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2017-9-19 07:53 PM

City Shrouded in Shadow adds Mechagodzilla, Evangelion Unit-00 and Unit-02, more

The latest issue of Weekly Famitsu confirms several new “giant shadows” that will appear in City Shrouded in Shadow, the upcoming sci-fi survival action adventure game from Bandai Namco and Granzella.

Griffon and Abraham from Patlabor, Dada from Ultraman, Mechagodzilla from Godzilla, and Evangelion Unit-00 and Evangelion Unit-02 from Neon Genesis Evangellion will all appear in the game.

City Shrouded in Shadow is due out for PlayStation 4 in Japan on October 19.
2017-9-21 07:20 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-9-21 07:32 PM 编辑

City Shrouded in Shadow opening movie


  游戏中的巨影包括奥特曼、伪奥特曼、扎拉布星人、哥斯拉、王者基多拉、EVA初号机、第四使徒、加美拉、雷吉翁、英格拉姆1号机、Pyro-Buster与Grau Bear等。


Bandai Namco has released the opening movie for City Shrouded in Shadow, its upcoming sci-fi survival action adventure game from Disaster Report studio Granzella.

City Shrouded in Shadow is due out for PlayStation 4 in Japan on October 19.





City Shrouded in Shadow second trailer

Bandai Namco released the second official trailer for City Shrouded in Shadow at Tokyo Game Show 2017.

City Shrouded in Shadow is due out for PlayStation 4 in Japan on October 19.

2017-9-29 10:38 PM
City Shrouded in Shadow details Griffon, Dada, Mechagodzilla, 8th Angel, Go! Go! Curry collaboration, more

The latest set of City Shrouded in Shadow information and screenshots details the game’s recently confirmed “giant shadows” Griffon and Abraham from Patlabor, Dada from Ultraman, Mechagdozilla from Godzilla, 8th Angel and Evangelion Unit-00 and Unit-02 from Evangelion, and a collaboration with the Kanazawa City-born Japanese food chain Go! Go! Curry.

Get the details below.

■ Fierce Battle at the Pier: Ingram vs. Griffon

A fierce night battle at the pier. A melee begins involving Ingram, Griffon, and Schaft Security Systems’ Abraham!

The protagonist and company barely managed to make it to the pier in the evening. But awaiting them there were Special Vehicles Section 2 Labor “Ingram” Units 1 and 2, who were moving to take action against Griffon. Abrahams belonging to Schaft Security Systems also participate in this battle, setting the stage for a night melee at the pier.

The Abrahams swoop down on Griffon. Despite being one machine against many, Griffon tosses around the multiple Abrahams and one after the next drives them to shutdown. A melee between fellow Labors will unfold right before the protagonist and company’s eyes.

■ The Three-Faced Phantom Seeking a Human Specimen: Dada

The true form of the shadow lurking the research laboratory in the evening is the Three-Faced Phantom seeking a human specimen.

The protagonist and company visit the Cosmic Ray Research Laboratory, but there is no sign of anyone there, nonetheless a researcher. While wandering the facility at night, the micronizer ray gun-wielding space alien Dada suddenly appears before the protagonist and company. Will you be able to escape from Dada, who can teleport and appear everywhere?

■ The Japan Counter-Xenomorph Self Defence Force’s Godzilla-Fighting Trump Card: Mechagodzilla

The mechanical dragon awakens. With Godzilla standing before it, Mechagodzilla will fights until it can fight no longer.

The Japan Counter-Xenomorph Self Defence Force counters Godzilla, which is trampling down on the city, with its its trump card, the “Multipurpose Fighting System Type-3,” also known as “Type 3-Kiryu” (Mechagodzilla). Using its multiple twin rockets and rail gun, it moves to fiercely attack Godzilla.

A fierce battle unfolds between Godzilla and Type 3-Kiryu, but suddenly the mechanical Godzilla’s systems start running wild. It starts moving towards the building the protagonist is in while firing its rockets. At this rate, they will collide with the building…!

Godzilla vs. Type 3-Kiryu. In the middle of the violent battle, a crisis occurred.

Type 3-Kiryu resonates with Gozilla’s roar and runs wild. It gets closer and closer while firing countless rockets. Can the protagonist escape from this crisis before the building collapses?

■ Three Evangelion Units Intercept the 8th Angel’s Attack

The 8th Angel drops down from the sky. And three Evangelion units run through the city faced with an unprecedented crisis.

