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【PS4/XB1/PC】Code Vein

2017-10-19 10:40 PM
《噬血代码 CODE VEIN》试玩会兼开发会议报导 听取玩家意见现场改进
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/5/154055.html

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 在 2017 年 10 月 14 日、15 日两天之间,于位在东京都内的未来研究所,举办预定在 2018 年内发售的动作角色扮演游戏《噬血代码(CODE VEIN)》(PC / PS4 / Xbox One)试玩会兼开发会议。 以下就要为大家报导,有众多幸运中选玩家参与,享受到发售前游戏的活动首日情况。




  《噬血代码》官方游戏类型称为「戏剧性探索动作角色扮演游戏」。 是以崩溃的近未来世界作为舞台,描写放弃人类身份,化为吸血鬼(レヴナント)的角色们,探索世界真相的故事。 由《噬神者(GOD EATER)》系列作品开发阵容负责制作,以荒废的世界观和动画风格打造出的角色,备受玩家瞩目的作品。



  试玩会准备的版本,和东京电玩展 2017 以及在德岛举办的「Machi★Asobi(マチ★アソビ)」活动中展示的内容一样,是使用「First Blood Version」。 试玩内容是让玩家和搭档(バディ)「弥雅 ‧ 科恩史坦因(ミア・カルンシュタイン)」,一起探索地图并与头目作战,其详细内容可以参考过去报导。 虽然说游戏特征是难度极高,但是众多与会玩家就算是一再被打倒,也依然勇猛果敢的挺身与敌人对抗。


  会场上还举办了开发会议活动。 由游戏制作人饭冢启太,游戏总监吉村广和动作总监依田优一主持,亲自向玩家公开游戏全新情报。



  首先谈到的话题,就是装备与角色回避动作之间的关系。 本作是一款动作角色扮演游戏,角色能使用的回避动作以及动作速度,会受到身上装备组合影响。

  如果使用重视防御力的装备,虽然在承受敌人攻击时,可以减轻受到的伤害,但像是前滚之类的回避动作速度就会变慢。 反过来说,如果是使用重视机动力的装备,虽然行动就会灵敏到让玩家可以施展打带跑战术,但在承受攻击时,就会受到非常大的伤害。

  附带一提,在试玩版当中使用的玩家角色,是使用防御力和机动力取得平衡的装备,所以吉村总监表示就速度来说「大约是中间偏下」。 真让人想在游戏发售之后,尝试各种不同的组合。



  附带一提,《噬血代码》采用 Unreal Engine 4 游戏引擎,就算不是程序设计师也可以直接调整各项性能数值,所以能够办到十分仔细的调整工作。





  当然以上调整都只是暂定,不过吉村总监也说「因为这次连制作人和游戏总监都可以直接调整动作。 所以我们将会尽可能力求完美,以期可以兼顾有《噬神者》风格的动作,和具挑战性的难度」表达自己对于游戏的期许。



会场上也展示了搭档之一--弥雅 ‧ 科恩史坦因的角色扮演用服装。









  为配合世界观设定,所以在探索中没有办法拿下面具。 但是在据点里就可以看到角色的素颜,希望大家能在据点里好好欣赏。



  从开发小组成员的感言当中,可以看得出来他们非常虚心接受玩家意见,并且努力调整各种细节。 虽然游戏是预定在「2018 年内」发售,距离发售还有一段不短的时间,但是在听完开发会议后,真的非常令人期待游戏到正式发售前,还会如何进化。
(C) BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc.
2017-11-18 07:24 AM
2017-11-28 11:06 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-11-29 06:01 PM 编辑

Code Vein introduces Nikola Karnstein, Ivy Blood Veil, and growth elements
《噬血代码 CODE VEIN》新角色新装备曝光 姐控小正太登场

转载 - 游明星空(http://www.gamersky.com/news/201711/984493.shtml


新角色:Nikola Karnstein(CV:五十岚裕美)






成长要素:鲜血代码(Blood Code)


  《噬血代码》预计将于2018年初登陆PS4、Xbox One和PC平台,敬请期待。

The latest issue of Weekly Famitsu introduces a new character, Blood Veil, and growth elements appearing in Code Vein, Bandai Namco’s upcoming action RPG from its God Eater staff.

Get the details below.

New Character: Nikola Karnstein (voiced by Hiromi Igarashi)

A revenant traveling Vein with his older sister Mila. He will fight against any opponent if it is for his beloved sister.

