Dynasty Warriors 9 details Xun You, Xiahou Yuan, Xiaoqiao, Daqiao, Zhang Fei, Zhuge Liang, and Lu Lingqi
《真‧三国无双 8》官方更新荀攸、吕玲绮、夏侯渊、大乔、小乔、诸葛亮、张飞 以及前十章剧情
KOEI TECMO Games 旗下 ω-Force 团队开发中的 PS4 / Xbox One / PC ※ 战术动作游戏《真‧三国无双 8》,今天官方网站更新了最新的角色资料和系统。其中包括新参战角色荀攸、吕玲绮、夏侯渊、大乔、小乔、诸葛亮、张飞 以及本作前十章剧情黄巾之乱流程简要。
《真‧三国无双 8》是问世至今已 17 年的《真‧三国无双》系列最新作,首度采用开放世界形式制作,以连贯的单一大地图重现三国时代的中国大陆全土,同时导入日夜变化时间概念。 动作设计翻新,会因应战况而有所改变,此外还加入从远方狙击敌人、使用勾绳入侵敌军城池等多采多姿的行动。 将收录系列登场的全 83 名武将,以及包括「周仓」、「程普」、「满宠」等新武将。
在此前的PlayStation中国发布会上,铃木亮浩先生确认《真三国无双8》的简中版正在制作当中,并争取与日版同步。而本作的繁中版已经确认和日版同步上市。除了PS4平台之外,本作的欧美版也将登陆Xbox One和Steam。
Koei Tecmo has updated the official website for Dynasty Warriors 9 with information and models of new playable officer Xun You and returning officers Xiahou Yuan, Xiaoqiao, Daqiao, Zhang Fei, Zhuge Liang, and Lu Lingqi.
Get the details below.
■ Characters
◆ Wei
Xun You (voiced by Kenji Hamada)
A strategist who serves Cao Cao. He proposed strategies in many great wars and municipal wars, and guided Cao Cao’s army to victory. He is a relative of Xun Yu.
荀 攸[ 公达 ]
CV:浜田 贤二 声音样本
仕于曹操之军事家。 于许多大战役、局地战出谋献策,为曹操军夺得胜利。
Xiahou Yuan (voiced by Yasuhiko Tokuyama)
Cousin of Xiahou Dun, he joins him in serving Cao Cao when the latter begins his climb to supremacy. A capable leader, he frequently commands a wing of Cao Cao’s forces. He is known for his ability to carry out quick attacks, and is particularly skilled with the bow and arrow. He is kind to his allies and fierce toward his enemies.
夏侯渊[ 妙才 ]
CV:徳山 靖彦 声音样本
◆ Wu
Xiaoqiao (voiced by Junko Shimakata)
Daughter of Qiao Xuan. Future wife of Zhou Yu. With her sister Daqiao, she is famous throughout the land as one of the beautiful “Two Qiaos.” She has a certain innocence and naiveté about her; it is said that she joined her husband on the battlefield partly on a whim. For this reason, she often shows a rare sort of courage on the battlefield.
小 乔
CV:嶋方 淳子 声音样本
乔玄之女。 周瑜之妻。
天真纯洁,不知世事,甚至上战场,都是伴随周瑜以游玩心情来对待的。 因此,上战场打仗时亦具备过人的勇气。
Daqiao (voiced by Junko Shimakata)
Daughter of Qiao Xuan. Future wife of Sun Ce. With her sister, Xiaoqiao, she is one of the proclaimed beauties of her time. A gentle soul, she dislikes fighting and is weary of the chaotic times. However, she learns to fight in a desire to aid her husband.
大 乔
CV:嶋方 淳子 声音样本
乔玄之女。 孙策之妻。
◆ Shu
Zhang Fei (voiced by Hirohiko Kakegawa)
Brother by oath to Liu Bei and Guan Yu, this strong and fierce fighter is always eager to fight. Alone, he held off Cao Cao’s entire force with a single yell. Innocent as a child, he sometimes acts rashly, with a short temper and fits of emotion. Unfortunately, he loves to drink and this gets him into lots of trouble.
张 飞[ 翼徳 ]
CV:挂川 裕彦 声音样本
刘备、关羽义结金兰。 个性豪放磊落的纯洁战士。
Zhuge Liang (voiced by Masaya Onosaka)
The greatest mind of his age, this genius gives his life for courtesy and duty. He joins Liu Bei in order to repay the honor of three visits that Liu Bei made to him. With keen discernment and impartial conduct, he gains the trust of an entire nation and helps that nation grow. With his signature white feather fan, he guides the flow of battle with his strategies.
诸葛亮[ 孔明 ]
CV:小野坂 昌也 声音样本
为回报三顾之礼,投靠刘备。 以明智的判断力与公平无私的言行,深受全国人民的信赖。
◆ Other
Lu Lingqi (voiced by Hiroko Ushida)
The daughter of Lu Bu, she possesses great fighting ability much like her father, and uses her courage to stand on the front lines of any battle. Her strength of spirit enables her to face any hardship, although she has a fear of loneliness due to an incident from her past.
CV:牛田 裕子 声音样本
发挥不输父亲的武艺,总是非常勇敢地率先前往前线战斗。 虽有勇于面对困难的坚韧之志,但是因受过去不好的经历所影响,有着害怕孤独的一面。