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楼主: Gackt07
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Do you prefer American English or British English?

2011-7-8 01:16 PM
Of course I can differentiate it now.
It would be really stupid if I couldn't since I've been s ...
duenna 发表于 2011-7-2 05:43 PM

slang 关发音什么事?
What has slang got to do with pronunciation?
2011-7-8 02:56 PM
回复 341# DejaVu26

Different of slang have different pronounciation.
Of course it got something to do with it.
If you speak American English you obviously has it's slang right?
And when you pronounce audition it is most likely to sound like or-dee-sion.
On the other hand if you speak British English, your autidion probably sound like ou-dee-sion.
Because the way British and American pronounce A' is different.
If you watch American movies you'd realize they normally say a ball and it sounds like eih ball.
British way of saying it would be err ball.

Just pointing out. No offense.
2011-7-8 04:39 PM
回复 342# duenna
没有,只是很奇怪,你说你是受美式英语教育的,可是你的英语到处语法错误,slang 和 accent 也分不清楚。我知道你其实是想说 accent,会把 accent 误以为是 slang 好像是新马两地的比较多。美式发音的 audition 的确和英式的不一样,但也绝不是 or- ,这又和 A 的发音什么关系?感觉你在乱扯一通。至于那个 a ball 的也是乱扯,a 有分强读和弱读,不是英美发音的问题.....

我的天,在本地学的英语根本没有所谓的英式或美式,只有混杂式,ROJAK Malaysia Boleh 式英语....... 这才是赤裸裸的事实!

No offense,只是不想大家被误导。
2011-7-9 11:55 AM
but most of the people here....mix
2011-7-9 09:06 PM
回复 1# Gackt07

    british because im malaysian
2011-7-11 02:42 PM
I prefer British English, but I have no right to vote here
2011-7-12 01:34 AM
回复  duenna
没有,只是很奇怪,你说你是受美式英语教育的,可是你的英语到处语法错误,slang 和 accent ...
DejaVu26 发表于 2011-7-8 16:39

No offense, really. And none taken.
But what you doesn't see doesn't mean it is not true,
we do take American syllabus, and we take SAT/TOEFL/MUET and so on instead of PMR and SPM.
Yes, in details slang is more like a term.
But we all does say both ' you have an American accent ' or ' you have a British slang '

Accent refers to the sounds that are present in a person's language.
Pronunciation is basically a synonym of accent.
Therefore, if I pronounce differently from someone, I have a different accent.

Slang is a term that refers to language that belongs to a particular social group and that doesn't stay around long.
It's basically a way of saying "new forms of expression".
People often consider slang to be bad, saying that it's ruining their language,
but it's actually just a product of natural language change.

Another example, ' Nay ' which means no or disagree, is a pirate slang,
more commonly use in UK or Europe.
' Nuts ' is too, a slang word, you rarely hear European use ' are you nuts ' unless they've went to study in US or fancy using it.

If you are bugged because of the details of word choosing,
then I apologize, it is my bad.

I know you don't mean it an offensive way,
but somehow I feel a bit of it.
Not to say I am very pissed at it,
but I am just pointing out.
I am the kind of person that doesn't like misunderstanding,
which makes me the kind of person that likes to ask ' why ' and commonly give explanation to ensure no misunderstanding.

And yes, you are right about the " 强读和弱读 " of vowels,
but it doesn't affect the way British, American,
even Scottish and Canada or so on slang/accent.

The term of 强读和弱读 actually means in some words,
some letters are not pronounced.
What we call silent vowels/letters.
For an instant example : people
You don't read pe-o-ple which means the O' is actually silent vowel.
You've misunderstood about the 强读和弱读 part.

I pointed out that I studied American syllabus wasn't because I was showing off,
but if it is what bugged you then I apologize again, too, for it.

Please do not take it too seriously,
but some of your point of view is actually a little shallow.

Yes we are all Malaysian,
doesn't mean people who speak with an accent/slang are pretenders,
consider it about the people we hang out with,
the more you are with this kind of people,
the more you are like this.
Especially when we are in the same school, and class,
of course our accents/slangs/pronunciation would sound alike or even the same.

I understand that locally we will be mocked, or look like one kind of bimbo or pretenders just because the way we speak.
Honestly, it become more like a habit, please do not judge.

