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2014-6-18 07:04 PM
《极限竞速地平线2 | Forza Horizon 2》发售时将不含微交易要素

  《极限竞速:地平线2》是《极限竞速》系列的最新作,游戏将于2014年秋季登陆XBOX 360和XBOX One平台。日前官方透露了本作的新情报,确认游戏在发售时不会包含微交易要素。

  日前在接受外媒的采访时,本作的创意总监Ralph Fulton透露了这一情报,他表示这款新作不会配备《极限竞速5》中使用过的代币系统。

  “我们所采取的方法是,让我们在Playground Games设计的游戏从开始就做到公平、有趣而且有价值。这对我们来说是非常重要的。处于这个原因,我们的这款新作不含代币。”


  《极限竞速:地平线2》将于2014年9月30日发售,游戏的XBOX One版将由Playground Games与本传系列开发商Turn 10工作室合作开发,而XBOX 360版则由Sumo Digital负责制作。
2014-6-19 06:56 PM
微软表示将继续支持X360 将会持续推出新内容

  尽管XBOX One已经正式发售,不过这并不意味着微软就会立刻放弃XBOX 360平台。日前XBOX部门的新总裁菲尔·斯宾塞就透露他们将会继续支持XBOX 360,并为此推出新内容。

  近日在接受国外媒体的采访时,菲尔·斯宾塞表示在XBOX 360的生命周期结束之前该主机还会卖出很多台,因此他们有义务为此推出新内容。

  “如果你一年半前买了XBOX 360,我认为我们对此有义务。当人们买了给予了我们100多英镑的承诺的时候,我想要确保为他们提供新内容。”

  斯宾塞认为投资XBOX One确实非常重要,但为此而忽略了拥有优秀装机量的本世代主机是非常不明智的行为,而且现在第三方也依然在支持XBOX 360。他表示大多数第三方厂商会在数年内同时支持两个世代的主机,毕竟本世代主机用于庞大的装机量,他们在这一平台推出新内容的话会有很多玩家愿意买。
2014-6-23 06:42 PM
Lionhearts Studio 工作室有全新大作计划 明年亮相


  Lionhead工作室主管John Needham透露“我们现在的首要目标就是接下来的这部全新作品,它非常有希望明年与大家见面。”

  曾开发过《黑与白》、《神鬼寓言》、《电影大亨》三大系列的Lionhead工作室已经多年没有推出过全新的作品了。不过目前由创意总监Gary Carr领导的8人团队正在致力于制作新游戏原型(非《神鬼寓言》系列的全新作品)。
2014-6-30 06:21 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-6-30 06:23 PM 编辑

Microsoft hiring producer for 'new project line in the Halo universe'


  根据国外媒体的报道,日前《光环》系列的开发商343 Industries寻找资深制作人来负责该项目,而对他们而言,理想的人选是“能够在不同的团队之间从容切换(内部和外部),在必须要他们协助的时候能够促进整体项目流畅运作”。从官方的要求来看,本次的项目或许会有外部人员参与其中。


2014-7-23 07:44 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-7-23 06:35 PM 编辑

First 100 Forza Horizon 2 cars revealed

  《极限竞速:地平线2》是该系列的最新作,游戏将于2014年9月30日登陆XBOX One和XBOX 360平台。本作将收录超过200种经典跑车,日前官方就首次公开了游戏收录的车辆,而本次公开的跑车共计有100种。

  据报道官方在游戏中专为次世代主机打造了这些经典跑车,充分利用了XBOX One的强大性能,运用新的天气系统以及开放世界功能,让游戏中的各种细节更加细致。


Forza Horizon 2 Car List Reveal Begins

Forza Horizon 2 fans, today is the day! We are officially kicking off the car reveals for Forza Horizon 2 with our first huge reveal of cars. Today we are announcing the first 100 of the just over 200 cars that will be featured in Forza Horizon 2. All of the cars in Forza Horizon 2 have been built from the ground up for this generation with the utmost care and detail, taking full advantage of the power of Xbox One and Forza Horizon 2’s dynamic weather and wide-open world, including new features such as functioning windshield wipers, working headlights and interior lights, and dynamic dirt-mapping.

