New Oculus Rift 'Crescent Bay' prototype packs integrated audio and 360° tracking
Oculus公开VR设备最新产品Crescent Bay原型
Oculus日前公布了虚拟现实头戴设备Oculus Rift的升级版原型品Crescent Bay(新月湾),新款VR设备配备了更高分辨率的显示屏,内置音频,并且加入了360度跟踪技术。
新设备还未准备好面向消费者销售。不过Oculus的CEO布伦丹·艾瑞比(Brendan Iribe)表示:“这不是一款消费者产品,但已经十分十分接近。”他还称,Crescent Bay还要比公司最新提供给开发者的Oculus Rift更轻。
Crescent Bay相比于之前的产品还有更多实际性的进化:
· 更高的刷新率
· 更高的分辨率(应该高于1080p)
· 更高的可视范围角度
· 内置音效
· 360°跟踪
· 真实空间的3D 跟踪音效
Crescent Bay Prototype
We’re really excited to introduce a new feature prototype, Crescent Bay.
Crescent Bay is the latest prototype headset on the path to the consumer version of the Rift. Crescent Bay features new display technology, 360° head tracking, expanded positional tracking volume, dramatically improved weight and ergonomics, and high-quality integrated audio.
These enhancements allow for a level of presence that’s impossible to achieve with DK2. If you’re here at Oculus Connect, you’ll be able to try Crescent Bay today.
Along with the new hardware, we’ve created original demo content, which we’re calling the “Crescent Bay Experiences,” developed in-house by our content team specifically for Oculus Connect.
The demo is designed to demonstrate the power of presence and give you a glimpse into the level of VR experience you can expect to see come to life in gaming, film, and beyond.
This is still incredibly early hardware. There are plenty of technical challenges left to solve for the consumer Rift, but Crescent Bay is truly the best virtual reality headsets we’ve ever built.
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