2011-7-12 09:48 AM
we are learn British English
2011-7-12 12:12 PM
No offense, really. And none taken.
But what you doesn't see doesn't mean it is not true,
we d ...
duenna 发表于 2011-7-12 01:34 AM

you doesn't see / more commonly use / they've went to /  it is my bad /  you don't mean it an offensive way /  I feel a bit of it / For an instant example / consider it about the people we hang out with /  would sound alike or even the same
we all does say both ' you have an American accent ' or ' you have a British slang '
就像我说的,新马两地的人才会这么说: '... have/has a British slang ',这是因为分不清accent 和 slang 的结果。请去谷歌搜寻”He has a British slang"看看。
Pronunciation is basically a synonym of accent.
If you are bugged because of the details of word choosing, then I apologize, it is my bad.
I know you don't mean it an offensive way, but somehow I feel a bit of it.
The term of 强读和弱读 actually means in some words, some letters are not pronounced. What we call silent vowels/letters.For an instant example : people
You don't read pe-o-ple which means the O' is actually silent vowel. You've misunderstood about the 强读和弱读 part.
强读/弱读和 “silent letters”是两码事啊。看来你不懂这些,所以还是跳过,我怕等一下你又感到被冒犯了。
I pointed out that I studied American syllabus wasn't because I was showing off, but if it is what bugged you then I apologize again, too, for it.
我没如此以为,这样的英语程度怎么“show off“?(抱歉,以事论事,没有冒犯的意思),只是很好奇为什么你会认为你是美式派的,就因为你考过 TOEFL那些?应该是我道歉,因为我太坦白了。
but some of your point of view is actually a little shallow.
Yes we are all Malaysian,
doesn't mean people who speak with an accent/slang are pretenders,
I understand that locally we will be mocked, or look like one kind of bimbo or pretenders just because the way we speak.
2011-7-12 01:47 PM
那你是在家教育(homeschool ...
DejaVu26 发表于 2011-7-12 12:12

Nah, I am not offended.
Just in a way I feel that you are bugged by only me, lol.
I see this as a discussion though,
although some may see it other way.

First at all, home schooling isn't literally at home ;
there is school for it.
Yes, I've been to all of it.
Home school, international school and also " self-study " the one that you said parents " 家教育教坏了 "
my parents' weren't that one that teach me at home.
I literally self-studied for my TOEFL and I took 106/120,
you can ask around what kind of score is it.
I am not cocky about it,
but you judgment over " 相信这种程度是不足以参加TOEFL等考试的 " is clearly wrong over it.
If I have to choose over you saying my language " 程度是不足以参加TOEFL等考试的 ",
and the fact that I've always had good score for my language,
I'd choose to trust fact than your opinion.

TOEFL is different with any other language exam,
because you literally speak but not with a person,
locally ours is iBT TOEFL, the speaking part you ' speak ' to a computer,
and there is two different person mark and score your TOEFL.

In home school, our passing score is 80, 97 + are A's.
People might think it is easy, fact is,
we have around 5 test every single day.
Your point of view over kids in home school/international school are " 家教育教坏了 " is not what I see.
When I was in home school, I see kids more discipline.
They've goals for everyday's work,
grade 1 - 12 whoever it is, your passing score is 80.
After you've done your work, you need to score them with answer key yourselves,
which give you temptation of changing your answer,
but tutors chose to trust you.

Just because the fees are more expensive,
parents could afford,
doesn't mean " 家教育教坏了 ".

There used to be an Indian girl in my class,
she was 16 when she first joined school.
She never had a chance to go to school,
her parents abandoned her and her siblings,
they were finally sponsored to go to school.
If it is public school, at the age of 16,
do you think there will be chances for her to go to school like normal kids,
wear uniform without being judge and look like she's a freak.

The part you ask me to go google, and I did.
First one that appears is from dictionary.com :

Verb: Emphasize (a particular feature).
Noun: A distinctive mode of pronunciation of a language, esp. one associated with a particular

By your opinion, accent might not be pronunciation,
you can use many different words to explain it,
or altogether a long essay to easy the meaning of it,
but when it comes to definition, it is short and clear, one line.

There is not word that will be meaning like another word exactly,
but they are similar ones.

This is just a conversational way of speaking,
if you think my ' level ' isn't as good,
you can always check out my actual writing, thesis or more.
Don't judge a book by its cover,
and there is a reason I've got higher mark in writing than any other session in TOEFL and SAT.

" 不会呱,我们每天接触英语电影和电视节目,基本上还懂得分辨吧?
As for me, I haven't met ( personally ) any pretenders that pretend to have an accent,
but what you refer as " 英语学得不三不四 " I think you meant bimbo slang.
I've seen someone that pretend to have an accent in a mall or so,
but I chose not to judge.
No matter how it sounds like, how annoying it is,
I still chose over not judging it, because I don't know that person.
Maybe he came back from UK? Maybe her mom is an American?
There are possibilities to explain his/her way of speaking,
and that is why I chose not to judge.

I still have to say this at last,
I didn't mean to offend you.
Some of the phrases might sound harsh,
but that's what I feel about.

And if you are curious about my writing,
here's a link to it :

I am sorry if I've offended you,
I apologize for every single time if I did.
[Don't have to reply about you're not offended or so on,
it is just my habit that I don't like misunderstanding.
If you are not offended, just ignore me xD ]
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