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2017-11-15 07:27 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-11-15 06:36 PM 编辑

Granzella working with Kobe Fire Department on Disaster Report 4 Plus: Summer Memories
《绝体绝命都市4 PLUS》2018年内发售 得到消防局支持

  PS4新作《绝体绝命都市4 PLUS》在本周Fami通杂志中确认游戏的发售日由此前的“未定”变更为“2018年内”。这款作品最早准备在2011年推出,结果因为日本大地震被迫取消延期,一直延到了现在……



The latest issue of Weekly Famitsu has new information on Disaster Report 4 Plus: Summer Memories.

Get the tidbits below.

• Granzella is cooperating with the Kobe Fire Department on the game. The Kobe City Fire Department contacted Granzella directly to sound out the cooperation.
• Kobe Fire Department Lieutenant Takaoka commented: “When I was a student, I worked part-time at a game shop, so I had known about the popularity of the series from then,” and •“If we can communicate disaster report and fire prevention information to as many people as possible through this title, then I’ll be happy.”
• Submersion through liquefaction will also return.
• The HP Gauge and Stress Gauge mutually affect one another.
• Types of disasters introduced in the magazine include intense fires, collapsing buildings leading to broken streets, submerged highways as a result of subsided ground, etc.
• Actions introduced in the magazine include walking, running, planting your feet, crawling, etc.
• Disaster Report 4 Plus: Summer Memories is in development for PlayStation 4. A release date has yet to be announced.

• Disaster Report 4 Plus: Summer Memories will be released in Japan in 2018.
• Disaster scenes that occur are being recreated realistically and in detail through the investigation of disaster cases, and the supervision and cooperation of specialists.
• When an earthquake occurs, not only will buildings collapse, secondary disasters such as ground subsidence by way of liquefaction will also occur.
• Ground subsidence will cause manholes to protrude, underground water to overflow, and the ground to submerge.
• As the Stress Gauge accumulates, the maximum value of the HP Gauge will decrease.
• Actions include walking, running, planting your feet, crawling, etc. Walking has the lowest effect on the Stress Gauge. Running enables you to move faster, but easily decreases “stomach health.” Planting your feet is done when an earthquake has occurred, as to prevent from falling down. There is no risk of falling down when crawling, which you can use to make your way through small holes or to conceal yourself from others. However, it easily accumulates fatigue.
• Public institutions and specialists, such as the Kobe Fire Department and crisis management journalist Minoru Watanabe, were involved in the creation of the in-game disasters, as well as the disaster manuals that appear in the game.
2017-11-16 04:24 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-11-17 04:33 PM 编辑

Disaster Report 4 Plus: Summer Memories launches 2018 in Japan, second trailer
《绝体绝命都市 4 Plus:夏日回忆》公布第 2 波宣传影片 地震浩劫后的都市巡礼

转载- 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/4/155344.html

  Granzella 制作,预定 2018 年内推出的 PS4 求生动作冒险游戏《绝体绝命都市 4 Plus:夏日回忆(絶体絶命都市4 Plus -Summer Memories-)》,现释出第 2 波宣传影片供玩家欣赏。


  《绝体绝命都市 4 Plus:夏日回忆》是以遭逢地震与洪水等天灾袭击的都市为背景的灾难求生游戏《绝体绝命都市》系列最新作。 以原本预定于 2011 年推出、但适逢 311 东日本大地震而取消发行计划未能问世的 PS3 版为基础,重新检讨内容并配合 PS4 硬件大幅强化整体表现而成。

故事背景设定在 201X 年 7 月,还是学生的主角(性别自定义)在前往面试的途中,遭遇到前所未有的超大地震。 因面试而造访此地却遭遇大地震的主角,为了生存下去而在这个余震不断的陌生都市四处徘徊,一边面对互相帮助与互相仇视的灾民,一边收集情报,设法逃离这个崩溃都市。

  本次公布的宣传影片是目前开发中的最新成果,透过主角在地震浩劫后都市的巡礼,玩家可以见识到转换到 PS4 平台后进一步提升的画面表现。 此外官方还宣布游戏将与神户市消防局合作,在神户市消防局的协助下,纳入实际的灾害案例与防火、防灾信息,让游戏中的火灾等灾害场面的表现与收录的防灾手册更符合实情。 同时请到防灾与危机管理新闻工作者渡边实担任监修。



Granzella has released the second official trailer for Disaster Report 4 Plus: Summer Memories, its upcoming survival action adventure game for PlayStation 4, as well as confirmed a 2018 release window for Japan.

