任天堂揭露下一代新主机「Nintendo Switch」首部预览影片 融合家用主机与掌上主机概念
任天堂于日本时间今(20)日晚间 23:00 在官方网站正式公布开发代号「NX」的下一代主机「Nintendo Switch」的首部预览影片,确认将采用融合家用主机与掌上主机的设计概念。
Nintendo Switch 是已故任天堂前社长岩田聪于 2015 年 3 月在「任天堂、DeNA 业务 / 资本合作 共同记者发表会」上宣布的下一代新主机,当时是以「NX」为开发代号。将采用融合家用主机与掌上主机的设计概念,采用平板电脑造型的本体,可置放于底座连结电视,亦可独立携带游玩。控制器部分采用分离设计,可与平板本体组合成可携式主机,或拆下另行组合成无线控制器。
Nintendo Switch 预定 2017 年 3 月上市,价格未定。
Nintendo Announces Nintendo Switch
Nintendo Switch World Premiere Demonstrates New Entertainment Experiences from a Home Gaming System
In an introductory video released today, Nintendo provided the first glimpse of its new home gaming system and revealed that it is called Nintendo Switch. In addition to providing single and multiplayer thrills at home, the Nintendo Switch system also enables gamers to play the same title wherever, whenever and with whomever they choose. The mobility of a handheld is now added to the power of a home gaming system to enable unprecedented new video game play styles.
At home, Nintendo Switch rests in the Nintendo Switch Dock that connects the system to the TV and lets you play with family and friends in the comfort of your living room. By simply lifting Nintendo Switch from the dock, the system will instantly transition to portable mode, and the same great gaming experience that was being enjoyed at home now travels with you. The portability of Nintendo Switch is enhanced by its bright high-definition display. It brings the full home gaming system experience with you to the park, on an airplane, in a car, or to a friend’s apartment.
Gaming springs into action by removing detachable Joy-Con controllers from either side of Nintendo Switch. One player can use a Joy-Con controller in each hand; two players can each take one; or multiple Joy-Con can be employed by numerous people for a variety of gameplay options. They can easily click back into place or be slipped into a Joy-Con Grip accessory, mirroring a more traditional controller. Or, if preferred, the gamer can select an optional Nintendo Switch Pro Controller to use instead of the Joy-Con controllers. Furthermore, it is possible for numerous people to bring their Nintendo Switch systems together to enjoy local multiplayer face-to-face competition.
“Nintendo Switch allows gamers the freedom to play however they like,” said Reggie Fils-Aime, President and COO, Nintendo of America. “It gives game developers new abilities to bring their creative visions to life by opening up the concept of gaming without boundaries.”
Developers can design their games supporting a variety of play styles, which gives gamers the freedom to choose an experience that best suits them. Some of the publishers, developers and middleware partners announcing support for Nintendo Switch:
Today’s video incorporated short glimpses of representative gameplay to demonstrate the liberating nature of the Nintendo Switch home gaming system. Full game demonstrations, the list of launch window titles, as well as launch date, price, product configuration and related specifics, will be shown and announced prior to the March launch.
NVIDIA Technology Powers New Home Gaming System, Nintendo Switch
The first thing to know about the new Nintendo Switch home gaming system: it’s really fun to play. With great graphics, loads of game titles and incredible performance, the Nintendo Switch will provide people with many hours of engaging and interactive gaming entertainment.
But creating a device so fun required some serious engineering. The development encompassed 500 man-years of effort across every facet of creating a new gaming platform: algorithms, computer architecture, system design, system software, APIs, game engines and peripherals. They all had to be rethought and redesigned for Nintendo to deliver the best experience for gamers, whether they’re in the living room or on the move.
A Console Architecture for the Living Room and Beyond
Nintendo Switch is powered by the performance of the custom Tegra processor. The high-efficiency scalable processor includes an NVIDIA GPU based on the same architecture as the world’s top-performing GeForce gaming graphics cards.
The Nintendo Switch’s gaming experience is also supported by fully custom software, including a revamped physics engine, new libraries, advanced game tools and libraries. NVIDIA additionally created new gaming APIs to fully harness this performance. The newest API, NVN, was built specifically to bring lightweight, fast gaming to the masses.
Gameplay is further enhanced by hardware-accelerated video playback and custom software for audio effects and rendering.
We’ve optimized the full suite of hardware and software for gaming and mobile use cases. This includes custom operating system integration with the GPU to increase both performance and efficiency.
NVIDIA gaming technology is integrated into all aspects of the new Nintendo Switch home gaming system, which promises to deliver a great experience to gamers.
The Nintendo Switch will be available in March 2017. More information is available at nintendo.com/switch.
任天堂新主机「Nintendo Switch」确定采用客制化 NVIDIA Tegra 行动处理器
NVIDIA 官方部落格稍早宣布,任天堂方才公布的下一代主机「Nintendo Switch」将采用自家研发的客制化「Tegra」行动处理器,具备优异的图像表现、丰富的游戏阵容与强大的处理效能。
Nintendo Switch 是任天堂预定于 2017 年 3 月推出的下一代游戏主机,采用融合家用游戏主机与掌上游戏主机的设计,其平板造型的本体可置放于底座链接电视游玩,亦可独立携带游玩。
NVIDIA 表示,Nintendo Switch 是 NVIDIA 与任天堂耗费超过 500 个人年(man-years)共同打造的新游戏平台,其中包含算法、计算机系统设计、系统软件、API、游戏引擎与外围的研发。
Nintendo Switch 采用 NVIDIA 研发的客制化「Tegra」高效能行动处理器,具备与效能顶尖的 NVIDIA 绘图处理器相同架构的绘图核心。 在 NVIDIA 协助下打造完全客制化的软件,包含与 GPU 整合的客制化操作系统,翻新的物理引擎、新的函式库、先进的游戏工具与函式库。 NVIDIA 同时为其打造了新的游戏 API「NVN」来完整驾驭硬件的效能,提供低负担、高速的游戏体验。
Nintendo Switch 预定 2017 年 3 月上市,价格未定。