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2015-1-29 07:21 PM
2015-1-31 07:32 AM
Bloodborne European PS4 Bundle Confirmed, Chalice Dungeon Video


Why you might be playing Bloodborne for a long, long time

If you’ve played one of FromSoftware’s brilliant, brutal Souls games, you’ll know that they can [粗俗词语过滤-#0003] you in for months at a time. I’ll sheepishly admit to having lost a couple of hundred hours to the series myself. Depending on your perspective then, you’ll be happy to hear that the studio’s forthcoming PS4 debut, Bloodborne, will offer just as much value, with the main adventure comparable in scope to any of the Souls games.

However, factor in the Chalice Dungeons feature – as revealed last month – and Bloodborne is promising to take up residency in your console for much longer than its predecessors.

A quick recap for the uninitiated. As you play through Bloodborne you’ll obtain various items that you can use to perform rituals in the game’s central hub area. These rituals serve to open up a Chalice Dungeon.

These dungeons are ruinous areas underneath the town of Yharnham that differ depending on the combination of items you use in your ritual. No two players will ‘spawn’ identical dungeons, though you can invite other players to fight with you and help clear out the instance that you’ve created.

The size – and difficulty – of each dungeon will vary, as will the enemies and boss fights you encounter. Once you’ve defeated the Chalice Dungeon boss you can save and replay the dungeon, or perform a new ritual to bring forth a brand new challenge that’s unique to your game. Like I said, Bloodborne is going to be with you for a good long while!

Want to find out a little more about what to expect from the Chalice Dungeons? Check out the video above to see some gameplay footage and hear from Producer Masaaki Yamagiwa. Beyond that, stay glued to PlayStation Blog for lots more on Bloodborne in the run up to its 25th March launch.

And one final thing: for those of you that don’t yet have a PS4 and are looking forward to Bloodborne – we’ve got you covered! Hitting stores across Europe from launch day, the Bloodborne PS4 bundle includes the following:

• Bloodborne

• Black PS4 console

• Black Dualshock 4

Check your local retailers for the chance to pre-order now.

2015-1-31 04:46 PM
【TpGS 15】《血源诅咒》制作人示范「圣杯迷宫」内容 中文版 3 月同步推出
完整报导可以看看巴哈姆特 - http://gnn.gamer.com.tw/7/110277.html

  由索尼计算机娱乐(SCE)Japan Studio 与 FromSoftware 合作开发的 PS4 动作角色扮演游戏《血源诅咒(Bloodborne)》,30 日在台北国际电玩展 PlayStation 摊位举办了舞台活动,邀请 SCE Japan Studio 制作人山际真晃登台介绍游戏特色,同时宣布将于 3 月同步推出中文版。


  《血源诅咒》由一手打造《恶魔灵魂》与《黑暗灵魂》等黑暗奇幻人气作品的 FromSoftware 制作人兼现任社长宫崎英高领军制作,以 19 世纪维多利亚时代虚构的古都「雅南」为舞台,玩家将扮演为了求医而来到雅南的外国冒险者,在这个兽性肆虐的都市中独自面对 “野兽” 的威胁。


  山际真晃首先介绍《血源诅咒》的 3 大概念。首先是「探索未知的领域」,游戏中不只是探索地图,包括世界观与故事剧情都要靠玩家一一探索。接着是《灵魂》系列玩家熟悉的「死斗感」,面对敌人时,不分体型大小都必须认真面对彻底征服,否则即使是最稀松平常的敌人,都能在一次偷袭之下夺走自己的性命,而且不能采取保守退缩的行动,必须灵活运用可改变型态的武器与火器主动迎敌。最后则是「独特的在线功能,提供让玩家能共享探索自由的社群。



  现场请到 2 名来自日本的高手玩家进行联机示范,2 名玩家分别选择了黑色与白色装束的猎人来挑战圣杯迷宫,各自的画面则是分别显示在 LED 大屏幕的左右。一开始玩家就遭遇到被封印而无法开启的门,因此只能另寻出路。途中除了阻挡去路的敌人之外,还会遭遇到像是滚石或是陷坑之类的陷阱。中途还进入满是易燃石油的油沼,面对体型庞大的敌人威胁,因为石油的关系,所以使用火器会引发大火,必须小心应对以免引火自焚。


  最后 2 人终于找到解开封印的机关,开启封印之门挑战圣杯迷宫的头目,是只名为「旧主的看门狗」的巨大犬型怪物,全身被浓厚的火焰所包围,相当难缠。由于时间的关系,因此现场的示范并没有完成挑战头目的战斗就先行结束了。
2015-2-12 07:10 AM
2015-2-14 07:40 AM
2015-2-20 06:27 PM
2015-2-28 07:33 AM
Bloodborne’s Darkbeast boss introduced


Bloodborne: New Boss Revealed

Just like in Demon’s Souls, Bloodborne will feature many boss enemies of all shapes and sizes, and there will be a variety of ways to defeat them. So I think you will find that the gameplay in Bloodborne is rich and diverse.

