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【新闻部】Capcom -

2015-12-18 06:57 AM
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen PC Trailer


DDDA arrives on PC Jan 15th - 60FPS trailer and PC specs revealed - Capcom Unity

2015-12-21 06:08 PM
2015-12-25 06:28 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-12-26 07:34 AM 编辑

《龙息之焰 6》宣布 2016 年 2 月陆续上市 即日开放事前登录

  由 CAPCOM 所开发的《龙息之焰 6:白龙的守护者(ブレス オブ ファイア 6 白竜の守护者たち)》PC 版以及 Android 版将在 2016 年 2 月 24 日开始营运,iOS 版则会在 3 月开始营运;而游戏事前登录于即日起开始,事前登录的期限到日本时间 2016 年 2 月 23 日 10:00 为止, 完成事前登录的玩家可在正式营运开始时获得角色服装以及游戏中的虚拟货币。

  随着这次的发表,也决定从 2 月 19 日起至 2 月 22 日为止实施 PC 版/Android 版的「村长先行测试活动」。 也可将游玩数据继承至正式版中。

  根据官方网站中所刊载的「正式营运开始日的告知」中可以得知本作原本是一个「活用社群游戏轻松游玩的企划」,但目前却了包含「实时联机多人游玩」「使用技能的正统战斗系统」「有着家用主机 RPG 一款作品以上的剧情份量」等要素,已经变成了一款正统网络 RPG 作品。 当初原本是订在 “2014 年夏季” 推出,虽然延期了非常久,但也可以期待本作进化后的样子。

  另外,这次也公开了主要角色以及多人游玩任务的介绍以及新宣传影片,还有超人气绘师・岸田梅尔老师所绘制的主视觉图。 也决定了根据这张视觉图中的妮娜,KOTOBUKIYA 也将会进行立体化。 敬请期待。

2016-1-7 07:34 AM
Resident Evil Zero HD Remaster (PS4) - (PS3) - (Xbox One) - (Xbox 360) - (PC)

2016-1-12 06:30 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-1-12 06:32 PM 编辑

收录《战国 BASARA》伊达政宗语音的扫地机器人将于本周四在日本举办体验活动

  CAPCOM 宣布,与日本家电大厂 SHARP 合作推出的人工智能扫地机器人「COCOROBO」限定版「豪华 COCOROBO<战国 BASARA 伊达政宗 Ver.>」,将于 1 月 14 日在 niconico 本社举办体验活动,让玩家体验开发中的试作机,见识融合豪气干云之伊达政宗语音的扫地机器人。


  COCOROBO 是 SHARP 推出的人工智能扫地机器人,采用大风量马达搭配自动除菌离子,内建超音波障碍物侦测、监视摄影机、Wi-Fi 无线网络、手机远程遥控、监看以及家电遥控连动等功能。 另外还搭载语音沟通功能,能接受用户的语音指令,并以语音响应用户的询问。

  本次预定推出的「豪华 COCOROBO<战国 BASARA 伊达政宗 Ver.>」是以 RX-V200 型的 COCOROBO 为基础、以《战国 BASARA》伊达政宗为主题的特制版。 除了上盖印有伊达政宗的水墨风插画之外,还把收录的语音全部换成伊达政宗的声音(配音:中井和哉)。 用户可以透过 COCOROBO 享受与伊达政宗会话的乐趣,还能以伊达政宗的声音叫自己起床、听天气预报等。




  「豪华 COCOROBO<战国 BASARA 伊达政宗 Ver.>」预定 3 月底推出,由 CAPCOM 官方购物网站 e-CAPCOM 专卖,采下订生产,1 月 18 日前开放预购,价格 15 万日圆(未税)。

「豪華 COCOROBO<戰國 BASARA 伊達政宗 Ver.>」產品網頁
2016-1-12 07:08 PM
EMIO推出《洛克人》主题耳机 售价为100美元

  《洛克人》是CAPCOM公司的知名游戏系列,尽管现阶段官方很长时间都没有推出该系列的全新作品,不过他们仍然在以各种方式推出相关的周边产品。而日前电子产品制造商EMIO就获得了官方授权,将会推出洛克人主题的HD LED耳机。


2016-1-14 07:27 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-1-14 06:43 PM 编辑

Dead Rising studio to utilize Unreal Engine 4 for upcoming projects

  CAPCOM该公司旗下的Vancouver工作室正与Epic Games合作,使用虚幻引擎4制作一款新作。

  Vancouver工作室过去主要开发了《丧尸围城》系列。近期,该工作室积极招聘具有虚幻4开发经验的人员来为这款新作做准备。工作室负责人Joe Nickolls称,“我们不只是利用虚幻4这一强大的平台,我们还与Epic有着紧密的合作以保证发挥引擎的最大能力。使用业内领先的引擎工具得以让我们很快将创意在游戏中实现,并处于世界娱乐产业的前端。”

Capcom Game Studio Vancouver Teams Up with Epic Games to Use Unreal Engine 4 for Upcoming Projects

Capcom, a leading worldwide developer and publisher of video games, today confirmed that Capcom Game Studio Vancouver, the development studio behind the acclaimed Dead Rising® franchise, will begin working with Epic Games to utilize Unreal Engine 4 for its upcoming projects. More details on these as yet unannounced future games will be available at a later date. In addition, Capcom Game Studio Vancouver is actively hiring for a variety of development positions to expand its team and welcomes talented professionals who are familiar with the popular game engine and have the desire to create incredible new gameplay experiences.

“We have some ambitious visions for where we want to take our next games and while our previous proprietary engine served the needs for the projects at the time, shifting to Unreal Engine 4 delivers the right tools for our future direction,” said Joe Nickolls, Studio Director of Capcom Game Studio Vancouver. “Not only will we be developing on a powerful and versatile platform, we’ll also work closely with the team at Epic to maximize the capabilities of the latest and greatest technology. Using this industry leading engine also allows us to quickly integrate new talent onto our projects so that we can focus on pioneering new world class entertainment.”

For more information on Capcom Game Studio Vancouver, including available positions, please visit capcomvancouver.com.
2016-1-14 07:46 AM

2016-1-20 07:32 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-1-20 07:31 PM 编辑

Resident Evil Origins Collection Now Available in North America, Launch Trailer




Resident Evil Origins Collection now available in North America, Resident Evil 0 is also out digitally

Capcom, a leading worldwide developer and publisher of video games, today announced the release of Resident Evil 0, which can be enjoyed in both physical and digital formats beginning today. Experience an introduction to the origin stories that started it all with Resident Evil Origins Collection, a physical disc product that contains remastered versions of both Resident Evil 0 and the critically-acclaimed Resident Evil. This retail bundle is available starting today across North America on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system for USD 39.99. The bundle will also be available at European retail from January 22 on these platforms as well as Windows PC. Resident Evil 0 is also available to purchase from today as a standalone digital download for EUR 19.99 / GBP 14.99 / USD 19.99 MSRP on Xbox One, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system, and Windows PC.

Resident Evil 0 takes the fear-inducing atmosphere from the original 2002 release and transforms it with stunning new HD visuals, improved sound, widescreen support, an optional modernized control system and more. A prequel to the original Resident Evil, the title offers newcomers and series fans the chance to revisit the story of what really happened before the iconic Mansion Incident that was the catalyst for the entire Resident Evil saga.

New to this version of the game, Wesker Mode is unlocked when the main campaign is completed. In this mode, players can experience the game playing as Resident Evil's infamous villain, Albert Wesker, wielding the powerful abilities he gained from the Uroboros virus in later games, alongside rookie cop Rebecca Chambers in an alternate costume.

2016-1-21 06:48 PM

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