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【新闻贴】《虚拟现实》Virtual reality(Oculus Rift)

2014-9-21 07:48 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-9-22 06:40 PM 编辑

New Oculus Rift 'Crescent Bay' prototype packs integrated audio and 360° tracking
Oculus公开VR设备最新产品Crescent Bay原型

  Oculus日前公布了虚拟现实头戴设备Oculus Rift的升级版原型品Crescent Bay(新月湾),新款VR设备配备了更高分辨率的显示屏,内置音频,并且加入了360度跟踪技术。

  新设备还未准备好面向消费者销售。不过Oculus的CEO布伦丹·艾瑞比(Brendan Iribe)表示:“这不是一款消费者产品,但已经十分十分接近。”他还称,Crescent Bay还要比公司最新提供给开发者的Oculus Rift更轻。

  Crescent Bay相比于之前的产品还有更多实际性的进化:

  · 更高的刷新率

  · 更高的分辨率(应该高于1080p)

  · 更高的可视范围角度

  · 内置音效

  · 360°跟踪

  · 真实空间的3D 跟踪音效

Crescent Bay Prototype

We’re really excited to introduce a new feature prototype, Crescent Bay.

Crescent Bay is the latest prototype headset on the path to the consumer version of the Rift. Crescent Bay features new display technology, 360° head tracking, expanded positional tracking volume, dramatically improved weight and ergonomics, and high-quality integrated audio.

These enhancements allow for a level of presence that’s impossible to achieve with DK2. If you’re here at Oculus Connect, you’ll be able to try Crescent Bay today.

Along with the new hardware, we’ve created original demo content, which we’re calling the “Crescent Bay Experiences,” developed in-house by our content team specifically for Oculus Connect.

The demo is designed to demonstrate the power of presence and give you a glimpse into the level of VR experience you can expect to see come to life in gaming, film, and beyond.

This is still incredibly early hardware. There are plenty of technical challenges left to solve for the consumer Rift, but Crescent Bay is truly the best virtual reality headsets we’ve ever built.

More on Oculus VR Blog
2015-5-7 06:53 AM
Oculus Rift consumer VR headset coming first quarter of 2016

First Look at the Rift, Shipping Q1 2016

Since the earliest days of the Oculus Kickstarter, the Rift has been shaped by gamers, backers, developers, and enthusiasts around the world. Today, we’re incredibly excited to announce that the Oculus Rift will be shipping to consumers in Q1 2016, with pre-orders later this year.

The Rift delivers on the dream of consumer VR with compelling content, a full ecosystem, and a fully-integrated hardware/software tech stack designed specifically for virtual reality. It’s a system designed by a team of extremely passionate gamers, developers, and engineers to reimagine what gaming can be.

The Oculus Rift builds on the presence, immersion, and comfort of the Crescent Bay prototype with an improved tracking system that supports both seated and standing experiences, as well as a highly refined industrial design, and updated ergonomics for a more natural fit.

In the weeks ahead, we’ll be revealing the details around hardware, software, input, and many of our unannounced made-for-VR games and experiences coming to the Rift. Next week, we’ll share more of the technical specifications here on the Oculus blog.

Virtual reality is going to transform gaming, film, entertainment, communication, and much more. If you’re interested in building a next-generation VR game or application, everything you need to start developing for the Rift is available at the Oculus Developer Center.

E3 is just around the corner — this is only the beginning.

– The Oculus Team

2015-5-21 06:32 PM
全球首款眼动追踪型虚拟现实头戴显示器「FOVE」在 Kickstarter 展开募资

  虚拟现实头戴显示器研发厂商 FOVE 于 5 月 19 日在 Kickstarter 展开眼动追踪型虚拟现实头戴显示器「FOVE」的募资,预定 2016 年 5 月针对抢先参与募资者释出实际成品与开发工具包。

  FOVE 除了具备 3D 立体显示、头部追踪等一般虚拟现实头戴显示器的标准功能之外,还首度导入眼动追踪功能,能追踪用户双眼视线注视的位置,藉以提供更具临场感与互动感的体验。

  透过 FOVE 的眼动追踪功能,用户在进行虚拟现实体验时,可以直接以视线来瞄准敌人,或是与虚拟角色进行目光接触,还可以针对人眼视觉特性,从中心视野向外逐次递减周边视野的绘图精细度、降低整体处理负担,以及配合用户视点的移动来提供自然的肉眼对焦景深效果。

  FOVE 所具备的眼动追踪功能将能应用在各种不同领域,除了传统的游戏与娱乐之外,还可以透过彼此的视线交会来满足虚拟社交用途,让身体瘫痪者运用视线与外界交流,以及教育用途。

  FOVE 总重 400 公克,配备 5.8 吋、分辨率 2560 × 1440、更新频率 90Hz 的显示面板,提供 100 度以上的视野。 低延迟的多轴头部追踪传感器。 每秒 120 次、精确度小于 0.2 度的红外线眼动追踪。 透过 DisplayPort 及 USB 3.0 与 PC 连接,PC 最低绘图效能需求 2560 × 1440 100fps。

