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【PS4】Playstation®4 -- PS4 Pro 和Slim 公布 支持4K电影和HDR 功能

2016-2-3 07:39 AM
2016-2-3 07:14 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-2-3 07:19 PM 编辑

离完美还有距离 PS4仍需解决的十大体验问题



  玩家需要能把他们最常用的东西放在最顺手的位置上。XBOX ONE允许你把一些内容pin在主屏幕上。但PS4的横向菜单前面就乱得多了。像Spotify,浏览器等图标弄乱了你的菜单,而Netflix,HULU这种热门应用就要进到二级目录里面。为什么不能让用户自己决定怎么排列呢?这是PS4最恶心的问题之一。


  一般来说,你的PS4是时常在线的。但你得到的服务可能并不是时常保持一致的。PSN挂了,你就看不了奖杯信息。尽管你还能拿奖杯,但就是看不到奖杯细节。对于奖杯党来说,这麻烦透了。XBOX 360的成就信息就是本地的,所以说新主机保持奖杯信息在线的设计属于一个不靠谱的“升级”。






  PS4支持扩展硬盘。但不像XBOX ONE,玩家不能把游戏装过去。如果要升级PS4硬盘,就得内置硬盘整个换掉,整个过程也称不上很简单。






  PSN运行已经差不多快十年。如果你是2006年开始用起的,这意味着你十多年没有换名字了。不像XBOX LIVE,索尼不允许用户更换在线ID。十年前你喜欢的,现在也许已经不是那么喜欢。有许多用户愿意花钱改名,但索尼依然没有提供这个功能。




2016-2-11 05:38 PM
Fami通采访SCE 索尼互动娱乐成立带来的影响












问:PS VUE和PS MUSIC这些服务会通过SIE设立在日本展开吗?





2016-2-15 06:35 PM
2016-2-18 07:14 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-2-18 06:43 PM 编辑

Sign-up for the PS4 system update 3.50 beta

PS4 3.5系统Beta测试招募开始 抢先体验最新机能

  近日,SCE宣布将在2016年2月17日至2月28日期间(日服时间,其他服并未公开具体时间)进行PS4 3.5版系统测试者的招募,此次测试将于3月上旬展开,想要参与测试的玩家需要提前进行申请,之后官方会进行抽选。获得资格的玩家将收到如何下载Beta版系统的指导邮件。



Sign Up for the Next PS4 System Software Beta

Last September we put a call out to PS4 owners to test out our next system software update and since we’re getting close to the release of our next update for PS4, we wanted to do it again! Starting today you can sign up to be a beta tester and get a sneak peek at some of the features making their way to your PS4.

Click here to sign up. The beta program will kick off in early March, and if you’re part of the program, you’ll receive an email with instructions on downloading the system software. You can roll back to the previous system software at any time, so don’t worry about downloading the beta. In order to sign up, you’ll need a PS4 with an Internet connection and a master account. We’ll share more details on the new features you’ll be able to test when the beta begins.

Be sure to join the PlayStation Forums to get access to our beta forums, so you can discuss the new features. We will be monitoring the forums throughout the beta. And while we can’t always implement changes suggested by the community, it’s super valuable for us to hear your feedback to help guide the direction we take. We’re always listening!

I want to personally thank everyone who signed up for the last beta, and I hope all of you (and those who didn’t, too) will sign up again. Don’t wait too long — we’re accepting a limited number of beta testers, so get in now before it’s too late.

John Koller - Vice President, PlayStation Brand Marketing, SCEA

2016-3-2 07:20 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-3-2 06:30 PM 编辑

PS4 update 3.50 adds PC remote play, online notifications, more
SCE 公布 PS4 3.50 版系统软件「武藏」详情 将支持 PC 遥控游玩功能

  索尼计算机娱乐(SCE)3 月 1 日宣布,将于近日释出开发代号「武藏(MUSASHI)」的 PS4 3.50 版系统软件,强化社群互动功能,同时追加支持与 PC / Mac 的「遥控游玩」等新功能。

  本次的 3.50 版系统软件,主要着眼点在于透过开放自定功能来强化玩家社群互动,包括新增「玩家自定义活动(User Scheduled Event)」与「集会游玩(Session Play)」等社群功能,调整朋友与自己的上线通知设定,新增支持 Dailymotion 直播,以及支持 PC / Mac 遥控游玩。

Beta for PlayStation 4’s 3.50 Update Starts Soon – Key Features Detailed

Our beta program for PlayStation 4’s next major system software update, version 3.50 (codenamed MUSASHI), kicks off tomorrow. If you signed up for the beta and were selected, keep an eye on your email for instructions on downloading.

