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【新闻贴】《虚拟现实》Virtual reality(Oculus Rift)

2015-9-17 07:15 PM
【TGS 15】《白猫 Project》研发商公开 VR 新作《飞向可爱小熊 Fly to KUMA》

  《白猫 Project》等知名游戏开发商日本 COLOPL 今日在东京电玩展中,公开支持虚拟现实头戴式显示器 Oculus Rift 计算机游戏新作《飞向可爱小熊(暂译,Fly to KUMA)》。

  COLOPL 表示,《飞向可爱小熊》是款解谜游戏,玩家要在地图上导引可爱的熊到达目的地,藉由 Oculus Rift 装置,玩家可以藉由蓝色方块来诱导可爱小熊,可以藉由视线来执行操作,同时也可以藉由控制器进行前后与转弯等细小动作的移动,让玩家可以帮助小熊跨越机关,到达目的地,但如果失败的话,小熊可能会发生悲剧, 而届时玩家也可以观察小熊所产生的反应。

  以下为 COLOPL 公开《飞向可爱小熊》东京电玩展宣传影片:

2015-9-21 07:42 PM
【TGS 15】PlayStation VR《The PlayRoom VR》合家欢乐的虚拟现实互动玩法

  日本亚洲索尼计算机娱乐(SCEJA)在这次东京电玩展展前媒体发表会上,正式公布开发代号「Project Morpheus(梦神计划)」的 PS4 虚拟现实装置将定名为「PlayStation VR」,并第二度在东京电玩展中公开试玩展示。 巴哈姆特 GNN 在台湾索尼计算机娱乐(SCET)的安排下,体验了数款初次在亚洲公开的展示,将透过一系列报导让玩家一窥究竟。

《The PlayRoom VR》

  先前曾在 E3 展展出的《The PlayRoom VR》,是 SCE WWS 日本工作室的 Nicolas Doucet 领军制作的 VR 游戏合辑。 Doucet 先前曾任职于 EA、Eidos、SCE WWS 伦敦工作室,制作过 PS2 EyeToy 与 PS3 PlayStation Eye 的视讯体感与扩增实境游戏,在 PS4 上则是制作过免费下载的扩增实境(AR)互动游戏《The PlayRoom》。 这次的《The PlayRoom VR》就是以《The PlayRoom》的世界观与角色所制作的 VR 游戏。


  《The PlayRoom VR》先前在 E3 展曾展出过《怪兽大逃亡(Monster Escape)》游戏,这次则是追加了《猫捉老鼠(Cat'n Mouse)》游戏。 最大的特色就是「双重画面多人同乐」的玩法,与其他以独乐乐为主的 VR 游戏不同,《The PlayRoom VR》可以藉由 PlayStation VR 配备的特殊处理单元,让头戴显示器与电视屏幕分别显示不同的画面,藉以达成非对称多人同乐的玩法。



  在刚进入游戏时,玩家是身处于一间热闹的游戏房,身边围绕着一群可爱的小机器人,当玩家的目光扫到他们时,他们会兴奋地与玩家打招呼。 稍远处有一堆玩具造景,许多小机器人会穿梭在玩具世界游玩。 玩具房还会有日夜变化,白天与晚上的感觉截然不同,充满着玩乐的气氛。 玩家可以在此选择想要游玩的项目。 制作人 Nicolas Doucet 在后续的访问中透露,目前展示中看到的这个玩具房,在最后的正式版游戏中会加入互动要素,内容也会增加,因此并不是一成不变的模样。

  在《怪兽大逃亡》中,配戴 PlayStation VR 头戴显示器的玩家将扮演巨大的怪兽,使用 DS4 控制器的玩家(最少 1 人,最多 4 人)将扮演逃命的小机器人。 一开始的场面是怪兽在街道上一边大肆破坏一边追逐小机器人。 头戴显示器的怪兽玩家是第一人称视点,操作的方法很简单,就是摇头晃脑用头去撞倒建筑物。 电视屏幕的小机器人玩家则是第三人称视点,要拼命逃亡与闪躲。