The 8th Angel drops down from satellite orbit to the grounds of the city where the protagonist and company are situated. An unprecedented crisis big enough to destroy the city. Three Evangelion units spring towards the site the 8th Angel fell to. In order to assist the movements of the Evangelion units, the protagonist and company will run through the fortified city, one development after the next.

Evangelion Unit-01 is the first to catch up to the 8th Angel on the ground. Followed by Evangelion Unit-00 and Evangelion Unit-02. The three Evangelion units cooperate in order to overcome this battle.

■ The Protagonist Will Face All Sorts of Crises

Escape the Threat of the Alien Zarab with “Urgent Evasion”

The Alien Zarab swings his foot downward in the vicinity of the protagonist. Evade as not to be crushed by the pillars that fall in the aftermath!

Sudden Fissures! Watch Your Step as Not to Fall into the Ground

The battle between Mothra and Battra weakens the bridge. The vibrations begin to cause fissures in the ground around the protagonist. If he fails to avoid it, he will inevitably fall in.

Shibata and Mudou Take Aim at the Protagonist and Company. Escape Their Pursuit

The gun-wielding Shibata and Mudou persistently chase after the protagonist and company. Weave your way through the shadows of the containers as not to be found.

Move Containers with a Forklift to Replace the Broken Scaffold

You can move containers by controlling the forklift. Pile up the containers to create a scaffold.

■ Characters

Mizuki Sawada (voiced by Akiha Matsui)

An excellent researcher and the young head researcher at the “National Cosmic Ray Research Laboratory,” which is an international facility that studies the high-energy radiation (cosmic rays) sent down from space. When a mysterious space alien suddenly attacks the research laboratory, she hides in the storeroom.

Haruomi Sasaki (voiced by Ryo Sugisaki)

The vice president of the National Cosmic Ray Research Laboratory. He is a good person who loves his staff. He remains at the research laboratory in the middle of the giant shadow attack in order to analyze the purple flashes that have been occurring in the sky for the past few days.

Kousuke Asano (voiced by Yoshimasa Kawata)

President of the tiny IT company “Hyacinth Soft.” After his previous job downsized, he joined the IT company as a part-time worker, but when the previous president fled the declining business, he inevitably ended up serving as the company’s representative. During the crisis caused by the giant shadow, he stays behind at the company and continues to work. However, he injured his foot and is worried that he won’t be able to make his delivery by deadline.

■ Go! Go! Curry Appers in City Shrouded in Shadow

Mokuren Toori Stadium

City Shrouded in Shadow developer Granzella is based in Kanazawa City in Ishikawa prefecture, which is also where the famous Go! Go! Curry originated. Given this, a collaboration is oin order. A “Go! Go! Curry Mokuren Toori Stadium” will appear in the game.

—The manager of Mokuren Toori Stadium, Gorou Kagaya (voiced by Junji Tachibana), invites the protagonist and company to temporarily take refuge in the story.

—While temporarily taking refuge in the store until the situation outside calms down, Gorou will treat you to some of his prided curry.

—The curry given to the heroine Yuki Kouno is “Major Curry World Champion Class”! How will she overcome this challenge?

Go! Go! Curry Costumes

By collecting “Giant Shadow Coins” that drop on the map, you can exchange them for various outfits and hair styles, and the Go! Go! Curry worker’s uniform will be one of them. By obtaining this, you can dress up both the male or female protagonist as a Go! Go! Curry worker.

■ Another First Print Bonus Added

In addition to the previously announced Disaster Report series costumes, first-print copies of City Shrouded in Shadow will also include a product code to download five additional costumes: “Gamera Costume,” “NERV Uniform,” “Science Special Search Party Uniform,” “Special Vehicles Section 2 Uniform,” and “Japan Counter-Xenomorph Self Defence Force Pilot Suit.”

