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2014-5-8 06:53 PM
盖茨(Bill Gates)引争议 Xbox业务会从微软独立出去吗?




  业内知道,微软目前正在全力向消费者的所有显示屏扩展Windows平台,不管是台式机、笔记本、平板电脑、手机还是电视。微软的意图很简单,一组通用的应用接口(API)加上所谓“Shared Windows Core”的基本代码可以支撑所有的微软平台,例如Windows 8、Windows Phone 8和Xbox One。


  其次,由于Xbox One运行于Windows内核,这意味着,这个已经覆盖了手机、平板、笔记本、服务器的平台,现在也延伸到了Xbox上。对于开发者和微软来说,拥有一个统一的平台,在生态系统粘性上会是个很明显的优势,"跨平台"的开发也会变得更加容易。




  如果说上述是从微软自身战略发展角度来看待Xbox One对于微软重要性的话,那么从营收和竞争市场的角度,微软也应有足够的理由保留Xbox业务。

  微软最新的财报显示,消费类硬件和设备业务营收增长40.7%至19.7亿美元, Xbox One游戏机和Surface平板电脑拉动了该部门营收的增长。尽管毛利率下跌,但从营收增长的幅度看,Xbox业务并未像外界所形容的那般惨淡和没有竞争力。

  另外,尽管与对手索尼的PS4相比,Xbox One的销量处在下风,但在主机游戏市场,除了索尼之外,微软的对手要少得多,至少与目前微软苦战的智能手机和平板电脑市场相比。





2014-5-18 07:00 AM
《战争机器 | Gear of War》新作处于原型阶段或更注重趣味性

  XBOX One平台的《战争机器》新作将由Black Tusk工作室负责开发,而日前他们就透露了本作的一点新情报,不过看样子短期内玩家们很难看到这款新作,因为本作目前仍处于原型阶段。

  日前Black Tusk工作室的Rod Fergusson透露了这一情报,目前游戏的开发时间还不长,因此还处于开发的原型阶段,不过他还是展示了一张游戏的概念艺术图。此外他还透露了一些关于本作的想法,其中他提到该工作室会更加注重游戏的趣味性。


  此前微软游戏工作室的Ken Lobb曾表示Black Tusk工作室将会为这款系列作带来革新,那么到底他们能为系列带来怎样的变化呢?就让我们拭目以待吧。
2014-5-24 07:16 AM
Microsoft registers new Phantom Dust trademark in Europe

2014-5-28 06:23 PM
微软总裁辟谣 没有任何卖掉XBOX业务的计划

  日前,在美国加州举行的一次会议上,微软今天2月份才上任的新科CEO——Satya Nadella对之前传得沸沸扬扬的微软将要剥离并卖掉XBOX业务的传闻作出了回应,他称,公司现在没有任何把XBOX业务卖掉的计划。


2014-5-31 06:56 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-6-1 07:13 AM 编辑

Xbox Live Games with Gold for June Revealed
XBOX Live金会员6月免费游戏 多款名作登场

June Games with Gold: Five Great Games for Xbox One and Xbox 360

With June officially kicking off soon, Xbox Live Gold members are especially prosperous with a total of five free games on Xbox One and Xbox 360. As Head of Xbox Phil Spencer recently announced, June’s system update will debut Games with Gold on Xbox One, with two great games – “Max: The Curse of Brotherhood” and “Halo: Spartan Assault.” And on Xbox 360, members will receive “Dark Souls,” “Charlie Murder” and the bonus game “Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition.” No matter what, you're in for a good time so make sure you get in on the action!

  日前微软公司公开了6月专门针对XBOX Live金会员的“Games with Gold”的游戏名单,而本次所推出的游戏共有5款,其中包含XBOX 360和XBOX One平台的名作。拥有金会员资格的玩家有机会免费玩到这些作品,而具体游戏名单如下:

• Max: The Curse of Brotherhood (Xbox One, $14.99)

Coming in June (specific dates coming soon) is Press Play’s beautiful side-scrolling platformer Max: The Curse of Brotherhood. As Max, you’ll need to rescue your little brother from the clutches of a cartoonish villain named Mustacho. Along the way, you’ll solve challenging elemental puzzles and platform your way through the environment with the help of your trusty magic marker.

• Halo: Spartan Assault (Xbox One, $9.99)

Also available in June is Halo: Spartan Assault, a new chapter within the award-winning “Halo” universe set between “Halo 3” and “Halo 4.” Join Commander Sarah Palmer and Spartan Davis in training simulations aboard the UNSC Infinity to fight a campaign against Covenant forces, or join in online Co-op battle against the Flood.

• Dark Souls (Xbox 360, $19.99)

Available June 1-15, Dark Souls, is perhaps most famous for its difficulty, but it is also, without question, among the greatest and most awe-inspiring games of its generation. Elegant in design, challenging in presentation and more than a little mysterious, "Dark Souls" will take you on a tour de force of what action-role-playing can (and should) be about. If you ever wanted to jump into one of this generation's most beloved franchises, now's the perfect time.

