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2015-3-25 06:34 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-3-26 06:42 PM 编辑


  《血源》是由From Software所制作的PS4独占新作,港版已经正式推出,而日版则将于2015年3月26日发售。由演员金子统昭出演的游戏试玩节目,日前公开了第五弹“攻略圣杯地牢 前篇”,从开始部分就被毫不留情的陷阱折磨,而之后还有强敌“巨人的死体”等待,结果如何呢?


2015-3-27 06:10 PM
2015-5-21 05:59 PM
Shuhei Yoshida confirms a Bloodborne expansion is coming

2015-9-15 07:01 PM
【TGS 15】《血源诅咒》最新数据片「The Old Hunters」11 月 24 日开放下载

  在日本亚洲索尼计算机娱乐(SCEJA)今(15)日下午举办针对日本地区的媒体发表会中,宣布由 SCE Japan Studio 与 FromSoftware 合作开发的 PS4 作品《血源诅咒(Bloodborne)》最新数据片《血源诅咒:The Old Hunters》将于 2015 年 11 月 24 日开放下载,售价为 2000 日圆不含税。


  另外,包含游戏本篇与 DLC 的「Bloodborne The Old Hunters Edition」同捆包也将在 12 月 3 日发售。 实体版价格为 5900 日圆不含税,下载版为 4900 日圆不含税;初回限定版将附赠特制 BOX、游戏初期导览手册以及迷你原声带。

2015-9-16 06:34 AM
Bloodborne 'The Old Hunters' Expansion Announced


Bloodborne Expansion The Old Hunters Out November 24th

Hello, Bloodborne fans. Thanks to the tremendous support from all of you, the passionate Bloodborne community, we are very proud to announce that Bloodborne has now sold through more than 2 million units worldwide.

It is on the heels of this milestone that we can confirm that the highly anticipated expansion for Bloodborne is almost upon us. The wait is almost over, and a new nightmare is almost here…

Starting November 24th, download the Bloodborne DLC expansion The Old Hunters for $19.99 and experience the nightmare of the hunters who once guarded Byrgenwerth’s darkest secrets.

Set in a nightmare world where hunters from the past are trapped forever, explore brand new stages full of dangers, rewards, and deadly beasts to overcome. You’ll find multiple new outfits and weapons to add to your arsenal as well as additional magic to wield and add more variety to your combat strategy.

With new story details, learn the tale of hunters who once made Yharnam their hunting grounds, meet new NPCs, and discover another side of the history and world of Bloodborne. Here’s a brief glimpse of just some of what lies in store for you when The Old Hunters launches on November 24th, including Simon’s Bowblade weapon, and new boss enemy Ludwig.

Stay tuned for more about Bloodborne and The Old Hunters expansion here on PlayStation.Blog.

Masaaki Yamagiwa - Producer, Sony Computer Entertainment Japan Studio

2015-10-14 07:23 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-10-14 06:16 PM 编辑

Bloodborne Game of the Year Edition launches on November 25
《血源诅咒 年度版》英文版将于十一月二十五号发售

  欧洲的PlayStation blog,在今日公布了关于《血源诅咒 年度版》的消息,年度版包含了本篇与DLC「The Old Hunters」,目前售价尚未公布,但目前看来应该是与美版和日版的「Bloodborne The Old Hunters Edition」是一样的内容物。

Bloodborne Game of the Year Edition launches on 25th November

Hi everyone. Today we’re happy to announce that Bloodborne Game of the Year Edition launches on PlayStation 4 from 25th November 2015. If you haven’t yet mustered the courage to venture into Yharnam’s dank, treacherous streets, this is the perfect opportunity to get involved, packaging together From Software’s critically acclaimed action RPG and the incoming DLC story expansion, The Old Hunters.

As detailed last month, The Old Hunters challenges players to explore entirely new environments, including a monolithic clock tower, filled with Bloodborne’s traditional blend of risk, reward and frightening boss encounters.

In addition to new environments, you’ll also gain access to new outfits and weapons to bolster your beast-battling arsenal, including a fearsome new ranged weapon called Simon’s Bowblade. On top of this, The Old Hunters also offers players the ability to go native and transform into terrifying beasts.

Look out for more news on The Old Hunters as launch approaches, and check out the announcement trailer.

Fred Dutton - SCEE Blog Manager

2015-11-5 07:24 AM
2015-11-6 07:23 AM
Bloodborne patch adds The League, new screenshots from The Old Hunters

Bloodborne: Patch Details, New Screenshots from The Old Hunters

Hello, Bloodborne fans. The brand new nightmare, The Old Hunters expansion (which requires the full game), will be unleashed on November 24th. It brings with it a host of new content and improvements, but it’s not the only exciting news for Bloodborne. An upcoming patch will offer all players exciting new features in the original game, including The League, additional co-op NPC hunters, and more.

