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【PS4 /XB1/PC】《真‧三国无双 8》

2017-6-23 07:25 AM
《真‧三国无双 8》释出首部宣传影片 展现无接缝的辽阔大陆与一骑当千的魄力战斗 中日有望同步发售
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  KOEI TECMO Games 今(22)日公布了旗下 ω-Force 团队制作中的《真‧三国无双》系列最新作 PS4 战术动作游戏《真‧三国无双 8(真・三国无双8)》首部宣传影片,供玩家参考。


  《真‧三国无双 8》是 ω-Force 成立 20 周年纪念作,首度采用开放世界形式制作,除了一骑当千的爽快动作之外,还加入从远方狙击敌人、使用勾绳入侵敌军城池等多采多姿的行动。 动作设计全面翻新,追加包括蜀国绿叶「周仓」与吴国老将「程普」等新角色,导入各式各样的改革。

  在本次公布的宣传影片中,玩家可以见识到无接缝单一地图呈现的三国时代中国大陆多变且辽阔的景观,包括高耸的山脉、宽广的河川、辽阔的原野与壮丽的城池,搭配时间流逝与天候变化。 之外还有关羽、程普、夏侯惇等名将活跃于战场上的激烈战斗,不论是横扫千军的斩击、从城墙一跃而下的打击,或是以弓箭引爆油瓶的爆击,都展现了新一代无双的大幅变革与进化。


游戏名称:真‧三国无双 8
对应平台:PlayStation 4
语言版本:日版 / 英文版 / 繁体中文版
开发厂商:KOEI TECMO Games
发行厂商:KOEI TECMO Games

Dynasty Warriors 9 Debut Trailer


Koei Tecmo America Details New Combat Features for Dinasty Warriors 9 Alongside New Trailer

Koei Tecmo America today revealed exciting new combat mechanics and exploration features slated to debut with the upcoming installment in developer Omega Force’s long-running action franchise, Dynasty Warriors 9. An impressive new trailer released alongside today’s announcement provides a closer look at the beautifully rendered environments and dynamic combat systems that players can look forward to.

Dynasty Warriors 9 introduces exhilarating new combat mechanics to the series’ signature “one versus thousands” style gameplay with the State Combo System. This new system allows players to perform 3 different attack styles – Trigger Attacks, Flow Attacks and Finish Attacks – each dealing progressively more damage. Trigger Attacks allow players to create the start of an explosive combo, leading to Flow Attacks, which adapt to the enemy’s current state. Successful combos allow for a Finish Attack to be performed, delivering a final blow that eradicates any foes caught in its path. These new enhancements aim to create a thrilling and fluid experience unlike any previous entry in the franchise.

Augmenting the series’ first true open world is another immersive innovation introduced in Dynasty Warriors 9: the Interactive Action system. Players will be able to fully utilize their surroundings for the first time in the Warriors franchise with the ability to climb buildings and mountains, wield grappling hooks to traverse walls, and make use of objects like oil barrels in battle. These new actions offer a breadth of new possibilities for players to take advantage of while travelling around third-century China, or when caught in the heat of battle!

Unifying the classic, time-tested action iconic to the Warriors series with a variety of new features, characters and content in an expansive open world environment, Dynasty Warriors 9 aims to deliver the most immersive and ambitious Dynasty Warriors experience to date. Platforms, release timing, and more information on the game’s new features, characters, and narrative will be unveiled in the coming months.

For more information and to stay up-to-date on Dynasty Warriors 9, please visit the official website at koeitecmoamerica.com/dw9, Like Koei Tecmo America on Facebook at facebook.com/koeitecmous and become part of the #KTfamily by following Koei Tecmo America on Twitter at @KoeiTecmoUS.
2017-7-4 06:16 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-7-5 02:33 PM 编辑

Dynasty Warriors 9 adds Man Chong
《真‧三国无双 8》魏国新参战武将「满宠」现身

根据 FAMITSU 网站最新一期 FAMITSU 周刊抢先预报,KOEI TECMO Games 制作的 PS4 战术动作游戏《真‧三国无双 8》,将首度加入以智谋与廉洁著称的魏国新参战武将「满宠」。

