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2017-6-21 07:30 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-6-21 04:48 PM 编辑


  虽然《终极刺客》系列的开发团队IO Interactive已经从SE独立,但他们保住了《终极刺客》这个IP的所有权,完全没有放弃该系列的打算。近日,该工作室宣布,2016年上市的《终极刺客》序章部分将向美服玩家免费提供。这一部分是包含在本作第一章中的剧情任务,玩家可以体验到本作的前两个任务以及40多个挑战。

  IO Interactive的CEO Hakan Abrak在声明中表示,在IO Interactive成为一个独立工作室之后,他希望更多玩家能够来尝试《终极刺客》,这款《终极刺客》已经到达了最佳形态。

  IO Interactive在前段时间经历了一段难熬的时光。在五月时,该工作室的母公司SE在宣布将从IO Interactive撤资,并为他们寻找一个新的投资方。当时SE的撤资理由非常简单,他们想要将全部的精力投入到公司核心系列的开发和制作当中,可惜《终极刺客》系列并不是。在各方的努力下,最终IO Interactive和SE和平分手,同时保住了《终极刺客》的所有权。

  除了序章免费之外,本作还在各大网络平台进行了大幅度的打折。在Xbox Live商店,本作的单个章节售价仅为4美元,打包购买更是只需要24美元。在PSN商店中,PS+会员还能够会的特殊折扣。对这款游戏感兴趣的玩家可以考虑出手了。

2017-8-3 03:47 PM
《终极刺客》八月更新 增加全新合约以及挑战


  在 8 月 11 日,会有 10 个全新的玩家创造的刺杀合约更新到游戏中。IO 互动表示他们是基于不同的地点、不一样的目标、有创造性的故事以及其他他们认为有趣的原因来选择这些合约(玩家制作的关卡)的。


  同时在 8 月 11 日上线的还有全新的挑战包。挑战包名叫“复仇的艺术”,里面包含五个北海道地图的全新挑战,完成这些挑战的难度要比其他挑战高许多,当然完成挑战后也能够得到特殊道具。

  《终极刺客》目前为止最近的一次大更新是在 7 月,开发者表示这将会是近一段时间内的最后一个大更新。游戏九月的更新将会和八月更新差不多,但是玩家们还是可以期待之后会有更多新内容的到来。制作组表示,时不时地调整能够让他们有更充足的时间带来更多更多好的内容。

  《终极刺客》的内容开发在今年早些时候因为 IO 工作室的并购问题搞得前景不明,但是目前《终极刺客》的版权已经完全属于 IO 互动自己了,制作组也可以安下心来继续为玩家们呈现未来更多更好的内容。
2017-10-6 11:10 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-10-7 10:07 AM 编辑

New Hitman content to be revealed on October 24
《刺客任务》全新内容将于 10 月 24 日公布 宣传图放出

  今天 Io Interactive 宣布将在本月 24 日公布《刺客任务》全新内容,官方表示此次新内容跟《刺客任务》第二季无关,同时针对此次新内容官方还放出了一张宣传图。

Hitman - Looking Ahead: Save The Date!

Mark this date on your calendars: October 24th. That’s the date when we will reveal brand new content for the game.

We’re going to let the announcement itself do all the talking, but there is one thing we want to clarify before then; this upcoming content is not “Season 2”. We’re saying that now to keep expectations in check.

So, save the date, let’s hope it doesn’t leak and we’ll see you there!

2017-10-25 07:15 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-10-25 07:02 PM 编辑

Hitman: Game of the Year Edition announced

转载 - 游明星空(http://www.gamersky.com/news/201710/969949.shtml

  IO Interactive 今天宣布《刺客任务》年度版将以数字版的形式在11月7日发售,登陆PS4/Xbox One/PC平台。年度版中将包含新战役“零号病人”(Patient Zero)。


  年度版游戏包含完整的第一季内容、新战役“零号病人”(该战役包含四个任务),另外还有牛仔、小丑等等特殊服装以及配套武器。除此之外,IO还宣布在年度版发售的同时还会推出一部分免费升级内容。新改动将包括:重新设计后颜色和视觉风格焕然一新的UI、所有任务的光效都会获得升级、合约模式更新、Xbox One X模式优化(包含原生4K及更高帧率选项)。

IO Interactive has announced Hitman: Game of the Year Edition for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. It will launch digitally on November 7 and include a new “Patient Zero” campaign.

