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2014-4-11 06:26 PM
《Below》公布PC版 最新宣传片放出 PAX出展

  Capybara Game于去年E3上公布的XBOX ONE平台独占游戏《Below》日前公布将推出PC版,一段全新的预告片介绍了游戏的新内容。该段预告片名为“从风暴中来”,视频中展示了自去年6月公布之后到如今游戏的新开发近战。本周末的PAX上,该作也将会出展,同时游戏的玩法也会第一次披露。

2014-4-12 07:08 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-4-13 07:01 AM 编辑

Press Play Announces Project Totem for Xbox One & Xbox 360
趣味平台游戏《图腾计划》登陆XBOX ONE平台

  《马克思:兄弟诅咒(Max: The Curse of Brotherhood)》的开发商Press Play公布了新作品《图腾计划(Project Totem)》,该作将于2014年秋天登陆XBOX ONE和XBOX360平台。

  本作是一个欢快的平台动作游戏,玩家将控制两个图腾,利用他们不同的特性来合作解谜。游戏当然还包括多人合作模式与担任战役。Press Play的制作人Rune Dittmer说道:“这些游戏很难用语言藐视,但是当你拿到手柄的时候,你会感到它是如此的有乐趣。”

Press Play Announces New game Codenamed Project Totem

Danish development studio Press Play, creators of the critically acclaimed Max: The Curse of Brotherhood, is pleased to announce its brand new title, currently called Project Totem, coming to Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system and Xbox 360 games and entertainment system from Microsoft later this year.

Project Totem is a playful yet precise platforming game where players control two totem pole pieces with one controller. The initial idea came from brothers Asger Strandby (Game Director) and Bo Strandby (Lead Designer) who wanted to put a distinctive spin on the platform genre. On top of the single player campaign, the game offers a local couch multiplayer mode where players must work closely together to succeed - just the way the two brothers played games in their childhood.

“It is one of those games, where the basic premise is hard to describe, but once you have the controller in your hand, it is so obviously fun that you immediately get it.” says Rune Dittmer, Studio Director at Press Play. “So when Asger and Bo showed us the prototype at a party, it was a no-brainer to give them some time to elaborate on the core concept. And now a year later we are proud to announce Press Play’s second game for Xbox One.”

Project Totem is set for release this fall and will be available for the Microsoft Xbox One and Xbox 360.

2014-4-16 09:56 PM
《光环|HALO》系列作曲家被Bungie解雇 原因不明

  日前《光环|HALO》系列作曲家Marty O’Donnell透露他已经被Bungie无故解雇,不过至今官方并未公布具体原因。

  近日Marty O’Donnell通过个人推特宣布了这一信息,他表示:“我很难过,Bungie的董事会于2014年4月11日无故解雇了我。”



Halo, Destiny composer Martin O'Donnell fired by Bungie

Bungie's statement

There are those who said this day would never come...

For more than a decade, Marty O’Donnell filled our worlds with unforgettable sounds and soundtracks, and left an indelible mark on our fans. Today, as friends, we say goodbye. We know that wherever his journey takes him, he will always have a bright and hopeful future.

We wish him luck in all his future endeavors. Bungie:http://www.bungie.net/7_There-ar ... News/News?aid=11484

《神鬼寓言纪念版|Fable Anniversary》首席设计师离开Lionhead

  日前《神鬼寓言纪念版|Fable Anniversary》的首席设计师Ted Timmins宣布他将离开Lionhead工作室,而他在这家微软的工作室已经工作了十年以上。

  Timmins通过他的个人推特发布了一连串的推文来宣布他的辞职。《神鬼寓言|Fable》是他参与的第一个游戏,他以一个测试员作为开始,而最后则以首席设计师的身份制作了《神鬼寓言纪念版|Fable Anniversary》。


  Timmins特别对Peter Molyneux表示了感谢,因为就是他设立了这家公司,并且给一个没什么天赋的18岁青年提供了好机会。而Molyneux也已经在2012年离开了Lionhead,并设立了新公司22Cans。

2014-4-17 12:36 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-4-17 07:13 PM 编辑

微软再度注册新商标 或为开发XBOX平台新作



1970-1-1 08:00 AM
2014-4-19 07:14 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-4-20 07:27 AM 编辑