  《真‧三国无双 8》预定加入的魏国新参战武将「满宠」在历史上以智谋与廉洁著称,擅长固守城池的防卫战。 18 岁就出任郡督邮,曾整治地方恶霸贪官。 曹操下兖州时任命他为从事,从此展开侍奉曹魏四代主君的生涯。 曾在防守袁绍、关羽与孙权等势力侵攻的战役中多次取得胜利。

  从目前公布的杂志预览图中,可以确认游戏中的满宠将以棕发青年的「微笑谋士」形象登场,手持短枪战斗。 此外,这期杂志中还会详细介绍先前已经公布过的蜀国新参战武将「周仓」。

The latest issue of Weekly Famitsu reveals Man Chong as a new playable warlord in Dynasty Warriors 9.

Man Chong joins the previously announced Cheng Pu and Zhou Cang, the latter of which is also highlighted in the magazine. Historically, Man Chong excelled at defensive warfare, but what kind of role will he play in this game? The magazine also intrdouces existing warlords Sun Shangxiang, Lu Xun, and Lu Bu.

Dynasty Warriors 9 will launch for PlayStation 4 in Japan. Platforms for North America and Europe have yet to be announced. A release window has yet to be announced for any region.

■ Characters

Man Chong (voiced by Takashi Aoki)

Weapon: “Shooting Blade Spear”
The resourceful general of Wei. He makes skillful use of strategies and traps, and was frequently active in defensive warfare.

Zhou Cang (voiced by Chiharu Sawashiro)

Weapon: “Large Guillotine”
A former Yellow Turban. He reunited with Guan Yu after falling so low as to become a bandit, and became his loyal follower.

Sun Shangxiang (voiced by Emi Uwagawa)

Weapon: “Book”
Also known by the name “Archer Princess.” She is cheerful, lively, and unyielding.

Lu Xun (voiced by Kenji Nojima)

Weapon: “Twin Swords”
The resourceful general of Wu known as a genius. In the Battle of Xiaoting, he exerted himself as governor-general and defeated the Shu Han.

Lu Bu (voiced by Tetsu Inada)

Weapon: “War Halberd”
A brave general who rides the famous horse known as Red Hare. He mows down enemies with overwhelming power.

■ Mission Link System

The difficulty of missions required to advance the story will change based on the player’s actions.

For example, here are two ways to approach the same mission:

The Easier Way – If you break through the castle gate by using a ram car, it will take some time and effort, but you can easily destroy the gates. There is also an advantage in that you can invade the castle with ally soldiers alongside you.
The Harder Way – If you don’t use the ram car, you can invade the castle using a grappling hook, but then have to take on a large number of guards all on your own. To make up for the easy infiltration, it will be a tough battle once you’re actually inside.

■ Transport Units

You will encounter transport units all over the continent. By attacking transport units, you can get valuable items and money. Doing so may also affect future battlefields.

■ Misc.

In addition to requests and missions, occasional “encounters” will also occur.
You will encounter various wild animals, including wolfs, tigers, and pandas. Pandas won’t attack the player.

Locations such as The Great Wall of China, Jianning County, Guangzong County, and Xinye County will be represented through unique models.
2017-7-6 06:30 PM
Dynasty Warriors 9 details Man Chong, Zhou Cang, and Mission system

Koei Tecmo has updated the Japanese official website for Dynasty Warriors 9 with information and screenshots of new playable officers Man Chong and Zhou Cang, returning officers Sun Shangxiang, Lu Xun, Zhou Cang, and Lu Bu, and the “Mission” system.

Get the details below.

■ Characters

◆ Wei

Man Chong (voiced by Takashi Aoki)

The resourceful general of Wei. He makes skillful use of strategies and traps, and is frequently active in defensive warfare. He also has an excellent manner of speaking, and advised his old friend Xu Huang to serve Cao Cao.

◆ Wu

Sun Shangxiang (voiced by Emi Uwagawa)

Daughter of Sun Jian. Bright and vivacious, she eagerly takes to the battlefield and consistently proves she is as good or better than the men around her. Though her straightforward personality causes her to be one of the first to rush her enemies, her skill with weapons is sufficient to allow her to survive. She earns the nickname “Princess of the Bow” due to the beauty of her face and form and her proficiency with a bow.

