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【PS4 /XB1/PC】《真‧三国无双 8》

2017-10-10 12:01 PM
《真‧三国无双 8》在PS4 Pro和Xbox One X可选择不同的帧数

  Koei Tecmo 的《仁王》大胆的推出了选择不同帧数模式的设定,这样可以让玩家在画面和帧数方面做出选择。同样《真三国无双8》也会有这样的设定,玩家可以选择是高画面或是低帧数,当然也可以选择高帧数。

  游戏制作人铃木亮浩在接受外媒采访时透露《真三国无双8》在PS4 Pro和Xbox One X上也拥有《仁王》游戏对于帧数选择的不同模式。玩家可以选择稳定的30FPS和高清画面,另外也可以选择60FPS和动态分辨率来保证游戏的动作流畅性。

  至于《真三国无双8》的发售日期,游戏计划在2018年初发售,对应平台为PS4、Xbox One和PC。
2017-10-12 06:08 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-10-12 06:19 PM 编辑

Dynasty Warriors 9 reveals Xu Zhu, Ling Tong, Liu Bei, and Xiahou Ba informal clothes; main menu, battle, and siege BGM
《真‧三国无双 8》公开四名武将日常服造型与音乐试听

  《真‧三国无双 8》在其官网上公开了许褚、凌统、刘备以及夏侯霸四个人的日常服造型。另外官网还公开了本作主菜单、战斗BGM、攻城战BGM三首音乐试听,感兴趣的朋友可以前往官网听听。

  《真三国无双8》目前预定在2018年初发售于 PS4 、Xbox One 和 PC,并会推出中文版。

Koei Tecmo has updated the official website for Dynasty Warriors 9 with a look at the informal clothes of officers Xu Zhu, Ling Tong, Liu Bei, and Xiahou Ba, as well as samples of three in-game music tracks.

Here’s a look:

■ Informal Clothes

Xu Zhu

Ling Tong

Liu Bei

Xiahou Ba

■ In-Game Music

“Into the Era” (Main Menu)
“The Awakening” (Battle BGM)
“Slash It; Thrash All” (Siege BGM)

Dynasty Warriors 9 will launch for PlayStation 4 in Japan, and for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in North America and Europe in early 2018.

2017-10-19 05:18 PM
《真‧三国无双 8》公开吕蒙徐庶贾诩曹仁新造型及新情报

  《真‧三国无双 8》在本周Fami通中公开了吕蒙、徐庶、贾诩、曹仁四名武将的新造型以及游戏系统方面的新情报。本作目前预定于 2018 年初发售,并已经确定将会推出简繁体中文版。除了PS4 外还会登陆 Xbox One 和 PC 平台。




  《真‧三国无双 8》目前预定在 2018 年初发售于 PS4 、Xbox One 和 PC,并会推出中文版。


2017-10-20 06:03 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-10-20 06:21 PM 编辑

Dynasty Warriors 9 Japanese release date to be announced on October 26
《真三国无双8》发售日即将在 10 月 26 日正式公布




The Japanese release date for Dynasty Warriors 9 will be announced on October 26, producer Akihiro Suzuki said on Twitter.

In Japan, Dynasty Warriors 9 will launch for PlayStation 4 in early 2018. In North America and Europe, Dynasty Warriors 9 will be released for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC during the same window.

2017-10-21 07:34 AM
Dynasty Warriors 9 details Cao Ren, Jia Xu, Lu Meng, Xu Shu, and Missions

Koei Tecmo has updated the official website for Dynasty Warriors 9 with information and screenshots of returning officers Cao Ren, Jia Xu, Lu Meng, and Xu Shu, and Missions.

Get the details below.

■ Characters

◆ Wei

Cao Ren (voiced by Hisao Egawa)

Cao Ren, a courageous warrior skilled in every martial art, had in him a gentle and courteous character. As he was deeply trusted by his cousin, Cao Cao, he joined his army alongside Xiahou Dun and Xiahou Yuan with hopes of ending the chaotic times as quickly as possible.