The company also officially announced its cooperation with the Kobe City Fire Bureau. Through the Fire Bureau’s cooperation, the game will aim for a more realistic representation of disasters by incorporating information on actual disaster cases and fire prevention in the depiction of disaster scenes such as fires, rescue operations, the in-game disaster prevention manual, and more.

Additionally, continuing his role from Disaster Report 3: Kowareyuku Machi to Kanojo no Uta, disaster prevention and crisis management journalist Minoru Watanabe will supervise the depiction of disaster scenes such as earthquakes and the in-game disaster prevention manual. The manual, which players will obtain as they progress through the game, will be useful for both clearing the game and for information on disaster prevention and what to do when a disaster occurs.

Here’s an overview of the game’s story:


July 201X. The harsh sunlight, the scorching asphalt. Buildings continue to collapse under their own weight one after another. Immediately after the earthquake, the city is filled with danger and people are panicked.

The protagonist of the game (which can be selected as male or female), who arrived in the city to find employment just before the major earthquake hit the city, is now left alone, being unfamiliar with the area. He (or she) wanders around the city to survive as aftershocks continue. Cooperating and having conflicts with other people, the protagonist collects information to escape from the collapsing city.
2017-11-20 02:54 PM
《绝体绝命都市 4 Plus:夏日回忆》官网去除VR DEMO信息 官方表示没取消

  Granzella 制作,预定 2018 年内推出的 PS4 求生动作冒险游戏《绝体绝命都市 4 Plus:夏日回忆(絶体絶命都市4 Plus -Summer Memories-)》在近日更新官网的同时将“决定推出 PS VR 的 DEMO” 字样给去除掉了。该 DEMO 原定在 2017 年 2 月后推出但一直没有下文。


  本作目前预定在 2018 年内发售,并且将支持 PS VR。
2018-2-28 04:58 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-2-28 06:50 PM 编辑

Disaster Report 4 Plus: Summer Memories introduces elementary school shelter area
《绝体绝命都市4 PLUS》公开新情报 在小学的艰苦避难生活

转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201802/3391417642.html

  预定于2018年发售的PS4新作《绝体绝命都市4 PLUS 夏日回忆》在本周Fami通杂志中公开了一些新情报,主要讲述在小学避难所的艰难生活。



  游戏中玩家可以装备的背包也有很多种类,其收纳容量也会有不同,道具方面像是卫生纸、手电等生活用品都会出现。压力将会是一项关键的数值,如果压力过大体力的上限值会减少,甚至有可能对自身造成伤害从而GAME OVER。


The latest issue of Weekly Famitsu has a new preview of survival action adventure game Disaster Report 4 Plus: Summer Memories, introducing an elementary school used as a shelter for emergency evacuation.

The elementary school’s pool water is used as daily life water, and its gymnasium acts as a living space. There are also portable toilets. It is at the school where various people with different situations are gathered, and whose various conflicts become a problem in their community living.

Toilet paper is among the items players are able to carry. There are various types of backpacks in which players can carry items, each with differences in capacity.

The magazine also reveals some of the game’s “Disaster Prevention Manual,” which as previously announced was made under the supervision of disaster prevention and crisis management journalist Minoru Watanabe.

Disaster Report 4 Plus: Summer Memories is due out for PlayStation 4 in Japan in 2018.

The Elementary School Visited by the Player

The elementary school is being used as a shelter, and it is where various people are living a harsh community life. In the gymnasium, which is used as a living space, more disaster victims than can be accommodated are pouring in, and some people are not being let in. There are also people living in the corners of the schoolyard, with roofs install atop playground equipment. People with cars have their vehicles parked in the schoolyard and spend each day inside. Various problems will occur in the stress-filled life of disaster victims, and there will even be confrontations among them.

A Real Shelter Life

Cardboard is used inside the gymnasium to maintain private spaces. The entrances and exits to the gymnasium are always open as to allow an immediate escape if an earthquake were to occur. While the water in the pool cannot be drunk, it is used daily for laundry and the like. For the portable toilets, people form a line and wait their turn, and some people seem to be irritated because of their need to poop.


Livingware such as toilet paper and flashlights will appear as items. There are various types of backpacks with different capacities that the protagonist can equip.