The League is a band of Hunters who have taken an oath and are bound by a single purpose. By aligning yourself to The League, led by a mysterious figure in a constable’s garb and bucket helmet, you can assist other players online in the game and compete in The League’s online rankings leaderboard.

In addition to The League, players will also be able to use The League cane and summon co-op NPCs within the game, perfect for tackling challenging areas and bosses.

To whet your appetite for the upcoming expansion, here is a sneak preview of one of the many brand new weapons available as part of The Old Hunters. Behold the Holy Moonlight Sword. Do you have what it takes to wield its mysterious power?

Don’t forget you can pre-order The Old Hunters here before November 24th to get a bonus PS4 Theme. Or if you haven’t played Bloodborne yet, get the game plus pre-order the DLC for just $49.99 right here.

As a special treat for all you hardcore Bloodborne players who have already earned your Platinum Trophy, or are close to unlocking it: in the very near future we will be sending out voucher codes for an exclusive PS4 theme to Platinum Trophy holders. There’s no other way to get your hands on this theme other than to master the game.

Stay tuned to PlayStation.Blog for additional information about the patch and The Old Hunters expansion DLC.

Masaaki Yamagiwa - Producer, Sony Computer Entertainment Japan Studio

2015-11-16 07:01 PM
《血源诅咒:The Old Hunters》人偶日语配音试听
完整消息 - https://www.jp.playstation.com/b ... btoh_ps_tw_20151116

  《血源诅咒:The Old Hunters》不久前公布了日语声优出演阵容,而游戏的制作人山际真晃则为大家带来一段人偶的声音试听,并公布人偶将由早見沙織来演绎,而助言者ゲールマン则会由秋元羊介来配音。试听 - https://twitter.com/giwamasa/sta ... ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw


2015-11-17 06:35 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-11-17 06:37 PM 编辑

PS4 独占动作 RPG《血源诅咒》扩充包「远古猎人」11 月 24 日释出 完全版游戏隔日发售

  台湾索尼计算机娱乐(SCET)今(17)日宣布,全球销售超过 200 万套的 PS4 独占动作 RPG 游戏《血源诅咒(Bloodborne)》的 DLC 扩充包《血源诅咒:远古猎人(Bloodborne The Old Hunters)》将于 11 月 24 日在 PlayStation Store 贩卖。


  未来也将推出收录完整版游戏以及《血源诅咒:远古猎人》DLC 扩充包的《血源诅咒:远古猎人 Edition》的光盘版和数字下载版,提供尚未拥有《血源诅咒》游戏的玩家购买的选择。

  故事舞台发生在来自过去的古老猎人们被永远囚禁的梦魇世界,探索充满了危险、报酬和众多待玩家前来克服的致命野兽的全新舞台。 玩家亦可寻获多种新服装和武器,并增添至猎人的武器库中,同时还有新魔法可使用,并为战斗的战略增加更多种变化。

  • 下载版价格:新台币 590 元(约马币RM90)

《血源诅咒:远古猎人 Edition》
  • 光盘版价格:新台币 1290 元(约马币RM180)
  • 下载版价格:新台币 1290 元(约马币RM180)

  另外,官方也释出了《血源诅咒:远古猎人》DLC 的常见问题,供玩家参考关于远古猎人 DLC 的更多细节:

Q:《血源诅咒:远古猎人》DLC 里面有哪种内容?
A: 远古猎人 DLC 讲述的是受困在恶梦世界里头的古老猎人们的故事。 里头收录了全新的游戏区域、武器、秘密仪式、道具和服装。

Q: 没有原本的《血源诅咒》游戏也可以游玩《血源诅咒:远古猎人》DLC吗?
A: 不行,必须要拥有原本的《血源诅咒》完整版游戏才能游玩此内容。

Q:安装了此 DLC 的玩家可以和未安装的玩家在联机模式进行互动吗?
A:目前所有玩家都可以在原本的游戏中所收录的各区域联机进行互动。 然而只有安装了此 DLC 的玩家才能在本次 DLC 新追加的区域进行互动。

Q: 如何才能游玩到《血源诅咒:远古猎人》DLC 的内容?
A:在《血源诅咒》游戏里游玩到一定程度之后,就可以在猎人的梦魇里使用「噬血猎人之眼」。 取得此道具后就可以前往这次 DLC 新追加的区域。

A:可以。 另外,在玩家重新游玩并到达一定程度后,就能取得「噬血猎人之眼」,前往这次 DLC 新追加的区域。

Q:《血源诅咒:远古猎人》DLC 有追加新的奖杯吗?
A: 有,将会有一些新奖杯。

Q: 不游玩《血源诅咒:远古猎人》DLC 就无法完成整个故事吗?
A: 不,不游玩此新 DLC,还是可以知道故事结局。

游戏名称:血源诅咒:远古猎人 Edition
平台:PlayStation 4
发售日:2015 年 11 月 25 日
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