City Shrouded in Shadow is due out for PlayStation 4 in Japan on October 19.
2017-9-29 10:39 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-10-3 06:28 PM 编辑

《巨影都市》介绍格里锋、3 式机龙等新巨影 并公布能欣赏主题曲「Shadow」的片头影片
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/1/153381.html

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 将于 2017 年 10 月 19 日推出的 PlayStation 4 专用游戏软件《巨影都市》,是由《绝体绝命都市》系列创作者・九条一马所设立的 Granzella 负责开发的 “ SF 生存动作冒险游戏”。

  本作将出现巨大怪兽、泛用人型决战兵器、机械人等,人类的力量无法抗衡的 “巨影”,描写暴露在绝望威胁都市里,一般人的玩家们所交织出的故事。

  在先前已揭露超人力霸王(ウルトラマン)、哥吉拉(ゴジラ)、福音战士初号机(エヴァンゲリオン初号机)、卡美拉(ガメラ)、英格兰姆 1 号机(イングラム 1 号机)等,各式各样的 “巨影” 将于游戏内登场, 现在也能于官方网站确认它们的样子。

  由于玩家没有超人的力量,因此基本上只能 “逃跑”。 必须躲避别被巨影踩扁或是掉入地面的裂痕中。


突然崩塌。 为了不掉下去尽全力回避度过危机!
受摩斯拉与巴特拉激斗所产生的余波而变得脆弱不堪的桥梁。 震动于主角周遭引起了崩塌。 回避失败就一定会被卷入其中掉下去。


追杀主角等人的柴田与武藤。 躲过他们的追踪吧!
柴田与武藤会持枪执着地追杀主角等人。 为了不被他们发现,沿着货柜阴暗处进行移动。

能够操作起重机移动货柜。 堆栈货柜制作立足点。

  本次报导,将从新揭露的巨影之中,介绍来自《机动警察(机动警察パトレイバー)》的格里锋(グリフォン)与亚伯拉罕(エイブラハム)、《超人力霸王》系列中登场的 “三面怪人” 达达(ダダ)、哥吉拉系列的 3 式机龙、《 福音战士新剧场版:破》的第八使徒。 也刊登了三位登场人物情报与片头影片,希望注意本作的玩家能欣赏至最后。

码头的激战 英格兰姆 VS 格里锋
主角等人抵达了夜晚的码头。 在那里特车二课英格兰姆 1 号机与二号机为了缉捕等待在此的格里锋,而前往现场行动。 隶属 SSS 的亚伯拉罕也加入战斗,在夜晚的码头揭开展开乱斗!
袭击格里锋的亚伯拉罕。 格里锋无视一对多的情况,一边玩弄众多亚伯拉罕,让它们一个个逼入无法行动的窘境。 Labor 之间的乱斗就在主角等人面前展开。

主角等人造访了宇宙线研究所,但这里别说研究员,甚至一点人的气息也没有。 在徘徊于夜晚研究所里的主角面前,拿着光线枪型微化器的宇宙人・达达突然现身。 主角是否能从利用瞬间移动于各处现身的达达手中逃走呢?

特生自卫队对抗哥吉拉的王牌・3 式机龙
与蹂躏着城市的哥吉拉对抗的特生自卫队。 他们让王牌 3 式多目的战斗系统 ,通称「3 式机龙」出击。 运用多连装火箭弹及电磁炮,开始对哥吉拉进行猛烈的攻击行动。
3 式机龙与哥吉拉展开激烈的战斗,但系统却突然失控。 朝向主角所在的大楼开始移动。 一边发射火箭弹一边逼近大楼的 3 式机龙,就这样朝向大楼撞过来...!?

与哥吉拉的咆啸产生共鸣,因而失控的 3 式机龙。 一边发射无数火箭弹一边接近。 大楼逐渐面临崩塌的危机,主角能否从这场危机中顺利逃出?
2017-9-29 10:41 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-10-3 06:28 PM 编辑

第八使徒从卫星轨道朝地面落下至主角等人所造访的都市。 面对都市将会整个灰飞烟灭,前所未见的危机,三台福音战士朝使徒的落下地点奔驰。 主角等人也在为辅助EVA 移动逐渐展开的要塞都市之中窜逃。
初号机于地面挡住落下的第八使徒。 赶往该处的福音战士零号机与 2 号机。 3 台福音战士,将携手面对这场危机。

我不知道。 但可以肯定的是它的目标是我们没错。

泽田 美月(さわだ みづき)

隶属研究宇宙的高热能放射线(宇宙线)国际权威设施「国立宇宙线研究所」,年纪轻轻就担任主任研究员的优秀研究者。 因为研究所突然遭到神秘宇宙人袭击,而躲在储藏室里。


佐佐木 晴臣(ささき はるおみ)

研究宇宙线的权威「国立宇宙线研究所」副所长。 为人具有仁德,受到研究所职员们景仰。 在巨影造成的异变下,为了解析数天前于天空出现的紫色闪光而留在研究所里。


于 IT 企业工作的青年
浅野 耕介(あさの こうすけ)