  当抵达终点的海边平台时,逃亡的小机器人突然变身成为特摄战队的战士,并将怪兽困在电磁栅栏中。 支持部队会搭乘直升机将物资空运到平台上,小机器人战士可以拾起这些东西砸向怪兽,目标是将怪兽砸到头晕眼花,再以强力的大炮将怪兽轰出地球。 怪兽玩家此时只能移动头部来闪躲不断飞来的对象(不时还有强力的火箭炮),等待平台崩坏。 如果被打晕,就只能等着被大炮轰到外层空间,还得看卫星转播小机器人战士耀武扬威的模样。



  在《猫捉老鼠》中,配戴 PlayStation VR 头戴显示器的玩家将扮演家猫,使用 DS4 控制器的玩家(最少 1 人,最多 4 人)将扮演老鼠。 因为是猫,所以家猫玩家的视点非常接近地面,跟一般习惯的人类视点有很大不同。 一开始家猫是藏身厨房一旁的储藏室帘幕之后,老鼠则是在厨房中打算偷吃奶酪,不过被家猫发现了,所以只好到处逃窜,躲藏到罐头、花椰菜、纸盒等东西里,等家猫回到帘幕后面再偷偷把奶酪吃掉。 简而言之就是「123 木头人」的规则。






  家猫玩家的操作方式跟《怪兽大逃亡》一样简单,就只有伸头探出帘幕跟缩头回到帘幕而已。 老鼠则是在电视屏幕上以传统的第三人称动作玩法操作。 当家猫从帘幕后方探头出来的时候,只要盯到没有躲藏起来的老鼠,就可以把老鼠抓起来。 躲在帘幕后一样可以看到老鼠的剪影。







  虽然家猫可以一直保持探头的姿势让老鼠动弹不得, 但是探头太久的话会有家犬跑进厨房来捣乱,在被捣乱的这段时间内,家猫将无法动弹,只能任由老鼠肆虐。




  Nicolas Doucet 在接受 GNN 编辑访问时表示,《The PlayRoom VR》是《The PlayRoom》团队担纲开发的最新作品,当初《The PlayRoom》是以发挥 PlayStation Camera 扩增实境玩法与社群互动性为主轴,而这次的《The PlayRoom VR》则是延续了社群互动性的基本概念, 融合虚拟现实技术来提供丰富的互动乐趣。


中间手持 DS4 控制器专注游玩的就是本作的制作人 Nicolas Doucet

  对于独特的头戴显示器与电视屏幕双画面玩法,Nicolas Doucet 表示,这部分要归功于 SCE 技术开发团队的支持才得以实现,当 PS4 主机同时处理好两个画面之后,透过独特的格式传输到 PlayStation VR 的处理单元(介于 PS4 主机与 PlayStation VR 头戴显示器之间的一个盒子,负责处理 PlayStation VR 的输出入), 分离成两个画面分别显示。 因为 VR 体验对画面处理的要求高,所以会优先满足 VR 头戴显示器的画面处理需求,再来考虑电视屏幕的。 目前两边都能以 720p 的分辨率流畅运作。

  Nicolas Doucet 进一步确认《The PlayRoom VR》将会以套装游戏软件的形式推出,除了目前展出的这两个游戏之外,目前还有 3 个游戏正在开发,预计上市时应该会收录 6~7 个游戏。 其中除了这两个游戏的对抗玩法之外,其实也有携手合作解谜的玩法。 虽然没有单人专属的游戏,不过有些游戏最后可能可以单人游玩。 当然制作团队是希望尽可能大家一起玩,会比较有趣。

  最后谈到对虚拟现实的展望时,Nicolas Doucet 强调,VR 想要获得成功,就一定要够 “好”,一个糟糕的 VR 体验可能会让经历过的玩家从此对 VR 留下不好的印象而拒绝接受。 如果 VR 最后能获得成功的话,能带来的变革将不亚于当年初代 PlayStation 带动的 3D 多边形革命,像是赛车游戏能转个方向看到不同角度的景物,这是 2D 点阵绘图世代所无法想象的。 他认为 VR 具备同等的潜力,让玩家可以从制作者所设定的束缚中解放,由自己来决定自己想要看到什么。
2015-9-22 07:38 AM
2015-9-23 06:25 PM
《纪念碑谷》团队 VR 新作《Land’s End》首次释出游戏影片