Jia Xu (voiced by Hideo Ishikawa)

Jia Xu, an excellent strategist, was known for his carefully calculated and highly accurate plans. Although he originally traveled the land to avoid the turmoil, his skills were recognized by Cao Cao when he devised a plan that drove Cao Cao into a corner while in service to Zhang Xiu. With his superior knowledge, Cao Cao took him in as a strategist in his army.

◆ Wu

Lu Meng (voiced by Yukitoshi Hori)

Viewed by many as a hard worker who often took matters too seriously, Lu Meng had a straightforward personality that earned him the trust of his peers. Originally a warrior of brute strength, he grew into an excellent general with strength and strategic knowledge. His exceptional skills even caught the eye of his senior, Lu Su, who was greatly impressed with his growth.

◆ Shu

Xu Shu (voiced by Atsushi Kisaichi)

Originally a disciple of Sima Hui, Xu Shu was a skilled military strategist and an expert swordsman. After being involved in a crime for a friend, he was soon arrested wherein he then vowed to dedicate his life to scholarly pursuits rather than swordplay. Xu Shu went on to serve Liu Bei as his military advisor, however…

■ System

◆ Missions

Choose your own path! The road to victory is yours to decide!

Missions are issued on the field and players have the option to shape their own path to reach the final goal.

For example, in the Battle of Guandu, the final goal is defeating Yuan Shao, but first of all, capturing Baidu and Yanjing is suggested. If they are captured as suggested, defeating Yuan Shao will become easier. However, capturing them is optional so this suggestion can be ignored and the enemy territory can be invaded – just be prepared for a more difficult challenge.

In addition, by clearing various missions the location of the enemy’s supply depot is revealed. Attacking it will weaken Yuan Shao’s forces, but the choice is up to the player.

Finally, expanding the frontline to increase the strength of allied forces and clearing various missions will turn the tide of war, affecting the difficulty level of various battles.

The path to the final goal is yours to decide!

Battle of Guandu

—Battering rams and siege towers stand ready for use at Baima. Choose to break through the gates using the battering ram or infiltrate into the castle using the siege tower to open the gates from the inside.

—Heading straight towards the final goal of defeating Yuan Shao is an extremely difficult task. Following the strategy of capturing Baima and Yanjin may be the best way to go.

—In order to counter the Yuan Shao forces’ siege engine, information from a handmaiden is needed, but she will only provide it in exchange for finding her cat. There are various missions (requests) outside of battle, and completing them can help clear critical missions.

—A request from a villager to drive away wolves. Saving villages from danger will help in gaining the assistance of villagers in other missions.

—The difficulty of the critical mission will change according to how the player advances towards the final objective.

—Yuan Shao’s forces’ supply depot is discovered. Attacking the supply depot will greatly lower the difficulty of the critical mission.

—Various battles are taking place simultaneously in the bases in surrounding areas. By participating and winning in these battles, the frontlines will be pushed forward to your forces’ advantage.

—Assist allies with supporting attacks from atop towers. Battling to avoid further danger is a tactic to safely advance through the critical mission.

Gain the upper hand in battle by conquering bases

Numerous bases are scattered across the field, and conquering these bases will expand the allied frontline. It is possible to simply launch a straight attack into enemy lines but by boosting your force’s frontline, allied forces will assist in invading the final target area, enabling greater military strength to clear the final objective.

Dynasty Warriors 9 will launch for PlayStation 4 in Japan, and for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in North America and Europe in early 2018. The Japanese release date will be announced on October 26.
2017-10-21 07:35 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-10-22 08:33 AM 编辑

《真‧三国无双 8》公布开放世界的自由攻略方法与「徐庶」等既有登场武将介绍

  KOEI TECMO Games 预定 2018 年初推出的 PS4 战术动作游戏《真‧三国无双 8》,现公布自由任务攻略的深入介绍,以及既有武将「曹仁」、「贾诩」、「吕蒙」、「徐庶」的新造型。

  此外,官方 Twitter 同时预告将于 10 月 26 日公布游戏上市日期。



  以先前 TGS 2017 开放试玩的「官渡之战」来说,最终目标是击破总大将袁绍。 为了达成此一目标,玩家可以有许多不同的选择。 除了高难度的直挑官渡之外,还可以选择先进军白马或延津,让我方军势得以推进,压迫官渡的袁绍军,降低进攻官渡时的难度。 此外,在进攻官渡的过程中,还可以发现袁绍军位在乌巢的粮仓,偷袭成功的话就能烧尽袁绍军军粮,削减袁绍军的战力。