New users will be able to purchase Hitman: Game of the Year Edition for $59.99. Existing players who own The Complete First Season, either digitally or on disc, will be able to get the “Game of the Year Upgrade” including all of the new content for $19.99.

Here’s everything that is included:

The Complete First Season

This is everything that we created for Hitman Season One. All seven locations, all bonus missions, all of the Challenge Packs, Escalation Contracts, Featured Contracts and more than 700 challenges! We’re talking more than 100 hours of gameplay and a game that we’re continuing to improve. See below for more of that.

New: Patient Zero Campaign

After the routine elimination of a target, a contingency plan to unleash a global pandemic is triggered and Agent 47 must race against the clock to prevent a virus from spreading. This four-mission campaign spans different locations in the game, each one re-worked from the original settings with new gameplay opportunities, disguises, characters, challenges, gameplay mechanics, AI behaviour and HUD elements. Bangkok, Sapienza, Colorado and Hokkaido look and feel completely different with a new time of day and new custom music created by the composer for Season One, Niels Bye Nielsen.

New: Clown Suit and ‘A New Bat’

Corky the Clown is back! This fan-favourite from Blood Money returns in Hitman and his red wig, colourful socks and giant shoes look better than ever! Not only does the clown suit look great, but it’s the only way to carry his signature weapon without attracting attention. ‘A New Bat’ will trigger custom sound and visual effects every time it is used.

New: Raven Suit and ‘Sieger 300 Ghost’

Where tactical meets practical and stylish, you’ll find the Raven Suit. This is the perfect choice for Agent 47’s sniper operations. The Raven Suit is black and charcoal with the finest gloves and pockets for every tool. The Sieger 300 Ghost is a unique ICA variant of the Sieger 300 and the all-black rifle perfectly matches the Raven Suit for high-precision, high-damage long-range engagements. It’s got a supressor, an extended scope with four levels of zoom and the Marksman perk, which allows you to improve your aim and slow time.

New: Cowboy Suit and ‘The Striker’

The Cowboy suit is steel blue on patriotic white and comes complete with a beautiful set of albino alligator boots, sunglasses and a cowboy hat as pure as Colorado snow. Naturally, the belt buckle is the size of your fist. Accompanying this suit is The Striker; a magnum pistol that packs one hell of a punch. Not only does it have increased damage at all ranges, it also knocks back targets and has piercing rounds.

New: Themed Escalation Contracts

There’s more! We’ve created a new Escalation Contract for each new weapon/suit combination. You’ll be dressing in each new suit and using each new weapon as you complete Escalation Contracts with some brand new complications based on some new gameplay mechanics. We’ve themed these new features with each suit to make for some unique experiences.
Each Escalation comes with a new starting location unique to that Contract and all of the Escalations are made up of 3-stages, so expect the challenge to ramp up quickly- one of the Escalations reaches 7 targets, something we’ve never done before in this game. Completing each Escalation Contract will unlock the corresponding weapon to be used in all locations across the entire game, which means that Clown Only, Striker Only runs are now possible and we can’t wait to see them!

In addition to Hitman: Game of the Year Edition, IO Interactive announced it will release a free update alongside the new version’s release with the following changes:

A redesigned UI with a new colour scheme and visual style

A fresh new look across the board and re-organised menus to make it easier to find what you’re looking for.

New Contracts Mode features

‘Trending’ helps you find the most popular contracts, making sure you can easily find a new challenge. We’re also adding and 10 ‘Conditions’ that will add huge depth to Contracts Mode, such as restricting disguise changes or requiring players to use a specific exit. Anyone who creates a contract will be able to toggle these conditions to set a more defined challenge for their contract.

Major lighting improvements to all missions

New color grading, readjusted HDR adaptation rules and re-designed skyboxes mean that our locations look more vivid, vibrant and lifelike.