Physical Strength Gauage and Stress Gauge

When you have little stress, your maximum physical strength gauge will increase, but when your stress gauge builds up, your maximum physical strength gauge will decrease. If you build up a ton of stress, you may get a game over by taking a little bit of damage.

Choices Return

More than 60 characters will appear in the game, more than any other entry in the series before it. During conersation scenes with other characters, you will be able to select from an abundance of choices, which the series is known for. There are funny choices, too.

Disaster Prevention Manual

The Disaster Prevention Manuals that appeared in previous games will again appear in this game. In addition to information about how to get through the game, you can check out information useful during times of disaster in real life at any time.
2018-5-29 06:22 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-5-30 04:57 PM 编辑

《绝体绝命都市4 PLUS》本周Fami通杂志预览 公开新画面

  预定于2018年内发售的PS4新作《绝体绝命都市4 PLUS 夏日回忆》由Fami通公开新画面,本周的Fami通杂志将介绍游戏故事开篇的剧情、主角遇到的充满个性的人们以及本作的独特的选项系统。

Disaster Report 4 Plus: Summer Memories previews dialogue options

Original 05/29/18 at 6:51 a.m.: The latest issue of Weekly Famitsu has new information on Disaster Report 4 Plus: Summer Memories, introducing the beginning the individual characters the protagonist will encounter at the beginning of the story.

The screenshot above presents the following dialogue options to the player:

Seeing him like that, I…

  • feel sorry for him and want him to give it one more shot.
  • feel sorry for him, but there’s nothing I can do.
  • think, ‘What a pathetic guy. I don’t want to end up like him.’
  • think he seems pretty carefree despite the major earthquake we just had.
  • wonder how he plans on making money…
  • think, ‘This is what you get for hiding things from your family.’
  • am enthralled by this old man, who is way too cool.

Disaster Report 4 Plus: Summer Memories is due out for PlayStation 4 in 2018 in Japan.

More than 60 characters will appear in the game, more than any previous entry in the series. The series’ traditional and bountiful dialogue options will also return.

Here are some of the characters you will meet early on in the game (their names are our best guess given that we do not know the official readings):

  • Female Protagonist: Yuuko Ichikawa (22) – You can change the protagonist’s name, gender, appearance, and occupation.
  • Job-Hunting College Senior: Shinji Taneda (22) – He came to the city for an interview at a major corporation when a big earthquake hit, and his final interview was cancelled.
  • Layed-Off Salaryman: Tsutomu Kawamura (53) – A middle-aged man who was layed off due to corporate restructuring. He pretends to go to work every day, but kills the time at the park.
  • Apparel Designer: Akemi Towada (24) – Designer and manager at an up-and-coming apparel shop. The shop suffers damage from the earthquake shortly after opening, and she and the staff are working towards reviving it.
  • New High School Teacher: Natsumi Higa (23) – A new English teacher at a private high school. She goes out into the city to bring back the students playing hooky when the earthquake hits.

The story starts with the protagonist on a bus when a major earthquake hits, turning the bus on its side.

By getting disaster information on your smartphone, you can get information about the state of the city and clues about how to get out of the city.

You may also be able to steal and wear clothes from the mannequins lined up at the apparel shop.
2018-5-31 07:42 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-5-31 07:47 PM 编辑

《绝体绝命都市4 PLUS》新公开多名角色与大量游戏画面
转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201805/4336518998.html

  预定于2018年内发售的PS4新作《绝体绝命都市4 PLUS 夏日回忆》在本周Fami通杂志中公开了数个登场角色介绍以及最新的游戏画面,并介绍了初期的剧情概要以及本作独特的选项系统。

女主角 市川结子(玩家可变更姓名、性别、外貌)

















2018-5-31 07:43 PM
Disaster Report 4 Plus: Summer Memories game outline, screenshots

Granzella has released a game outline and 29 new screenshots of Disaster Report 4 Plus: Summer Memories, its upcoming city disaster survival game for PlayStation 4.

Get the game outline below.

■ Game Concept

“The best city disaster experience simulator in the world.”

Bask in the Realism and Immersion

Experience the feeling of walking through a collapsing city.
Desire to react to the things that you see and hear.
Experience the “fear” of a city disaster.

Become Seriously Involved with the Characters without Realizing

Characters appear to truly be moving according to their own intentions.
Desire to become more involved with the characters, who seem truly depressed.