2014-4-21 06:26 PM

  正如此前所说的那样,微软最近动作频频,继此前连续注册了两个和游戏有关的商标后,近日他们又注册了一个名为“伊甸坠落(Eden Falls)”的新商标,而该商标同样有可能代表着某款未公开的新作。

2014-4-27 07:52 AM


  尽管微软早在19个月前就已经聘请电视行业老兵南希·特雷姆(Nancy Tellem)成立制作部门,但如今,自制剧早已不是新鲜事。Netflix、亚马逊、Hulu和雅虎都在制作自己的节目。Netflix的《纸牌屋》甚至屡获大奖。谷歌旗下的YouTube和索尼PlayStation也签约获得了独家节目授权。竞争对手的这一系列的举措将降低Xbox最新计划的吸引力。

  “由于网络和电视公司都在大举投资自制剧,所以无论是Xbox还是其他任何产品都将面临越来越大的挑战。”市场研究公司MoffettNathanson分析师迈克尔·内桑森(Michael Nathanson)说。

  另外,微软尚未明确自制内容背后的战略或商业模式。微软尚未透露,这些内容是否会作为Xbox Live的一部分免费提供给用户,还是会额外收取订阅费。

  不过,该公司还是具备一些优势。Xbox的总销量已经超过8000万台。Xbox Live每月的费用只有5美元,但却可以提供来自ESPN的体育节目,而且能够在电视上使用Skype语音通话服务,这一价格比多数竞争对手都更加优惠。



  特雷姆最近接受彭博社采访时表示,微软计划在今年6月播放首批十多部自制剧,其中包括了大导演史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格(Steven Spielberg)根据游戏《Halo》改变的一部电视剧,以及新版的瑞典科幻节目《Humans》。

  但特雷姆也面临着内部动荡。当年招募她的微软CEO史蒂夫·鲍尔默(Steve Ballmer)和Xbox主管唐·麦特里克(Don Mattrick)均已离职。Xbox部门在不到一年时间内至少有过3位负责人。最近也有多位Xbox高管离职,加盟了社交游戏开发商Zynga、音箱制造商Sonos等企业。



  有分析师质疑微软是否愿意投入资金和精力与Netflix和亚马逊等企业竞争。投资公司BTIG分析师理查德·格林菲尔的(Richard Greenfield)表示,没有多少人知道Xbox有自制剧。“如果微软想要投资制作一流的内容,就必须投入资金和精力。”他说。

  由于竞争对手相继增加自制剧费用,导致成本大幅增加。投资银行Bernstein Research估计,亚马逊今年将花费20亿美元购买流媒体视频内容版权,高于2013年的12亿美元。Netflix今年的网络视频相关采购成本将接近30亿美元。微软尚未披露Xbox的财务计划。

  对好莱坞来说,互联网企业的内容大战是一大福音。微软足球真人秀节目制作人麦克·托林(Mike Tollin)说:“我们多了很多两年前还不存在的买家。”

  由于目前持有880亿美元现金,因此微软肯定拥有充裕的资源。但微软新CEO萨提亚·纳德拉(Satya Nadella)一直在强调该公司应当着眼于自己最擅长的事情。纳德拉上任3个月来很少公开提及Xbox。

  野村证券分析师里克·舍伦德(Rick Sherlund)说:“如果我是纳德拉,我会说:‘为什么要做这项业务?’他们真的想对内容加倍下注吗?”

  特雷姆还必须赢得德里克·林奇(Derik Linch)这样的Xbox用户的青睐。林奇表示,他上高中时就买了Xbox,因为大家都喜欢玩《Halo》。但他不确定自制剧是否也会成为人们购买Xbox的充分条件。

2014-4-29 07:14 AM
​These are the TV Shows that Microsoft is Creating for Xbox

Xbox Originals: Coming Soon to a Screen Near You

Starting this June, you’ll have more reasons to love your Xbox: Xbox Originals – premium dramas, comedies, documentaries, animation, unscripted shows, and live events. Available only on Xbox 360, Xbox One, and other Microsoft devices, every Xbox Originals show will offer interactive capabilities, as well as unique interactive features customized on a per-show basis, making it a one-of-a-kind entertainment experience you won’t find anywhere else.

