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XBOX ONE 专区【新国Xboxone精英手柄终于公布了价钱】

2014-6-15 11:27 PM
CaStle 发表于 2014-6-15 08:47 PM
我的id是之前 360的 小新id 现在x1还是用一样的id 但是 region 是美服
那个免费的游戏不需要什么billin ...

明白了,我只是在网页拿了,等我有了x1可直接下载了,不需转服方便多了。今天我进了12个月金会员,现在我等MS回复我看我可不可以拿到两个免费SG服x1 game与9个xbla x360 game。
2014-6-16 04:35 PM
Xbox One 七月系统更新预览内容:双击启动侧边栏、成就侧边栏、游戏合集支持、选择 Kinect 语音

微软公布 Xbox One 七月系统更新的内容,共有四项重点。

  • 成就应用支持 Snap
成就应用增加 Snap 模式,可以选择以侧边栏方式分屏显示,方便查看成就而不需要回到主界面启动。

  • 双击 Xbox 键启动 Snap 中心
与之前提出的建议类似,在游戏和应用里,增加双击 Xbox 键启动 Snap Center(侧边栏中心),相当于现在主界面上按下 Snap 方块的效果,在这里可以打开成就、派对、Skype 等支持 Snap 方式的应用。如果已经打开了侧边栏,双击就会在分屏的两个屏幕之间切换光标。

  • Kinect 语音选择

  • 支持数字版、光盘版合集

  • 可以“赞”游戏录像
为好友活动信息(Activity Feed)里面的游戏视频增加 Like 的功能。
Hey folks…we’re here in Los Angeles at E3 2014, and it has been a packed house all week long. We filled the Galen Center on Monday for our annual E3 show and rolled out an incredible line-up of blockbuster exclusives for this holiday and next year. And directly after our show, we held a great panel discussion – with Phil, Yusuf and others – for 200 of our biggest Xbox fans. This was the first event of its kind for us…and we loved it. You can also read Phil’s thoughts on the past week at E3 here.

As we pack up our booth, we end E3 just as we started: Our focus is on you. You’ve shaped Xbox into what it is today, and we can’t thank you enough. We look forward to hearing more from you over the coming weeks – now, officially on Xbox Feedback – a dedicated channel for all your thoughts and recommendations. From what we’ve seen this week, your feedback continues to be amazing. As of today, more than 65,000 fans like you have suggested more than 4,300 ideas and contributed over 181,000 votes.

As we head home, we can’t wait to dig into your ideas and explore what may be possible for the future of Xbox. What better way to keep this momentum going than to share what’s coming in July. Here’s a shortlist of features rolling out in the next few days to folks getting early access to the Xbox One system update.

•Snap Mode for Achievements. As we showed at our E3 Green Carpet event before the show, we’re offering an easier way to track and view your achievements in the moment. With Achievement Snap, you can track your achievement progress in real time without ever leaving the game. You can also ‘Get Help’ on any Achievements you’re struggling with. Xbox will scan the web for you and deliver relevant tips and strategy content right to your TV.

•Double-tap to Snap. Double-tap the button on your controller to bring up Snap Center, where you can launch Achievements or any other snap-able app, without leaving your game. Already have an app snapped? Double-tap quickly switches between your game and the snapped app.

•Choice of Spoken Language. Folks in New Zealand, Ireland and Austria, with this update in July, will be able to select voice control using the English or German voice models from other countries. And if you're an expat in an English-speaking country, you, too, can choose any of the other English language models that fit you.

•Future Digital Bundles and Compilation Discs. We’re doing some work now so that publishers will have options for great digital bundle and disc compilation offerings in the future. As we test this feature, we’ll be seeing more flexible combinations of game titles and game content.

•‘Like’ Game DVR clips. We’re adding the ability to ‘Like’ all your favorite Game DVR clips as well as activity feed items in SmartGlass.

Once again, thank you for your incredible support. You’ve helped us make E3 2014 a memorable one. But we have no intention of letting our foot off the gas. We can’t wait to roll out these new features in July as we pave the way for an amazing line-up of blockbusters and exclusives this holiday.

Happy E3, folks. Hope everyone had some fun.