Lu Xun (voiced by Kenji Nojima)

A self-effacing young officer, he always conducts himself with sincerity. He aids Lu Meng in defeating Guan Yu, and succeeds in taking Jing. He serves as the Grand Commander at Yiling and is able to destroy Liu Bei’s huge army. He encapsulates both the liveliness of youth and the wisdom of resourcefulness.

◆ Shu

Zhou Cang (voiced by Chiharu Sawashiro)

A former subordinate of the Yellow Turbans and Zhang Bao. He reunited with Guan Yu in Gagyuzan after falling so low as to become a bandit and became his loyal follower. He is extraordinarily swift-footed, and his speed is said to be the same as that of a red hair that runs a thousand miles per day. He excels in swimming with his superhuman strength, and plays an active role as a commander.

◆ Other

Lu Bu (voiced by Tetsu Inada)

A master of the military arts and particularly skilled in mounted archery. His exceptional skill earns him praise as a warrior among warriors, just as Red Hare is praised as a horse among horses. Lu Bu is a firm believer in the right of might and tends to ignore social niceties.

■ System


How to clear an mission is up to the player.

Various missions will occur on the field, and the player can freely carry out each mission in order to accomplish their end goal. Each mission affects other missions, and the difficulty of a mission will change depending on how you choose to clear it.

The path towards the end goal depends on the player, whether it is to “move in with a frontal attack and steadily clear the mission,” to “prepare for high difficulty and force your way through,” or to “change the state of battle in favor of another mission.”

—Sneak over the wall and invade the castle interior!

—Ambush the enemy on your own!

—Protect the ram car until it reaches its destination and break through the castle gates!

—Attack the enemy’s transport unit and prevent reinforcements!

Dynasty Warriors 9 will launch for PlayStation 4 in Japan. Platforms for North America and Europe have yet to be announced. A release window has yet to be announced for any region.
2017-7-6 06:33 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-7-7 06:54 PM 编辑

《真‧三国无双 8》中文官方网站更新 吕布、陆逊、孙尚香战斗画面与前代服装曝光

  台湾光荣特库摩今(7)宣布,KOEI TECMO Games 旗下 ω-Force 团队制作中的 PS4 战术动作游戏《真‧三国无双 8》中文官方网站现已更新。 新武将「满宠」、「周仓」初次亮相。 根据攻略方法的不同,「任务」的难易度会有所变化,还有袭击敌人运输部队,遭遇动物等新要素。




满宠(伯宁)配音:青木 崇
魏魏国智将。 于许多防卫战中巧妙运用计略以及陷阱,贡献良多。



配音:泽城 千春



孙尚香 配音:宇和川 惠美
个性开朗充满活力,非常好强。 长于武艺,不服输的性格,在战场上总是身先士卒。



陆逊(伯言)配音:野岛 健儿
与吕蒙合作击破关羽,成功夺回荆州。 更于夷陵之战中以大都督身分指挥吴军,



吕布(奉先)配音:稻田 彻





























2017-7-13 07:20 PM

2017-7-20 06:59 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-7-20 07:25 PM 编辑

Dynasty Warriors 9 details Cao Cao, Sun Jian, Sun Quan, Liu Bei, Yuan Shao, and Diaochan
《真‧三国无双 8》公布「曹操」「孙权」「刘备」等 4 大势力 6 名登场武将造型

  KOEI TECMO Games 今(20)日公布 PS4 战术动作游戏《真‧三国无双 8》4 大势力 6 名既有登场武将「曹操」、「孙坚」、「孙权」、「刘备」、「袁绍」、「貂蝉」的造型与介绍。

  《真‧三国无双 8》首度采用开放世界形式制作,除了一骑当千的爽快动作外,还加入从远方狙击敌人、使用勾绳入侵敌军城池等多采多姿的行动。 动作设计全面翻新,导入各式各样的改革。



Koei Tecmo has updated the official website for Dynasty Warriors 9 with information and models of returning officers Cao Cao, Sun Jian, Sun Quan, Liu Bei, Yuan Shao, and Diaochan.