  FOVE 的募资目标为 25 万美元,自 5 月 19 日上线至今 2 天已经募得超过 18 万美元,离募资截止期限还有 44 天。 能以最低廉代价取得实际成品的「最早鸟方案」200 个名额目前已经额满。

2015-5-23 07:22 AM
2015-5-25 06:17 PM
2015-5-29 07:25 AM
2015-6-11 06:22 PM
2015-6-12 07:33 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-6-12 06:21 PM 编辑

Edge of Nowhere - A VR Adventure - Reveal Teaser

2015-6-12 06:23 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-6-12 06:52 PM 编辑

VR 显示器 Oculus Rift 消费版支持 Windows 10 将搭配专属体感控制器

  由 Oculus VR 研发的虚拟现实头戴显示器「Oculus Rift」今日正式公开最终消费者版本,同时公开最新展示影片,预定 2016 年第一季问世,同时销售时将包含 Xbox One 无线控制器等配件。

  Oculus Rift 消费者版本目前尚未公开售价,届时将会搭配耳机与外部传感器以追踪位置,同时还将包含 Xbox One 无线控制器与转接器,同时将支持 Windows 10 系统,届时将方便 Xbox One 玩家与 Windows 10 计算机玩家将可以立即享受相关虚拟现实游戏的乐趣。

Oculus Rift launching with Xbox One pad, new games & VR controller announced


  Oculus VR 执行长布伦丹·艾瑞比(Brendan Iribe)透露,消费者版本将会有内建调整机制,玩家可以依照个人瞳孔等距离来调整,以便让玩家使用时更具有临场感与舒适感,他更强调耳机相当轻巧,可以保持玩家的舒适度,甚至还可以替换。

Oculus Rift 最终消费者版本

Oculus Rift 消费者版本销售时将会随机搭配 Xbox One 控制器

强调整合 VR 音效系统,至于若是玩家想要用自己的耳机也可以更换

  他同步公开了造型独特的控制器「Oculus Touch」,以两个为一组分别给两手使用,每个控制器上都有传统的模拟游戏杆、两个按钮与被称为「手部触发功能」装置,来追踪玩家手指的姿势。

Oculus Touch

  Oculus Rift 是由帕尔默·拉奇(Palmer Luckey)与布伦丹·艾瑞比共同成立的新创公司「Oculus VR」研发的虚拟现实头戴显示器,2012 年推出首款开发者版本。 颠覆以往昂贵的解决方案,以简单低成本的设计提供优异的虚拟现实体验,掀起了游戏产业的虚拟现实风潮;Oculus Rift 于 2012 年透过 Kickstarter 募资推出第 1 款开发者版本,2014 年推出改采 OLED 面板的第 2 款开发者版本,同年底又发表功能与造型更为成熟的开发原型版本「Crescent Bay」,而今消费者版本将于 2016 年第 1 季正式推出。

  另外,在 Oculus 发表会上,还公开了即将在 E3 游戏展中可以体验到支持 Oculus Rift 的游戏宣传影片:
Oculus @ E3 2015 - Step into the Rift

2015-6-15 07:23 AM
Starbreeze Unveils Project StarVR


Starbreeze reveals the StarVR project, aims to become one of the leading experts and publishers in entertainment VR

Starbreeze, an independent creator, publisher and distributor of high quality entertainment products, announced today its virtual reality initiative with the launch of Project StarVR. The company also announced its acquisition of the French company and VR engineering firm InfinitEye earlier today.

“Starbreeze’s vision is to become a leader in the entertainment industry by delivering world class experiences. The landscape of entertainment is transforming and we strongly believe VR will be a big part of the story of our industry going forward. Our StarVR aims at bringing the next generation entertainment experiences to reality”, said Bo Andersson Klint, CEO of Starbreeze. “By immersing ourselves into the VR field, we aim to learn fast, position Starbreeze for the future and allow people to enter into new worlds.”
Presskit: StarVR Press kit for download

Starbreeze has formed the Project StarVR, where InfinitEye’s hardware expertise and capabilities are combined with Starbreeze game and entertainment software development skills. The project places Starbreeze in a unique position to develop VR experiences with an integrated vision. By committing to be a fully integrated party supporting the Steam OpenVR framework within Starbreeze proprietary game and entertainment industry engine Valhalla, Starbreeze aspires to become one of the first VR publishers parallel to being the go-to catalyst for publishing titles on the Steam platform.

With the newly established publishing arm, Starbreeze is also launching a number of entertainment industry content collaborations. Early content partners include Lionsgate, Skybound, 505 Games, Grab and WeVR.

Starbreeze will showcase its StarVR HMD at the trade show E3 in Los Angeles on June 16-18.

To read up on more information about Project StarVR, please visit starvr.com.

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