新闻来源:Xbox Wire
2014-6-16 04:57 PM
Gamestop:399美元的 Xbox One 销售势头火爆
GameStop市场部副主席保罗称,399美元的 Xbox One 已经在全球零售点开始销售,Gamestop 已经见证了由该主机迅速带来的商机。他指出:“这些主机昨天开始销售,一上货架就迅速销售一空,这是该主机的一个巨大的胜利,并且是我们的一个巨大商机”。他补充道,399 美元的 Xbox One 火爆销售,499 美元的体感套装在 Gamestop 也卖得不错。

GameStop: Xbox One $399 fly off the shelves

Under E3 2014, GameStop store chain reported that sales of Xbox One have increased dramatically since it began to be sold without the Kinect. This resulted in strong sales momentum for the company, according to its vice president of marketing, Bob Puzon.
“They went on sale in GameStop yesterday; these things have flown off the shelves. “said the manager on June 10. “It’s a huge victory and a great opportunity for us.” In addition, he added that although the $399 version was very popular, the $499, which includes the peripheral, still sells well.
Regarding the decision of Microsoft to sell Kinect separately Puzon said: “It will be interesting to see how many of those guys [who bought the Xbox] back and buy the Kinect.”
This is one of the changes that Microsoft implemented in their console to make it attractive. Also, earlier this month, the company announced that Xbox Live applications that were previously exclusive to Gold members subscription, like Netflix or Twitch would be free for all . The program with Gold Games Xbox One is now available.

新闻来源:Gamer Fuzion
2014-6-19 07:51 AM
更正:Xbox One 金会员免费游戏是每月一款

微软公布 Xbox One 金会员每月免费游戏计划 时,我们大部分人都认为与 Xbox 360 一样是每月『赠送』两款免费的 Xbox One 游戏。

但其实微软没有说过是两款,倒是在 Xbox 官网的细则以及 Xbox One 主机卖场都有条文写着是每月一款。六月有两款是因为首月展开计划,额外赠送了《麦克斯:兄弟魔咒 | Max: The Curse of Brotherhood》,这游戏目前资料写着在 8 月 3 日前都是免费下载的。
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2014-6-20 07:56 AM
日本 Xbox One Kinect 首日版附赠 Titanfall、运动大会对手


微软将于 9 月 3 日在日本发售 Xbox One,其中 Xbox One + Kinect 首日版49,980円(税抜)=SGD$612 附赠《泰坦空降 | Titanfall》、《运动大会:对手 | Kinect Sports Rivals》两个游戏的数字版,不带 Kinect 的版本暂时没看到赠品。
2014-6-20 04:20 PM

今天早上 Xbox One 日版媒体会召开,9月4日发售的日版 Xbox One 主机将有 30 个首发游戏,其中有两个是首先在日本上市的新作。这次公布的新作有:

  • 秘密基地建设 | Azito
  • 真三国无双 7:帝国 | Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires
  • Natsuki 编年史 | Natsuki chronicles | ナツキクロニクル
  • 鬼斩 | Onigiri | おにぎり(免费网游)
  • 雷电 | Raiden
  • 热爱射击三部曲 | Shooting Love Trilogy
  • 无双大蛇 2:终极版 | Warriors Oroch 3: Ultimate


将在 9 月 4 日和主机一起发售的游戏有:

TitanFall (Electronic Arts)
Need for Speed ​​Rivals (Electronic Arts)
Battlefield 4 (Electronic Arts)
FIFA 14 (Electronic Arts)
Plant vs. Zombie Garden Warfare (Electronic Arts)
Strider Hiryu (Capcom)
Musou OROCHI2 Ultimate (Ultimate) (Koei Tecmo Games)
Metal Gear Solid V ground Zerozu (KONAMI)
Oniki (cyber step)
Call of Duty Ghost ( 字幕版 ) (Square Enix)
Thief (Square Enix)
Tomb Raider-definition active Edition (Square Enix)
Cry of MURDERED (Madado) soul (Square Enix)
Zumba Fitness World Party (hamster)
Wolfenstein: The New Order (Wolfenstein: Zanyu order) (Bethesda Softworks)
Dead Rising 3 (Microsoft Japan)
Kinect Sports Rivals (Microsoft Japan)
Killer Instinct (Microsoft Japan)
Crimson Dragon (Microsoft Japan)
Zoo Tycoon (Microsoft Japan)
Powerstar Golf (Microsoft Japan)
Forza Motorsport 5 ( Microsoft Japan)
Halo: Spartan Assault (Microsoft Japan)
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood (Microsoft Japan)
Ryse: Son of Rome (Microsoft Japan)
LocoCycle (Microsoft Japan)
Assassin's Creed 4 black flag (Ubisoft)
Child of Light (Ubisoft)
Trail Fusions(Ubisoft)

2014 年 10 月 9 日发售的游戏:

Dragon Age: Inquisition (Electronic Arts)

2014 年 11 月 13 日发售的游戏:

字幕版 Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (Square Enix)

2014 年秋季发售的游戏:

Ori and the Blind Forest( 日本微软 )
Sunset Overdrive( 日本微软 )
Forza Horizon 2( 日本微软 )
Project Spark( 日本微软 )
Halo: The Master Chief Collection( 日本微软 )