Get the details below.

■ Characters

◆ Wei

Cao Cao (voiced by Yukimasa Kishino)


曹操,字孟德(配音:岸野 幸正)

Future King of Wei. During his youth, a prophecy called him the “Hero of Chaos.”

Blessed with discernment and decisiveness, he first showed his abilities during the Yellow Turban Rebellion.

He was both ambitious and rational and sometimes showed a fierce, cold side, which caused those around him to fear his presence.

Talented in literature as well, he wrote both military strategy texts and books of poems.

◆ Wu

Sun Jian (voiced by Yasuhiko Tokuyama)


孙坚,字文台(配音:德山 靖彦)
孙子的后代。 沉稳且爽朗的孙家大家长。

Said to be a descendant of Sun Tzu. He was an officer who maintained a bright, calm outlook on life.

He excelled at numerous roles and was a wise leader, a valiant fighter, and a gentle father.

After distinguishing himself against pirates, he participated in suppressing the Yellow Turbans and was made Prefect of Changsha.

He served as a vanguard in the coalition against Dong Zhuo and was among the first to arrive in Luoyang.

Sun Quan (voiced by Hisayoshi Suganuma)


孙权,字仲谋(配音:菅沼 久义 )
孙坚的次男、孙策的弟弟。 被孙策评为有治国长才的人物。

Second son of Sun Jian and younger brother to Sun Ce.

Sun Quan was praised for his skills in governance.

Although he lacked confidence in his physical abilities and decision making, he eventually became a great leader.

◆ Shu

Liu Bei (voiced by Moriya Endou)


刘备,字玄德(配音:远藤 守哉)
与结义兄弟关羽、张飞共同在乱世中奋战。 是名重情重义的名君。

Descendant of Liu Sheng, King of the Eastern Han dynasty.

He took to the battlefield alongside his oath-brothers Guan Yu and Zhang Fei in order to bring peace to the people and prosperity back to the Han Dynasty.

Compassionate and charitable, he had a tendency to act based on feelings more than logic.

His warm personality earned him the love and loyalty of many people.

◆ Other

Yuan Shao (voiced by Osamu Ryutani)


袁绍,字本初(配音:龙谷 修武)
四世三公的名门袁家出身。 在对抗董卓专政而集结的联合军中担任盟主。

Yuan Shao became the leader of the Coalition that gathered to end the tyranny of Dong Zhuo.

Following Dong Zhuo’s death, he fought his longtime acquaintance Cao Cao over control of the central plains.

He had both ability and power commensurate with his noble birth, but at the same time suffered from the conceit and vulnerability prevalent among the nobility.

Diaochan (voiced by Rika Komatsu)


貂蝉(配音:小松 里歌)
擅长歌舞的绝世美女。 被司徒王允以女相待抚养长大。

Raised by Wang Yun as his own daughter, Diaochan, a skilled singer and dancer, was considered one of the most beautiful women of her time.

She agreed to participate in a plan to divide Dong Zhuo and Lu Bu and managed to get close to both of them, succeeding in tearing their relationship apart.

Veiled by her beauty, she carried the same burning passion like many great war heroes.

Dynasty Warriors 9 will launch for PlayStation 4 in Japan. Platforms for North America and Europe have yet to be announced. A release window has yet to be announced for any region.
2017-7-25 03:53 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-7-25 03:57 PM 编辑

Dynasty Warriors 9’s Liu Bei will appear both with and without a goatee
《真‧三国无双 8》刘备的胡子会随着剧情的推进而长出

  在上周 Koei Tecmo 官方公开的《真·三国无双8》人物角色高清图中,不少玩家发现了刘备山羊胡回归,但其实刘备在游戏中会以无山羊胡和有山羊胡的状态登场。

  游戏制作人铃木亮浩在官方 Twitter上透露随着游戏剧情的推进,刘备会慢慢长出胡子,同样的设定也会体现在夏侯惇的眼睛上,这也就表示在夏侯惇与曹性战斗后就会成为独眼状态。

  《真·三国无双 8》目前还未公开发售日期,游戏对应平台为PS4。本作是系列首次采用开放世界设定,不仅仅可以像系列一样在大军中一骑当千,还包含从远处狙击敌人、以及使用钩绳侵入敌军城内等多彩的行动,不久前官方宣布开发进度已达40%。

Last week, Koei Tecmo unveiled the Dynasty Warriors 9 version of Liu Bei, among other returning officers. Many fans were quick to notice the return of his goatee.