规模极小的 IT 企业「风信子软件」的社长。 在上一份工作被解雇后,成为兼职人员进入公司,前任社长因为经营不善而跑路,他不得已只好担任公司的代表。 在巨影造成的异变下,留在公司继续工作。 但尽管已经来到了截止日当天,他却因为脚伤无法前去交件而感到困扰。

  本作片头影片现正于 YouTube 公开。 以主题曲「Shadow」为 BGM,表达出现于都市里的 “巨影” 及慌张逃走的人们等本作概念。


  另外由于 Granzella 是以石川县金泽市为中心进行活动,因此决定与 “引发金泽咖哩热潮” 而闻名的咖哩专门连锁店 GOGO 咖哩进行合作企划。

  于游戏内让「 GOGO 咖哩 木莲街竞技场店」登场,并公布了在店内享用咖哩的场面。 顺带一提,摆在女主角香野由纪(香野ユキ)面前的是,总份量 2.5 kg 每家店一天仅限 5 份的「世界冠军级 大联盟咖哩」。

  本作可收集散落于地图上的「巨影金币」交换服装及发型,在其阵容中更让 GOGO 咖哩店员的服装登场。 男性主角与女性主角双方都有准备这套服装。

藉由收集散落于地图上的「巨影金币(巨影コイン)」,可交换各式各样的服装与发型,而 GOGO 咖哩(ゴーゴーカレー)熟悉的店员服装也将在《巨影都市》里成为可交换服装登场! 取得服装后,就能够让男性主角/女性主角穿上。

《巨影都市》开发商「Granzella」根据地石川县金泽市。 还有以金泽咖哩闻名的「GOGO 咖哩」。 决定为这种既是偶然既是奇迹的相遇实施本次合作企划! 游戏内将让主角前去造访「 GOGO 咖哩 木莲街竞技场店」。

木莲街竞技场店主「加贺五郎(声优:橘 润二)」对主角等人呼喊要他们暂时到店内来避难。

他们得以暂时避难直到店外情况平息为止。 在这段期间店主端出了他拿手的咖哩来让他们享用......

在女主角香野由纪面前摆着的是「世界冠军级 大联盟咖哩」! 她要如何挺过这场挑战呢!?


  早期购入特典的第一项内容为《绝体绝命都市》系列的合作服装。 能让《巨影都市》的男性、女性主角、女主角穿上《绝体绝命都市》的「须藤真幸 & 相泽真理」的服装、《绝体绝命都市 2(絶体絶命都市2)》的「筱原一弥 & 藤宫春香」的服装。

  追加的早期购入特典为「对巨影套装」。 这是根据所登场的巨影自动变化为 5 种服装的套装。 (玩家无法自行切换)

  服装的种类分为「卡美拉服装」、「NERV 制服」、「科学特搜队制服」、「特车二课制服」、「特生自卫队驾驶服」等五种,可让男性、女性主角、女主角穿上服装。

  特典附于实体版首批生产量内,而下载版则是于 2017 年 11 月 15 日 23:59 之前购买就有附赠特典。 另外实体版的下载序号存在着有效期限(至 2018 年 10 月 18 日为止)。

  此外在 PlayStation Store 里预购下载版(立即付款),就可以取得合作服装。 将附赠期间限定特典「多乐 & 黑乐于巨影都市中登场的特别合作活动」。 能够在事前进行下载,自发售日的 0:00 起就能够进行游戏也是优点之一。 接受预购的时间至 10 月 18 日为止。
2017-10-3 05:13 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-10-3 06:38 PM 编辑

City Shrouded in Shadow adds Ultraman Belial, Ultraman Zero, and Ultraman Taro
《巨影都市》新杂志扫图 泰罗、赛罗、贝利亚三名奥特曼登场



  游戏中的主角不是超级英雄,而是普通人。游戏将于 2017 年 10 月 19 日发售登陆 PS4。

Ultraman Belial, Ultraman Zero, and Ultraman Taro from the Ultraman series will appear in City Shrouded in Shadow as “giant shadows,” the latest issue of Weekly Famitsu reveals.