Regardless of whether you’re in the beta, we wanted to detail some of the key features we’re adding to PS4 in this update. We’re making it easier to play together with friends and adding the ability to appear offline when you’d rather play solo.

New Social Features

• Friend Online Notification – Want to know the moment your friends come online? With this update, you can, as we’ve added an option to be notified when members of your friends list sign on the network.

1.Friend Online Notification 好友上线提示

• Appear Offline – Sometimes you want to play a game or watch a movie without being bothered by friends. Now it’s easier to go incognito as we’ve added the option to appear offline. You can designate if you would like to appear offline when you log-in or at any time from your Profile or the Quick Menu.

朋友上线通知 / 脱机为显示



• User Scheduled Event – Time for a play date! We’ve added the ability to schedule a future gameplay session with your friends on the system. When your event starts, users who registered for the event will automatically be added to a party so you can start playing right away.

玩家自定活动(User Scheduled Event)


• Play Together – This features allows all members of a Party to see what each person is playing so that you can easily join a friend’s game, or start a new game together.

集会游玩(Session Play)

当玩家加入自己或朋友举办的活动派对之后,就可以看到其他参与玩家在游玩什么游戏。 如果该游戏有支持多人游玩,就可以透过「集会游玩」功能轻松加入他人的戏局一起游玩。

Other New System Features

• Remote Play (PC/Mac) – We’re bringing PS4 Remote Play to Windows PC and Mac. This feature won’t be available to test in the beta, but you can look forward to it soon.

支持 PC / Mac 遥控游玩

遥控游玩功能支持的装置追加 Windows PC / Mac。

• Dailymotion – With this update, you’ll be able to live stream directly to Dailymotion on PS4. We’ll also support archiving live broadcasts, like we do for other streaming services.

支持 Dailymotion 直播

新增支持 Dailymotion 实况游玩直播。

Stay tuned for more details on MUSASHI, including additional key features and its release date.

John Koller - Vice President, PlayStation Brand Marketing, SCEA

2016-3-19 07:06 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-3-19 05:53 PM 编辑

KOTAKU传闻索尼计划开发PS4.5 支持4K游戏

  国外网站KOTAKU称,有开发者向他们爆料索尼正在计划开发增强版PS4(PS4.5),其强化了GPU能力,可以让游戏运行在4K分辨率下,增强PlayStation VR游戏的表现。




  在PS4发售两年之后,出现这样的传闻并不让人觉得意外。本世代主机在正式发售前,公开选择AMD的APU方案时,业界就有不少人士认为强化版PS4,XB1有可能在三四年后推出。因为采用的硬件技术有充分继承性,游戏兼容不存在大问题。XBOX负责人菲尔·斯宾塞此前就表示并不认同此前主机更新换代的方式。实际上XBOX ONE也有加速硬件更新的动机与可能性。

  PS4.5增强了GPU能力,能获利的并不只有画面和帧数表现。其实支持4K游戏的说法让人觉得就是多一种分辨率支持,并不代表可以流畅运行。而物理运算,AI运算,图形手势识别等都可以用上增强的GPU能力。对于Gameplay的创新,游戏体验的改进而言,GPU的提升都是有很大的意义的。此外,三月十日AMD又公开了XConnect Technology技术,能增强笔记本的图形能力。这让人对增强版PS4会不会采用附件扩展的方式产生了更多猜想。

Rumor: Sony working on more powerful PS4.5

Sources: Sony is Working on a 'PlayStation 4.5'

Sony is currently planning a new version of the PS4 with increased graphical power and games running at 4K resolution, developer sources tell Kotaku.

We don’t know whether current PS4 owners will be able to upgrade or if they’ll have to buy an entirely new device to benefit from this power boost, but from what we hear, Sony has started briefing developers.

Based on conversations with developers who have spoken with Sony, this 'PS4.5' will include an upgraded GPU both to support high-end 4K resolution for games and add more processing power that can enhance the games supported by PlayStation VR, the headset Sony will launch this fall. It’s unclear if 'PS4.5' is an official name or just a nickname that developers have been using. One developer jokingly called it the 'PS4K' while telling me about the device.

The circle of people who knew about this upgraded PS4 was small until recently. I first heard about the device from one trusted source, then two. Kotaku’s Jason Schreier and Stephen Totilo were also able to independently verify the existence of these hardware plans with their own developer sources, although some of the details have been vague; one source told us that the device felt “exploratory” and that it may not even be released this year.

