【E3 2015】黑暗风格硬派动作游戏《黑暗灵魂 3》宣传影片释出 预定2016年初上市
Bandai Namco Games 率先于今(16)日美国微软 E3 展前发表会公布了高难度硬派动作游戏《黑暗灵魂》系列最新作《黑暗灵魂 3》宣传影片,目前确认将在 Xbox One 发行, PC 及其他平台尚未确认。
《黑暗灵魂 3》为 From Software 所开发的 3D 动作角色扮演游戏,该系列作具有隐晦的黑暗叙事风格以及高难度的的动作挑战性,受到硬派动作游戏的核心玩家喜爱。 今日曝光的影片中透露了游戏将在 2016 初发行,发行平台目前确认已有 Xbox One 。
Dark Souls III Officially Announced

Bandai Namco Announces Dark Souls III for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC
Leading interactive entertainment company Bandai Namco Entertainment Europe today proudly announced Dark Souls III for an early 2016 release date for the Xbox One, all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system, and Steam for PC.
Developed by acclaimed Japanese developer FromSoftware and directed by Hidetaka Miyazaki, Dark Souls III is the latest chapter in the critically acclaimed Dark Souls series with its trademark sword and sorcery combat and rewarding action RPG gameplay. Players will travel across a wide variety of locations in an interconnected world of unrelenting challenge and deep RPG gameplay as they search for a way to survive the coming apocalypse.
“The Dark Souls brand became a phenomenon thanks to amazing work from our dear partners FromSoftware and our very own Bandai Namco Entertainment teams”. said Herve Hoerdt, Vice President of Marketing & Digital at Bandai Namco Entertainment Europe. “But above all, we are blessed to have such a supportive and loving community, and we are happy to dedicate this final episode to them!”
Dark Souls III will arrive on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC early 2016.
Delve into Dark Souls III Universe with the official website: DarkSouls3.com