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【PS4/XO/PC】The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

2014-2-2 08:07 AM

   一直以来《巫师》系列都是很棒的作品,但狩魔猎人杰洛特所穿的盔甲在视觉效果上的变化却并不是很惊人。这显然是《巫师3:狂猎》中努力改进的方向之一,CD Proket RED原画设计师Jan Marek就此向我们展示了包含27中造型的新设定图。

2014-2-23 07:03 AM
《巫师3》嗑药系统改进 动态经济及环境加入



  同时动态的经济系统也首次进入《巫师3:狂猎》的世界,简单举例,在内陆地区,鱼的价格会比沿海高很多,如果没库存了,商人会跑到沿海地区捕鱼或收鱼回来卖。《巫师3:狂猎》2014年发售,登陆PC,PS4和Xbox One平台。
2014-2-27 07:35 PM
巫师3保证流畅性更胜前作 经济不影响游戏性

在《巫师3:狂猎》里玩家将会面对一个极大的世界,而且在这个世界里的人们都十分鲜活,但即使是这样,经济并不是游戏的重点。游戏开发者Michal Platkow-Gilewski最近说,他们不想让玩家因为那些经济因素和额外的支线任务而有什么负担,但是打造系统是非常重要的一环。



经济可以帮助玩家打造一个更强大的人物,但它同时也会妨碍玩家流畅进行游戏,但CD Projekt RED显然有他们自己的想法。
2014-3-2 08:43 AM

  《巫师3:狂猎》被认为是真真正正的次世代游戏之一。游戏的设计师Andrzej Kwiatkowski在最近的一次独家采访中谈论了一些游戏的特色,并且解释了为什么这些技术不可能在上代主机上得到实现的原因。



  尽管Xbox 360和PS3持续的时间和达到的成就超出了很多人的想象,但是他们其实已经限制游戏开发者很久了。


  新主机的到来让CD Projekt RED如释重负,让他们可以很轻松的达到他们想要的效果。






  PS4的触摸屏和Xbox One的云运算都是次世代主机体验的一部分。当被问及是否《狂猎》会使用这些功能的时候,Kwiatkowski回答说:“我们目前仍然在探索如何去使用次世代主机的优秀技能,但是可惜的是目前我不能提供太多细节。”


2014-3-12 07:32 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-3-12 06:24 PM 编辑

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Pushed Back to February 2015
《巫师3:鬼猎》延期至2015年 为了更好的质量

  原本计划于2014年发布的《巫师3:鬼猎》将面临延期,日前游戏开发商CD Projekt RED公布该作将延期到2015年2月份发售,对应平台仍是PS4、XBOX ONE和PC平台。同时CD Projekt RED也发布了一封公开信,上面提到延期也是一个艰难的决定,因为游戏的质量还不能保证在2014年内发售,但是除去额外的费用之外,为了提升游戏的质量,延期又是很有必要的。




Release Date of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – An Open Letter

Ever since we started working on the third installment in The Witcher franchise, it has been our aim to produce a title that would take our 11 years of experience in creating RPGS and distill them into a quintessence, into a game that would effectively crown those years. At the same time, we have wanted The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt to expand creative boundaries, set new benchmarks, develop the genre as a whole. Ultimately, you, the players, must get an unforgettable adventure to experience in a vast, open world – and that’s most important. We’ve created a story that flows naturally, cinematically, rendered it in amazing sound and visuals, while preserving full freedom of choice – all for you. We knew this to be an ambitious plan, but believed we could achieve it by bringing together our team with its creative energies and current gaming platforms with their technical capabilities. A project this vast and complex would inevitably require special care in its final stages, manual fine-tuning of many details, thorough testing time and again.

We recently reexamined what we had achieved thus far, and faced a choice about the game’s final release date. The decision we made was difficult, thoroughly considered, and ultimately clear and obvious. We could have released the game towards the end of this year as we had initially planned. Yet we concluded that a few additional months will let us achieve the quality that will satisfy us, the quality gamers expect from us. Consequently, we have set the release of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt for February 2015.

Dear gamers - we know many of you would have liked to play The Witcher 3 sooner, as soon as possible, even. We’re sorry to make you wait longer than you, or we, initially assumed you would. At the same time, we believe the game will prove to be worth the wait and meet the expectations you have of us. We believe The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt will be an exceptional RPG, one of the best, providing many hours of wonderful entertainment.

Dear shareholders – we are aware of the responsibility that rests with us and thank you for the trust you have granted us thus far. We firmly believe that quality – more than any other factor – determines a game’s success, and that the decision we have made is thus equally valid in business terms.

The Board of CD PROJEKT SA - Thewitchernews http://thewitcher.com/news/view/729

2014-3-19 06:26 PM
《巫师3:鬼猎》延期原因解释 剧本已制作完成

  CD Projekt RED团队的财务报告中透露《巫师3:鬼猎》为何延期。根据他们表示,开发团队目前正在让REDengine3引擎更加完美运作,并且努力改善图像、动画、特效与音效的品质。

  好消息是主线剧情已经完成制作,也就是说本作现在已经是可以玩到破关的状态。虽然CD Projekt RED还在追加更多支线任务,但游戏中的世界已经建造完成,这表示其中各地区都已经“杀青”,而且所有重要的游玩机制都已经顺利执行。除此之外,虽然角色对白已经编写完成并运作,但制作团队最近还在录制各国语音当中。

  很显然CD Projekt RED正在让《巫师3:鬼猎》精致化,这也是为什么他们稍微延期的原因。而且他们宣称在2015年发售本作的话,遭遇到的竞争会较少。

  除此之外,CD Projekt RED声称延期给予他们时间改善行销策略,目标将锁定核心玩家。同时CD Projekt RED希望本作能提供给更多人游玩,并相信2015年会有更多玩家利用次世代主机玩游戏。
2014-4-2 07:55 AM
2014-5-5 07:21 PM
《巫师3:狂猎 | The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt》含狩猎系统 每个猎物都独一无二

