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Nintendo NX

2017-2-8 06:25 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-2-8 07:53 PM 编辑


任天堂官方发布 Nintendo Switch 硬体功能介绍宣传片

  随着任天堂 Switch 发售日期(3月3日)的临近,任天堂方面的宣传工作也紧锣密鼓的筹备了起来。今天任天堂官方就发布了一部 Nintendo Switch 硬体功能介绍视频。

  在这部视频中,除了介绍任天堂 Switch的 TV 模式中使用 HDMI 进行信号传输、掌机模式最大支持 8 台同时联机外。还介绍Joy-con主打的HD震动功能。而备受期待的三款大作:《萨尔达传说:荒野之息》《Splatoon 2》与《马里奥赛车 8》等游戏也均有出现。


Nintendo Switch 首发游戏《1-2-Switch》公布新影片 五花八门玩法回归童心趣味

  任天堂开发,预定 3 月 3 日随新主机「Nintendo Switch(NS)」同步推出的 NS 趣味小游戏合辑《1-2-Switch》,近日在官方网站公布了更多收录小游戏的介绍影片,供玩家参考。

  《1-2-Switch》是发挥 NS 主机与其专属控制器 Joy-Con 特色的小游戏合辑,以回归「眼神对眼神」的对战原点为主题,透过各种趣味的玩法,让玩家体验回归童心的游玩与互动乐趣。

  《1-2-Switch》预定收录 28 种小游戏,继先前体验会开放试玩与公布影片的 8 种之后,近日官方又公布了 10 种小游戏的介绍影片,从斗剑、巫术、刮胡子到开汽水,可说是五花八门:


对应平台:Nintendo Switch
发售日期:2017 年 3 月 3 日
建议售价:4980 日圆(未税)
游玩人数:1~2 人
年龄分级:CERO A(适合所有年龄)

Sword Fight斗剑(Sword Fight)


Wizard 巫师(Wizard)












旋转 Joy-Con(Joy-Con Rotation)


吹牛骰 / 大话骰(Liar Dice)


海滩抢旗(Beach Flag)



2017-2-10 10:17 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-2-11 05:10 PM 编辑

Arms 'Arm Enyclopedia' and Character Introduction Trailers
《强力拳击(ARMS)》公布 5 位新角色以及拳击手套种类介绍

  今天任天堂公布了 Switch 格斗游戏《强力拳击(ARMS)》的两段新视频,第一段是新角色亮相视频,第二段则演示了每个角色的拳击手套种类介绍。

  本次公布的角色分别是:木乃伊长官-Master Mummy, 彩带娘-Ribbon Girl, 机械姬师-Mechanica, 弹簧男-Spring Man, 还有忍者郎-Ninjara。他们的特技分别是:弹簧男的火焰拳和飞镖、忍者郎的雷霆拳、木乃伊长官的巨型拳、机械姬师的电容拳、彩带娘的火蝾螈。

  《强力拳击》预计今年春季发售,登陆任天堂 Switch。


2017-2-11 04:39 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-2-11 05:11 PM 编辑

Splatoon 2 has LAN Play and Private Battle Spectator View features
《Splatoon 2》将支持局域网游戏和私房间观战功能

  在“斗会议2017”的展台上,任天堂确认《喷射美少女2(Splatoon 2)》将支持局域网游戏和私人房间观战功能。




In Splatoon 2 LAN Play allows you to create local Private Battle tournaments without needing an Internet connection

Previously, we’ve reported that Splatoon 2 will allow up to eight Nintendo Switch systems to connect via local wireless to play Private Battles. In addition to this, a new feature called LAN Play will enable players to connect eight docked systems using a wired LAN setup. This feature allows players to create local Private Battle tournaments without the need for an Internet connection.

If you’re willing to put in the work to set up LAN Play, you can also use the Private Battle Spectator View feature by hooking up two additional Nintendo Switch systems. Local wireless play is perfect for your regular gaming get-togethers, but LAN Play is where it’s at when you want to organize a serious tournament event with your fellow players.
2017-2-12 10:31 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-2-13 07:10 PM 编辑

Splatoon 2 Global Testfire to Take Place During Nintendo Switch Launch Month
全世界一起来试玩《漆弹大作战 2》抢先试射会时间公开

  随着《漆弹大作战 2(Splatoon 2)》正式公布后,乌贼研究所的研究员们也开始持续展开更多相关研究。 3 月 25 日、26 日两天,确定将于全世界展开《漆弹大作战 2》抢先试射会。 每天 3 次、1 次 1 小时,共计 6 次,玩家届时可用家里的 Nintendo Switch 来抢先体验《漆弹大作战 2》。

  日程表就如同图片上说明的。 由于是全世界同时举行的活动,所以也包含了凌晨的时间点,有空的话不妨参加一下。 而抢先试射会的详细内容与参加方法会另外找时间详细公布。

  《漆弹大作战 2》抢先试射会 举办时间

2017年 3 月 25 日 3:00~3:59、11:00~11:59、19:00~19:59
2017年 3 月 26 日 3:00~3:59、11:00~11:59、19:00~19:59

  Nintendo Switch《漆弹大作战 2》预定于 2017 年夏季发售,价格未定。


Nintendo News: Nintendo Switch Owners Get Free Preview of Splatoon 2 During Global Testfire

The data is in and we can announce our confirmed findings. People who buy the Nintendo Switch system will not only get access to a remarkable new video game system, but they’ll also be able to participate in a special Splatoon 2 preview... Owners with internet access can download a demo version of the Splatoon 2 game that will allow them to battle against opponents around the world in the Splatoon 2 Global Testfire event. It’s a way for everyone to investigate the latest in cephalopod warfare months before the game launches!