Commemorative Elusive Target Unlock

If you played any of the Elusive Targets we released during Season One, we’re giving you an in-game coin to commemorate your progress and thank you for your support.

Xbox One X Enhancements

A whole host of enhancements are on the way for Xbox One X owners, including options for native 4K and a higher framerate. Specific details to come in a Xbox-specific blog post.

Tobii Eye Tracking support for PC

Enhance your killer instincts with Dynamic Light Adaptation, Extended View and a new special feature added specifically for Hitman. Find more details here.

Various fixes and improvements

Full release notes will be published closer to 7 November. That should be enough time to start thinking about your default loadout for each location…

Elusive Target Re-activation

Starting in November, we will re-activate Elusive Targets. If you missed any Elusive Targets the first time around, or if you are new to Hitman, this is your chance to experience these intense time-limited targets. All of the suit unlocks are back in play for both new and existing players to complete their collection. If you’ve already completed or failed an Elusive Target, you won’t be able to play that specific contract again; your record for that contract will stand and cannot be altered. Re-activated ET’s will still be time-limited and the first one will be re-activated shortly after the release of our Game of the Year Edition on November 7.

2017-11-3 07:37 PM
《杀手6》Xbox One X强化预告 支持真4K分辨率

  今日IO互动发布了《杀手6:年度版》的新预告片,展示了为Xbox One X主机做出的强化细节。
  《杀手6》在Xbox One X上有两种画面模式:高细节模式和高帧数模式。高细节模式支持原生4K分辨率,而高帧数模式则让游戏达到60帧。

  此外,预告片还确认,《杀手6》在Xbox One X上支持HDR,强化版贴图(分辨率和过滤增强)、强化版阴影等强化画面。



  《杀手6》年度版将于11月7日和Xbox One X同步上市。
2018-3-25 08:56 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-3-26 08:53 PM 编辑

《刺客任务》春季安装包限时免费 包含第二章完整内容

  《刺客任务》系列的开发商 IO Interactive 又来给玩家送福利啦,他们昨日在各平台推出了《刺客任务》春季安装包,所有玩家均可以免费领取,并获得完整的《杀手》第二章内容。


12 份升级契约

  目前《刺客任务》春季安装包已经在 PS4美服/微软商店(Xbox港服)/Steam 商店上架。如果你在此之前已经领取了《刺客任务》序章,那么也请不要错过这次免费体验第二章的机会。

2018-4-4 11:00 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-4-4 11:10 PM 编辑

Hitman: Definitive Edition Announced for PS4 and Xbox One, Coming May 18
《终极刺客 终极版》公布 将于 5 月 18 日发售

  华纳兄弟互动娱乐和 IO Interactive 联合宣布,他们将在 5 月 18 日推出《终极刺客 终极版》,包含本体游戏和所有的追加内容,游戏将登陆 PS4 、Xbox One 以及 PC 三平台。在 Square Enix 宣布与 IO Interactive 分道扬镳之后,显然华纳兄弟互动娱乐接下了《终极刺客》系列发行的工作。

  《终极刺客 终极版》中将包含数款可以给 47 号换上的新服装,来自于 IO Interactive 推出的其他游戏,包括《凯恩与林奇》《自由战士》《迷你忍者》等等,这些是终极版的全新内容。此前《终极刺客》第一季的全部内容都将包含在《终极刺客 终极版》之内,包括:

• 《终极刺客 第一季》基础内容 — 七个不同的地图和刺杀任务;
• 《终极刺客 年度版》追加内容 — “零号病人”追加的四个刺杀任务,以及解锁新武器、新服装的三个扩展合约;
• 《终极刺客 夏日包》— ICA 的两个追加任务;
• 《终极刺客 血钱包》— 新武器、新服装;
• 所有游戏通过更新等形式加入的合约、挑战等等。

  需要注意的是,游戏的光盘版并不包含所有的内容,玩家还需联网下载 12~24G 的内容才能获得最完整的版本。游戏的价格暂未公布。

Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and IO Interactive Enter Worldwide Publishing and Distribution Agreement for Hitman

Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and independent game developer, IO Interactive, today announced a worldwide publishing and distribution agreement for the acclaimed international video game, Hitman. As part of this agreement, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment will publish the Hitman: Definitive Edition, which will be available in retail stores for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 4 Pro, Xbox One X and Xbox One beginning 18th May 2018.