  在最近的一次采访中,首席人物设计师 Mateusz Tomaszkiewicz谈论了《巫师3:狂猎》的狩猎功能,透露了一些关于史诗级猎物的细节。


  问题是,游戏中到底有多少个落脚点?根据最近的消息,游戏中应该有很多落脚点。有人猜测会有超过12只史诗级猎物去捕获。首席角色艺术师Pawel Mielniczuk同时也谈论游戏,他说:“中世纪有上百个斯拉夫怪物出现,他们之间都被联系在一起。”当然游戏中不会所有动物都是史诗级的,所以我不认为游戏中会有上百个这样的怪物,但是游戏应该会有大量的此类怪物。希望我们在今年的E3获得该游戏的更多信息。
2014-5-8 07:47 AM
ARPG大作《巫师3》新情报 竟然有人类灭亡结局

  今日,开发商CD Projekt RED公布了《巫师3:狂猎(The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt)》的一些新情报。据悉,该作的游戏时长达120小时,光是主线剧情就够玩家们玩50个小时了,就凭这满满的诚意,《巫师3》绝对能获封2015年ARPG之王的称号。


  • 14个任务设计师,来自《巫师》的4位,《巫师2》的6位
  • 缩减重复性任务,一些为隐藏剧情
  • 哥特王朝系列为本作世界设计的灵感来源
  • 狩猎任务融合进沙盒世界,找寻它们比干掉它们更重要
  • 怪物设计借鉴《恶魔城》,避免僵尸或外星人一类的设计
  • 支线任务有喜感,没有所谓的好坏
  • 36个结局的长度不一样,比如会有人类灭亡的结局
  • 让新玩家更容易理解
  • 虽然团队设立在波兰,但前作只有1个波兰人,本次增加到了20%
  • 聚焦于成人玩家

  《巫师3:狂猎》将于2015年2月登陆PC、PlayStation 4和Xbox One,玩家敬请期待!
2014-5-15 07:01 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-5-15 06:17 PM 编辑

CD Projekt RED updates studio & The Witcher 3 logos
CD Projekt RED开发商更新游戏及工作室LOGO

  日前著名游戏开发商CD Projekt RED同时更新了工作室及旗下新作《巫师3:鬼猎 | The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt》的LOGO。


  而《巫师3:鬼猎》的新LOGO想要重点表现的则是游戏中不祥领导者之一General Eredin。

  《巫师3:鬼猎》预计将于2015年发售,其对应平台为PS4、XBOX One和PC。

New CD Projekt RED and Witcher 3 Visual Identification Unveiled

CD Projekt RED, the developer behind the critically acclaimed Witcher series of games, is excited to unveil a new image of both the studio and its leading title—The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, and provides new details about the titular Wild Hunt.

Established in 2002, located in Warsaw (HQ) and Kraków, Poland, CD Projekt RED was born out of raw passion to video games. The studio’s founders—Michał Kiciński and Marcin Iwiński, both pioneers in video game distribution in Poland in the 90s, decided to employ their gaming industry experience in video game development. A lot of time has passed since 2002, and the studio’s logo remained mostly untouched. Until today.

The new REDbird logo is a combination of energy and passion for game-making the studio is known for. This is how Adam Badowski, CD Projekt RED’s Head of Studio, sees the change:

We are rebels and rebels are free. Just like birds. The Northern Cardinal, or REDbird, is what we see ourselves in the industry: intrepid, bold and confident; flying high and aiming even higher. The color, cardinal RED, is something that connects it with another bird, a mythological creature close to our cultural roots and heritage—the Rarog, a small firebird believed to bring luck to people. RED stands for energy, the inner fire that drives us; it represents something very close to everyone here in the studio—the creativity and passion we harness from within ourselves to make the best RPGs in the world.

Starting May 14th, the REDbird logo will become the new, official logo of CD Projekt RED—it will accompany all official assets and will form the core of the studio’s visual identification.

Along with the new studio logo, CD Projekt RED is thrilled to unveil the new logo of it’s most ambitious game—The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Putting the titular Wild Hunt in its center, the new logo casts the spotlight on the mask of one of its ominous leaders—general Eredin.

The Wild Hunt has always been thought to presage war, great plagues and death. Their origin unknown, these ghastly riders instilled fear in the hearts of men and are believed to be able to steal people’s spirits that would later join the cavalcade. They come at night, in the winter and their appearance is always preceded by the aurora borealis.

In The Witcher 3, the Wild Hunt are not mere bosses at the end of a corridor. They’re part of the lore, part of the system of folk beliefs, they’re both something that children say stories about to scare each other and an entity that can wipe out entire villages in one night. The Wild Hunt is essential to the whole Witcher universe and in The Witcher 3 it will finally take center stage.

The ones who command the Hunt remain a mystery even bigger than the Hunt itself. Their number and purpose are shrouded with mystery, their cold steel however is not—many have witnessed the Hunt’s atrocities, almost none survived to tell the tale.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is a story-driven, next-generation open world role-playing game, set in a graphically stunning fantasy universe, full of meaningful choices and impactful consequences. In The Witcher 3, you play as Geralt of Rivia, one of a dying caste of monster hunters, and embark on an epic journey in a war-ravaged world that will inevitably lead you to confront a foe darker than anything humanity has faced so far—the Wild Hunt.

More information about the game and the Wild Hunt is planned to be released soon. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is scheduled for release on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC in February, 2015.

cdpred:http://en.cdprojektred.com/news/ ... shows-eredins-mask/
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