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【PS4/XB1/PC】Code Vein

2017-9-21 06:07 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-9-21 07:50 PM 编辑

Eight minutes of Code Vein TGS 2017 demo gameplay

  在 9 月 20 日举办的万代南梦宫新作发布会上,A9VG受邀现场试玩新作《噬血代码》并对制作人吉村广、饭塚启太进行了采访。





Famitsu has gone up with eight minutes of footage from the Code Vein demo being showcased at Tokyo Game Show 2017 this week.

Code Vein is due out worldwide for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in early 2018.


2017-9-23 01:41 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-9-28 03:30 PM 编辑



《噬血代码》第二弹中文预告 吸血鬼竟吃这个度日


2017-9-25 04:23 PM

2017-9-27 07:25 AM
2017-9-28 03:29 PM

  Bandai Namco 预定于 2018 年初发售的 PS4、Xbox One、PC 动作游戏《噬血代码》(Code Vein) 在本周Fami通和Dengeki电击PS 杂志中公开了新的登场角色,并详细介绍了游戏中玩家可以使用的部分武器。




• 单手剑:攻击速度快,间隙比较小。单下攻击力不高,但攻击手段非常丰富。虽然攻击距离较短但也有可以攻击到较远距离的特殊攻击动作。
• 双手剑:攻击速度虽然较慢但攻击距离和攻击范围都很大。使用蓄力攻击可以旋转身体横扫敌人。
• 枪剑:在长枪前端附加一个刀刃既可以远距离枪击又可以用刀刃砍杀的武器。通过挑起攻击可以将敌人打至浮空状态。
• 斧矛:兼具攻击范围与攻击距离的长柄武器,攻击会附带反动效果,可以让敌人难以接近。不过其独特的攻击节奏需要适应。


• 大锤:虽然攻击距离较短但威力非常的高,攻击时还可以击倒敌人。特殊攻击还能横向挥舞,面对多个敌人时也能发挥威力。



  本作将登陆PS4、Xbox One与Steam平台,预定2018 年发售繁体中文版。



2017-9-28 11:29 PM
Code Vein details Jack Rutherford and Eva Roux, weapon types, and Queen’s Knight

Bandai Namco has released a new set of Code Vein details and screenshots introducing the game’s latest Partner characters Jack Rutherford and Eva Roux, weapon types, and the Queen’s Knight enemy.

Get the information below.

Jack Rutherford and Eva Roux

Jack Rutherford (voiced by Junichi Suwabe) and Eva Roux (voiced by Saori Hayami) are two Revenants with a twisted past that will team up with the player during some special events despite belonging to the opposite faction. With the two characters in the party the battle style will dramatically change and become more aggressive.

Weapon Types

The game will support different weapons categories such as the One and Two-Hand Swords, Bayonet, Halberd, and Great Hammer. Every category features different Weapon Actions. They can be slower / faster, more / less damaging, long / short distant attacks, and have different side effects and animations depending on the player and the weapon used.

Queen’s Knight

This human type Lost is fully equipped with a spear, a shield, and two knives on his back. He can use single, double, sharp, and wide attacks, and when its energy goes down he can change phase and become more aggressive. All of these elements will make him tougher to beat and will prove the player’s skills.

Code Vein is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC worldwide in early 2018.

2017-10-4 07:25 AM
2017-10-5 04:49 PM
Code Vein further details Jack Rutherford and Eva Roux, weapon types, and Queen’s Knight

Following initial details last week, Bandai Namco has released further information and screenshots of Code Vein‘s latest Partner characters Jack Rutherford and Eva Roux, weapon types, and the Queen’s Knight enemy.

Get the details below.

■ Characters

Jack Rutherford (voiced by Junichi Suwabe)

A Revenant called the “Revenant Hunter,” who is feared by both enemies and allies alike. Just like Yakumo, he is a combat professional with a history in the military. He seems to have a deep connection to the protagonist.

Eva Roux (voiced by Saori Hayami)

A female Revenant who travels alongside Jack. Jack saved her life, and as a debt of gratitude she always stays by his side.