The Hitman: Definitive Edition will feature new in-game disguises for Agent 47 inspired by classic IO Interactive titles – Freedom Fighters, Kane & Lynch and Mini Ninjas – celebrating the Danish studio’s 20th anniversary, in addition to all previously released content and game updates from the first season of Hitman.

“We’re very excited to be working with IO Interactive, a talented studio with a long-standing legacy creating the iconic Hitman games,” said David Haddad, President, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. “The passionate, global Hitman community has embraced the recent return of the series, and we’re thrilled to bring the Hitman: Definitive Edition to fans and new players next month.”

“We’re super excited to be working with Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment on Hitman and together releasing the Hitman: Definitive Edition to new players,” said Hakan Abrak, CEO IO Interactive. “Working with a partner like WBIE means that the team at IOI can stay focused on what we’re good at, making games.”

The Hitman: Definitive Edition will include the following content:

• IO Interactive’s 20th Anniversary Outfit Bundle – Three new outfits inspired by Freedom Fighters, Kane & Lynch and Mini Ninjas

• Hitman Season One (Main Game) – Seven exotic locations from the first season, including Paris, Sapienza, Marrakesh, Bangkok, Colorado and Hokkaido, along with the ICA Facility

• Hitman Game of the Year Edition Content – Four missions from the Patient Zero Campaign, three themed Escalation Contracts that unlock three unique weapons, as well as the Clown Suit, Cowboy Suit and Raven Suit from the recent Game of the Year digital release

• Hitman Summer Bonus Episode – Featuring ICA bonus missions in Sapienza and Marrakesh

• Hitman: Blood Money Requiem Pack – Including the Requiem Suit, Pale Duck Explosive and ICA Chrome Pistol

• All featured Contracts, Escalation Contracts, Challenge Packs and game updates from Hitman Season One and the Hitman Game of the Year Edition

Elusive Targets that have already run and ended may not be available again as these are time limited events.

To learn more about the Hitman: Definitive Edition, please visit hitman.com.
2018-5-15 10:27 PM
2018-6-5 12:54 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-5 06:42 PM 编辑

Hitman announcement teased for June 7
华纳游戏本周五将开启直播活动 或将公布新作《刺客任务 2》

转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201806/6750419066.html

  今天早些时候,华纳游戏发推称将在大马时间本周五的凌晨1点举行直播活动,根据此前的传闻,该直播活动可能会公布新作比如《超人》或《刺客任务》。不过在公布直播地址后,ResetEra上的一位玩家偶然间发现网页源代码中有一个“Hitman2”标识的logo,目前官方已经删除了该源码,但这也暗示了此次直播中将会公开《刺客任务 2》的详细情报了。


  《刺客任务》开发组IO Interactve 已于去年脱离Square Enix,并保留了《刺客任务》的游戏IP,其CEO Hakan Abrak也曾表示过团队正在开发系列新作,这么联系一下的话,找到新东家的 IO Interactve 也是时候公开《刺客任务》新作的消息了。

Original 06/04/18 at 1:05 p.m.: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment has teased some sort of reveal for Thursday, June 7 at 10:00 a.m. PT / 1:00 p.m. ET. You will be able to watch it live on live.wbgames.com.

Theteaser clip for the reveal features a race car with the brand “Hamsun” as one of its sponsors. Hamsun Oil is the name of a company that appears in the first season of the 2016-released Hitman game.

The Hitman official Twitter account has also teased a reveal for June 7.

After Hitman developer Io Interactive’s departure from Square Enix, the studio turned to Warner Bros. to publish Hitman: Definitive Edition in May. With both Warner Bros. and Hitman teasing reveals, and Warner Bros.’ video featuring a brand from Hitman, it is likely the two are one in the same.

Stay tuned.

Update 06/04/18 at 7:40 p.m.: A logo for Hitman 2 has been discovered in the source code of the live.wbgames.com website.