• Charlie Murder (Xbox 360, $9.999)

Available June 16-30, we have Charlie Murder, a classic, side-scrolling beat-'em-up in which you take on the role of the title character or one of his stalwart band mates, as they try to save the world from an impending zombie apocalypse. And yes, they will also rock out quite a bit at the same time. A cartoon-like aesthetic, non-stop action and a dash of dark humor combine to make "Charlie Murder" fun for solo or up to four-player cooperative head-bashing.

• Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition (Xbox 360, $29.99)

Finally, we've got the one-year Games with Gold anniversary bonus – Capcom’s celebrated one-on-one fighting game Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition, available June 16-30. Yes, it’s “Street Fighter” and chances are you’ve probably played it, in some form or another, at least once in your life. And if not, you’re missing out on perhaps the most well-known and tightly balanced fighting game franchise ever made. This upgrade to the original “Street Fighter IV” brings the playable roster up to a whopping 39 characters, and features a decked-out online tournament mode, a team battle mode for up to eight players, and the option to save and share replays of your best (or worst) matches.

Xbox Wire:http://news.xbox.com/2014/05/games-june-games-with-gold
2014-5-31 06:58 AM
Microsoft Buys Rise of Nations IP, Extended Edition Coming to Steam Next Month


Rise of Nations: Extended Edition Coming June 2014

We’re excited to reveal today that Microsoft Studios has acquired the Rise of Nations franchise and has announced Rise of Nations: Extended Edition, the real-time strategy game that spans all of history. Starting with a single city in the Ancient Age, improve your nation by gathering resources, researching technologies, and constructing the great wonders of the world such as the Pyramids and the Eiffel Tower. Deploy and expand your military to conquer hostile nations with bombers, battleships, and tanks all while consolidating power under your rule.

Improved visuals like water, textures, and lighting will allow players to see every detail as they take over the world. Full Steamworks integration offers Cloud saves, Steam Trading Cards, Achievements, and Multiplayer, while Twitch integration lets players share their newly captured territories online to all of their friends.

The Extended Edition includes Rise of Nations and the Rise of Nations: Thrones and Patriots expansion, allowing fans to play through historical epochs of time in this pulse pounding real-time strategy classic.

Rise of Nations: Extended Edition is available exclusively on Windows 7 and 8.1 in the Steam store for $19.99. For a limited time, players can pre-purchase the title at a discount for 20% off.

Pre-Purchase Rise of Nations: Extended Edition on Steam.

2014-6-3 07:26 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-6-3 06:52 PM 编辑


赛车新作《极限竞速:地平线2 | Forza Horizon 2》确认 游戏封面公布

  继《极限竞速5》作为XBOX One首发游戏发售后,现在又有一款系列新作将登陆这一次世代平台。日前微软公司正式公开了《极限竞速:地平线2》,并确认这款游戏将于2014年秋季登陆XBOX 360和XBOX One平台。

  本作的XBOX One版将由开发了前作《极限竞速:地平线》的Playground Games与本传系列开发商Turn 10工作室合作开发,而XBOX 360版则由Sumo Digital负责制作。

  《极限竞速:地平线2》作为系列最新作将会收录数百辆跑车,而作为封面车辆的则是2015 Lamborghini Huracan。游戏中将会包含天气系统以及《极限竞速5》的Drivatar系统。此外根据开发商的说法,本作的舞台设置在南欧,并且游戏将拥有“令人难以置信的多样性”以及“惊人的前景”,而某个音乐节将作为游戏的中心事件而存在。

2014-6-5 06:54 PM

  日前微软确认截止到2014年底,他们将为XBOX 360和XBOX One平台带来超过45个全新的娱乐应用应用,其中就包括HBO GO以及MLG APP等大受欢迎的应用,让玩家们有机会享受更多的电视节目服务。而此前微软也确认将解除XBOX系用户的娱乐应用限制,让更多的非金会员玩家能够使用娱乐应用。