In addition to the Testfire event, Nintendo squid expert and Splatoon 2 producer Hisashi Nogami also confirmed a new way for players to follow the action when the game launches later in the year – a mode that will give players a unique insight into squid behaviors and strategy called Private Battle Spectator View. This breakthrough in squid-observation technology will allow up to two non-players to participate in a Private Battle as camera operators to observe all the action from multiple angles*. Incredible! In addition to this, a new feature called LAN Play will be added to Splatoon 2, allowing up to 10 docked systems – eight players and two spectators – to connect via wired LAN. This feature allows players to create local Private Battle tournaments without the need for an internet connection. Local wireless play is perfect for your regular gaming get-togethers, but LAN Play is where it’s at when you want to organize a serious tournament event with your fellow players.

“Two years have passed in this universe since the original Splatoon, and since then, the weapons, maps and characters have evolved. Through the Splatoon 2 Global Testfire event this March, players will be able to get a taste of that. There will be more new features to experience in Splatoon 2, so please look forward to more reveals in the future,” noted Mr. Nogami.

The Splatoon 2 Global Testfire will give Nintendo Switch owners six chances to play with other owners worldwide during the three-day event. The timing of the event is as follows:

All indications are that the content for the Global Testfire will allow players to test four different main weapons, including the new Splat Dualies, as well as remixed versions of the iconic Splat Roller and Splat Charger. Extraordinary!

We look forward to sharing additional findings soon, such as when the demo will be available for download in Nintendo eShop.

We’re also happy to report that Splatoon 2 will be compatible with Splatoon series amiibo figures and, for the first time in the series, with an upcoming Nintendo Switch app for smart devices that enhances online play. This app will connect to the game and allow players to set play appointments with friends and teammates who have been added to their Nintendo Switch friend list or via their social media accounts. It also allows players to match up with those friends directly in the game or voice chat with them via their smart device. For example, during a Private Battle, players can voice chat with all of their connected friends when they divide into teams, but once teams are set, voice chat is switched to communication only between teammates on the same team.

In order to use this app, players need to link their Nintendo Account to their Nintendo Switch system and have a smart device capable of in-game voice chat. Online features will require a paid subscription. Data fees may apply. More details will be announced at a later date.

Nintendo Switch launches March 3 at a suggested retail price of $299.99. For more information about Nintendo Switch, visit nintendo.com/switch. Splatoon 2 is scheduled to launch this summer. For more information about the game, visit splatoon2.nintendo.com.
2017-2-13 06:34 PM
Super Bomberman R Opening Cinematic


2017-2-13 06:51 PM
《圣火降魔录》首度中文化! 《FIRE EMBLEM Echoes 另一位英雄王》将支持中文语系

  任天堂将于 4 月 20 日发售的《圣火降魔录(FIRE EMBLEM)》系列最新作 Nintendo 3DS《FIRE EMBLEM Echoes 另一位英雄王(前译:圣火降魔录 回音 另一名英雄王)》,今(13)日于官方 Youtube 频道释出新影片,由游戏制作人宣布本作将对应繁 / 简体中文语系。 游戏内将以日文配音,繁 / 简体中文字幕的方式呈现。


  《FIRE EMBLEM Echoes 另一位英雄王》是 1992 年于 Famicon 平台发售的《圣火降魔录》系列第 2 作《圣火降魔录 外传》之重制作品,新版的人物设定由左担任。


  《FIRE EMBLEM Echoes 另一位英雄王》也是 1990 年《圣火降魔录》系列问世以来,首度支持中文语系的游戏。

  另外,官方也预告将于 2017 年秋季在 Nintendo Switch 主机上发售的《圣火降魔录 无双》也将支持繁 / 简体中文语系。


  Nintendo 3DS 专用软件《FIRE EMBLEM Echoes 另一位英雄王》将于 4 月 20 日发售。 日版售价为 4980 日圆(未税),中文版本售价尚未确认。
2017-2-13 07:20 PM





2017-2-14 07:13 AM

2017-2-14 06:47 PM
任天堂官方频道公开「Nintendo Switch 发布会 2017」中文字幕影片

  中文任天堂频道在昨(13)日,公开了「Nintendo Switch 发布会 2017」英文语音、中文字幕的影片。


  在 1 月 13 日公布 Nintendo Switch 主机面貌的「Nintendo Switch 发布会 2017」,任天堂中文官方频道于 2017 年 2 月 14 日公布英文语音、中文字幕版本影片。 透过中文字幕更能让玩家理解 Nintendo Switch 主机的特色及功能。

  Nintendo Switch 预定于 3 月 3 日发售,价格为 29800 日圆(不含税)。
2017-2-15 06:17 PM








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