Forza Horizon 2 will feature a huge and diverse lineup of awesome cars to collect, customize, and drive. That means everything from state-of-the-art supercars like our cover car, the 2015 Lamborghini Huracán, to Group B rally legends, monster off-roaders, classic American muscle cars, and much more. Leading into launch we’ll continue to reveal more to get you ready for the ultimate racing experience coming on September 30.


2014-9-26 07:23 AM
October Games with Gold Announced

Two Classics Back Up Chariot in October’s Games with Gold

For October, Xbox One-owning Gold subscribers get a very special, completely free release of the all-new Chariot, an indie platformer with a colorful, spirited theme. Xbox 360 Gold subscribers, in turn, get the classic Battlefield: Bad Company 2, a first-person shooter chock-full of personality. To top it all off, Xbox 360’s Games with Gold offering also includes Darksiders II, the sequel to the critically acclaimed Darksiders action-role-playing game. As usual, all games are available only for a limited time, as part of the ongoing Games with Gold – so jump in!

• Chariot ($14.99): Available from October 1-31 on Xbox One

• Battlefield: Bad Company 2 ($19.99): Available from October 1-15 on Xbox 360

• Darksiders II ($39.99): Available from October 16-31 on Xbox 360

Chariot, the newest ID@Xbox game from Canadian developers Frima, is a couch co-op platformer that can be played alone or with a friend. Players take the role of the brave Princess or her faithful Fiancé as they maneuver the departed king’s coffin-on-wheels through 25 levels set in five vibrant underground environments, with his majesty’s ghost giving them a piece of his mind every step of the way. Filled to the brim with emergent physics-based gameplay, Chariot offers hours of exciting exploration, fast-paced ride sequences and mountains upon mountains of loot!

Battlefield: Bad Company 2, brings the award-winning Battlefield gameplay to the forefront of Xbox 360 console with best-in-class vehicular combat and unexpected "Battlefield moments." Vehicles like the ATV and a transport helicopter allow for all-new multiplayer tactics on the Battlefield. You can compete in four-player teams in two squad-only game modes, fighting together to unlock exclusive awards and achievements. Battles are set across expansive maps, each with a different tactical focus. The game also sees the return of the B Company squad in a more mature single-player campaign.

Finally, Xbox 360 players get a chance to play one of the platform’s most underrated games: Darksiders II, which continues the series’ emphasis on huge environments, exploration, and a deep and rewarding story. Combine that with fantastic voice acting, impressive visuals, and a huge variety of procedurally generated loot (not to mention character-building options), and you’ll quickly find yourself enraptured by Darksiders II’s depth and top-notch GAME DESIGN. Did we mention you get to play as Death himself? Yeah.

October should be a banner month for Xbox Live Gold subscribers, with plenty of gameplay variety to sink their teeth into. Check out the full details on our Games with Gold program, and make sure you get in on the action while you can!

2014-10-30 07:15 PM
XBOX娱乐工作室正式关闭 开发中作品不受影响

  微软正式关闭了旗下XBOX娱乐工作室(Xbox Entertainment Studio),原因是该公司的正副两位主席Nancy Tellem以及Jordan Levin已于近日正式离职。

  微软在2014年7月确认了正在逐渐关闭他们的XBOX娱乐工作室以及未来自己想要退出制作XBOX ONE平台高质量电视节目的计划。尽管主要员工都已离职,公司的关键成员却都留了下来继续监督正在制作的原创节目例如光环TV还有《光环:夜幕降临》。


玩家自制“双核”XBOX ONE主机可玩360游戏

  自定制主机玩家Edward Zarick向玩家们展示了他的最新作品,“Xbook双核(Xbook Duo)”,这是一款笔记本型的可携带式主机,同时包含了XBOX ONE以及XBOX360,解决了向下兼容的问题。

  Xbook双核能够同时满足游玩XBOX ONE以及XBOX 360的游戏,你所要做的就是轻轻拨动下开关。Zarick说他的作品是首个能把两台主机同时塞进一个地方的笔记本型主机,但是很可惜的是这个作品只是试验品,并不出售。