  Antena 3 对应平台:Xbox One 对应地区:ES
  ChiliTV 对应平台:Xbox One 对应地区:IT
  Comedy Central 对应平台:Xbox One 对应地区:US
  Crunchyroll 对应平台:Xbox One 对应地区:AU、AT、BR、CA、DE、ES、FR、IE、IT、MX、NZ、UK、US
  ENCORE Play 对应平台:Xbox One 对应地区:US
  EPIX 对应平台:Xbox One 对应地区:US
  Fox Play 对应平台:Xbox One 对应地区:MX、BR 对应平台:Xbox 360 对应地区:MX、BR、AR、CO、CH
  Frightflix 对应平台:Xbox One 对应地区:US
  FXNOW 对应平台:Xbox 360 对应地区:US
  Gol TV 对应平台:Xbox One 对应地区:ES
  GoPro 对应平台:Xbox One 对应地区:US、CA、MX、UK、FR、DE、IT、ES、AU、BR、AT、NZ、IR
  HBO GO 对应平台:Xbox One 对应地区:US 对应地区:Xbox 360 对应地区:MX、BR、AR、CO、CH
  iHeartRadio 对应平台:Xbox One 对应地区:US
  Infinity 对应平台:Xbox One 对应地区:IT
  IVI 对应平台:Xbox 360 对应地区:RU
  maxdome 对应平台:Xbox One 对应地区:AT、DE
  MLG 对应平台:Xbox One 对应地区:US、UK、CA、AU
  MOVIEPLEX Play 对应平台:Xbox One 对应地区:US
  MTV 对应平台:Xbox One 对应地区:US
  NBA 对应平台:Xbox One 对应地区:AT、AU、BR、CA、FR、DE、IE、IT、MX、ES、NZ、UK、US
  Now TV 对应平台:Xbox One 对应地区:UK
  Picturebox 对应平台:Xbox 360 对应地区:UK
  Popcornflix 对应平台:Xbox One 对应地区:US
  ShowTime Anytime 对应平台:Xbox 360 对应地区:US
  Sky News 对应平台:Xbox One 对应地区:UK、IE、US、CA 对应平台:Xbox 360 对应地区:UK、IE、US、CA
  Sky Online 对应平台:Xbox One 对应地区:IT
  STARZ Play 对应平台:Xbox One 对应地区:US
  STV 对应平台:Xbox 360 对应地区:UK
  Syfy Now 对应平台:Xbox One 对应地区:US
  Target Ticket 对应平台:Xbox One 对应地区:US
  TuneIn 对应平台:Xbox One 对应地区:US、CA、MX、UK、FR、DE、IT、ES、AU、BR、AT、NZ、IR
  TV2 对应平台:Xbox 360 对应地区:DK
  Twitter 对应平台:Xbox One 对应地区:US
  USA Now 对应平台:Xbox One 对应地区:US
  VEO 对应平台:Xbox One 对应地区:MX 对应平台:Xbox 360 对应地区:MX
  Vevo 对应平台:Xbox One 对应地区:CA、US、AU、FR、DE、IR、BR,ES、IT、UK、NZ
  VH1 对应平台:Xbox One 对应地区:US
  Vine 对应平台:Xbox One 对应地区:US
  WATCH ABC 对应平台:Xbox 360 对应地区:US
  WATCH Disney Channel 对应平台:Xbox 360 对应地区:US
  WATCH Disney Junior 对应平台:Xbox 360 对应地区:US
  WATCH Disney XD 对应平台:Xbox 360 对应地区:US
  Watchever 对应平台:Xbox One 对应地区:DE
2014-6-7 07:09 AM
2014-6-11 10:38 PM

Forza Horizon 2 Releasing September 30, Gameplay Trailer & Screens

Product Overview

Race through a wide-open world with friends in the ultimate celebration of speed, style, and action-packed driving. Explore beautiful and exotic locations in more than 200 of the world’s greatest cars, all created with precise detail.

Forza Horizon wil llaunch on September 30 in North America and October 3 in Europe

Explore a Massive, Living Open World – A world of beauty and freedom awaits

• The next evolution of the best-in-class Forza graphics engine delivers full day and night cycle, with lighting and visual effects.

• An epic road trip career mode adapts to your car choices with hundreds of events across a beautiful and diverse European landscape.

• However you like to play, there is an endless variety of free-roam driving fun. Whether you’re racing, hunting hidden treasures like exotic barn find cars, or unlocking exciting bucket list challenges, the choice is yours.

Action-Packed Driving – Take risks and earn rewards for showing off your driving skills and style

• Smash through fences onto back country dirt trails, plow though fields of crops and dense forests, and discover new shortcuts on your thrilling, high- speed adventures.

• Race against aircraft and trains in thrilling Showcase events.

• Make your name at the Horizon Festival. Whether you’re racing in traffic, catching huge air, or racking up skill points and combos with awesome stunts, your legacy begins here.

Connect with Friends – An epic road trip awaits

• Join friends online to free roam together, compete in races and team Playground modes, or take part in fun co-op challenges.

• Join or create your own Car Club of up to 1000 members to expand your network of friends and rule the leaderboards.

Your Ultimate Car Fantasy – Drive more than 200 of the world’s greatest cars

• A diverse collection of amazing vehicles ranging from extreme off-roaders to modern supercars, classic muscle, and much more.

• Every car and truck is recreated in obsessive detail, with full cockpit views, including functional windshield wipers, working headlights, and authentic interiors.

• The Horizon Festival invites you to join its celebration of cars, music, freedom, and fun on the world’s greatest roads. Get ready for the road trip of your life!

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