I am happy to introduce a new boss character called “Darkbeast.” This electric beast emerges from giant skeletal remains. With lightning coursing through its body, it bombards the player with its erratic and off-speed movements. You can check out this beast in action in the video just released as part of IGN First.


A malformed beast enveloped in blue lightning.

With a long body made of only bones, and a wrinkle-covered skull, people say this beast must be very old, very ancient.

Or perhaps, it is a descendent of the city of the plague of beasts.

This marks the last post covering content from IGN First’s month-long coverage of Bloodborne, but we have more in store for you before the game launches on March 24, so please stay tuned.

Yasuhiro Kitao - PR Manager, SCEJA

2015-3-3 07:23 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-3-3 07:05 PM 编辑

《血源诅咒》全新广告影片释出 炫酷战斗画面让人热血沸腾


  PS4《血源诅咒》将于 3 月 24 日正式发售。

2015-3-7 07:24 AM
Bloodborne’s online features fully detailed

Bloodborne’s online features fully detailed

Sony Computer Entertainment Japan has updated the official Bloodborne japanese website with details on the game’s network features.


Up to three players can group up together online, with the objective being to defeat the boss in the area (guest players receive a word upon success).

A game is started when the host player uses the “Hunter Calling Bell” item to call other hunters. Likewise, the guest players use the “Resonant Bell” item to join another person’s game. Once connected, the host and guests play together in the host’s game instance.

A session will end if either the hosts or the guests die, or if a “Separating Shot” is used to retreat back to one’s own game. Matchmaking is done automatically, but passwords can be set to ensure the right players group together as needed. Passwords can be up to eight characters and are only used for co-op play.


Player-versus-Player, or PvP, matches are one-on-one bouts that take place in pre-determined areas. The player being invaded is the host, while the aggressor is the guest.

A match is started when the guest uses the “Ominous Resonant Bell” item to invade a user’s game. The host has either started a co-op session or used an Ominous Resonant Bell as well to trigger the appearance of a Bell Chiming Woman. The guest proceeds to invade the host’s game instance, where the two duke it out.

The rules are simple. The host can be invaded when they’re in areas with the Bell Chiming Women, who normally appear either as part of c-op play or when an Ominous Resonant Bell is used (though there are occasionally areas where she’s just present in general from the start), an guest can return back to their own game once they’ve defeated the host (or have been defeated by the host). Killing the host will grant them a reward.

A session will also end if the host enters a boss room, or if a Separating Shot is used to return the guest player to his own game.

Asynchronous Multiplayer

Blooborne also has asynchronous online element. Players can leave hints and messages for other players in other game worlds. Graves are erected where players have fallen in the game world, and touching them replays how they died. And players can see phantom images of other players running around in the same areas for a limited amount of time. So it’s essentially Demon’s Souls and Dark Souls in this area.

Chalice Dungeon

Chalice Dungeons are split into two types: normal and randomly generated. Both can be played offline and online, but random ones require connecting to the internet once in order to connect to a server and download data. Players’ Chalice Dungeons can be publicly accessible and shared online.


An update will go live on release day, which will include online optimizations, enhanced game performance and usability, and a few other things.

PlayStation Plus

Sony clarifies that PlayStation Plus is required for co-op and player-versus-player, but not required for downloading updates and getting the necessary data to generate a Chalice Dungeon.
2015-3-11 06:16 PM
Bloodborne screenshots introduce online features

Underneath Yharnam there is a vast underground ruins spread wide and deep across multiple floors. Horrifying and ancient, it appears to have been created by something not quite human. It’s at once both a graveyard, and a place of slumber.

What’s more, these ruins change their appearance for each visitor.

The seal to these underground ruins can be broken by conducting a special ritual using a holy chalice. Every time the ritual is performed, the dungeon’s structure changes.

This is what the Chalice Dungeon feature is all about; delivering a constant stream of content to explore and conquer alone or with fellow Hunters, and the freedom to share these dungeons with friends and the world.

Dungeon Features

• Traps - Both a grave and a place of slumber, these dungeons are not a place where visitors are welcomed. Those who venture here quickly find this out thanks to the many fatal traps hidden throughout the tunnels and halls, such as these guillotine blades covered in the blood of unsuspecting Hunters.

• Architectural Variety - The sheer size and adaptibility of the Chalice Dungeons are what makes them so alluring to hunters – that and the promise of treasure and newfound challenge. Not limited to simple rooms or hallways, Dungeons can contain murky swamps, narrow rocky corridors, or even grand, ornate halls teeming with rich detail.