But Liu Bei will appear both with and without a goatee, according to Dynasty Warriors 9 producer Akihiro Suzuki, who shared the following image on Twitter today:

“In Dynasty Warriors 9, Liu Bei is actually also available ‘without a goatee,'” Suzuki said. “In the game, he automatically changes depending on the progress of the story. The same goes for Xiahou Dun’s eye patch.”

Dynasty Warriors 9 will launch for PlayStation 4 in Japan. Platforms for North America and Europe have yet to be announced. A release window has yet to be announced for any region.
2017-7-26 06:08 PM
Six minutes of Dynasty Warriors 9 gameplay
《真‧三国无双 8》首个实机演示 关羽大战虎牢关

  在 7 月 26 日下午举办的 2017 PlayStation ChinaJoy 中国发布会上,来自光荣特库摩的铃木亮浩先生在发布会上为我们带来了一段《真‧三国无双 8》的实机演示,这也是本作在全球范围内首次进行这种规模的演示,让人十分兴奋。

  在发布会的过程中,铃木亮浩先生首先为我们回顾了《真三国无双》系列作品,随后他宣布系列的最新作品《真‧三国无双 8》将发行国行版,正努力实现国行版和日版的同步上市。

  在接下来的实机演示环节中,铃木亮浩先生展示了虎牢关之战,操作武将是关羽,敌方武将是华雄,可怜的是,经过了这么多代,华雄依然是一个大众脸武将。在过场动画的部分,我们惊喜的发现这段 Demo 不但是中文字幕,还采用了中文配音,这也是系列十几年之后再次采用中文配音。


Koei Tecmo debuted six minutes of live Dynasty Warriors 9 gameplay during Sony’s ChinaJoy 2017 press conference.

The gameplay demo followed the company’s announcement of Dynasty Warriors 9 for release on PlayStation 4 China.

Dynasty Warriors 9 will launch for PlayStation 4 in Japan. Platforms for North America and Europe have yet to be announced. A release window has yet to be announced for any region.

Read more at http://gematsu.com/2017/07/six-m ... QVi3eghLjQiTBeWM.99

2017-7-29 03:57 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-7-30 02:59 PM 编辑

《真‧三国无双 8》宣布将同步推出繁体中文版 凌统、甘宁、许褚造型率先曝光

  KOEI TECMO Games 在今(29)日香港举行的香港动漫节会场上,邀请到制作人 铃木亮浩参与舞台活动,并同步宣布《真‧三国无双 8》将推出繁体中文版的消息。


  《真‧三国无双 8》首度采用开放世界形式制作,除了一骑当千的爽快动作外,还加入从远方狙击敌人、使用勾绳入侵敌军城池等多采多姿的行动。 动作设计全面翻新,导入各式各样的改革。


  除了公布繁体中文版的消息外,铃木亮浩也率先于香港动漫节的会场上公布了 3 位新武将的造型,分别为「凌统」、「甘宁」、「许褚」,玩家可先藉由目前释出的概念图,一览 3 位的全新样貌。

  值得一提的是,本次除了繁体中文版的首度展示外,在游戏中所展示的语音也是使用中文语音。 而根据官方表示,本次的《真‧三国无双 8》将可以让玩家自行切换中文或日文语音,让玩家自行选择是要使用以前熟悉的日文配音,或是崭新的中文配音方式。



《真‧三国无双 8》制作人铃木亮浩解说游戏特色 繁体中文版确认将收录中日双语音

  《真‧三国无双》系列最新作 PS4《真‧三国无双 8》制作人铃木亮浩继日前上海 ChinaJoy 的 PlayStation 发表会后,又风尘仆仆来到香港动漫电玩节参加 PlayStation 舞台活动,正式宣布《真‧三国无双 8》繁体中文版将与日文版同步推出,且首度同时收录中文与日文双语音。