City Shrouded in Shadow is due out for PlayStation 4 in Japan on October 19.
2017-10-5 11:20 AM
《巨影都市》加入数名新巨影 光与暗之奥特曼激战



2017-10-12 07:33 AM



2017-10-13 11:11 PM
City Shrouded in Shadow details Ultra Heroes battle, story tidbits

Bandai Namco and Granzella have released new information and screenshots of City Shrouded in Shadow detailing the one-on-three battle of Ultraman Belial against Ultraman, Ultraman Taro, and Ultraman Zero, as well as tidbits from the story.

Get the information below.

■ A Battle of Light and Darkness: The Brawl of the Ultra Heroes

The evil Ultraman known as Ultraman Belial has invaded the city. It roars, and buildings collapse, cars are blown away, and the city is devastated at its impact. The ones to stop it are Ultraman and Ultraman Taro. In order to stop Belial, the two warriors will engage in battle.

Pitted against the powerful Ultraman Belial, Ultraman and Ultraman Taro face a difficult battle. But then the young Ultra Hero Ultraman Zero came running along.

The aftermath of Belial, who is rampaging in the city, reaches the protagonist and company. Ultraman and Ultraman Taro rescue Ultraman Zero, and the three work together to fight against Belial. Will you be able to slip through the fierce battle of the Ultra Heroes and escape this dilemma?


■ Story Introduction

At the beginning of the game, you will select whether the protagonist is male or female, and choose their relationship with the heroine.

The dramas of the various characters that live in the city will be depicted.

While making your escape, you observe a transaction between Katsuhiro Mudou and Ryouji Shibata, and are chased down.

You hurry to the park where you are to supposed to meet up with the heroine.

You and the heroine take refuge in the subway. A new encounter awaits ahead.

Run away from the Soldier Legions that attack you in the subway station.

The protagonist and company, who were making their escape by car, are caught in a dilemma as a result of Ryouji Shibata’s pursuit. There, a man feared by Shibata and his crew named Toru Fujiwara forces his way through.

The protagonist sends a message using the smartphone borrowed from Risa Kashiwagi. When they finally arrive at the building, Hideyasu Ootsuka was there waiting.

City Shrouded in Shadow is due out for PlayStation 4 in Japan on October 19.
2017-10-13 11:13 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-10-18 02:47 PM 编辑

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/6/153946.html

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 预定于 10 月 19 日推出 PS4 专用游戏软件《巨影都市》。 本作是由打造出《绝体绝命都市》系列作的游戏创作者九条一马与其指挥的 Granzella 工作室负责开发的科幻生存动作冒险游戏。

  已经看过游戏第二波宣传影片的玩家,应该都很清楚,超人力霸王贝利亚尔(ウルトラマンベリアル)在本作当中也会作为巨影登场。 为了阻止贝利亚尔带来的破坏,初代超人力霸王、超人力霸王太郎(ウルトラマンタロウ)以及超人力霸王杰洛(ウルトラマンゼロ)将同心协力并肩作战。



  附带一提,超人力霸王杰洛,是和贝利亚尔一起在 2009 年上映的电影版《大怪兽对决 究极银河传说 THE MOVIE(大怪獣バトル ウルトラ银河伝说 THE MOVIE)》当中首次登场。 是超人力霸王七号(ウルトラセブン)的儿子,接受超人力霸王雷欧、亚斯特拉(ウルトラマンレオ・アストラ)兄弟训练的年轻超人力霸王英雄。

  在过去公开的情报当中,已经介绍过包含主角在内的众多游戏登场人物,但是这些人物和游戏故事到底会有什么关系依然成谜。 在这次就要公开故事初期的游戏图片,由于可以看出部份故事流程,以下就要和大家介绍各个登场人物到底在故事中扮演什么角色。

在游戏开始时,玩家必须先选择要使用男性主角还是女性主角。 以及女主角是主角的「朋友」、「最重要的人」、「情人」或是「并不熟」等等,两人之间的关系。 除此之外还有是公司职员或是学生等主角社会地位、初期服装、发型等等要素



虽然逃过战士雷吉翁(ソルジャーレギオン)的袭击,成功从地下铁车站脱逃,却又碰上「柴田」和「武藤」。 以及在此出现的神秘男子「藤原」。 虽然身份不明,但是看柴田和武藤都十分畏惧他,应该不是简单人物

主角一行人从柏木手中借来的智能型手机看到传来的讯息。 而在讯息中写明地点等待一行人来到的人物,是为了独家新闻而在巨影都市里取材的杂志写手「大冢」。 这次相遇到底会给主角一行人带来什么结果呢?
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