  在Zarick的网站上,他对该主机进行了详细的介绍。XBOX 360的部分被放在了机箱的左边,XBOX ONE的部分被放到了主机的右半边,整个主机只需要一个电源线并且两个主机通过HDMI分线器可以共享一个HDMI接口。可能有些人会认为散热会是个大问题,但是Zarick说到目前为止他还没有见过任何过热的情况,不过我们并不清楚他持续使用该设备的时间是多长。

  就像他之前XBOX ONE和PS4的改装作品一样,XBOOK双核使用了一台22寸的Vizio显示器作为旅行用显示设备,如果你想要在家里玩游戏,只需要将设备通过HDMI接入电视即可。该设备需要至少两个手柄,因为XBOX ONE部分和XBOX 360部分的游玩并不支持手柄共享。


2014-11-4 06:36 PM
菲尔·斯宾塞Phil Spencer不确定XBOX ONE平台已公布游戏都能在明秋发售

  微软XBOX部门在菲尔·斯宾塞上台之后对市场进行了调整,更加注重游戏方面的内容让玩家们欣喜,同时在未来的一年内XBOX ONE平台上还有众多游戏即将发售,玩家们更是翘首以盼。不过这些游戏是否能够全部发售呢,似乎连菲尔自己也没有信心,在近日的一段采访中菲尔表示,自己不确定目前计划推出的游戏作品是否能在2015年秋季前全部发售。




2014-11-11 07:33 AM
2014-11-14 06:37 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-1-21 07:08 AM 编辑

ScreamRide Coming to XBox One and Xbox 360 in March 2015

Thrills, Spills, Chills, and Epic Combos in ScreamRide

The team at Frontier Developments has an amazing pedigree when it comes to coasters and amusement parks. This is the team behind Kinect Disneyland Adventures and the Roller Coaster Tycoon series, after all; nobody is more knowledgeable about awesome coaster games than these guys. So it’s no surprise to find that ScreamRide is an awesome, bombastic game which will bring massive coasters, thrill rides, and wanton destruction together when it releases for Xbox One and Xbox 360 on March 3.

It’s set in a not-too-distant future where everyone has become bored and people need to be thrilled to near-death. That’s where you come in – with giant rides to astound, amaze, and usually topple a building or two.

There are three types of mission levels in ScreamRide, and each one highlights one of the three pillars of this insane game. ScreamRider missions task you with controlling the coaster, trying to create the most intense experience for the riders without throwing them off the track. You control the speed of the car as well as its lean, which allows you to balance up on two wheels for some dangerous-but-rewarding combos. It’s a very arcade-style system, complete with global and friends leaderboards to encourage some healthy competition.

The Engineer missions make up the puzzle portion of the game. Starting with a piece of a finished coaster, it’s up to you to complete the ride – trying to make the coolest coaster with a limited amount of track.

And finally, there’s Demolition Expert. This is where the “destroy” part of ScreamRider comes in. Using differently shaped ride pods, you launch thrill-seeking guests into a destructible environment, setting off explosions and causing chain reactions to knock down as many buildings as possible.

One of the cool things about ScreamRide is that all three pillars of the game are present to some degree in each mode. For example, destruction and chaos are always a part of the game. Heck, in Engineer mode, you can build a coaster that hits an exploding barrel and collapses a skyscraper!

Of course, the particularly enticing part of ScreamRide is the opportunity to design your own roller coaster or thrill ride from scratch. Frontier Developments has made the biggest, most robust coaster creation system we’ve ever seen; hundreds of pieces, fine-tuned controls, and an incredible amount of customization options let you create the coaster of your dreams, and then share it with the world.

Plus, unlike coaster creation games of years past, you’re not making this ride in a vacuum. ScreamRide has construction tools similar to Minecraft, empowering you to make massive, fully destructible environments. Seeing the set pieces that people build their coasters around is often as cool as checking out the coaster itself.

Keep your hands inside the ride at all times!


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