2014 年内发售游戏:

Shin Dynasty Warriors 7 Empires(Koei Tecmo Games)
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare ( 字幕版 ) (Square Enix)
Chaos Child (5pb.)
Psycho Break (Bethesda Softworks)
D4: Dark Dreams Do not Die (Microsoft Japan )
Happy Wars (Microsoft Japan)
Minecraft: Xbox One Edition (Microsoft Japan)
Wonder flick (level 5)
Shadow-of-Mordor (Warner Entertainment Japan)

2015 年春季发售游戏:

Natsuki Chronicles (暂定名)(cute)
Hideout new (暂定名))( Bamsta)

2015 年秋季发售游戏:

Halo 5:Guardians ( 日本微软 )

2015 年内发售游戏:

Shooting Love. Trilogy ( Triangle Service )
Raiden (Moss)
Dying Light (Warner Entertainment Japan)
Batman: Arkham Knight (Warner Entertainment Japan)


Metal Gear Solid V Phantom Pain(KONAMI)
Kingdom Hearts III (Square Enix)
Final Fantasy XV (Square Enix)
Witcher 3 Wild Hunt (Spike Chunsoft)
Metro Deux (Spike Chunsoft)
Evolve (2K Teikutsu Interactive Japan )
Dragon Ball Zeno Bath (Bandai Namco)
PSYCHO-PASS psychopaths (5pb. )
ミステリートF 探偵たちのカーテンコール (5Pb.)
The Elder Scrolls Online (English) (Bethesda Softworks)
Quantum Break (Microsoft Japan)
Scalebound (Microsoft Japan)
Phantom Dust (Microsoft Japan)
Fable Legends (Microsoft Japan)
Riot Act (Crackdown) (Microsoft Japan)
Watch Dogs (Ubisoft)
The Crew (Ubisoft)

2014-6-24 04:20 PM
-XBOX 1游戏现在还有锁区吗?如果有的话,它们现在是怎么分?也是NTSC和PAL?
-XBOX 1它的游戏有哪款是1080p的?Titanfall有吗?因为我是看上了Titanfall才对XBOX 1有兴趣的。
-Xbox Live和Xbox Live Gold有什么分别呢?Online Multiplayer必须要Xbox Live Gold吗?
-楼主觉得XBOX 1最不能错过的游戏是神马?
-External storage有指定需要XBOX专用的吗?会不会像Xbox360那样。只能放戏和歌罢了?不能收录XBOX LIVE Market下载来的Game?因为我有个朋友他在XBOX360玩GTAV时,可以把DATA放在pendrive上,可是当他玩其他类似COD和NFS的时候,系统说只能用XBOX360的专用Hardisk。他直接累掉。
2014-6-24 09:11 PM
本帖最后由 CaStle 于 2014-6-24 09:19 PM 编辑
Dota玩神高手 发表于 2014-6-24 04:20 PM
-XBOX 1游戏现在还有锁区吗?如果有的话,它们现 ...

-可以说是没有 ,也可以说有 因为disc的没有 但是 online digital DLC 或者 游戏 会有
-live和gold 的分别就是 live你可以用部分的 app 但是 只有gold才能 online multiplayer gold也有送游戏 ,一架X1只要有1个gold 的membership 那么其他使用者(在这个X1的)都可以使用 gold的福利
-我觉得kinect是看个人的 毕竟X1的焦点都在上面
-暂时只有 titanfall,halo也不错 如果你喜欢 模拟赛车的 forza motor sport 也不错
-其实应该都差不多吧 只是要看会不会缺货 如果缺货应该都会被炒价
-这个我不也太清楚 不过之前楼主放的日本有 新国应该也会有吧
-之前我看到好像只是要format对就可以了 ,这个就要问楼主了 另外可以参考 #13楼,楼主之前有放过一些资料

PS 小弟我早买了,其实真的不错 就冲着 titanfall 来说真的不错
2014-6-24 09:13 PM
weng@ 发表于 2014-6-15 11:27 PM
明白了,我只是在网页拿了,等我有了x1可直接下载了,不需转服方便多了。今天我进了12个月金会员,现在我 ...

不好意思啊 最近都在忙啊 现在才看到 所以回复迟了
ermm 我没有英服的ID啊 帮不了你 ,其实你要英国ID来干嘛 ??
2014-6-25 07:43 AM
CaStle 发表于 2014-6-24 09:13 PM
不好意思啊 最近都在忙啊 现在才看到 所以回复迟了
ermm 我没有英服的ID啊 帮不了你 ,其实你要英国ID来 ...



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