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【新闻部】Level 5

2017-11-9 07:33 PM
2017-11-15 07:28 AM
Inazuma Eleven Ares will have more fun for adult fans than previous entries

The latest issue of Weekly Famitsu has an interview with Level-5 president and CEO Akihiro Hino on Inazuma Eleven Ares.

Get the tidbits below.

• They want a wide range of people to play the latest Inazuma Eleven, so they thought to support as wide a range of platforms as possible.
• Since the game’s scale (graphics, etc.) became too much for 3DS to handle, they decided to make it for Switch and PlayStation 4. And in considering the needs of the current generation, they are also supporting smartphones.
• Inazuma Eleven was initially intended for children, but this time they are also incorporating more fun for adult fans.
• That said, there may be some differences in game design between the console and smartphone versions.
• Development is progressing in a way so that users can feel they are truly playing a soccer game.
• Asked his opinion on the many players taking screenshots nowadays, Hino said he wants to include many features in the game.
• The Inazuma Eleven Ares anime will start first, and the game will be released at a later date.
• The series’ tradition of scouting your favorite players in the game will return, so you will be able to scout players from defeated schools to join your team.
• There is a player-related system (player as the members of your team) that has not appeared in previous Inazuma Eleven titles.
• Since everything is being newly made, they are not using any old assets. The volume has become quite enormous.
• When considering the project, the idea of making Endou’s high school story came up. •However, if he was a high school student, the love problems would probably get ugly, so they decided to set it in middle school in a parallel world.
• They are taking note of the feedback, and making various advance preparations to tackle all types of developments.
• Hino feels that there is potential to produce results comparable to Yo-kai Watch, and closes that he would like everyone to check out the new Inazuma Eleven.

Inazuma Eleven Ares is due out for PlayStation 4, Switch, iOS, and Android in Japan in summer 2018.
2017-11-22 04:38 PM
2017-12-15 03:56 PM
手机战略 RPG《妖怪三国志 窃国战争》预计冬季推出 武将妖怪激烈冲突!
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/6/156616.html)

  LEVEL-5 于近日公开发表智能型手机游戏软件新作《妖怪三国志 窃国战争(暂译,原名:妖怪三国志 国盗りウォーズ)》(iOS / Android),预定于今年冬季推出。


  本作是 KOEI TECMO Games 推出的《三国志》和 LEVEL-5 推出的《妖怪手表》两款作品的合作游戏,也是《妖怪手表》系列最新手机游戏软件。

  游戏类型主打「窃国战略角色扮演游戏」,由变成武将的妖怪们,也就是「武将妖怪」率领大军抗战,能让玩家享受到「完全不同的战斗」。 在战斗中除了要使用「附身(とりつく)」和「妖术(ようじゅつ)」等技能以外,《妖怪手表》系列作特有的「必杀技(ひっさつわざ)」当然也不会少。 另外所有玩家都会在

窃国战略角色扮演游戏《妖怪三国志 窃国战争》
决定在今年冬季于 iOS/Android 推出

  LEVEL-5 宣布,由 KOEI TECMO Games 公司知名系列《三国志》和 LEVEL-5 公司的《妖怪手表》连手推出的合作游戏--窃国战略角色扮演游戏《妖怪三国志 窃国战争》(对应平台:iOS/Android)这款《妖怪手表 》系列最新游戏软件,即将在今年冬季推出。


  由变成武将的妖怪「武将妖怪」们,以广大中国大陆为舞台、率领大军激烈抗战,决定天下大势! 组成并率领最强的「武将妖怪军」,一起夺得天下!


众多武将妖怪激烈冲突! 超魄力的七上八下乱斗大战

  玩家在本作可以享受到率领武将妖怪的「大军」在场上自由行动,并且与敌军正面冲突的全新战斗系统。 除了「攻击(こうげき)」以外,当然也可以施展「附身」或「妖术」等等技能来作战。

  《妖怪手表》系列作特有的「必杀技」也依然健在。 要看准战况捉住时机施展「必杀技」! 靠必杀技就可以把敌军一网打虐,或是恢复同伴...... 发动时机也是为了获胜不可或缺的战略之一。




  「三国志」中的知名英雄们,将会化身为「军魔神 (ぐんましん)」登场。 他们在游戏中会有什么样的能力,请玩家留意后续情报。



  在「窃国之战」中会以中国大陆为舞台,让所有玩家在游戏每一季开始时分为三个不同势力,一起开始攻略国土。 就算已经压制下来,也有可能会被其他势力夺走,所以绝对不能大意失荆州。



游戏名称:《妖怪三国志 窃国战争》
开发/经营:KOEI TECMO Games
2017-12-26 06:19 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-12-26 06:21 PM 编辑