  《真‧三国无双 8》是问世至今已 17 年的《真‧三国无双》系列最新作,首度采用开放世界形式制作,以连贯的单一大地图重现三国时代的中国大陆全土,同时导入日夜变化时间概念。 动作设计翻新,会因应战况而有所改变,此外还加入从远方狙击敌人、使用勾绳入侵敌军城池等多采多姿的行动。 将收录系列登场的全 83 名武将,以及包括「周仓」、「程普」、「满宠」等新武将。

  继先前宣布的简体中文版制作计划之后,铃木亮浩这次又宣布《真‧三国无双 8》繁体中文版将同步推出,语音部份不但收录暌违多年再次登场的中文语音,同时保留系列玩家熟悉的日文语音,玩家可以依照自己的喜好来切换。 (编按:简体中文版因政策问题,故仅收录中文语音)。

  此外,铃木亮浩还率先曝光了这次游戏中凌统、甘宁与许褚 3 名武将的造型设计概念图。

  铃木亮浩并带来《真‧三国无双 8》最新开发中版本示范,这次示范的内容已经是繁体中文化的状态,语音部分则是切换成中文语音。 现场特别请到香港知名网络红人达哥担任示范,游玩的关卡为魏与吴两大势力冲突的濡须口攻防,使用武将为魏代表性大将夏侯惇,武器为其善用的扑刀。

  相较于先前 ChinaJoy 示范版本刻意调低了难度,这次的示范难度的表现就设定得比较正常,当达哥操作的夏侯惇杀入正在攻城的程普军时,三不五时还会被小兵的冷箭冷枪给戳中跌倒,因此只能且战且走,避免陷入敌方大军之中难以动弹,改从外围逐步杀入,并伺机累积无双计量表发动强力的无双乱舞来扫荡敌军。 虽然途中达哥尝试设置油壶陷阱,但一直都没有余裕出手引爆。

  好不容易讨伐了程普之后,紧接着就是渡河杀入吴军首领孙权的阵地。 渡河途中夏侯惇还抽空钓了一下鱼,展现这次替开放世界设计加入的休闲小元素。 因为时间有限,所以接着就抄快捷方式游泳渡河,攀越城墙直接杀入孙权本阵。 在清除碍事的护卫队之后,达哥再度使用油壶陷阱,引诱孙权前来并引爆油壶重伤孙权。 经过一番惊险激烈的战斗之后,终于成功打倒孙权,完成任务。

  示范中虽然使用的是系列玩家不是那么熟悉的中文配音,不过就实际表现来看,其实中文配音的水平不差,与动作的搭配与角色的形象都很契合。 后续可以观察看看其他角色的表现如何。