  攻略的过程中,还会有形形色色的任务可以体验。 像是潜入邺城查明袁绍打算派出的攻城兵器详细信息。 为了顺利从民众口中探听到情报,还必须承接像是替女性寻找走失的猫之类的委托。


将「战线」范围扩大 提升我方战力

  最终目标的外围地图上会显示可观看敌我方战况的「战线」。 加入战线上的战斗,击退敌人,攻略据点,就能扩大我方的战线,在攻略目标时,可以获得绝大的战力。 是否要扩大战线范围一样取决于玩家的自由。 看是要一步步扩大范围,扩大我方战力。 或是要无视战线,直接突破敌阵。




曹仁,字子孝(配音:江川 央生)




贾诩,字文和(配音:石川 英郎 )




吕蒙,字子明(配音:堀 之纪)




徐庶,字符直(配音:私市 淳)


2017-10-26 06:11 PM
Dynasty Warriors 9 launches February 8 in Japan
《真‧三国无双 8》宣布 2018 年 2 月推出 将提供京剧风赵云服装为初回特典

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/2/154372.html

  KOEI TECMO Games 今(26)日宣布,开发中的 PS4 战术动作游戏《真‧三国无双 8》确认将于 2018 年 2 月 8 日上市。 官方网站同时公布了数名武将的日常服造型,供玩家参考。


  《真‧三国无双 8》是问世 17 年之久的老牌战场动作游戏《真‧三国无双》系列最新作,首度采用开放世界形式制作,以单一大地图重现三国时代的中国大陆全土,导入日夜变化时间概念,以及更自由的任务攻略。 动作设计翻新,会因应战况而有所改变,此外还加入以弓箭从远方狙击敌人、使用勾绳入侵城池等多采多姿的行动。 完整收录系列登场的所有武将,同时加入多名新武将。





一骑当千 BOX


一骑当千 BOX























游戏名称:真‧三国无双 8
游戏原名:真・三国无双8 / Dynasty Warriors 9
对应平台:PlayStation 4(欧美地区亦将发行 Xbox One / PC 版)
发售日期:2018 年 2 月 8 日
建议售价:PS4 套装版 7800 日圆,下载版上市特价 7020 日圆(未税)
     数字豪华版上市特价 10020 日圆(未税)
     宝箱版 14800 日圆,一骑当千 BOX 33800 日圆(未税)
语言版本:PS4 版日文 / 中文语音,繁体中文字幕,其余版本待定
开发厂商:KOEI TECMO Games
发行厂商:KOEI TECMO Games

Dynasty Warriors 9 will launch for PlayStation 4 on February 8 in Japan, Koei Tecmo announced. The retail version will cost 7,800 yen, and the download version will cost 7,000 yen for the first two weeks before reverting to the retail price.

The following special editions will be available:

Treasure Box (14,800 yen)

A copy of Dynasty Warriors 9 for PlayStation 4
Acrylic card set of all characters (acrylic photo frame included)
Character creation book
Original soundtrack

Ikkitousen Box (33,800 yen)

A copy of Dynasty Warriors 9 for PlayStation 4
An all characters weapons die cast set (including key holders for each force)
Acrylic card set of all characters (acrylic photo frame included)
Character creation book
Original soundtrack

Digital Deluxe (10,020 yen for the first two weeks after release, then 10,800 yen)

A copy of the game
Dynasty Warriors 9 Season Pass – Includes downloadable content due out after the game’s release, including additional scenarios and weapons. As a bonus, the Season Pass will include a “Materials and Jewels Set.”
Three Digital Deluxe-original weapons (Digital Deluxe-exclusive downloadable content)

In addition to the release date, Koei Tecmo also released informal clothes character models of Yu Jin, Xiao Qiao, Zhao Yun, and Guo Huai.