Level-5 planning major 20th anniversary title, Team Ninja wants to make Nioh even bigger, and more developer tidbits

转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201712/7851616650.html


·AQUAPLUS下川直哉:感受到大家都想要《受赞颂者 两人之白皇》动画化,我也很想,希望有朝一日能实现。

·KOEI TECMO 早矢仕洋介:希望能将《仁王》这个IP做大,希望大家今后继续关注。

·小岛秀夫:关于《死亡搁浅》的开发状况 SIE 曾对我说“从没见过开发如此迅速的”。2018年准备有更令人惊讶的发表。

·Falcom近藤季洋:《闪之轨迹 IV》会把很多空零碧之轨迹的伏线回收,如果是轨迹粉丝的话从一开始就有另人惊讶的展开。

·LEVEL 5 日野晃博:准备推出纪念创社20th周年的大作。


In 2018, Ni no Kuni and Yo-kai Watch studio Level-5 will celebrate its 20th anniversary. Speaking to the latest issue of Dengeki PlayStation for a “Creator Interviews” feature, Level-5 president Akihiro Hino said the company is working on “a major title” to commemorate the company’s milestone anniversary.

The magazine also has the following tidbits from other developers:

  • Koei Tecmo Games’ Yosuke Hayashi: “I want Nioh to become even bigger. Please keep an eye out in the future.”
  • Nihon Falcom’s Toshihiro Kondo: “In The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV ~The End of Saga~, the foreshadowing that spread across The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky, The Legend of Heroes: Zero no Kiseki, and The Legend of Heroes: Ao no Kiseki will considerably come to surface, and for those who have played the series, there will be a surprising development in the beginning.”
  • Aquaplus’ Naoya Shimokawa: “I am realizing there are many people hoping for an anime adaption of Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth. I too am hoping for it, and want to someday make it a reality.”
  • Hideo Kojima: “Development on Death Stranding is going well enough that SIE told us, ‘We have never before seen a game being created at such a fast pace.’ We are planning an announcement that will further surprise everyone in 2018.”

2018-2-9 05:07 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-2-14 06:33 PM 编辑

The Snack World: Trejarers Gold for Switch launches April 12 in Japan
《The SNACK WORLD:Trejarers GOLD》4 月 12 日发售 公开实体版限定赠品

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/9/159269.html

  LEVEL-5 现正发展中的跨媒体作品第四发《The SNACK WORLD》,预定于 4 月 12 日推出 Nintendo Switch 专用软件《The SNACK WORLD:Trejarers GOLD(スナックワールド トレジャラー ズ ゴールド)》。 实体版和下载版价格皆为 5980 日圆(未税)。

  顺便一提,本作是 LEVEL-5 第一次在 Nintendo Switch 平台上推出的游戏作品。

限定恰拉「水晶剑 Z-α」

  而只有本作实体版,才会附赠数量限定的封入特典,限定恰拉「水晶剑 Z-α(クリスタルソード Z-α)」。

  本作以任天堂 3DS 专用游戏软件《The SNACK WORLD》为基础,收录了 3DS 版的付费 DLC 内容「突破界限! 龙骑士的试炼!! 」以及「破灭的魔王! 德米格拉斯降临!! 」。

  而且因应本作移植到 Nintendo Switch 平台,图像与战斗动作等,进行各式各样的系统都有跟着提升了。

  除此之外,根据官方网站记载,玩具「恰拉」与「SNACK」也可以和 Nintendo Switch 完全连动。 其他相关详情,还请各位静待佳音。

The Switch version of The Snack World: Trejarers, officially titled The Snack World: Trejarers Gold, will launch on April 12 in Japan for 5,980 yen, Level-5 announced.

Limited quantities of the physical edition will include the exclusive Jara “Crystal Sword Zeta-Alpha.”

Described as a “super-evolved The Snack World,” the Switch version offers enhanced graphics and a widescreen resolution. Battles have been drastically improved, and action motions have been greatly revamped. The two downloadable content packs already released for the 3DS version will also be included.

2018-3-11 06:58 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-3-11 07:17 PM 编辑

Inazuma Eleven Ares debut trailer

  Level-5 在昨天的“Inazuma Walker Vol. 10”直播会上,为旗下足球RPG游戏《闪电十一人:阿瑞斯(Inazuma Eleven:Ares)》放出了首部预告片,让我们一起来欣赏下吧!




The Snack World: Trejarers Gold debut trailer

  Level-5 昨天在“Inazuma Walker Vol. 10”直播会上为Switch版《点心世界:黄金版(The Snack World:Trejarers Gold)》放出了首部预告片,让我们一起来欣赏下吧!