New Blood Veil: Ivy

A Blood Veil in the form of a scarf. Its standard blood-[粗俗词语过滤-#0003]ing attack can attack enemies at a distance with countless thorns. As you parry enemy attacks, your blood-[粗俗词语过滤-#0003]ing attacks will change. A skewered scarf can shoot out thorns that tear apart the enemy from their insides.

Growth Element: Haze

The experience points element of Code Vein‘s growth system. By using Haze, you can level up. Haze can be obtained by defeating enemies and using special items. If you are defeated by an enemy, your Haze becomes zero and the Haze you had on you will be left at the location you died. You can recover the Haze by returning to the place you died.

Growth Element: Blood Code

Equipment exclusive to the protagonist. Each revenant has a special blood type, and by recovering blood crystals, players can call upon the subject’s memory and simultaneously obtain a “Blood Code.” By equipping a Blood Code, a Gift that reflects the characteristics of the original owner becomes available. To recover blood crystals, special materials are required. Types of Blood Codes include the “Ranger,” which stresses survival during exploration, the “Hunter,” which specializes in long-distance attacks, the “Berserker,” which specializes in short-distance attacks, and more.

Code Vein is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC worldwide in early 2018
2017-11-30 07:41 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-11-30 02:13 PM 编辑

《噬血代码》米娅的弟弟登场 新装备与角色强化系统

  万代南梦宫预定于 2018 年发售的PS4、Xbox One、PC平台动作游戏《噬血代码》在本周Fami通杂志上公开一波新情报。包括新角色、新装备、角色强化要素、新场景以及游戏的开场动画等内容。














2017-11-30 06:15 PM
Code Vein details Nicola Karnstein, new location, Ivy Blood Veil and Blood Code, opening animation

Bandai Namco has released new information and screenshots of Code Vein introducing new character Nicola Karnstein, a new location called the “Ridge of Frozen Souls,” the Ivy Blood Veil and Blood Code features, and the opening animation.

Get the details below.

New Character – Nicola Karnstein

Mia’s little brother Nicola Karnstein is wandering in Vein land with his sister and they will protect each other in the different areas. The Ridge of Frozen Souls is a harrowing mountain pass that features limited visibility, narrow ledges, deep snow, and an ice-covered cave. Players will also have to contend against a massive armored enemy deep within the Ridge of Frozen Souls. This huge imposing figure is surprisingly fast and will combine its speed with its heavy shield to rush down the player.

New Location

The Ridge of Frozen Souls is a harrowing mountain pass that features limited visibility, narrow ledges, deep snow, and an ice-covered cave. Players will also have to contend against a massive armored enemy deep within the Ridge of Frozen Souls. This huge imposing figure is surprisingly fast and will combine its speed with its heavy shield to rush down the player.

New Features – Ivy Blood Veil & Blood Code

To survive in the Vein, special attacks will be necessary! Blood Veils allow for powerful blood drain attacks that will make quick work of enemies and also regain Ichor, which is needed to perform additional skills. The new Ivy Blood Veil unleashes a swift attack, producing thorns that emerge from the ground, piercing enemies from afar. Other Blood Veils announced include Hounds, Ogre, and Stinger, each with their own attack power and range of use. Players can switch out Blood Veils for the appropriate circumstances.

Players in Code Vein will be able customize weapon, Blood Veil and a special blood type named Blood Code. Each Blood Code has a special skill depending on the owner. When players equip their character with the Blood Code feature, they will get the original owner’s special skill. For example, Ranger Blood Code will be useful in dungeons, Hunger Blood Code is for ranged battles and Berseker Blood Code is for short distance battles etc.

Opening Animation

Fans will be pleased to discover the first screenshots of the opening animation realized by Ufotable, the Japanese studio who also worked on TV animation God Eater and Tales of Zestiria the X.

Code Vein is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC worldwide in early 2018.
2017-11-30 06:26 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-12-8 07:05 PM 编辑

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/1/156321.html

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 近日公开了预定在 2018 年内发售的《噬血代码》(Steam / PS4 / Xbox One)新情报。

  《噬血代码》是一款与搭档一同进入各个迷宫,挑战强敌和危险的动作 RPG。 在崩坏的世界中,透过吸血获得超常力量并维持人性的「吸血鬼(复生者)」们,为追寻鲜血和真相,必须日以继夜地探索众多堕鬼(丧失者)横行的封闭之地「VEIN」。 而本作最大的特征,就是使用吸血攻击和从敌人夺取的血(冥血)施展特殊能力「炼血」进行战斗。