We’ve also heard that at this week’s Game Developers Conference in San Francisco, Sony held meetings with developers about the hardware and how it would work.

2016-3-29 07:04 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-3-29 06:20 PM 编辑

The Wall Street Journal: Sony Plans New PlayStation for Graphics-Heavy Games
华尔街日报称加强版 PS4 主机计划于 PS VR 上市前发表 支持 4K UHD 分辨率

  继 Kotaku 与 Eurogamer.net 之后,美国财经媒体华尔街日报 28 日同样报导了 SCE 计划推出加强版 PS4 主机的消息。 该加强版主机将具备更强的处理效能,支持 4K 超高分辨率图形处理。

  报导表示,根据 “知情人士” 透露,SCE 计划推出加强版的 PS4 主机,以提供更高档的游戏体验,包含虚拟现实(VR)在内。 加强版 PS4 将具备更为强化的图像与处理效能,有能力处理 “超高解度图像(UHD,即 4K)”。 加强版 PS4 主机将与既有 PS4 主机并营销售,预计会共享相同的软件阵容。 但既有 PS4 主机无法升级,需要另购新机才能享受经过强化的图像与功能。

  报导指出,SCE 预定于 PS4 虚拟现实装置「PlayStation VR(PS VR)」10 月上市前发表该加强版 PS4 主机,计划透过额外增强的效能来缩小 PS VR 与另外两家以高档 PC 运行的虚拟现实装置「Oculus Rift」及「HTC Vive」之间的差距。 但报导中没有提到加强版 PS4 主机的价位。

  报导中引述分析师看法指出,继续提供标准版 PS4 主机与加强版 PS4 主机并营销售的做法,将有助于 SCE 在其 PlayStation 生态系中提供轻度休闲玩家与重度热衷玩家族群更多的选择。

  SCE 方面同样拒绝对此消息做出评论。

Sony Plans New PlayStation for Graphics-Heavy Games

The days of waiting six or more years between videogame-console releases are coming to an end.

Sony Corp. is planning to sell a more powerful version of its PlayStation 4 machine to handle higher-end gaming experiences, including virtual reality, people familiar with the matter said, while continuing production of its existing console that has so far sold more than 36 million units world-wide.

Existing PlayStation 4 owners would need to buy the new model to take full advantage of the enhanced graphics and power, though it is likely that the current model and the coming one would share the same software catalog, one of the people said.

The new console would be announced before the planned October release of the PlayStation VR, Sony’s new virtual-reality headset, the people said. It would be able to handle ultra-high-definition resolution graphics. The upgraded console would also provide more power for running the PlayStation VR, whose main competitors, Facebook Inc.’s Oculus Rift and HTC Corp.’s Vive, are designed to work with top-shelf computers.

News of an upgraded PlayStation console was earlier reported by Kotaku. A spokesman at Sony Computer Entertainment, Sony’s videogame division, declined to comment.

More on The Wall Street Journal
2016-3-31 07:05 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-6-10 11:08 PM 编辑

Rumor: PS4.5 to have twice as powerful GPU, Deep Down & GoW 4 launch titles

  今年4月份时外媒突然爆料称索尼正在开发PS4主机的升级版PS4.5或代号PS Neo等等称呼,而且还泄露了机器的硬件配置。后来这个传闻还得到了权威媒体Eurogamer的证实。今天好消息是今天索尼官方终于正式承认了PS4.5的开发了。

  索尼互动娱乐CEO Andrew House向英国《金融时报》Finalncial Times 确认PS4.5的确在开发中。不过遗憾的是,PS4.5的发售日和价格现在还没有公开,并且也不会在今年的E3上公布。但是价格方面会比现在的主机PS4价值349美元贵很多。

  Andrew House表示PS4.5是为核心玩家和那些拥有4K电视玩家准备的,PS4.5将和PS4一起并存,并补充后者的不足。他强调整个世代都会销售PS4.5和PS4,而不会因为有了PS4.5,而停产PS4。

  至于两个版本有何区别,Andrew House表示所有的游戏都会支持PS4,而对于PS4.5 他说期待所有或者说大部分游戏也能支持PS4.5。

  既然索尼憋不住了,承认了PS4.5的存在,那么传闻中的微软新主机看来也是真的了。根据传闻,微软准备了两个新主机,一个是Xbox One Slim版,另外一个是重磅升级版。Slim主机比现有的XB1尺寸小40%,内置电源,而加强版主机理论性能已经超过了PS4.5。


PS4K information (~2x GPU power plus clock increase, new CPU, price, etc)

OsirisBlack on NeoGAF (Verified by moderators): Related info from a meeting we had yesterday was waiting for it to be approved before posting.