  曾制作知名手机游戏《纪念碑谷(Monument Valley)》的游戏团队 ustwo,目前正在制作一款仅可透过 Samsung Gear VR 运行的虚拟现实游戏《Land’s End》,并于近日释出宣传影片。



  目前游戏尚未释出太多详细数据,仅强调必须拥有 Samsung Gear VR 才可体验游戏,目前也没有在其他平台发行的打算。


  《Land’s End》预计在今年十月推出。
2015-9-25 07:25 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-9-26 07:29 AM 编辑

操作各种异能虐敌! Epic Games释出第一人称射击VR展示作品

  今年日本东京电玩展上出现了不少 Playstation VR 的展示,除了扮演教师与美少女学生近距离互动的《夏日课程》之外,还有《三国无双》和《Final Fantasy 14》等作品的 VR 应用,展现了家用主机虚拟现实(VR)技术的威力,但 PC 玩家也不必太过失落,因为 Epic Games 也在近期释出了一段 Unreal Engine 4 虚拟现实的测试片段,也是带来了相当酷炫的表现。


  《Bullet Train》是一个由先前制作「Showdown」VR 展示作品的团队的新创作,将 Oculus Touch 动态操作设备与 Unreal Engine 4 结合后,让用户扮演一位拥有子弹时间和传送能力的狠角色在虚拟现实中大闹一番,可以看到小兵对用户射出的子弹都会进入慢动作,操作者还可直接抓取这些子弹和飞弹「 还」给这些攻击者,虽然只是个技术展示作品,但相信玩家看完这段展示后,都开始期待未来 VR 游戏的发展了吧?




Minecraft Adding Oculus VR Support Next Year


Minecraft: Windows 10 Edition is Coming to Oculus Rift

In June, we shared that Xbox and Oculus were partnering to usher in a new era of virtual reality gaming and that we’d have more to share soon. That day has arrived, as we’re very excited to announce that Minecraft: Windows 10 Edition will support Oculus Rift and will be available for purchase in both the Windows Store and the Oculus Store this spring. Windows 10 is the best platform for playing games on the Oculus Rift, and it was clear that one of the biggest games on Windows 10 would be the perfect way to experience virtual reality.

The Oculus Rift will immerse you in a virtual reality Minecraft world in which you’ll be able to play Minecraft: Windows 10 Edition in Creative or Survival mode – in full 3D! And, as with all versions of Minecraft, Minecraft: Windows 10 Edition supports multiplayer so you can play cooperatively and build, mine and explore your virtual world with friends.

We can’t wait to bring Minecraft: Windows 10 Edition to players on Oculus Rift this spring, and will share more details soon. Finally, if you want to get a head start on building the world of your dreams before diving in with your Oculus Rift, be sure to download the Minecraft: Windows 10 Edition beta today!

2015-9-26 07:25 AM
Surgeon Simulator: Experience Reality Announced for VR Platforms

Surgeon Simulator: Experience Reality Edition is coming to VR

Imagine standing in the medbay of a starship, trying to save a dying alien with nary a clue regarding their inner anatomy. Instruments float above your head in Zero G as you desperately try to remove an unpronounceable but surely deadly organ from the alien’s open torso.

Closer to Earth - you’re leaning over a hapless (but familiar?) patient in dire need of a new set of lungs, with a plummeting heart rate, and an operating table full of implements you’d hoped never to have to pick up for yourself!

Let’s get even closer to home - to you. You look down and see a pair of hands. As you move, wave and grasp the air they feel like you’re own. These are the hands of Nigel Burke, a would-be surgeon - your very own hands. Turning your head you see the operating theatre, look up and see the blinding hospital lights - dead ahead lies Bob, the patient waiting for your help!