  吸血牙装「春藤(アイヴィ)」,平时会像围巾一样从肩膀延伸到整个背部。 实行吸血攻击时,围巾部分会化作无数荆棘刺穿远处的敌人。 而且在吸血牙装中属于轻量型,不会对行动速度造成负担。






  「巨魔(オウガ)」射程虽短但也因此动作快而敏锐;「猎犬(ハウンズ)」则能对前方近距离使出广范围的强力攻击;「穿刺者(スティンガー)」攻击所需时间较长但能攻击远距离敌人。 如此,玩家可以先熟悉各个吸血牙装的特性,配合自己的游玩风格选择最合适的吸血牙装。





  搭档之一弥雅. 科恩史坦因的弟弟--尼可拉(ニコラ),和最爱的姊姊弥雅相依为命在 VEIN 流浪,只要是为了姊姊,面对任何对手都不会屈服,是名充满勇气的温柔少年。

尼可拉. 科恩史坦因 CV:五十岚裕美

「弥雅...... 由我来守护! 」


为守护弟弟尼可拉而战的弥雅。 为了守护同样深爱的弟弟,她能变得比任何人无情

受伤的弥雅在某张床上醒来。 无止尽奋战的人生,是否能有平静的一天......

弥雅独自站在冻土灵峰上。 在这一切冰封的地方,又有什么命运等着她和尼可拉呢.....?


  本作中会以「恨意(ヘイズ)」代替经验值,使用后能提升主角等级。 恨意可以藉由打倒敌人,或是在迷宫中取得并使用专用道具等手段获得,而且除了提升主角等级还有其他用途。





血源代码 Blood Code




  主角能透过象征吸血鬼记忆的结晶「血英」取得原持有人的血源代码,但血英在入手的时候大多都是有缺损的。 此时必须先修复血英的中枢「血英核」。


  修复血英引出血源代码并装备,主角就能获得原持有人的特性,并能使用与此特性呼应的炼血。 血英修复后,原持有人失去的记忆将会重启,解放更高阶的炼血。







  • 音弩(ソニックアロウ)
    从冥血生成刀刃,朝远处的敌人攻击。 威力低但可以有效将敌人引到方便战斗的场地
  • 猛毒之印
    一定时间内在装备的武器上附加毒状态异常效果。 连续攻击使敌人中毒,再强力的敌人都能有效率地剥夺体力。




  • 长枪管(シューティングライザー)
  • 献血
    将自己的 HP 转换为冥血。 不须从堕鬼吸血就取得冥血,可在短时间内连续发动强力的炼血,较为特殊的战法。




  • 狂击(クレイジーブロー)
    发动后,增加下一次武器攻击的威力。 使用单发威力大的武器时更能突显其效果。
  • 豪心(ロイヤルハート)
    一定时间内让自己不易受地人的攻击退却。 在面对大量敌人之类稍有硬直恐怕一命呜呼的场面时非常有用。







  武器和吸血牙装,可以在地图上取得,或是在特定场所购入,有时击败敌人也会掉落武器。 而要是有自己喜欢的武器或吸血牙装,就用指定的素材和恨意进行强化吧!


2017-12-7 04:07 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-12-8 07:05 PM 编辑


  「冻土灵峰」受到风雪影响,视线相当不佳,甚至有从悬崖栈道或雪檐上滑落山谷的危险。 除了山岳地区,也有被寒冰包覆的洞窟地区。




  而灵峰的最深处,也有只巨大堕鬼镇守着。 包覆全身的盔甲、有如驯鹿的角、巨大的盾牌,背上甚至还有火箭推进器,简直和机器人没有两样。


施展多样化攻击外貌宛如机器人的巨大堕鬼。 冷静观察每一个攻击,精准判断牠的动作吧

由 ufotable 制作的开场动画

  最后,刊登一些由 ufotable 制作的开场动画截图为本文做个收尾。 欢迎各位观赏各角色的表情和场景,尽情想象本作会带来什么样的演出。

Code Vein further details Ivy Blood Veil, Blood Codes, Ridge of Frozen Souls, more

Following preliminary details last week, Bandai Namco has released more information on Code Vein‘s new Blood Veil, “Ivy,” Blood Codes, “Ridge of Frozen Souls” location, and more.

Get the details below.

■ New Blood Veil: Ivy

A Blood Veil that takes the form of a scarf that extends from the user’s shoulders. When attacking, it transforms into numerous thorns that pierce the enemy. It can also attack enemies at a distance. It is one of the more lightweight Blood Veils, allowing the user to fight battles with speed.

—The standard Drain attack. The Blood Veil transforms into thorns and can pierce even distanced enemies from through the ground.