Level-5 debuted the first trailer for The Snack World: Trejarers Gold during its Inazuma Walker Vol. 10 live stream (from 1:25:33 to 1:27:02).

The Switch version of The Snack World: Trejarers includes enhanced graphics, widescreen resolution, improved battles, and revamped actions. The two downloadable content packs released for the 3DS version will also be included.

The Snack World: Trejarers Gold is due out for Switch on April 12 in Japan.
2018-4-10 06:40 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-4-12 04:13 PM 编辑

转载 - Vgtime(http://www.vgtime.com/topic/946380.jhtml

  根据杂志偷跑消息,Level-5 的人气系列“妖怪手表”最新作《妖怪手表4》正式确认将登陆 Switch!同时月浪冬马、天野夏目和有星秋则等角色将在游戏中登场,游戏也会比之前进行更多强化。

  “妖怪手表”是由 LEVEL-5 开发的游戏系列,讲述主人公在暑假为了采集昆虫制作标本而进入森林,在偶然的机遇下拿到了能够看见妖怪的“妖怪手表”后展开的冒险故事。系列最早发售于2013年7月,至今已推出多部作品,在日本非常畅销。同时游戏改编的漫画、动画与电影同样深受日本小学生的喜爱,已成为最受欢迎的系列之一。

  本次《妖怪手表4》也是系列首次登陆新的主机平台,它将会如何利用 Switch 的新特性也令人期待。新作的详细情况有待后续报导。

2018-4-12 10:56 PM
LEVEL-5 首款 NS 游戏《The SNACK WORLD:Trejarers GOLD》今日发售
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/4/161284.html

  LEVEL-5 制作,动作角色扮演游戏《The SNACK WORLD》在今(12)日发售 Nintendo Switch 版本《The SNACK WORLD:Trejarers GOLD》。 实体版、下载版售价皆为 5980 日圆(不含税)。 本作同时也是 LEVEL-5 第一款在 Nintendo Switch 主机上推出的游戏。


  《The SNACK WORLD》是紧接于《闪电十一人(イナズマイレブン)》、《纸箱战机(ダンボール戦机)》、以及《妖怪手表(妖怪ウォッチ)》之后,LEVEL-5 “跨媒体计划” 的第四款作品。 是以横跨幻想与现代的世界观,称之为「奇特休闲幻想」的作品,不仅推出游戏,也推出动画、漫画和玩具多种跨媒体商品。



  NS 版本以 3DS 版《The SNACK WORLD》为基础,大幅强化游戏画面和动作要素,并且收录了 3DS 版的付费 DLC 内容「突破界限! 龙骑士的试炼!! 」以及「破灭的魔王! 德米格拉斯降临!! 」。







  Nintendo Switch《The SNACK WORLD:Trejarers GOLD》于 4 月 12 日发售,实体版、下载版售价皆为 5980 日圆(不含税)。
2018-5-17 06:43 PM
Layton’s Mystery Journey: Katrielle and The Millionaires’ Conspiracy DX official Japanese website opened


Level-5 has launched the official Japanese website for Layton’s Mystery Journey: Katrielle and The Millionaires’ Conspiracy DX, its newly announced Switch version of its mystery solving fantasy adventure game.

The website details the following new features:

#1. A More Comfortable Layout

Solve mysteries with greater comfort on a higher quality screen than the 3DS version. Begin your great adventure of mystery solving.

#2. “Nazotoki Charm” Toys Work with the Game

The “Nazotoki Charm” toys released by Takara Tomy will work with the game through NFC correspondence. Touch the Nazotoki Charm to the Switch the get new costumes for Katrielle.

The first set of Nazotoki Charms (which conists of six types) will be released on July 7. By touching them to the Switch, you can get costumes like the “Strawberry Biscuit Dress,” “Antique Clock Dress,” and “Pink Jewel Dress.”

#3. Limited Quantity Bonus Included with the Physical Edition

The loupe used by Katrielle in the anime will be included with the physical edition in limited quantities as a Nazotoki Charm toy. By touching it to the Switch, you can get a costume themed after Katrielle’s loupe color.

—Digital Edition Bonus: Aroma-Style Outfit

The digital edition will include the same “Aroma-Style Dress” included with the 3DS version of the game.

Layton’s Mystery Journey: Katrielle and The Millionaires’ Conspiracy is currently available worldwide for 3DS, iOS, and Android.

Layton’s Mystery Journey: Katrielle and The Millionaires’ Conspiracy DX will launch for Switch on August 9 in Japan for 5,980 yen (6,458 yen with tax).
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