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【新闻部】ATLUS 株式会社アトラス

2015-6-15 07:08 PM
2015-6-16 07:17 AM
Stella Glow Coming to North America Holiday

The Crescendo Begins -- Stella Glow Sings Its Way to Stores this Holiday

Stella Glow, announced as a 2015 title for Atlus U.S.A, will be getting a holiday release this year. Stella Glow is a strategy RPG for the Nintendo 3DS system developed by Imageepoch ( Luminous Arc franchise). The game centers around Alto and his childhood friend Lisette as they try to stop Hilda the Witch of Destruction, and features unique "Song Magic." The game will be released in the Americas with English audio, but with the 20+ songs left in their original Japanese, performed by some of Japan's most beloved voice actresses. Stella Glow will be available this holiday for $49.99/CA$59.99, and will be available for pre-order starting this week.

As most reluctant heroes do, Stella Glow-protagonist Alto starts as a country boy in a small town. One day, he hears a song coming from the forest (which is odd, since song has been absent on the planet for thousands of years), where he discovers the lone Hilda. But after the chance encounter, Hilda reveals she's the Witch of Destruction, hellbent on destroying the world with her Harbingers. As Hilda is about to destroy Alto's hometown, he and Lisette are rescued by the Royal Knights and whisked back safely to the kingdom. Alto joins the 9 th Regiment for the sole purpose of gathering the other Witches to stop Hilda.

Stella Glow Features

• Song Magic: Famous Japanese voice actors sing more than 20 songs in the game. Plus, the soundtrack is composed by Yasunori Mitsuda ( Chrono Trigger, Xenogears). The songs are part of Song Magic - a vital combat and story element. Players can even choose to "tune" the Witches' hearts to increase their abilities.

• Solid Strategy Gameplay: From the team behind the classic Luminous Arc games comes a brand new IP with the same renowned level of strategic combat.

• Free Time: Players will get an allotment of Free Time where they can upgrade or buy items, tune Witches' hearts, explore, and grind experience, but that's in limited supply as Combat Time will drive along the game's story.

• Forming Bonds: Several Free Time options allow players to deepen relationships with their comrades, even form romances, which can unlock new powers and special events - make sure to use your Free Time accordingly!

• Plenty of Fight: Stella Glow will have 40-60 hours of story and sidequest content, with multiple endings, New Game+ mode, and more than 50 maps to battle on. The world of Stella Glow is rich and vibrant with tons to do!

Strategy RPG Stella Glow will be available in the Americas this holiday season and is available for pre-order this week. The adventure of Alto and the five Witches trying to save the world covers an engrossing story with vibrant art in this brand new title from Imageepoch and ATLUS. The game is not yet rated by the ESRB. For more information, please visit the official site, atlus.com/stellaglow
2015-6-17 08:14 PM
【E3 15】揭露「歌曲」与「合体」要素! 《幻影异闻录 #FE》公开声优阵容

  任天堂在「美国电子娱乐展(E3 展)」开展当天早上(6 月 16 日 PT 上午 9 点、台湾时间 17 日上午 12 点)举办了在线发表会「Nintendo Digital Event」,会中公开了 Wii U 平台《幻影异闻录 #FE》的最新宣传影片,一口气揭露了主角群的姓名以及声优阵容。


  《幻影异闻录 #FE》是任天堂与 Atlus 合作开发的作品,最初曝光的名称为《真・女神转生 meets 圣火降魔录》,为一款结合了日常与奇幻要素的现代剧 RPG。

  本作剧情描述来自异世界的「幻影(Mirage)」与其操纵者「幻影之主(Mirage Master)」的故事,影片内可以可以看到主角等人能够与幻影「合体」进行战斗。 另外,「歌曲」在本作中的意义似乎也是值得瞩目之处。

  《幻影异闻录 #FE》在日本预计 2015 年冬季发售。
2015-6-19 06:47 PM

2015-6-20 05:57 PM

2015-6-24 07:23 AM

2015-6-24 06:15 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-6-25 06:19 PM 编辑

2015-7-9 07:07 AM

2015-7-17 07:04 AM
2015-7-18 06:59 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-7-18 07:06 AM 编辑

ATLUS × Vanillaware 发表 “新本格 HD 开发计划” 详情 7 月 20 日晚间揭晓

  曾合作推出《奥丁领域》、《魔龙宝冠》等精美 2D 绘图动作游戏的 ATLUS 与 Vanillaware,今(17)日共同设立「atlus-vanillaware.jp」网站,宣布将展开 “ATLUS × Vanillaware 新本格 HD 开发计划”,预定于日本时间 7 月 20 日晚间透过在线直播发表会公布第 1 波新作游戏的详情。


  以独特 2D 绘图技术与美术风格闻名的 Vanillaware,先前曾开发过由 ATLUS 发行的《奥丁领域》、《魔龙宝冠》以及由 Marvelous 发行的《胧村正》等 2D 横向卷轴动作游戏,获得不少玩家的好评。 这次 ATLUS 与 Vanillaware 合作发表将展开新一波 HD(高分辨率)新作开发计划。

  从目前开设的预告网站,可以很明显感受到 Vanillaware 一贯的美术风格,右下角的发芽种子点下去之后还会生动地长高。 不过官方并未透露任何具体讯息,详情必须等到日本时间 7 月 20 日 19:00(台湾时间 18:00)透过 niconico 直播的「ATLUS × Vanillaware 新作发表会」揭晓,喜爱 Vanillaware 作品的玩家不妨多多留意。
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