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【新闻部】杂谈游戏 -

2014-1-30 06:19 AM
Basement Crawl delayed, still due Q1 2014

Bloober Team Delays Release of Basement Crawl

Bloober Team, an independent developer based in Krakow, Poland, has delayed the release of their PlayStation 4-exclusive game Basement Crawl from its originally scheduled release date this week. The game is still scheduled to release worldwide in the first quarter of 2014.

“While the completed version of Basement Crawl was prepped for launch during the last week, several exciting opportunities to partner with major industry players to enhance, refine and add-to the game arose,” said Piotr Babieno, CEO, Bloober Team. “Although a difficult decision, we decided that the best choice for us, as a team, was to delay Basement Crawl so that we could take full advantage of these opportunities. We will be able leverage those new partnerships to further grow and improve the game while still providing an amazingly fun multiplayer experience for PS4 owners. We’ll be able to announce more details in the days and weeks to come.”

One of the most anticipated upcoming games for PS4, Basement Crawl brings classic Bomberman-style gameplay and grind-house flavor to the system with the most fun multiplayer experience available on next-generation systems. The game will be available for download exclusively through the PlayStation Network.
2014-2-2 08:11 AM

    Lunar工作室负责人Aaron Foster在最近接受媒体采访时透露了他们制作中的项目《日常》(Routine)的恐怖气氛渲染,游戏互动元素及更多信息。独立游戏在游戏产业中的地位正在越来越重要,PS4首当其冲,允许制作组在PS4平台上自助发行游戏。在提及这一问题时,Lunar工作室表示,他们会考虑让《日常》登陆新世代主机。

   早在去年12月21日,Aaron Foster就曾在推特上表示过会考虑PS4平台。

   Aaron Foster:“如果我们的团队在发售PC版以后还有能量,我们无疑会考虑PS4的!”在这次采访中,媒体就这一问题进行了确认,同时还询问是否有可能制作Xbox One版本。Aaron说:“我与微软内部人员进行了非常友好的交流,但他们公司的规定让我觉得不是很满意,现在我只会优先考虑我个人比较喜欢的平台,比如索尼,Steam和GOG。《日常》目前尚未确定2014年内发售日期,所以登陆新世代主机可能要等更久。因为首先要等PC版发售并进行大量补丁修正以后,才会以比较稳定的状态登陆PS4。


2014-2-2 08:39 AM

  Carnivore Studio日前公布了恐怖求生游戏《孤独》的最新宣传片,游戏将登陆PS4和PSV。




Introducing Kodoku, a new survival horror for PS4 and PS Vita

Hello! I’m Romain, founder of Carnivore Studio, an independent studio based in London.

You may have seen screenshots of Kodoku, the horror game we are currently working on for PS4 and PS Vita. If not, take a look at the images in this post.

For the uninitiated, here is a quick recap. The game is a horror and exploration game, set on a Japanese island. Instead of shooting guns at zombies, you will have to use strategy and stealth to survive all the Lovecraftian creatures – inspired by Japanese folklore – that live on the island. You will also be able to use magic talismans you will learn to craft on the island, in order to find your best way to face enemies.

This game means a lot to us. We wanted an original art direction, a very specific mood and general feeling – decisions which, we think, will lead to a unique horror experience. We grew up with horror games (most of us are huge fans of Siren series) and were fascinated by what we could do with all those legends and stories, so started building the game we wanted to play.

So who is building Kodoku then? Well, we are mostly industry veterans, almost all of us coming from different countries. Most of us have had the chance to work together before, in different places, or at least knew each other for quite a long time, and fell in love with the idea of creating a unique horror game.

We are taking inspiration from a wide array of topics, from the aforementioned ancient Japanese folklore and legends, up to modern art and Butoh dance. Using on all that, we are building what we hope will be a truly original experience.

Kodoku is game where you will be able to explore an entire island filled with mystery, horror and magic; where the island itself would come to life and take part in the Kodoku ritual; an island where you will be seeking an explanation and struggling to survive. This is the game we are making for you.

PSBlog:http://blog.eu.playstation.com/2 ... or-ps4-and-ps-vita/

2014-2-2 10:40 AM
Tropico 5 Confirmed For PlayStation 4
《海岛大亨5》确认登陆PS4 充分利用全部硬件性能

  Kalypso工作室宣布,模拟经营游戏续作《海岛大亨5》将登陆PS4。此前确认过的平台有Windows,Mac,Linux和Xbox 360.

  Kalypso工作室经理总监Andrew Johnson表示:“我们非常高兴能够与索尼合作,将《海岛大亨5》推向PS4,进入次世代市场。PS4版《海岛大亨5》将把这一品牌带向新世代硬件和新世代玩家。”

  Kalypso工作室全球经理总监Stefan Marcinek透露,他们将完全开发利用新主机的硬件性能。


Kalypso Media Confirm Tropico 5 for PlayStation 4

Kalypso Media is thrilled to announce that Tropico 5, the next instalment of the highly anticipated and critically acclaimed Tropico city-builder series, is currently in development for PlayStation®4. Developed by Haemimont Studios, Tropico 5 will see the series come to the PlayStation platform for the first time and will take full advantage of the unique features of the PlayStation 4 hardware and controller. Kalypso will confirm a release date in due course.