The protagonists will have conflicting viewpoints with Jack and Eva, but under specific conditions can work together. Just like Louis, Jack fights using a one-hand sword while equipped with the “Hounds” Blood Veil. It is a more aggressive battle style. And just like Mia, Eva uses a bayonet. She will often support the player.

■ Weapon Actions

One-Hand Sword

The one-hand sword attacks with quick swings and leaves little opportunity for the enemy to attack. It is good for hit-and-away-style combat, as its quick movement can accurately strike the enemy’s opening. It is also flexible in that it can be used in various situations.

—Weak Attack

A four-stage combo: diagonal slash → horizontal slash → vertical slash → rising slash. Its attack speed is fast, leaving little opportunity for the enemy to attack after the combo begins.

—Charge Attack

Steps towards the enemy while unleashing a rotating slash. It can be used to immediately approach the enemy.

—Special Attack

A thrust attack that lunges the sword while stepping at the enemy.

Two-Hand Sword

The two-hand sword has slow attack speed, but high reach and a giant sword blade that deals a powerful blow to the enemy. Its wider attack range can also hit several surrounding enemies at once.

—Weak Attack

A three-stage attack that goes from a strong strike to left and right cleaves.

—Strong Attack

The character readies his stance, rotates his body, and drives into the enemy with a powerful blow.

—Charge Attack

A charge attack in which the character rotates while mowing down the enemies before him. It can also blow enemies away.


The bayonet is a weapon characterized by its ability to attack with slash attacks at short range and shooting attacks at long range. With special attack methods that utilize steps, you can fight while managing your distance from the enemy.

—Weak Attack

A four-stage attack from the bayonet’s blade. It is a rotating attack that goes from a rising slash → stab → cleave → low slash.

—Strong Attack and Charge Attack

A long range attack from the gun. If you charge it, its range extends and it becomes more guided.

—Launch Attack

Double steps towards the enemy after a back step to unleash a launch attack. This attack can also be can be done while parrying the enemy’s attacks.


A weapon with wide range attacks that make use of its long handle. Many of its attacks come with a kickback, and its unique attack timing requires practice.

—Weak Attack

When the first stage of a weak attack ends, it continues into a wide range, rotating second attack. It is a ranged attack that can be unleashed with little stamina consumption. From there, you can cleave the enemy and follow through with a vertical slash.

—Strong Attack

A rotating attack that applies the momentum of the spin to swing down on the enemy from above. Pinpoint attacks are also possible.

Great Hammer

The great hammer is a powerful weapon with short reach, but high attack power and downing ability. How you approach the enemy and hit them with a strong attack is crucial.

—Weak Attack

The basic weak attack is a one-stage attack that strikes the enemy from above. For combos, it becomes a three-stage attack that goes from a strike → strike → side sweep.

—Charge Attack

A charge attack that builds up power, then leaps at the enemy. It can be done from outside the enemy’s range.

—Special Attack

Readies the weapon horizontally, then unleashes a rotating attack. This is the great hammer’s valuable ranged attack.

Same Weapon Type, Different Attack Motion

Even for the same types of weapons, various different kinds exist. Depending on the weapon, some attacks will have exclusive attack motions.

—A great hammer weapon. It has a big swing attack unseen in the weapon’s basic attacks.

—A one-hand sword weapon. It has some attacks where the character wields the sword with two hands.

—A halberd weapon. It has an attack that makes use of the spear’s huge pierce.

2017-10-5 04:49 PM
■ Queen’s Knight

A humanoid Lost that wields a giant, spear-like sword in its left hand, a shield in its right hand, and two wing-like huge blades on its back. It will block the player’s path with consecutive and quickly activated attacks using its sword and shield that leave little opportunity for a counterattack, as well as ranged attacks that use the blades on its back.

—With its sword, the Queen’s Knight will unleash a variety of consecutive attacks. It has long reach and leaves little opportunity for a counterattack after it strikes.

—A rotating attack that uses the blades on Queen’s Knight’s back. It is a threatening, wide ranging attack that engulfs its surroundings.

—An attack that uses the Queen’s Knight’s shield. Its reach is short, but it can be activated quickly.

—A high-speed thrust the Queen’s Knight can use from a distance. Its rush speed is extremely fast, almost immediately charging at the player after it readies its stance.