Xbox Entertainment Studios has attracted a slew of top Hollywood talent to develop its original programming slate, with names like Steven Spielberg and Ridley Scott attached to two separate scripted projects based on the “Halo” franchise – but that's only the beginning. Other shows in production include an unscripted series about international street soccer, an original drama about robotic servants in a dystopian world, and a documentary about the search for discarded Atari games in a desert landfill – which were unearthed yesterday in New Mexico – amongst several others.

“We are developing premium, original content for the Xbox community which is an audience we are incredibly respectful of,” said Nancy Tellem, President of Xbox Entertainment Studios. “We believe Xbox Originals should embrace the way our fans think about traditional TV.” Tellem’s creative vision involves year-round, high-quality programs based on subjects gamers care about, with interactive features tailored to each show.

Xbox hopes that Xbox Originals will provide incentive for fans to make the Xbox their all-in-one entertainment device. In the eyes of the Xbox Entertainment Studios team, original shows aren’t a departure, but rather an extension of what Microsoft Studios has been doing for years with first-party game development.

“Microsoft has a long and rich legacy in the content business,” said Jordan Levin, Executive Vice President of Xbox Entertainment Studios. “Games have been part of our DNA for at least the last 15 years, and creating original TV content is a logical next step in our evolution.”

According to Tellem, bringing together the most forward-thinking minds at Microsoft with the most creative minds in entertainment is how Xbox Entertainment Studios is betting on success. Gaming is the heart and soul of the Xbox platform, and the objective of Xbox Originals is to bring more value to fans, Tellem said.

“I know full well from my years spent at traditional TV networks that creating a lineup of hit shows isn’t easy. It's the beginning of a long journey, but we’re incredibly excited to be on our way,” Tellem said.

The Xbox Originals lineup covers a wide array of subjects and formats, both scripted and unscripted. Many projects are already in production and have set release dates, while some are still in the early development stages. Here are some of the new shows you can look forward to watching on your Xbox and other favorite screens, starting this summer:

Committed Projects

• “Halo” television series

The “Halo” television series is a groundbreaking original series based on the award-winning “Halo” franchise. Award-winning filmmaker, director and producer Steven Spielberg will executive produce the live-action TV series, created in partnership with 343 Industries and Amblin Television.

• “Every Street United”

“Every Street United” is an unscripted series of eight, thirty-minute episodes and a one-hour finale, featuring legendary soccer players Thierry Henry and Edgar Davids, focused on the global search for soccer’s most gifted and undiscovered street stars scouted across eight countries (United States, England, Argentina, Spain, Brazil, the Netherlands, Ghana and South Korea). The series culminates this July in a 4v4 street game finale in the shadow of the World Cup in Rio de Janeiro.

Each episode will feature unique and incisive narratives about the grassroots street stars and the communities that shaped them. Industry veteran and eight-time Emmy-Award winning producer, director, writer and editor Jonathan Hock (“Streetball,” “30 for 30: The Best That Never Was”) is directing the series. Emmy-Award winning producer Mike Tollin and Mandalay Sports Media are executive producing. Professional soccer luminaries, Henry and Davids, will serve as coaches for the 4v4 street game in Rio. “Every Street United” will premiere in June 2014. All episodes will be available through Xbox Video for Xbox One, Xbox 360, Windows 8 (PC and Surface) and Windows Phone 8.

• Bonnaroo

Xbox owners around the globe can experience the magic of the 13th annual Bonnaroo music and arts festival with a live concert destination on Xbox Live Friday, June 13 through Sunday, June 15, 2014, brought to viewers in partnership with Superfly Presents. With the Bonnaroo app, fans can enjoy live music like never before, with a virtual experience featuring the best performances, multiple stages, biggest artists and amazing SuperJams, and explore this year’s lineup to see the best of Bonnaroo’s past with exclusive performances. Fans can also join the conversation with fellow virtual-Bonnaroovians and get connected to their friends and the festival. Xbox is the exclusive broadcasting partner for Bonnaroo and the only location to get all of the interactive features.

• “Signal to Noise”/“Atari: Game Over”

Xbox is creating a new six film documentary series, “Signal to Noise,” (working title) with two-time Academy Award winning producer Simon Chinn (“Searching for Sugar Man” and “Man on Wire”) and Emmy winning producer Jonathan Chinn (FX’s “30 Days” and PBS’s “American High”), through their multi-platform media company, Lightbox. The series will expose little known stories of how modern technology has radically altered the way we interact with our world.