• Create and Download New Challenges - The Chalice Dungeon feature includes both standard dungeons as well as procedurally-generated dungeons. Both types of dungeons can be played offline or online with other players, but generating new dungeons requires connecting the game online once to download required data. You can also publish your Chalice Dungeons online to share with other players, and download dungeons created by other Bloodborne players.

Dungeon Threats

• Protectors - Some say these ruins are the tombs of inhuman creatures, and some say they are more a place of slumber. Protectors roam the depths, keeping guard over the quiet. Born in the depths and living off of blood and rotting flesh, they are cold and damp, with bluish-white skin that has never been touched by sunlight, and devolved eyes that are pitch black and sunk deep into their sockets.

• Ritual Masters - Whether the ruins are tombs or a mere resting place for something dark and foul, or both, one thing is true: Someone or something lies asleep here. The Protectors also worship what lies beneath, and among the Protectors are a special class of ritual masters that carry out horrific and detestable ritual rites.

• Ancient Guard Dog - This gigantic guard dog watches over the underground ruins. Covered in a petrified body hard as stone, clad in a rich cloud of flames, and left directly by the inhuman inhabitants slumbering in the ruins, these special guards are said to be enveloped in these dense flames in order to better carry out their duties through the ages.

Cooperative Play

Bloodborne‘s sense of reward and accomplishment upon overcoming difficult challenges is central to what makes it so unique, but that doesn’t mean hunters have to go it alone. Up to 3 hunters are allowed to join forces online to tackle challenges that may be too great for a solo player. The player initiating the cooperative session is the “host” and players who respond to that are the “guests.”

• Cooperative Play rules - The goal of cooperative play is to join forces and work together to defeat enemies, and ultimately the boss enemy in that level.

• Initiating cooperative play
  • Host uses the Beckoning Bell item
  • Guests use the Small Resonant Bell item
  • Host and guest (up to 2 guests) are connected, and play within the Host’s game

• Cooperative Play Completion - Once players successfully defeat the boss enemy in the area they are joined to, the guests receive a bonus reward and are returned to their own game.

• Cooperative Play Incompletion - If the host or guest(s) die, or a guest uses the Silencing Blank item, the guest(s) are returned to their own world/game, and do not receive the bonus reward.

• Password - Multiplayer matchmaking for cooperative play is automatic and random. However by setting a password for your session, other players can enter the same password and be joined to your game. Passwords can be up to 8 letters long.

Versus PvP Play

Hunters don’t always have to work together. Versus PvP allows players to face off against one another in combat, using their various weapons and accrued skill to best each other by invading another player’s game. In the below outline, the player that gets invaded is the “Host” and the invader is the “guest.” Also note that in certain areas within the game, there can be up to two invaders within a host’s game.

Versus Play Rules - When a host is in an area where a “bell-ringer woman” is present, Versus PvP invasions are possible.

• Initiating Versus play
  • Guest uses the Sinister Resonant Bell item
  • Host begins cooperative play, or uses Sinister Resonant Bell to summon the bell-ringer woman
  • Guest is transported to host’s game
  • Host and guest play in Host’s game

• Versus Play Completion - If the guest is able to defeat the host, s/he will receive a reward and be returned to his/her game/world.

• Versus Play Incompletion - If the guest dies, or the host makes it to the boss fight area, or if the guest chooses to use the Silencing Blank item, the guest is returned to his/her own game without receiving a reward for completing the versus play session.

Asynchronous Gameplay Features

• Notes - Using the Notebook item, you can leave hints, messages, and gestures for players to discover within their own game via the Messenger creatures that appear on the ground. You can also interact with Messengers you find to read notes left by others, and can votie them as Fine (helpful) or Foul (misleading). Just because another hunter has left advice behind, that doesn’t mean they’re being truthful; ambushes and pitfalls abound in Yharnam, even from other players, so beware.

• Specter - Players will leave behind a tombstone when they die that appears in other players’ games. If you touch one of these tombstones within your game, you can view a sort of replay of their final moments, and hopefully get a hint as to how they met their end so you can avoid the same fate.

• Player Ghosts - You may see player ghosts – white phantoms of other players currently playing the game in the same area as you – which may give you hints as to how to proceed.

Game Updates

As of launch day, March 24 (Tuesday) at midnight, there will be an online update to the game that provides for a better gameplay experience. The main contents of the update are as follows:
  • Online Play Optimizations
  • Game performance and usability improvements, etc.

PlayStation Plus Requirements

Certain online elements require a PlayStation Plus subscription in order to enjoy:
  • Online Multiplayer – Requires PlayStation Plus
  • Asynchronous Online Features – Requires PlayStation Plus
  • Sharing Generated Chalice Dungeons – Requires PlayStation Plus
  • Installing Game Update – PlayStation Plus not required
  • Downloading Chalice Dungeon Data – PlayStation Plus not required
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