Desire to be Aware of Humane Conduct, Even In the Game

Sociability, desire, shyness, mental satisfaction, lack of patience, and so on… appeal to the player’s emotions, even in the game.

■ Setting

A city where numerous people live. The summer season. A collapsing city and the strong rays of the summer sun.

Story Outline

July, 20XX. On the way to her employment interview, college student and protagonist Yuuko* encountered an unprecedented, large-scale earthquake.

Office buildings collapsed one by one, and the streets tore apart. Yuuko, like other victims, had no place to go. The mercilessly beaming rays of the summer sun, and the shortage of water and food exhausted Yuuko and the others.

Furthermore, the shortage of bathrooms and water made for poor sanitary conditions.

With the fear that she may die at anytime or any place by means of the collapsing city, eliminate the stresses of Yuuko and those around her in a deteriorating environment…

Will Yuuko be able to safely escape from the collapsing city…?

*You can change the protagonist’s name, gender, situation at the start of the game (job searching / already working / student), and so on.

■ Disaster Scenes

The disaster scenes and disaster prevention manual that appear in the game are supervised by disaster prevention and crisis management journalist Minoru Watanabe. Also, through cooperation with the Kobe City Fire Bureau, fire disaster scenes and the like, as well relief actions, the disaster prevention manual featured in the game, and so on incorporate real disaster examples and fire / disaster prevention information with the goal of creating a more realistic experience.

The game progresses with a focus on the earthquake, but accompanying it are fires, hunger, mass panic, liquefaction, and more that will occur.

■ The Physiological Phenomenon

Hunger, thirst, the need to use the bathroom… in this game, the human physiological phenomenon is represented to its limits.

■ Human Drama

Survive while cooperating with various other people, and at times fighting each other.


Over 60 characters will appear in the game, the highest amount in the series. Each person has their own circumstances (story), and the protagonist will progress through the collapsing city while strengthening her involvement with the people she encounters.

■ PlayStation VR Screenshots

Disaster Report 4 Plus: Summer Memories is due out for PlayStation 4 in Japan in 2018.
2018-6-5 04:04 PM
目标为「世界第一的都市灾害体验仿真器」! 《绝体绝命都市 4 Plus》公开概要及截图
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/1/163521.html

  Granzella 于近日公开预定年内发售,以从震灾等都市灾害受灾区逃脱为主题的 PS4 专用求生动作冒险游戏《绝体绝命都市 4 Plus:夏日回忆(絶体絶命都市 4 Plus -Summer Memories-)》的游戏概要以及众多游戏 图片,供玩家参考。

  《绝体绝命都市》系列作在过去系列作品当中,使用过地震与水灾等等情节,让玩家陷入因为都市灾害引发的极限状态,打造出必须要靠「智能、勇气和体贴」在绝境中求生,并且以逃出灾区为目标的求生动作冒险游戏。 而在本作当中,是以学生作为主角,他在前去求职面试的路上,遭遇到前所未有的巨大地震,从因为震灾而崩溃的都市当中逃离,就是本作最大的目标。

  本作以「世界第一的都市灾害体验仿真器」为概念,构成游戏的主要元素有在灾害(这次是震灾)中保护自己、灾害时应该如何维持健康状态、探索,以及和其他幸存者之间的人际关系。 除了可以体验到实际遭遇都市灾害时的临场感外,也会让玩家不由自主想要认真和登场人物交流。 明知道自己是在玩游戏,却希望能够表现出有人情味的行动,这就是本作希望可以做到的最大目标。

  在这次报导当中,公开了可以在本作里体验到的各种不同游戏情节图片,以及可以了解在使用 PlayStation VR 进行游戏时,视野大概会是什么情况的游戏图片,大家可以配合图片说明,好好想象一下实际进行游戏时的感觉。










20XX 年 7 月...