《真‧三国无双 8》制作人铃木亮浩媒体联访


  • 这次游戏首度导入开放世界,不过直接使用真实的图资来制作并不美观,所以要如何制作得与真实景观相似却又能保持美观的呈现,是开放世界制作上最大的挑战
  • 角色在不同时期的容貌并不会改变,唯一例外的刘备是应玩家要求特别制作了没有胡子与有胡子的两种版本,其他角色就只有一种版本。 主要是要替所有武将制作多种不同时期的容貌在技术上有困难,而且相信玩家也不会想看女性角色老去之后的模样
  • 在森林或竹林间会遇见老虎或是猫熊,但并不会有隐居的仙人或武将。 不过城里可能会有不同势力的武将藏身或是埋伏其中,玩家有机会可以发现他们
  • 繁体中文版同时收录中文与日文两种语音可以切换,简体中文版因为当地政策之故所以只收录中文语音
  • 武将使用的武器可以自由更换,各武将同样有「得意武器」的设定,当使用得意武器时,可以施展套有的「得意技」
  • 在进行战斗任务时,除非是任务剧情的安排,否则不会有 AI 操控的第三方势力介入
  • NPC AI 的表现会根据状况变化,例如夜间视线不良,所以玩家比较容易能侵入城池
  • 游戏中的时代会在玩家完成特定的剧情任务后向下一个时代推进,不过玩家可以选择不完成剧情任务,随意漫游中国大陆全土,练功提升自己等级,或是寻找与搜集散布各处的隐藏要素。 探索收集到的素材可以用来打造道具
  • 玩家所游玩的时代是根据选择的武将而定,每个武将都有各自活跃的年代
  • 游戏中的自然环境无法破坏,只有任务安排的特定对象可以破坏
  • 可以设置的陷阱主要就是示范中看到的油壶,之外还可以搜集素材打造爆炸箭矢
  • 游戏中玩家无法操作攻城车,只能在一旁护卫跟随
  • 先前系列登场的 83 名武将这次都全部会登场,再加上目前已经发表的 3 名新武将在内,目前已经确定会有 86 名武将登场,还有一小部分新武将目前尚未发表
  • 游戏中没有结义或结婚的系统,不过特定关系的武将之间会有特殊的对话
  • 这次没有加入联机模式
  • 开放世界地图的主要移动手段为骑马或步行,不过有特定的传送地点可以瞬间移动过去
  • 游戏会支持 PS4 Pro,支持模式与《仁王》相同,将提供高画质的 4K 30fps 与高流畅度的 1080p 60fps 两种强化模式可以选择
  • 虽然这次的主视觉图上有敌军排出阵型的模样,不过实际游戏中不会有这样的表现,即使开战前有排出阵型,开战后士兵随即就会根据状况各自移动,就算有阵型也打乱了
2017-8-3 07:04 PM
Dynasty Warriors 9 details Xu Zhu, Dian Wei, Ling Tong, Gan Ning, Guan Ping, and Dong Zhuo

Koei Tecmo has updated the official website for Dynasty Warriors 9 with information and models of returning officers Xu Zhu, Dian Wei, Ling Tong, Gan Ning, Guan Ping, and Dong Zhuo.

Get the details below.

■ Characters

◆ Wei

Xu Zhu (voiced by Takahiro Yoshimizu)

A pure-hearted fighter. With a large frame and superior strength, he was often by Cao Cao’s side to protect him from harm.
Though normally even-tempered with a carefree personality, once on the battlefield, he fought with the fierceness of a tiger earning him the nickname Crazy Tiger.

Dian Wei (voiced by Kazuya Nakai)

A fierce and loyal warrior. Built like a giant with immense strength and an impressive physique, he often served as a bodyguard to Cao Cao. His fierce look and uncultured ways incited fear among many yet those he served know the man for his utmost loyalty.

◆ Wu

Ling Tong (voiced by Taiki Matsuno)

The hard-to-hate cynic. A servant of Wu, he continued to serve even after his father Ling Cao was killed in a battle with Gan Ning, and despised him ever since. He continued to serve even after his father was killed in a battle with Gan Ning, and despises him as a foe since. Often viewed as sarcastic, his deep loyalty to his friends and family drove him in battle putting his name among the greatest warriors of Wu.

Gan Ning (voiced by Hiroaki Miura)

An open-hearted soul. Nicknamed “Gan Ning of the Bells” for the bells he wore on his clothing, he was short-tempered and quick to brawl but was well-trusted by his men. Discontent from the lack of trust he received from Liu Biao and Huang Zu, he defected to Wu where he fought in numerous battles, namely the Battle of Chibi.

◆ Shu

Guan Ping (voiced by Ryouhei Nakao)

A warrior of the next generation. Originally the second son of Guan Ding of Hebei, he became the adopted son of Guan Yu after his father became impressed with Guan Yu in a fateful encounter. Earnest and true, he joined Liu Bei as a sign of respect to his adopted father wherein he became proficient in martial arts.

◆ Other

Dong Zhuo (voiced by Yukitoshi Hori)

A power-hungry malevolence. Previously serving as Prefect of Xiliang, he rose to power after being called to battle by He Jin against the Imperial Eunuchs. With the chaos of battle and the death of He Jin, he quickly took control of the court through the young Emperor. Using his adopted son, Lu Bu, he ruled with complete brutality through military might inducing fear among the people.

Dynasty Warriors 9 will launch for PlayStation 4 in Japan. Platforms for North America and Europe have yet to be announced. A release window has yet to be announced for any region.
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