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【PS4/XB1/PC】Code Vein

2018-5-23 08:25 PM
2018-5-24 04:54 PM
Code Vein further details Yakumo, City of Falling Flames field, Successor of the Claw boss, more

Bandai Namco has released new information and screenshots of Code Vein further detailing Yakumo, the “City of Falling Flames” field and its “Successor of the Claw” boss, Great Hammer weapon variations, and more.

Get the details below.

■ The Reliable Former Mercenary Yakumo

As a combat professional, the former mercenary Yakumo fights with a cool head on the battlefield. However, his strong sense of duty and relaible personality, even many Revenants look up to him like an older brother.

As a partner, Yakumo is a reliable character who makes use of his high physical strength to actively pull ahead and take damage.

An exploration scene with Yakumo. When you discover a treasure chest, for example, he will have a Yakumo-esque reaction.

■ Yakumo’s Past

Yakumo’s Connection to Mido

Before the world collapsed, Yakumo was once a human being, and together with his comrades were sold off as mercenaries to be used as Mido’s laboratory experiments. Even now that memory remains, as Yakumo seems to have a strong hatred of Mido.

Emily Su (voiced by Yuuki Kuwahara)

A woman who belonged to a private military facility led by Mido and was subjected to cruel experiments alongside Yakumo. During his trying time as a mercenary, Yakumo overcame his suffering with Emily and came to know her as family. After they were separated by the Great Collapse, Yakumo sets out in search of her.

Mido’s Experiments

The memories of Revenants subjected to laboratory experiments by Mido, just like Yakumo. Even after the world collapsed and he was revived as a Revenant, Mido’s cruel experiments continued…

■ Field Introduction: City of Falling Flames

A city burned down by hell fire that never dies out, whose ruins were instantly swallowed up by a whirlpool of flames without any prior warning, that will continue to burn with never-ending momentum until everything becomes ashes.

The roads and buildings have collapsed, and the city is covered entirely in flames. Since you will take damage treading along the burning ground, you should proceed exploring with caution.

The “Thorns of Judgment” wind their way through the city as if doing whatever it takes to destroy it. The fire that occurs from the thorns thoroughly burns everything, and never dies out.

A wall of fire blocks the player’s path forward. You must also always be on the look out for an attack from a Lost lurking in the flames.

A Lost called “Blazing Radical” lurks in the flames of the burned down city. It possesses various weapons.

It is a Lost reminiscent of a knight. Depending on the weapon it possesses, it will not only unleash consecutive attacks, it can also use Gifts that strengthen its weapon.

■ Successor of the Claw

The Successor who inherited Q.U.E.E.N.’s claws. It has deep red claws that shine like a crimson flame and two tails. Its head is fully masked, meaning that its facial expressions are unreadable, but they prey reflected in its eyes is undoubtedly invited to death.

A slash attack from the giant knife in its right hand. You must always be on alert for slash attacks following quick movements.

The Successor of the Claw will trifle with the player using acrobatic attacks such as leap attacks from the sky.

The boss enemy will burn anyone who approaches it to nothing with powerful, flame-covered attacks like slash attacks from its blazing claws or a spin attack from its two tails.

It can also attack at long distance with flame-covered shurikens. You will not even be able to approach it unless you see through its unique trajectory.

Slip through the Successor of the Claw’s fast movements and flame-covered attacks, and you will certainly be able to damage it.

■ Caskets of the Successors

The domains created by the Successors were made in order to suppress the God Shell’s rampage. Using the power passed down by Q.U.E.E.N. to intervene with the Thorns of Judgment, the Successors sealed themselves and fell asleep behind unique barriers and thorns.

■ Field: Ridge of Frozen Souls

An icey valley where a violent snow storm continues to blow. It was once covered in grass, but almost at the same time as the outbreak of the red fog, a snow storm hit the valley as if to bend and twist its climate.

