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【新闻部】Level 5

2017-6-13 10:18 PM
Level-5 acquires Comcept, now Level-5 Comcept

Level-5 has acquired Comcept, and the subsidiary is now known as Level-5 Comcept, the latest issue of Weekly Famitsu reports.

The magazine has an interview with Level-5 president and CEO Akihiro Hino, and Comcept founder Keiji Inafune. Here are the tidbits:

From around the time we worked together on Guild 02, there have been talks about doing something together.

Inafune: “I had the feeling that I wanted to be like Hino since around the time I was at Capcom.”

To easily describe it, Level-5 Comcept is a company that combines the philosophies of both companies.

It is a new company with the base staff of Comcept and the involvement of Akihiro Hino.

Inafune: Although there are plans to close Comcept as it currently stands in the future, I will take responsibility for the titles I’m working on until the end.

Level-5 Comcept is a subsidiary of Level-5. To paint a picture, instead of receiving instruction and then working on a title, it is a place where the Comcept team and Hino will make games together.

Level-5 Comcept is based in Osaka. In the future, they want it to play the role of Level-5’s Osaka studio.

Currently, Level-5 Comcept is made up of about 15 people, who are mostly Comcept members, but they want to gradually recruit staff from here on.

The goal is to make games that show that they’re in the league of Inafune.

The first game by Level-5 Comcept is an iOS and Android title called Dragon Colonies, which is due out in Japan in 2018. It is set in a world where various races, including humans, magic beings, and large beasts, live together. It features dice-shaped, miniature garden colonies called “Hacolonies,” which players can freely build up. The focus is on player-versus-player battles and building the strongest Hacolony. You will become stronger by establishing facilities and placing dragons on five of the six Hacolony sides to act as weapons. One side of the Hacolony has a crest, which by uniting with an enemy Hacolony becomes a battlefield.Battles are real-time, and victory goes to the first player to destroy the enemy’s Hacolony.
2017-6-15 06:57 PM
Level-5 Comcept official website opened


Following the company’s announcement in the latest issue of Weekly Famitsu, Level-5 has officially announced the formation of Level-5 Comcept, as well as launched the company’s official website http://www.level5.co.jp/level5comcept/

Level-5 Comcept is a company 100-percent owned by Level-5, formed by Level-5 president and CEO Akihiro Hino, and Comcept CEO and conceptor Keiji Inafune. As Level-5’s Osaka base, it will work on projects such as the planning and development of games and apps, and the acquisition of talent.

The first title from Level-5 Comcept is an iOS and Android title called Dragons & Colonies due out in Japan in 2018. Visit its official website http://www.level5.co.jp/level5comcept/dracolo/

稻船敬二工作室 Comcept 将被 Level-5 收购 转型为「LEVEL5 comcept」

  根据外媒 Eurogamer 的报导,游戏工作室 Comcept 将被游戏商 Level-5 收购,加入 Level-5 旗下转型为「LEVEL5 comcept」。

  成为 Level-5 旗下子公司的 Comcept,是由知名游戏制作人稻船敬二创立的游戏工作室,曾经和多家厂商合作推出《麦提 9 号(Mighty No.9)》、《核心机群(ReCore)》和《YAIBA:忍者外传 Z(YAIBA:NINJA GAIDEN Z)》等作。 而母公司 Level-5 则是由日野晃博成立,擅长多角化经营,曾推出《妖怪手表》、《雷顿教授》、《闪电十一人》和《第二国度》等多部卖座游戏。

  合并之后的「LEVEL5 comcept」座落在大阪,规模大约 15 人,今后将会渐渐扩增。 目前将会把精神集中在完成 Comcept 时代承接的项目,之后会渐渐将业务移转至承接 Level-5 的游戏开发,最后转型为 Level-5 的大阪工作室。 而稻船敬二也表示,今后将会和日野晃博同心协力,激荡出全新游戏作品带给玩家。
2017-6-26 06:23 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-6-26 07:38 PM 编辑


The Snack World: Trejarers delayed to August 10 for 3DS in Japan, 2018 for smartphones




Level-5 has delayed the 3DS version of The Snack World: Trejarers from its previously planned release date of July 13 in Japan to August 10. It will cost 4,800 yen (5,184 yen with tax).

According to Level-5, the release date was changed in order to enhance the quality of the game and allow everyone to play with peace of mind.

The smartphone version of The Snack World was also quietly delayed from its previously planned December 2017 release date in Japan to a general 2018 release window.

Level-5 also released a new trailer and set of TV spots featuring the new date.

The trailer highlights the game’s traditional fantasy, yet modern-style setting. Players will create a custom character and become Trejarers, and come across characters like Chup and his group on their adventure. Players will go on quests, take on dungeons full of various mechanics, and battle surreal and unique monsters with various weak points in “Jara Battles” where you fight by switching weapons. You’ll get casino-esque rewards while fighting, and formidable bosses await in the dungeon’s depths. Up to four players can fight cooperatively in local and online multiplayer.

