面这款《光环2600》(Halo 2600)只是国外达人兼前微软游戏部门雇员Ed Fries在数年前完成的一款FLASH小游戏啦,至于其用意主要是向我们展示“如果微软在Atari 2600上推出一款《光环》系列作品,它看起来应该会是什么样子”。

Flower, Halo 2600 head to Smithsonian American Art Museum

Today the Smithsonian American Art Museum announced that both thatgamecompany's Flower and Ed Fries' homebrew Halo 2600 have been added to the museum's permanent collection. Both games were previously on loan to the museum as part of "The Art of Video Games" exhibition, which garnered headlines when it opened back in 2012 for being one of the first big showcases for video games as art.

Of course, Flower was released as a purely downloadable game, which raises a few thorny questions about how, precisely, the museum hopes to preserve it over time so that visitors can play it in its original form 15, 50, or 150 years from now. Thankfully, Smithsonian American Art Museum curator of film and media art Michael Mansfield shed some light on the topic in a brief interview with Gamasutra.

"The Smithsonian American Art Museum worked directly with Jenova and Kellee to receive and acquire Flower on a Blu-ray disc. In terms of preservation, the disc provides a physical and verifiable data set which will act as a preservation format," said Mansfield, via email.

Mansfield also claims the museum acquired a few PS3 consoles that will be devoted exclusively to playing Flower, becoming exhibit pieces that will "live with the artwork in perpetuity and be cared for along with the museum's other electronic artworks."

In other words, Flower will be running from physical media on a dedicated machine, like many other pieces of electronic artwork in the museum. That includes Halo 2600, which progenitor Ed Fries started selling in limited quantities as an Atari cartridge via Atari Age this year.

"Halo 2600 stakes out some very interesting ground identifying the video game as a democratic mode of expression," continued Mansfield. "As a home-brew game –- albeit by a recognized brewmaster -– authored in the margins, Halo 2600 offers a kind of haiku-like virtual essay on the reach and potential of video game culture, and on the character of human imagination with technology."

The games will continue to be a part of the exhibition, which has been touring the country for more than a year now, and will continue to do so through 2016. You can find more details about the games in the exhibit and see where it'll be, when on the Art of Video Games exhibition website.

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