In North America and Europe, the Omega Force-developed open-world sequel is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in early 2018.
2017-10-31 06:18 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-10-31 06:19 PM 编辑

Dynasty Warriors 9 adds Xin Xianying
《真‧三国无双 8》辛宪英参战




Xin Xianying will be playable in Dynasty Warriors 9, the latest issue of Weekly Famitsu reveals.

The magazine also has a look at Taishi Ci, Xu Huang, Pang Tong, Liu Shan, and Chen Gong in their new outfits.

Dynasty Warriors 9 is due out for PlayStation 4 on February 8 in Japan, and for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in North America and Europe in early 2018.
2017-11-2 03:21 PM
《真‧三国无双 8》辛宪英清晰图 刘禅陈宫等人新造型公开

  《真‧三国无双 8》在本周杂志中公开了新的女性武将:辛宪英,此外还有太史慈、徐晃、庞统、刘禅、陈宫等人的新造型,此外玩家扮演的武将还可以在中国各地购买房子,下面就配合着清晰的杂志图简单介绍一下。





  《真‧三国无双 8》将在 2018 年 2 月 8 日正式发售,并同步推出繁体中文版。


2017-11-2 04:26 PM
Dynasty Warriors 9 details Xin Xianying, Xu Huang, Taishi Ci, Liu Shan, Pang Tong, and Chen Gong, hideouts

Koei Tecmo has updated the official website for Dynasty Warriors 9 with information and screenshots of new playable officer Xin Xianying, returning officers Xu Huang, Taishi Ci, Liu Shan, Pang Tong, and Chen Gong, and hideouts.

Get the details below.

■ Characters

◆ Jin

Xin Xianying (voiced by Shino Shimoji)

The daughter of Wei commander Xin Pi. She is Xin Chang’s older sister, and Yang Hu’s aunt. She is wise and insightful, and her advice has saved her family many times.

◆ Wei

Xu Huang (voiced by Keiichiro Yamamoto)

A wise and valiant general who is labeled by Cao Cao as “a match for Sun Tzu”. One of the outstanding warriors named as one of the Five Generals of Wei. A fervent disciple of the way of the warrior, he shows respect for any who display high levels of skill and virtue, regardless of whether they are friends or enemies.

◆ Wu

Taishi Ci (voiced by Hirohiko Kakegawa)

Known for his single-minded devotion to what he believes to be right and dutiful. He once saved Kong Rong, the prefect of Beihai, in order to repay the aid Kong Rong had given his mother. He later serves Liu Yong, but is forced to submit to Sun Ce after Liu Yong’s defeat and serves Wu from then on. He wields his blade believing that the way of the warrior is the true path to fulfilling one’s duty.

◆ Shu

Liu Shan (voiced by Taiki Matsuno)

Son of Liu Bei. Much is expected of him as the son of the man whose benevolence and charisma drew together numerous heroes. He tends to calmly assess situations and make decisions after careful consideration of all factors. This makes those around him mistakenly feel that he is slow and foolish.

Pang Tong (voiced by Tagahiro Kawachi)

A brilliant military tactician who studied under the same master as Zhuge Liang, earning the designation “Fledgling Phoenix.” He maintains a lighthearted and casual attitude towards life. However, when required he is able to grasp the overall picture and efficiently define what is needed.

◆ Other

Chen Gong (voiced by Hiromu Miyazaki)

Lu Bu’s strategist, his sense of humor belies the ambition within his heart, and he is willing to make any sacrifice to see himself rise to the top. He once served under Cao Cao, but upon determining that he could not realize his ambitions there, he pledged his allegiance to Lu Bu instead.

■ System

◆ Open World


—On the field, there are vacant houses in various places which the player officer can use to “hideout.” Each vacant house can be purchased by spending a certain amount of money.

—Here is an excellent property in a good location within walking distance from the big city, Luoyang.

—Here is a popular property in the vicinity of Jiuzhaigou and Huanglong, China’s leading scenic points.

—Here is a property overlooking the foot of Mount Hua, one of the Five Great Mountains of China, from its summit.

—If you purchase a hideout, you can invite over other officers by sending them letters.

—An invited officer has come to visit. They also wear different clothing than normal.

Dynasty Warriors 9 is due out for PlayStation 4 on February 8 in Japan, and for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in North America and Europe in early 2018.
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