—Drain attacks that follow parries, etc. can skewer the enemy and further tear them to pieces from their insides.

—The Ivy Blood Veil is characterized by its scarf-like appearance that extends over the backs of the shoulders. Eva Roux also uses the Ivy Blood Veil.

■ The Traits of Each Blood Veil

The “Ogre” Blood Veil has short reach, but is very effective when you get in close to the enemy. “Hounds” is a high-in-attack-power Blood Veil that can attack at a vast range ahead of the user. And the “Stinger” Blood Veil has a lengthy build-up time, but can attack enemies at a distance. The Drain actions available to the player change significantly depending on the Blood Veil equipped.

■ Experience Points and Levels

By using experience points called “Haze,” the player character will be able to level up. Haze can be acquired by defeating enemies, as well as by using dedicated items obtained in dungeons.

—By increasing the player character’s level, their basic stats will also increase.

—If you are defeated in a dungeon, you will lose all of the Haze in your possession. However, if you reach the spot where you died, you can recover your Haze.

■ Blood Code

A Blood Code is a special blood type possessed by Revenants caused by the special characteristics of the owner. The protagonist can obtain the Blood Codes of other Revenants from their crystallized memories.

—In many situations, the crystallized memories you obtain will be damaged. In order to obtain a Blood Code, you must first repair their core.

By equipping a Blood Code, the special characteristics of the Revenant from which it came will be granted unto the player character, enabling the use of their Gifts. By repairing crystallized memories to resurrect the owner’s lost memories, you can unlock the Gifts hidden within the Blood Code.

—To repair crystallized memories, dedicated materials and Haze are required.

—By repairing crystallized memories, the owner’s lost memories will be resurrected. The protagonist can look into those memories, find the truth hidden within them, and come to know the heart of the Revenant from which the memories came.

The Gifts that belong to the equipped Blood Code will be replaced when you change Blood Codes, but some Gifts can be used regardless of the equipped Blood Code depending on whether certain conditions are met.

Blood Code: “Ranger”

A Blood Code that places emphasis on survival during exploration. By equipping it, you can learn Gifts that bolster exploration, such as a passive Gift that increases stamina, or a long-distance attack Gift that lures in the enemy.

Here are a couple of the Gifts that can be learned with the Ranger Blood Code:

Sonic Arrow – Generates a blade out of Ichor, and shoots at a distant enemy. It is low in power, but is very effective at luring the enemy to an easier place to battle.
Poison Mark – Grants a poison status ailment effect to the equipped weapon for a fixed period of time. If you manage to inflict the enemy with poison through repeated attacks, you can steal the strength away from even a powerful foe.

Blood Code: “Hunter”

A Blood Code that specializes in long-distance attacks. Depending on the weapon, you can learn shooting-type attack Gifts that can, for example, slow down the movements of the target Lost and increase the power of your shooting attacks.

Here are a couple of the Gifts that can be learned with the Hunter Blood Code:

Shooting Riser – Increases the attack power of your shooting attacks depending on the weapon for a fixed period of time. This ability is significantly effective when using a bayonet.
Blood Sacrifice – Converts your own HP into Ichor. Since you can obtain Ichor without Draining it from Losts, it is possible to consecutively trigger powerful Gifts for a short period of time.

Blood Code: “Berserker”

A Blood Code that specializes in close-range battles. Its effect time is short, but it enables the user to learn powerful Gifts that exhibit their strength at close-range, such as easily pushing back the enemy and making yourself more difficult to push back.

Here are a couple of the Gifts that can be learned with the Berserker Blood Code:

Crazy Blow – After activating the effect, the attack power of the user’s next weapon attack will increase. It is particularly effective when using weapons that deal powerful blows.
Royal Heart – Makes the user more difficult to push back as a result of enemy attacks for a fixed period of time. It is particularly useful in dangerous situations such as when facing against numerous enemies.
2017-12-7 04:07 PM
■ Player Customization

By combining weapons, Blood Veils, and Blood Codes, the player can customize a unique character all their own.

—The Hit and Away Type: Equipped with a lightweight weapon and Blood Veil to increase evasive ability.

—The Power Type: Equipped with a heavyweight, high-power weapon and high-defense Blood Veil.

—The Gift Attack Specialization Type: Equipped with a Blood Code that increases the power of attack-type Gifts and Gifts that replenish Ichor.

■ Obtaining and Strengthening Weapons

Other than obtaining weapons from the fields, you can obtain weapons from enemy drops or by purchasing them at specific locations. By using Haze and strengthening materials, you can also strengthen the performance of your weapon.