2017-6-29 06:31 PM


2017-8-10 08:10 PM
2017-8-14 03:16 PM
Yo-kai Watch Busters 2 is a 3DS title, teaser website opened

Yo-kai Watch Busters 2: Treasure Legend Banbaraya, which was first revealed in CoroCoro earlier this week, will be released for 3DS when it launches in Japan this winter, Level-5 announced. The game’s teaser website has also been opened.

The sequel is set on the new “Karakuri Island,” where the treasure of a pirate king rests. Karakuri Island is a mysterious island with extravagent treasures and where dangerous yo-kai lie in wait.

Further information was not announced.http://www.youkai-watch.jp/busters2/
2017-8-30 06:13 PM
2017-9-15 04:38 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-9-20 04:59 PM 编辑

《妖怪手表克星 2 秘宝传说班峇拉雅》12 月 7 日发售 将推出「宝剑」「手鎗」双版本
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/9/152739.html

  LEVEL-5 于近日发表《妖怪手表》系列最新作《妖怪手表克星 2 秘宝传说班峇拉雅(妖怪ウォッチバスターズ 2 秘宝伝说バンバラヤー)》将在 2017 年 12 月 7 日推出。

  本作是在 2015 年发售的《妖怪手表克星 赤猫团 / 白犬队》的续作,预定会推出《宝剑版》和《手鎗版》两种不同版本。 实体版、下载版价格皆为 5184 日圆(含税)。

  另外配合消息正式发表,在系列官方网站上也一并公开本作宣传影片。 在影片里可以看到新妖怪「偷光光一家(ブンドリー一家)」,以及全新武器「秘密机关(トレジャーギア)」等等,在本作中首次登场的全新要素。

2017-9-29 10:49 PM
2017-10-22 08:21 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-10-23 06:23 PM 编辑

Inazuma Eleven Ares for PS4, Switch, iOS, and Android launches summer 2018 in Japan
《闪电十一人 阿瑞斯的天秤》系列最新作 2018 年夏季跨家机与手机平台登场

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/9/154199.html

  LEVEL-5 在上周六的直播节目中宣布,将于 2018 年夏季推出收集 / 养成足球角色扮演游戏《闪电十一人》系列最新作《闪电十一人 阿瑞斯的天秤(イナズマイレブン アレスの天秤)》,制作平台包括家用主机的 PlayStation 4、 Nintendo Switch,以及手机的 Android 与 iOS。

  《闪电十一人 阿瑞斯的天秤》以初代《闪电十一人》的「明日之星足球大赛篇(フットボールフロンティア编)」圆堂守带领的雷门中学足球队获得胜利之后的平行世界所展开的新系列。

  游戏将以从伊那国中学转入雷门中学的 “被太阳选上的小子”「稻森明日人」,竞争对手星章学园的 “球场的恶魔”「灰崎凌兵」,以及王帝月之宫中学的 “战术的皇帝”「野坂悠马」3 人为主角展开新的故事。 此外熟悉的 “雪原之王子” 吹雪士郎,也会与平行世界中未死的弟弟 “杀熊的敦也” 吹雪敦也一同登场。 其他像是鬼道有人、豪炎寺修也等系列老班底也会在作品中登场。

  为庆祝《闪电十一人》系列第 7 部作品《闪电十一人 阿瑞斯的天秤》登场,官方将于 2018 年 1 月 21 日举办「闪电十一人大复活祭」,抢先播出《闪电十一人》全新的第 27 集《闪电十一人 Reloaded》以及预定 2018 年春季上映的电视动画版《闪电十一人 阿瑞斯的天秤》第 1 集。


Inazuma Eleven Ares will be released for PlayStation 4, Switch, iOS, and Android in summer 2018 in Japan, Level-5 announced during the eighth edition of its monthly Inazuma Walker broadcast.


The game uses a design that allows even people who do not normally enjoy playing soccer games to enjoy playing soccer. It will maintain the strategic nature of soccer while also not making it difficult. The graphics will be even better-looking than what was shown today, and Level-5 is currently working on how to make the controls enjoyable for everyone. The theme is to make each individual character appear with the same quality that they are given in the anime.

Watch the first footage below


Outside of Inazuma Eleven Ares, Level-5 shared a few other announcements:

“Inazuma Eleven Big Easter,” an Inazuma Eleven festival, will be held at Tokyo Big Sight on January 21, 2018.
Inazuma Eleven Reloaded, the “Another Episode 27” of the Inazuma Eleven anime, will be screened. Watch a preview here.
Episode 1 of the Inazuma Eleven Ares anime will be screened. Watch a preview here.
Starting today, five episodes of the “Football Frontier” arc of the Inazuma Eleven anime will be streamed for free on the Level-5 (Episode 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)and Corocoro (Episode 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)YouTube channels, and Anime Teleto each month. Each episode has a hidden key word that can be used to get original wallpapers and secret artworks. Those five episodes will be available until November 20.

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