The first installment, “Atari: Game Over” (working title), explores the fabled Atari mystery, dubbed “The Great Video Game Burial of 1983.” As the legend goes, the Atari Corporation, faced with overwhelmingly negative response to the E.T. video game, disposed of millions of unsold game cartridges by burying them in the small town of Alamogordo, New Mexico. Fuel Entertainment took an interest in the legend, and in December 2013, with help from local garbage contractor Joe Lewandowski, acquired the exclusive rights to excavate the Alamogordo landfill. Fuel Entertainment then brought the opportunity to Xbox Entertainment Studios. The team will head to the landfill in question to determine if the story is true, interviewing a cast of characters related to the game and its mystery along the way. “Atari: Game Over” is directed by writer/director Zak Penn (“X-Men 2,” “Avengers,” and “Incident at Loch Ness”). It will air exclusively on Xbox One and Xbox 360 in 2014.

• “Humans”

“Humans” is a bold new drama co-produced with UK broadcaster Channel 4. Award-winning UK production company Kudos (“The Hour,” “Utopia,” “Broadchurch”) will produce the hour-long, eight-episode series, which will share a premiere broadcast window on the Xbox platform and Channel 4 in the UK in 2015.

Executive produced by Jane Featherstone (“Life on Mars,” “Broadchurch”) and Derek Wax (“The Hour,” “Sex Traffic”), and written by British writing team Sam Vincent and Jonathan Brackley (“Spooks,” “Spooks: The Greater Good”), “Humans” is an English-language adaptation of Sveriges Television and Matador Film’s acclaimed Swedish series, “Real Humans.” “Humans” is set in a parallel present where the latest must-have gadget for any busy family is a ‘Synth’ – a highly-developed robotic servant eerily similar to its live counterpart. In the hope of transforming the way they live, one strained suburban family purchases a refurbished synth only to discover that sharing life with a machine has far-reaching and chilling consequences. Casting for “Humans” will begin in May 2014, and production will commence later this summer.

• “Halo” digital feature

343 Industries and Scott Free Productions are creating a "Halo" digital feature to be released later this year. The project will be executive produced by Ridley Scott and Scott Free TV President, David Zucker. Sergio Mimica-Gezzan ("Battlestar Galactica," "Pillars of the Earth," "Heroes") will direct.
2014-4-29 07:14 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-4-29 07:18 PM 编辑

Projects in Development

• “Deadlands”

Xbox Entertainment Studios has committed to a script based on the successful pen-and-paper role playing game created by Shane Lacy Hensley. “Deadlands” is a genre-bending alternative history of the Weird West, filled with undead gunfighters, card-slinging sorcerers, mad scientists, secret societies, and fearsome abominations.

• “Extraordinary Believers”

Xbox Entertainment Studios is developing an innovative, hybrid stop-motion show dubbed “Extraordinary Believers” (working title) with Stoopid Buddy Stoodios, creators of the Emmy-Award winning “Robot Chicken,” the longest running stop-motion show on television. The executive producers on the project are Seth Green, Matt Senreich, and creators/writers/executive producers are Eric Towner and John Harvatine IV.

• “Fearless”

“Fearless,” (working title) is an unscripted series currently in pilot production starring Paul de Gelder, an Australian Navy bomb clearance diver and shark attack survivor who takes on an adrenaline-fueled quest to aid individuals who risk their lives to make the world a better place. “Fearless” will be produced by Australia’s International Emmy-Award winning production company, Cordell Jigsaw Zapruder (CJZ).

• “Gun Machine”

Xbox Entertainment Studios acquired the rights to “Gun Machine,” a hardboiled detective thriller based on the New York Times bestselling novel by Warren Ellis. Ellis will executive produce with Brett Conrad (“The Killing,” “Sons of Anarchy,” Netflix’s upcoming “Marco Polo”) who has signed on to write the pilot script about a detective tracking a serial killer who is tied to a mysterious collection of guns used in infamous New York murders.