With the ability of new VR technology to pull you into a virtual world, you’ve been transported to a new reality - a hospital in the English county of Barnardshire, to outer space, to the darkly humorous world of Surgeon Simulator - in VR.

Surgeon Simulator has sold almost 2.5 million copies globally and become a firm favourite with the YouTube crowd (with millions of Let’s Play videos created). The classic over-the-top operation sim game been reimagined to allow players the intimacy and immersiveness of VR and transformed into ‘Surgeon Simulator ER (Experience Reality)’.

Making players feel present and inhabiting the character of Nigel Burke has required a rethink of the original Surgeon Simulator concept. The tactile nature of accurately mapped VR controls has also meant that the game’s core physics based gameplay needs new game systems to preserve the difficult, comedy prone elements fans know and love.

As such ‘Surgeon Simulator - ER’ will offer the surgeries, humour and achievements of the original but with a focus on the unique qualities of VR.

The game will be available on numerous VR platforms in the coming future.
2015-9-26 07:26 AM
ADR1FT to Launch Alongside the Oculus Rift in Q1 2016

ADR1FT to be an Oculus Rift Launch Title

With all eyes turning to virtual reality, 505 Games and developer, Three One Zero, announced today that ADR1FT, their first person experience space exploration game, will launch alongside Oculus’ virtual reality headset, the Oculus Rift, in Q1 of 2016.

Hand-selected by Oculus as a premier launch title, ADR1FT will now be released day and date with the wildly popular virtual reality headset.

“Virtual reality is the next phase of innovation in gaming,” said Ian Howe, President of 505 Games. “As a publisher, we’re always looking for the best platforms and technology to showcase our games and working with Oculus will allow gamers to experience ADR1FT in an enhanced way that only can be done through the immersion of virtual reality.”

We couldn’t be more pleased to work directly with the Oculus team to bring ADR1FT to the Oculus Rift,” said Adam Orth, Creative Director of Three One Zero. “The excitement we’ve seen from our fans around ADR1FT VR and the groundbreaking technology of the Oculus Rift™ is a special combination; short of actually being in space, this is the best way to experience zero gravity.”

ADR1FT will be released in the first quarter of 2016 on the Oculus platform and PC via Steam. Additional skus and platforms will be announced in the future.

For additional information, please log onto ADR1FT.com or follow the ADR1FT community on Twitter and Facebook
2015-9-26 07:28 AM
Streaming Apps Are Coming to VR Starting with Netflix Today



John Carmack on Developing the Netflix App for Oculus - The Netflix Tech Blog
2015-9-26 07:30 AM
Oculus Announces 'Oculus Ready' PC Partnership, Guaranteeing VR PCs under $1,000


Oculus announces “Oculus Ready,” certified PCs for VR

In order to use PC VR you’re going to need a PC to power it, and Oculus is looking to make that much easier by joining with a number of key hardware partners to bring “Oculus Ready” PCs to the market.

Starting at price points under $1000, NVIDIA, ASUS, Alienware, Dell, AMD, and Intel will all be releasing hardware in the next year that will feature an Oculus Ready sticker, indicating that the hardware is ready for VR.

“Our goal with the recommended specs is that everything just works,” said Nat Mitchell Oculus’ head of product.

This represents a big step towards bringing VR to consumers. The fact remains that the recommended specs, which include a GTX 970, will require a number of consumers to upgrade their PCs. By labeling and pre-designing kits that are made to work with VR out of the box they fully optimize the experience for consumers looking to transition into the new medium.

Mitchell mentioned on stage that the company would be announcing more partnerships over the course of the next year.

It is interesting to note that earlier this year Brendan Iribe said the whole experience would cost, “about $1500,” a price which almost assuredly included the PC. Extrapolating from that a bit it seems likely that we will see a price point for the Rift that is somewhat similar to what we saw with the development kits. Oculus has yet to make any official announcements on the price, so this remains speculative.

2015-10-1 07:26 AM
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