“We are delighted to be able to work with Sony to bring Tropico 5 to PlayStation 4 and enter the next generation market.” said Andrew Johnson, Managing Director, Kalypso Media UK. “The PlayStation 4 version of Tropico 5 will expand the Tropico brand to the new generation hardware and to a new generation of gamers.’

‘We have been evaluating many new and exciting development opportunities for the Tropico brand and by bringing Tropico 5 to PlayStation 4 we open a new chapter in the history of the game’ said Stefan Marcinek, Global Managing Director, Kalypso Media. ‘By taking full advantage of the PlayStation 4’s processing power the island of Tropico and El Presidente have never looked better.’

Packed with a whole host of new gameplay features and all new artwork designed from scratch, Tropico 5 takes the series into a new and exciting direction – dynasties!

You, as El Presidente, will first take control of the infamous island of Tropico during early colonial times and then guide it through the centuries as the world changes and moves ever forward. You must tackle the changing needs of your people, as well as opposing governments and factions, and thus lay the foundations for your own dynasty. As you move through your years in office you can promote members of your extended family on the island to positions of power: such as ambassador, commanding general or even Supreme Ruler, to ensure your legacy thrives through the eras.

As well as a wealth of other new features, including advanced trading mechanics, technology, scientific research trees and island exploration, Tropico 5 will add cooperative and competitive multiplayer for up to four players for the first time in the series’ history! Viva El Presidente!

2014-2-2 10:55 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-2-3 08:55 AM 编辑


  多家法国媒体今早报道《勿忘我》制作商Dontnod已经提交“redressement judiciaire”——法国的破产申请。这家坐落在巴黎的制作商是由前Criterion工作室总监Oskar Guilbert发掘的,他亲眼目睹了Capcom发行他们的首款作品《勿忘我》。现在多家法国新闻网站,包括Factor News,都报道了公司破产的消息,不过这次没有公布更多详细的内容。与此同时,法律金融网站Societe也陈述了Dontnod破产的事实。

Remember Me developer Dontnod files for bankruptcy ~ Update

DONTNOD工作室表示公司没有破产 还在开发新项目

  在Gamasutra的新闻中曾提及《勿忘我》的开发商DONTNOD工作室正在申请破产。日前公司的CEO Oskar Guilbert表示DONTNOD没有在申请破产,并且公司还在开发一个全新的项目。


  “DONTNOD并没有申请破产……我们只是在进行“司法重组(judicial reorganisation)”,这样可以重新调整下我们的产品线来适应新情况。



Remember Me studio Dontnod files for bankruptcy

Multiple French media outlets are reporting this morning that Remember Me studio Dontnod has filed for "redressement judiciaire," the French equivalent of bankruptcy.

The Paris-based developer was founded by former Criterion head Oskar Guilbert, and saw its first title Remember Me published by Capcom last year.

Now several French news websites, including Factor News, are reporting that the company has filed for bankruptcy, although there doesn't appear to be many more details at this time.

Meanwhile legal and financial website Societe also states that Dontnod has filed for bankruptcy, and that legal representatives have been assigned to the case. We'll update you as confirmation comes.

Update:http://www.gamesindustry.biz/art ... re-is-no-bankruptcy
2014-2-2 10:57 AM



Ready to Run R.C. racer announced for PlayStation 4

Ready To Run coming exclusively to PlayStation 4 this year!

Beatshapers, an independent game development and publishing studio in Eastern Europe, announcing today their new PlayStation 4 game - Ready to Run.

Ready to Run is a furious R.C. car racing game in unique retro-futuristic setting, here are some unique-selling points of upcoming game:

• Highly responsive arcade R.C. cars physics
• 15+ futuristic looking radio-control cars with various designs available to play
• Single city environment featuring endless tracks configurations for different race modes.
• Real-time and asynchronous multiplayer modes.
• Various scoreboards with filters, with an emphasize of PSN friends.

We’ve always been fans of R.C. cars racing game and seem it’s time for new title on the PlayStation Network: we are planning to have PlayStation 4 release in Q2 2014.
2014-2-4 04:48 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-2-6 07:16 AM 编辑


   CI工作室公布了三张《敌军前线》的新截图,这是一款二战题材FPS,面向PC,Xbox 360和PS3,采用CryEngine打造,从截图我们就可以看到,不说别的,至少画面绝对碉堡。游戏将让玩家扮演二战中的美国战地记者Robert Haokins,他加入了欧洲抵抗组织,并在法国,德国,挪威等欧洲各国遭遇纳粹势力。








2014-2-7 10:26 PM
2014-2-13 06:48 PM
《刀剑神域》制作人透露 SAO续作或登录PS4



2014-2-14 11:15 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-2-16 09:24 AM 编辑

次世代版《变形金刚:暗焰崛起》泄露 将登陆XB1

  亚马逊日前泄露了次世代版《变形金刚:暗焰崛起》的信息,游戏由动视发行,平台为XBOX ONE,看样子应该是一款XBOX ONE独占作品,售价为49.99英镑,英国地区享受包邮优惠。游戏还未公布,不过目前可以接受预定。商品描述:这是一款次世代变形金刚系列续作,《变形金刚:暗焰崛起》是一款令人激动的动作游戏,无论你是老手还是新手都会爱不释手。

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