Price is currently $399.99 they were discussing a better CPU which would raise the price to $499.99 we were guaranteed the price will be no higher than $499.99 (He mentioned the CPU upgrade quite a bit almost as if they haven't really decided on a final spec could be a pricing issue.) also there is currently no plan for any type of trade in program for current PS4 users but that could change.

They stated that the GPU is twice as powerful as standard PS4 and much faster. They did not say exactly how fast but that is was running at a higher clock speed while being much smaller than the original.

It will have a 4k blu ray player and will upscale games that are not natively 4k.

Also there was talk of some sort of VR lounge for the media player app which is supposed to be getting a substantial upgrade.

It was stated plainly and with no room for interpretation that there are developers that already have development kits for the PS4K and that they are making games that will directly target and take advantage of the higher specs of the PS4K. It was also stated that these games will in fact work for the PS4 but with considerable sacrifices made to performance.

It was also made very clear that current games would not be getting any type of performance upgrades by being played on the system and any benefits to older games would come via patch per game and per developer. When asked if this was going to happen the response was "Its a possibility but doubtful with the exception of a handful of games."

We were also given a list of games that will be available at launch that will directly take advantage of the PS4K where the differences are and I will quote him "Significant."

• EVE: Valkyrie (PlayStation VR)
• Robinson: The Journey (PlayStation VR)
• Gran Turismo Sport (PS4, PlayStation VR)
• Deep Down (PS4)
• GOW4 (presumably God of War 4) (PS4)

There were more games on the list but these are the ones that stood out to me.
2016-4-6 06:53 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-4-6 06:58 AM 编辑

PS4 update 3.50 launches tomorrow
PS4 3.50版本系统更新将于明天推出 更新详情












遥控游玩 (PC/Mac)
随着这次更新,我们将拓展PS4的遥控游玩功能至Windows PC以及Mac。


-Windows 8.1
-Windows 10 或更新版本
-OS X 10.10
-OS X 10.11

-解析度选项: 360p, 540p, 720p
-预设解析度 – 540p
-画面速率: 标准 (30fps), 高 (60fps)
-预设画面速率: 标准 (30fps)
-你可以选择使用一只DUALSHOCK 4与PC/Mac透过USB线连接,当作遥控游玩的控制器。


PlayStation 3.50 System Software Update Out Tomorrow

Our next major system software update for PS4, version 3.50 (codenamed MUSASHI), is out tomorrow!

While we outlined some of the features last month before our beta program started, we wanted to give a more detailed look at the update and share some new info. We’re making it easier to play together with friends, adding the ability to appear offline, and more.

New Social Features

Appear Offline

On your Profile tab, we’ve added a new option called ‘Online Status.’ From here, you can choose to ‘Appear Offline.’ This could be useful if you want to play games or watch movies without your friends knowing you’re online. You can designate if you would like to appear offline when you log-in or at any time from your Profile, or by holding down the PS Button on DualShock 4 to bring up the Quick Menu.

Friend Online Notification

Now you can choose to get notified when your friends come online. To receive notifications, select a player on your friends list, press Options, and select ‘Notify When Online.’

User Scheduled Event

On the Events tab, we’re adding the ability to schedule gameplay sessions with your friends. Just select ‘Create Event,’ and you’ll be able to make an invitation for an upcoming gameplay session. Choose the day, time, game, and send it off to your friends. When your event starts, users who registered will automatically be added to a party so you can start playing right away.

You can also share an event to a group, or a community that you’re a member of. Once shared, the event will be sent as a message, or posted to a community wall, and members can register from there

Play Together

This feature allows all members of a Party to see what each person is playing so that you can easily join a friend’s game, or start a new game together.

Other New System Features

Remote Play (PC/Mac)

With this update, we’re expanding PS4’s Remote Play capabilities to work with Windows PC and Mac.
Remote Play on PC / Mac is compatible with the following system software:

• Windows 8.1
• Windows 10 or later
• OS X 10.10
• OS X 10.11

You’ll be able to select from the following resolution and frame rate options, depending on your Internet bandwidth.

• Resolution options: 360p, 540p, 720p (Default: 540p)
• Frame rate : Standard (30fps), High (60fps) (Default: Standard)

You can use one DualShock 4 as the controller for Remote Play, which needs to be connected to your PC / Mac via a USB cable.

After the system software update launches, you’ll be able to download the Remote Play Installer here.

John Koller - Vice President, PlayStation Brand Marketing, SCEA

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