Successor of the Ridge of Frozen Souls

A casket of a Successor can also be found on the Ridge of Frozen Souls. Waiting for players inside is a large-horned Lost Successor.

■ Weapon Variations: Great Hammer

Even weapons of the same category have diverse actions depending on the weapon.

Huge Hammer – Heavy Attack

A horizontally wide-ranging attack in which the user unleashes a great swing while stepping forward.

Huge Hammer – Charged Heavy Attack

From a horizontal charging stance, the user unleashes a great rush forward.

Impulse Anchor – Charged Heavy Attack

Following a strong strike of the hammer, an explosion that wraps up surrounding enemies is produced.

Code Vein is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in 2018.
2018-5-24 04:56 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-5-25 06:45 PM 编辑

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/4/163124.html

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 于近(24)日,公开预定在 2018 年内发售的「戏剧性探索动作角色扮演游戏」《噬血代码(CODE VEIN)》(PC / PS4 / Xbox One)最新游戏情报。

  这次公开的情报,是关于玩家游戏中的伙伴之一,搭档「八云」的个人资料。 八云如同在过去报导中介绍的一样,是原本担任佣兵的吸血鬼(レヴナント),在世界崩坏之前,还维持人类身份的时候,被御堂(ミドウ)当成实验品。 他在寻找和自己一样被施以人体实验,在大崩坏之后分隔两地的女性「艾米莉. 苏」。 在战斗中,是个会活用自己丰富体力,积极在前线作战的角色。



搭档介绍:八云. 东云(ヤクモ・シノノメ)






角色介绍:艾米莉. 苏(エミリー・スー)

和八云一样隶属御堂管理的民间军事设施,被施以残酷人体实验的女性。 在严酷的佣兵时代,她是一起共患难,足以称为家族的存在。 在大崩坏令大家四处分散后,八云持续在寻找的伙伴之一
艾米莉. 苏 配音:桑原由气









2018-5-25 06:41 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-5-25 06:50 PM 编辑


女王之爪的继承者。 拥有如红莲之火不停燃烧的利爪和两条尾巴
















2018-5-31 05:09 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-5-31 07:28 PM 编辑

Code Vein release date to be announced on June 4
《噬血代码》预定 6 月 5 日公开最新影片 揭露多段事件场景及游戏发售日

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/8/163338.html

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 近(31)日预告,预定今年年内发售的新作动作 RPG《噬血代码(CODE VEIN)》(PC / PlayStation 4 / Xbox One),官网将于 6 月 5 日上午 11: 00 释出最新影片。

  影片中,将使用众多游戏事件场景,能让玩家确认到「关乎剧情中枢的场景」,另外也预告将在影片中公开游戏发售日。 从 2017 年 4 月计划发表之初就持续关注本作的玩家们,记得千万不要错过。

  「戏剧性探索动作 RPG」《噬血代码》,玩家将与众多同伴组成「搭档」,一同挑战强敌与危险横行的广大迷宫,描绘吸血鬼(复生者)们在未来世界抵抗灭亡的故事。

Bandai Namco will announce the release date and debut the latest trailer for Code Vein on June 4 at 7:00 p.m. PT / 10:00 p.m. ET / June 5 at 11:00 JST, the company announced on Twitter.

Here are two scenes from the upcoming trailer:

Code Vein will be released for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.
2018-6-5 11:51 AM
Code Vein Releasing Worldwide on September 28
《CODE VEIN 噬血代码》释出第四支宣传影片 公布全国英文繁体中文版同步日版发售日

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/8/163538.html

  台湾万代南梦宫娱乐今(5)日宣布,戏剧性探索动作 RPG 游戏《CODE VEIN 噬血代码》 PS4 / Xbox One 繁体中文版将于 9 月 27 日推出,PC / STEAM 版 9 月 28 日推出。 此外,最新宣传影片同步公开,揭露故事中关键剧情与丰富的动画场景。