After you deal a certain amount of damage to the Queen’s Knight, its attack methods will change. It will unleash even more powerful attacks to drive the player into a corner.

—The Queen’s Knight’s stance when it changes modes. Its attack variations will also change.

—An assault attack in which the Queen’s Knight leaps to the sky and then warps. It will be a hard fight unless you can determine where and when it will appear.

—A wide range attack centered on the Queen’s Knight itself. It is extremely difficult to evade after you see it begin. You will need to have a sense of when it will activate to evade the attack.

—Use Gifts to increase your attack power during the opportunities your partner creates by attacking the Queen’s Knight. Your choice of Gifts to use at such limited timing during battle is critical.

—If the Queen’s Knight drains a player of all of their HP, their partner will rescue them. Fighting alongside your partner is one of the game’s major strategic points.

Code Vein is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC worldwide in early 2018
2017-10-5 04:52 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-10-7 07:30 AM 编辑

《噬血代码 CODE VEIN》公开新登场角色、头目以及玩家可使用的五种武器情报
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/7/153567.html

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 预定在 2018 年内发售的「戏剧性探索动作角色扮演游戏」《噬血代码(CODE VEIN)》(PC / PS4 / Xbox One)。

  在先前已经公开了本作新最宣传影片「2nd Trailer」。 相信有在关注本作的玩家应该已经有人看过了才对,在影片里面出现了不少尚未公开情报的角色,同时也可以看到部份应该和游戏剧情有关的内容。

  在这次就要和玩家介绍,部份在影片里登场的角色。 同时关于玩家和伙伴在游戏可以使用的武器,也要针对目前已经公开的五种(单手剑、双手剑、鎗剑、斧枪、大槌)五器,配合游戏图片来解说各种武器的特征。 有兴趣的玩家请不要错过以下的报导。

  在此要先简单说明游戏标要,本作的游戏舞台是在一个因为被「审判之棘」所贯穿,所以崩溃的近未来世界。 玩家要扮演为了对抗灭亡命运,而舍弃了人类身份的「吸血鬼(レヴナント)」之一。

  成为吸血鬼虽然能获得超越常人的能力,但却会丧失原本身为人的大部份记忆,而且为了维持自己的人性,还必须要持续吸血才行。 如果缺乏血份,就会失去人类的内心,化成名为「堕鬼(ロスト)」的异样存在。


杰克 ‧ 兰瑟福德(ジャック・ラザフォード)

- Jack Rutherford -

被称为吸血鬼猎人,同时为敌我双方恐惧的吸血鬼。 和八云(ヤクモ)一样,都是有军人资历的战斗专家。 和主角之间似乎关系十分复杂。

伊娃 ‧ 露(エヴァ・ルゥ)
- Eva Roux -

和杰克一起行动的女性吸血鬼。 因为曾经被杰克所救,为了回报他的恩情,所以才和经常和他一起行动。

  在这次影片当中,把焦点放在一位脸上有伤痕的男性「杰克 ‧ 兰瑟福德」身上。 杰克原本是一位军人,所以可说是吸血鬼当中的战斗专家。 虽然没有说明原因,但他似乎被人称为「吸血鬼猎人」。 和主角之间的关系看起来相当复杂,而且是处在互相对立的立场上。

  只不过就像大家在影片里看到的一样,只要满足特定条件,杰克也会在游戏当中和主角同行。 另外杰克是使用单手剑作为武器,吸血牙装则是装备能够让身上披着的外套,变成狼头的「猎犬(ハウンズ)」。

  伊娃 ‧ 露则是过去曾经被杰克所救的女性吸血鬼,因为想要回报杰克的恩情,所以总是和他一起行动。 使用鎗剑作为武器,在一起作战时通常会站在辅助主角的立场上。

  接着是要和大家介绍五种在游戏当中可以使用的武器。 虽然在过去的报导当中并没有特别强调,不过从最早公开的情报里,就可以看到本作有「单手剑」、「双手剑」、「鎗剑」、「斧枪」以及「大槌」等武器存在(是否还有尚未公开的武器目前并不明朗)。

