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【PS4/XO/PC】The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

2015-6-23 07:14 AM
The Witcher 3 gets a new quest, Skellige armour set free this week

2015-6-30 06:45 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-6-30 06:25 PM 编辑

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt’s free DLC this week is a quest



2015-7-28 06:50 AM
Witcher 3 Gets New Game+ Mode as Final Free DLC

2015-8-25 06:25 PM
《巫师 3》开发者:免费 DLC 应该是常规而不是例外

  《巫师 3:狂猎》的免费 DLC 活动随着先前发布的「New Game+ 模式」后圆满结束,游戏开发商 CD Projekt Red 一共为这款开放世界游戏释出了 16 项免费追加内容,这家来自波兰的开发商现在甚至还希望能以自身为模范号召其他的工作室跟进,让免费 DLC 成为业界的常态,而不是例外。

  CD Projekt Red 共同创办人暨执行长马钦‧伊文斯基(Marcin Iwinski)在他的声明里是这么说的:「首先我想要再次感谢所有购买我们的游戏并下载这些 DLC 的玩家,对制作者来说,能见到玩家快乐地玩着自己的创作是再开心不过的事。 我希望这样的作为能在未来的业界里成为常规,而非例外。 同时也希望《巫师 3:狂猎》能立下一个典范。 」

  虽说这 16 个《巫师 3》的免费追加内容不外乎主角的防具套装、主要角色的额外造型以及支线任务等简单内容,但是对某些发行商来说,这些都是可以对玩家额外收费的商品。 伊文斯基在游戏发行之前就曾解释过,CD Projekt Red 之所以要提供这些免费内容,是因为「因为玩家已经用原价买了我们的游戏,这是我们欠他们的。 」

  除了这些免费内容之外,CD Projekt Red 也为《巫师 3》准备了两款付费 DLC,第一款名为「石之心(暂译,Hearts of Stone)」,计划将在今年 10 月推出,另一款「血与酒(暂译,Blood and Wine)」则预定于 2016 释出。 这些扩充包所收录的全新内容据称将为玩家提供近 30 小时的游玩时间。

  「拿游戏时间来做比较的话,这 10 到 20 小时左右的内容几乎就相当于一整个《巫师 2》所包含的大小。 」CD Projekt Red 在今年稍早的时候就曾这么说过。 「它会收录一些很酷、很动人的新故事,大家一定会很满意的。 」

  附带一提,CD Projekt Red 最近还为《巫师 3》释出了一款官方的模块工具,由于这款工具仅提供部分功能,像是对象的材质、3D 模块以及脚本的更动等等,新的区域或地图等关于空间的编辑目前是无法实现的。 即便部分玩家对此表示不满,据社群经理马钦‧莫莫特(Marcin Momot)日前在 Twitter 上回复,目前官方并无计划推出其他模块工具。
2015-8-28 07:04 AM
2015-9-9 07:12 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-9-9 07:01 PM 编辑

The Witcher 3 'Hearts of Stone' expansion launches October 13

  《巫师3:狂猎》的开发商CD Projekt RED透露,本作的首个扩展包“石之心(Hearts of Stone)”将于2015年10月13日登陆PS4、XBOX One和PC平台。




CD Projekt RED, creators of The Witcher series of games, announce the release date of Hearts of Stone, the first expansion to The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Step again into the shoes of Geralt of Rivia, a professional monster slayer, this time hired to defeat a ruthless bandit captain, Olgierd von Everec, a man who possesses the power of immortality. The expansion lets you choose your own way through an adventure that includes recruiting a crew of break-in artists, spending a night partying with a ghost and outsmarting the most bizarre creatures Geralt has ever faced.

Launching October 13th, 2015, Hearts of Stone packs over 10 hours of new adventures and introduces new characters, powerful monsters, unique romance, and a brand new storyline shaped by gamer choices. The expansion also introduces a brand new system of Runewords that significantly affects gameplay. Each Runeword will impact a different aspect of in-game mechanics and will allow the players to experiment with various strategies and tactics.

Along with the digital release, gamers will also be able to purchase a special, limited boxed edition of Hearts of Stone (SRP $19.99) available at selected retailers worldwide. The box contains a digital download code for the expansion, two masterfully crafted physical decks of Gwent, the card game set in the world of The Witcher, and a detailed manual explaining the rules. With two unique sets of cards, Monsters and Scoia’tael, ready to go, players can now engage in tactical combat on a grand scale outside of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt!

The studio launched a special initiative for owners of the digital Expansion Pass that will enable them to purchase the cards separately. All information about the initiative can be found at redeemgwent.com
2015-9-10 07:21 PM

  CD Projekt Red公开了他们制作《巫师3:狂猎》的具体成本,根据CDPR的最新财报本作的开发成本为8100万美元。作为比较,《星球大战:旧共和国》的开发成本为2亿美元,横行霸道5》的开发成本为2.65亿美元。不过上述的数字并不是精确的开发成本,而《巫师3》的开发成本则精确的显示在财报里。


2015-9-29 07:26 AM

2015-10-7 07:07 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-10-7 07:17 AM 编辑

The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone Launch Trailer


The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone Launch Trailer Released

Step again into the shoes of Geralt of Rivia, a professional monster slayer, this time hired to defeat a ruthless bandit captain, Olgierd von Everec, a man who possesses the power of immortality. The expansion lets you choose your own way through an adventure that includes recruiting a crew of break-in artists, spending a night partying with a ghost and outsmarting the most bizarre creatures Geralt has ever faced.

Launching October 13th, 2015, Hearts of Stone packs over 10 hours of new adventures and introduces new characters, powerful monsters, unique romance, and a brand new storyline shaped by gamer choices. The expansion also introduces a brand new system of Runewords that significantly affects gameplay. Each Runeword will impact a different aspect of in-game mechanics and will allow the players to experiment with various strategies and tactics.
2015-10-9 10:39 PM
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