《CODE VEIN 噬血代码》故事简介

  在不远的未来,世界突然面临崩坏、地表遭审判之棘贯穿碎裂,只剩下原本象征繁荣的人类 建筑物像是墓碑般耸立着。 为了避免灭亡,人类必须仰赖吸血才能维持仅存的理性,求生蜕 变成吸血鬼,而世界也彷佛是深沉的血之牢狱,称之为「VEIN」。 如果没有足够的血液供给,吸血鬼将会丧失自我,为了渴求些微血液而互相残杀、堕落...。

  在强敌环伺、危机四伏的巨大地牢中,和伙伴一同探索与战斗,分担深沉的恐惧、互相支持 克服难关并迎向神秘未知的光景。 玩家可尽情享受紧张刺激的剧情探索及战斗,以血为赌注, 共赴死地。



  《CODE VEIN 噬血代码》繁体中文版将于 9 月 27 日推出 PS4 / Xbox One 版,9 月 28 日推出 PC / STEAM 版。

游戏名称:CODE VEIN 噬血代码
发售日:PS4 / Xbox One 版 9 月 27 日、PC / STEAM 版 9 月 28 日
发行商:BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Taiwan Ltd.
平台:PS4、Xbox One、PC / STEAM
类型:戏剧性探索动作 RPG

Code Vein will launch worldwide for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC via Steam on September 28, Bandai Namco announced. In Japan, the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions will launch on September 27. The Japanese Xbox One version will only be released digitally.

Find limited edition and bonus details below:

■ Americas

Pre-Order Bonuses

God Eater collaboration weapon set, including “The Blanched Greatsword,” “Cerulean Spear,” and “Crimson Longsword”
“Venous Claw” weapon

■ Japan

Bloodthirst Edition (PlayStation 4)

Special box
A copy of Code Vein for PlayStation 4
Mia Karnstein figure (17cm tall)
“Code Vein World Report” art book
“Code Vein Original Sound Track” 22-track soundtrack CD
Additionally, users who purchase this edition will receive a download code for the “Bloodthirster” player character custom parts set, which includes three accessories and one mask.


God Eater collaboration weapon set, including “The Blanched Greatsword,” “Cerulean Spear,” and “Crimson Longsword”
PlayStation 4-only: “Code Vein x God Eater” collaboration theme
Physical edition-only: “Code Vein x God Eater” clear card (100mm x 148mm)

Early Purchases

“Venous Claw” weapon

2018-6-6 06:21 PM
2018-6-8 02:19 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-8 07:24 PM 编辑

Code Vein ‘Blood Veil: Ogre’ trailer

  万代南梦宫今天发布了《噬血代码(Code Vein)》全新预告片,预告片中主角的武器(或者形态、技能)“血之面纱”首次登场,主角开启“血之面纱”技能后,直接用暴力招式一击秒杀敌人。“血之面纱(Blood Veil)”正如其名,用恐怖的方式,绝对的力量杀死你的敌人!准备好用这个食肉性爪武器残酷蹂躏你的目标。


  《噬血代码》将于2018年9月28日发售,登陆PS4,Xbox One和PC。日本地区会提前一天发售。


Bandai Namco has released a new trailer for Code Vein introducing the Ogre Blood Veil.

Here is an overview of the Blood Veil, via the video’s description:

True to its name, Ogre demolishes your enemies with power and sheer force! Get ready to brutalize your targets with this carnivorous claw.

Code Vein is due out worldwide for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on September 28. In Japan, the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions will release on September 27.
2018-6-9 04:28 PM
Code Vein ‘Blood Veil: Stinger’ trailer


Bandai Namco has released a new trailer for Code Vein introducing the Stinger Blood Veil.

Here is an overview of the Blood Veil, via the video’s description:

This lethal weapon will tear apart enemies and sap away their blood…

Code Vein is due out worldwide for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on September 28. In Japan, the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions will release on September 27.
2018-6-10 07:38 AM
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