※ 主角的姓名、性别,以及在游戏开始时的情况(正在求职/已经是社会人士开始工作/学生)等设定,可以由玩家自己来选择。


在游戏中登场的灾害场面、防灾说明书,都是由防灾. 危机管理作家渡边实负责监修。
另外本作还获得神户市消防局的协助,在像是火灾等等的灾害场面以及救援活动场面的表现,还有本作中收录的防灾说明书等等要素,全都是参考实际的灾害案例和防火. 防灾情报,希望能够让玩家感觉更加真实。

防灾. 危机管理作家
捣年糕计划研究所公司 董事长兼所长
NPO 法人日本灾害情报支持网络 顾问









从巴士里爬出来之后,女主角正在张望附近情况的模样。 可以看到旁边众人都十分混乱


这位中年男性是在商业区内某间公司工作,但在一个月前才刚被公司裁员,现在是无业之身。 因为没办法对家人坦诚自己被裁员的事实,只好每天都装成出门上班,但实际上是在公园打发时间。 就在这时发生了大地震,但他比起自己成为受灾者,更烦恼到底该不该对家人说出自己现在无业的事实

主角在大热天下持续移动,终于受不了坐在分隔岛上休息。 把可能造成烫伤的丝袜脱掉,为了行动方便,高跟鞋的鞋跟也拔掉了




因为地震引发火灾,消防队也赶紧出动前来灭火。 主角面对大楼火灾完全是手足无措,周围还有许多来看热闹的人正拿起智能型手机拍摄...


这位男性似乎就是冲进展示间的轿车驾驶。 在本作当中,玩家可以从受灾者口中获得各种情报,或是和他们一起合作,目标是在震灾中生存下来

2018-6-5 04:05 PM




在被当作避难所使用的小学体育馆前,搭设了用来让人登录避难者姓名的帐棚。 因为在灾害发生后还没有经过几天,四处都可以看到有人脸上露出疲累的神情

暂时在车内起居的幸存者,所使用的车辆塞满了整个操场。 也有些人白天会回到家中,寻找是否有能带出来的资源,或是为了寻找能购物的地点而四处探索,在日落之前才会回来避难

在操场一角,还有利用各种游乐器材来克难生活的避难者存在,因为体育馆内已经超过可收容人数,所以没有办法再挤进去,但话虽如此也没有别的地方可去,所以这些人只好在操场的角落过着避难生活,看来是利用秋千等设施搭起屋顶, 想办法建立起能勉强过活的环境

在夜晚的操场上,可以看到还无法从地震恐惧当中解放,而选择在车内生活的人走出车外。 其中因为不安与压力,以及房子倒塌等不幸遭遇带来的反作用力,而互相起争执或是大声哭泣的民众也是大有人在

在体育馆里面,因为物资不足以建立起能保护个人隐私的空间,到现在依然是雑乱不堪。 为了随时都可以逃难,同时也是希望能够通点风,所以大门是处在全开状态,只不过外面无风,加上馆内又挤满大量避难者,体感温度极为闷热,实在不是很好入睡的状态

在紧急照明灯的光线照射下,临时流动厕所前有着长长的人龙。 乍看之下好像大家都很冷静在排队,但其中当然也是有些人已经忍不住烦燥心情,也有些人只是不停在忍耐阵阵排泄需求

使用 PlayStation VR 时的游戏图片

从 VR DEMO 开始地点眺望四周,可以感受到就像是自己亲自来到一座遭受到地震侵袭的城市一样



四处都有巨大隆起和凹陷的马路,就算想透过天桥来逃离,但走到一半就会发现天桥也严重崩塌,无法继续前进。 玩家必须要在脚下不安稳的情况中,一边注意地震灾情一边向前走,因为对应 PSVR,所以高度让人感受到的恐怖是更胜以往
2018-6-7 09:00 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-7 10:02 PM 编辑

Disaster Report 4 Plus: Summer Memories hands-on and talk show event set for June 23
《绝体绝命都市4+》将于6月23日举办线下活动 或有新情报

转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201806/7789019128.html

  以地震灾后求生为主题的PS4新作《绝体绝命都市4 PLUS 夏日回忆》宣布将于6月23日在东京举办线下体验会与制作人九条一马的谈话节目。相信届时会有这款游戏进一步的情报公开,目前这款游戏预定在2018年内推出。


Granzella will host a Disaster Report 4 Plus: Summer Memories hands-on and talk show event at Rakuten Crimson House in Tokyo on June 23, the company announced.

The talk show will feature MC Susumu Imadachi of Eleki Comic, voice actress Risako Murai, and Disaster Report series general producer Kazuma Kujo, who will discuss development stories surrounding the game and more.

As for the hands-on demo, there will be one PlayStation VR-only station and four standard gameplay stations at the event.

Disaster Report 4 Plus: Summer Memories is due out for PlayStation 4 in 2018 in Japan.
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