2018-6-8 11:11 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-8 02:50 PM 编辑

Hitman 2 Announced for PS4, Xbox One and PC
《刺客任务 2》正式公布将于 11 月 13 日发售

转载 - Vgtime(http://www.vgtime.com/topic/950714.jhtml

  华纳兄弟交互娱乐公司正式公布系列正统续作《刺客任务 2》,游戏将于 2018 年 11 月 13 日登陆 PS4、Xbox One 和 PC 平台。

  《刺客任务 2》将不同于系列前作《刺客任务 第一季》的章节式更新,新作中玩家将一次性体验完整剧情。尽管体验方式不同,《刺客任务 2》的剧情将紧接上一季剧情,更加深入47号特工以及他和黛安娜的过去。杀手47在本作中将寻找自己的委托人并解开自己的秘密,这之后“一切”都将变得不一样。

  《刺客任务 2》将继续为玩家带来一个“高细节”的沙盒暗杀游戏,它的环境、物体都是可改变的,且都能够在游戏中进行利用。本作将由多个国际化城市作为舞台,其中之一是迈阿密,杀手47将在这里的一场赛车比赛中执行猎杀任务。本作也将后续推出 DLC,为玩家带来更多新地点。


  最后,凡是提前预购《刺客任务 2》任意版本的玩家,都可立即获得本作的多人合作模式“Sniper Assassin”,允许一位或多位玩家执行系列游戏中的任务。



Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and IO Interactive Announce Hitman 2

Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and independent game developer, IO Interactive, today announced Hitman 2, the follow-up to the acclaimed international video game, Hitman. Featuring entirely new hyper-detailed sandboxes full of living, breathing environments to explore, Hitman 2 offers players the freedom to plan the ultimate assassination utilising an assortment of tools, weapons, disguises and a variety of stealth techniques to creatively trigger their own unique chain of events. Hitman 2 will be available for PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system, PlayStation 4 Pro computer entertainment system, Xbox One X, Xbox One and PC beginning 13th November 2018.

“We are thrilled to partner with IO Interactive on Hitman 2 and bring the latest game in this iconic franchise to the passionate Hitman fanbase and new players,” said David Haddad, President, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. “IO Interactive has done a fantastic job with the Hitman franchise, and this new game will provide a distinct gameplay experience for players to be creative in larger sandbox locations.”

“We are very proud to announce Hitman 2 as the next exciting chapter in our ever-expanding world of assassination. Building on the success of our previous game, Hitman 2 introduces exciting new features, new modes and franchise firsts to make for a larger and richer game,” said Hakan Abrak, CEO, IO Interactive. “We couldn’t have wished for a better partner than Warner Bros. to bring this game to our passionate community and introduce new players to our universe. Welcome back 47!”

Hitman 2 takes players on a global adventure across a mix of bustling international locations, including a vibrant Miami setting with the colorful ambience of an in-progress motorsport race bringing a new backdrop to the series. From sun-drenched streets to dark and dangerous rainforests, each intricate location provides multiple paths to discover and unparalleled game depth.

Continuing the ultimate spy thriller story, HITMAN ™ 2 allows players to take on the role of the masterful Agent 47 and embark on a mission to hunt the elusive Shadow Client and unravel his militia once and for all. However, when 47 learns the hidden truth about his past, nothing will ever be the same.

Hitman 2 introduces new ways to play with the Sniper Assassin mode, a standalone feature that brings a co-op experience to the Hitman series for the first time, allowing two players to work together online to take down their targets. Sniper Assassin can also be enjoyed in a single player mode for those who want to play as Agent 47.

Sniper Assassin is available to play now as an early access bonus for consumers who pre-order the Hitman 2 Standard, Gold or Collector’s Edition. The Hitman 2 Standard Edition is available for pre-order now. The Hitman 2 Gold Edition is available for pre-order now exclusively at GAME. The Hitman 2 Collector’s Edition will be available for pre-order soon.

As an additional pre-order bonus, full game early access will be available for Gold or Collector’s Edition owners four days before release. For more information, visit www.hitman.com .

To learn more about Hitman 2, please visit hitman.com.
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