  以下就要为大家介绍各种武器的特征。 另外每一种武器都有更多不同的类别,其中还有造型看起来完全不像同种武器的存在,有些武器似乎还准备了专用的动作招式。

单手剑之一。 追加了以双手不断挥动的攻击动作。

大槌之一。 可以看到基本攻击没有的大动作攻击。

斧枪之一。 会用力向前突刺,施展出充分发挥长枪特征的攻击。


  单手剑挥动速度快,擅长能够以灵敏动作攻击敌人破绽的打带跑战术。 能够对应各种不同情况的高度柔软性,可以说是这种武器最大的特征。

弱攻击:连段是斜斩 → 横斩 → 纵斩 → 和上斩的四段攻击。 攻击速度快,攻击后的破绽也少。

特殊攻击:大步向前跨出并刺出一剑的突刺攻击。 就单手剑来说是攻击距离很长的攻击。

蓄力攻击:向敌人踏出一步并施展出旋转斩。 能够一口气缩短与敌人之间的距离,是最有魅力之处。


  双手剑的攻击速度虽然缓慢,但从巨大刀身施放出的每一击都十分强悍。 因为距离极长攻击范围广大,所以能够卷入周围其他敌人,同时给予伤害。



蓄力攻击:一面旋转一面对眼前的敌人发动横扫攻击的蓄力攻击。 可以将敌人击飞。


  鎗剑是可以在近距离施展斩击,在远距离发动鎗击,不论是在什么距离都可以发动攻击的武器。 还拥有像是会一并使出能闪避敌人攻击之垫步的攻击存在,最大特征就是变换自如的作战风格。

弱攻击:以刀刃施展出华丽的四连击。 上斩 → 突刺 → 横扫 → 一面向下一面发动旋转攻击。

强攻击、蓄力攻击:以鎗械施展出远距离攻击。 透过蓄力可以提升射程范围,并且让子弹拥有追踪能力。

击飞攻击:在向后垫步之后再次往前踏,并施展出上斩。 可以在闪躲敌人攻击的同时发动攻击。


  斧枪是同时具有战斧与长枪两种武器特性的长柄武器。 在本作当中可以施展出能活用长柄特色的广范围攻击。 有许多利用反作用力来发动攻击的动作招式,因为攻击时机相当独特,可能需要一段时间来习惯。


  大槌就是巨大的槌子,距离虽短但却拥有极高攻击力,可以让敌人陷入「倒地(ダウン)」状态。 每一下攻击都非常强悍,所以重点就是应该要如何接近敌人。

弱攻击:第一段是从正上方向下扣击,可以说是最基本的攻击。 连段则是扣击→扣击→横扫的三段攻击。

特殊攻击:把武器打横开始蓄力,并施展出旋转攻击。 对于大槌来说是非常贵重的范围攻击。

蓄力攻击:在蓄力之后跳向敌人发动蓄力攻击。 可以从敌人的攻击范围外发动突击。


以剑发动攻击。 会施展出各种不同的连击。 攻击距离长,攻击后的破绽也小。

以背上刀刃施展出旋转攻击。 能够把周围一起卷入的广大攻击范围是一大威胁。

以盾牌发动打击。 虽然距离很短,但发动速度极快。

从远距离发动高速突刺。 突进的速度非常快,在摆出架势后,一瞬间就会刺到玩家身上。

  在承受到一定程度的伤害之后,就会变化成「攻击型态」,施展出的攻击也会有所变化。 还会开始施展出传送或是广范围攻击等等招式,所以和搭档(バディ)之间的连携会变得更加重要。

模式变化时的架势。 攻击种类将会发生变化。

以自己为中心的广范围攻击。 看到攻击后才想要闪躲是非常困难的事情。 必须要事前察觉。

飞上空中以传送方式发动突袭攻击。 如果无法看穿出现位置和时机,想必会陷入一番苦战。

要趁搭档吸引住敌方注意力的空档,使用能提升攻击力的炼血。 在战斗时,只能在有限时机下使用的炼血要如何取舍,将会左右整场战局。

搭档正在拯救因为女王的骑士一番猛攻,而倒下的玩家。 和搭档并肩作战,看起来将是攻略游戏的重要环节。

  以上就是本篇报导介绍的所有情报。 游戏还有许多从影片当中无法看出端倪的部份,请玩家密切注意后续报导。
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