• Untitled JASH Comedy/Variety Half Hour

In this unique comedy format developed by Xbox Entertainment Studios with JASH (a comedy collective founded by Sarah Silverman, Michael Cera, Tim and Eric and Reggie Watts), the biggest names in comedy will showcase the people that make them laugh. Each week, a different comedian will host/curate a show featuring new and unsung talent, in various video formats. Sarah Silverman will host the pilot episode and Daniel Kellison (“Late Night/Late Show with David Letterman,” “Jimmy Kimmel Live,” “Crank Yankers”) will executive produce. The series has a pilot commitment and will begin shooting in June.

• “Winterworld”

Xbox Entertainment Studios and IDW Entertainment are co-developing a limited event live-action series based on Chuck Dixon and artist Jorge Zaffino’s seminal graphic novel series “Winterworld,” in which our world has been encased in ice from pole-to-pole. The surviving humans have formed tribes that war, enslave and trade with one another in an effort to survive the infinite winter. Ted Adams and David Ozer from IDW Entertainment, and Rick Jacobs and Dave Alpert from Circle of Confusion (“Walking Dead”) will executive produce.

Xbox News:http://news.xbox.com/2014/04/ent-xbox-originals-unveil


  微软正打算进一步完善Xbox One的机顶盒功能。在最近宣布 Xbox Originals 原创影视节目的细节。包括《光环》,《战争机器》,《帝国时代》,《神鬼寓言》等经典游戏系列都将有望推出影视版。使用 Xbox One、Xbox 360 以及其他微软平台设备的用户,六月起开始在 Xbox Live 平台观看这些原创节目,包括电视剧、喜剧、纪录片、动画片、无剧本剧和现场直播等,每个节目都有专门定制的互动内容。

Xbox Originals 原创影视节目

目前已经有6 部制作完成:

- 《光环|Halo》系列剧:史蒂芬斯皮尔伯格监制的真人电视剧,343i 联合 Amblin Television 制作。

- 《光环|Halo》 数字电影:343i 联合 Scott Free Productions 制作的数字电影,Ridley Scott、David Zucker 监制,Sergio Mimica-Gezzan 执导,今年内上线。

- Every Street United(家家户户站起来?):前法国球星亨利、荷兰球星戴维斯主持的足球真人秀节目。8集半小时、1集一小时结局,讲述球探们在美国、英国、阿根廷、西班牙、巴西、荷兰、加纳和韩国等八个国家寻找最有天赋的和未被发现的街头足球明星,并且今年七月会在世界杯举办地巴西里约热内卢进行一场 4v4 街头足球决赛。

- Bonnaroo:微软与 Superfly 合作为用户在6月13日-6月15日带来第 13 届的美国波纳罗音乐节的现场直播。通过 Bonnaroo 应用程序的虚拟体验功能,玩家们可以欣赏前所未有的现场音乐表演、多舞台、最伟大的艺术家和出色的 SuperJams,还可以与其他虚拟 Bonnaroovians 进行互动交谈。Xbox 是今年波那罗音乐节的独家转播合作伙伴。

- Signal to Noise / Atari: Game Over:微软 Xbox 娱乐工作室制作的 6 部纪录片之一。Signal to Noise 讲述现代科技如何改变我们与世界互相影响的方式。《雅达利:游戏结束 | Atari: Game Over》是 E.T. 雅达利挖掘计划的纪录片,Zak Penn 执导,他之前导演了《X-特警》和《复仇者联盟 | Avengers》。

- Humans:微软 Xbox 娱乐工作室联合英国 Channel 4 制作的每季 8 集、每集 1 小时的科幻电视剧《Humans》,2015 年登陆北美 Xbox Live 以及英国 Channel 4 频道。

  同时,在参加一次微软TV发布会时,在公司陈述的最后展示了一则短片,短片中出现过的游戏有《战争机器》,《神鬼寓言》,《腐烂国度》,《极限竞速》和《帝国时代》。这些游戏作品是否能够改编成优秀的电视剧尚不明了,但哪怕仅有一两部实现,对玩家来说也富有足够的吸引力。其他的已确认正在制作的节目有:RPG改编《Deadlands》,定格拍制节目《Extraordinary Believers》,纪录片《Fearless|无畏》,作家Warren Ellis作品改编《Gun Machine|枪械》,由小说改编的实景节目《Winterworld|冬世界》。

  Xbox娱乐总裁Nancy Tellem表示:“我们正在着手制作好的、原创的节目,奉献给Xbox的用户们,我们相信Xbox能够让粉丝们改变对传统电视节目的看法。”
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