■ Obtaining and Strengthening Blood Veils

In addition to obtaining Blood Veils from the fields, you can also purchase them. Just like weapons, a Blood Veil can be strengthened to enhance its abilities.

■ Field Introduction: Ridge of Frozen Souls

A field where the danger of falling constantly follows the player—be it by snowstorms that make it difficult to see the path ahead, paths that run along the sides of cliffs, or overhanging snow. This area consists of mountains and caves.

—A cave that continues into a frozen mountain.

—A battle to the death against a Lost on a mountainside with limited footing.

—The entrance to a cave inside the mountain.

A powerful Lost awaits at the innermost depths of the mountain. Its entire body is covered in armor, it has deer-like horns and a giant shield, and rocket boosters on its back, making it quite robotic. It uses high-mobility attacks through brute force utilization of its shield and horns, as well as its rockets, and can also use ice-type Gifts.

■ Character Introduction: Nicola Karnstein (voiced by Hiromi Igarashi)

A Revenant who is wandering in Vein with his older sister Mia. He is kind and loves his sister, and has strong courage in that he will fight without giving in to any enemy if it is for the sake of his sister.

■ Event Scenes featuring Mia Karnstein

—Mia prepares to attack in order to protect her little brother Nicola. She is occasionally prepared to be ruthless in order to protect her only blood brother and survive in Vein.

—Mia stands alone in the Ridge of Frozen Souls. What fate awaits her and Nicola on this land where everything has frozen over?

—Mia wakes up in a bed somewhere. Will there be a place to rest for the girl who continues to fight in solitude?

Code Vein is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC worldwide in early 2018.
2017-12-18 06:18 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-12-18 06:37 PM 编辑


  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 今(18)公开了预定在 2018 年内发售的《噬血代码》(Steam / PS4 / Xbox One)的第三弹官方宣传片及一系列游戏截图,预告片中更是出现了一位此前未曾露面的神秘白发少女。

  《噬血代码》是一款与搭档一同进入各个迷宫,挑战强敌和危险的动作 RPG。 在崩坏的世界中,透过吸血获得超常力量并维持人性的「吸血鬼(复生者)」们,为追寻鲜血和真相,必须日以继夜地探索众多堕鬼(丧失者)横行的封闭之地「VEIN」。 而本作最大的特征,就是使用吸血攻击和从敌人夺取的血(冥血)施展特殊能力「炼血」进行战斗。

  《噬血代码》预计将于2018 年初登陆PS4、Xbox One和PC平台,同时也确认了繁体中文版,敬请期待。


Code Vein third trailer, screenshots

Bandai Namco has released the third official trailer and a new set of screenshots for Code Vein, its upcoming action RPG from its staff behind the God Eater series.

Here is an overview of the game, via Bandai Namco:


In the not too distant future, a mysterious disaster has caused the collapse of the world as we know it. Towering skyscrapers, once symbols of prosperity, are now lifeless graves of humanity’s past pierced by the Thorns of Judgment. At the center of the destruction lies a hidden society of Revenants called Vein. This final stronghold is where the remaining few fight to survive, blessed with Gifts of power in exchange for their memories and a thirst for blood.

Key Features

  • A Unique World – Enter a post-apocalyptic universe with a dark anime Japanese aesthetic.
  • Become a Revenant – Create your own character, acquire new melee weapons and upgrade your skills to customize your avatar.
  • Gain Power – Gather vestiges of ancient vampires, absorb their blood code, acquire their original skills, and send yourself on a vampiric rampage.
  • Destroy Your Opponents – Battle against the strongest enemies in relentless fights where only your skill can save you.

Code Vein is due out worldwide for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in 2018.

2017-12-21 03:09 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-12-21 03:28 PM 编辑


  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 今(21)公开了预定在 2018 年内发售的《噬血代码》(Steam / PS4 / Xbox One)的第三弹官方繁体中文版宣传片。

  《噬血代码》是一款与搭档一同进入各个迷宫,挑战强敌和危险的动作 RPG。 在崩坏的世界中,透过吸血获得超常力量并维持人性的「吸血鬼(复生者)」们,为追寻鲜血和真相,必须日以继夜地探索众多堕鬼(丧失者)横行的封闭之地「VEIN」。 而本作最大的特征,就是使用吸血攻击和从敌人夺取的血(冥血)施展特殊能力「炼血」进行战斗。

  《噬血代码》预计将于2018 年初登陆PS4、Xbox One和PC平台,同时也确认了繁体中文版,敬请期待。


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