本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-1-26 07:09 PM 编辑
Hitman update to add 'Professional' difficulty on January 31
《刺客任务》将迎免费更新 专家级难度开放奖励更丰厚!
对于普通玩家而言,通关和看完游戏剧情就是他们的追求;但是对于喜欢挑战自我的玩家而言,不断提升游戏难度才是他们想要的。就在刚刚,Io Interactive宣布,《刺客任务》将于 1 月 31 日迎来免费更新,为大家带来一个新的难度等级“专家级”
《刺客任务》从 2016 年 3 月开始分章发售,第一季完整版(实体铁盒光盘)将于 1 月31 日发售,包括PC、PS4及Xbox One。其中主机版售价59.99美元,PC版49.99美元。《刺客任务》第二季、第三季内容,预定2017 年、2018 年发布。根据外媒分析,第二季有望追加大洋洲,亚洲其他国家,比如中国,就算不是大陆,可能也有香港,台湾。
《刺客任务》是一款 Io Interactive 制作 Square Enix 发行的动作冒险游戏。在本作中,主角要进行的任务地点包括了巴黎,意大利,马拉喀什,泰国,美国,日本等地,我们熟悉的老牌杀手47,要在ICA的帮助下展开全球范围的猎杀行动。该作依旧包含了系列核心元素,玩家可以使用众多道具在全球各种奢华,奇异的地方完成暗杀任务,力图打造更真实的杀手世界。
Hitman Gets Tougher...
Io-Interactive is pleased to confirm that Hitman will receive a new, tougher difficulty setting as part of the free January Update with the disc launch on January 31.
Professional Difficulty Level will offer a tougher challenge for players. With new game features, a separate mastery track with unique rewards, tweaked game mechanics and new AI behavior that combine to create an entirely new experience for all players.
The new difficulty level introduces strict item rules so players will be noticed carrying suspicious items, disguises that can be ruined depending how you take out the NPC wearing them, new security camera rules, limited save games and a whole lot more. Everything needed to challenge even the top players. To unlock Professional Difficulty Level players will need to reach Mastery Level 20 for each location and there are separate leaderboards between difficulty levels. Professional Difficulty Level will be available for all main Story missions only, excluding Prologue.
Become the Master Assassin in this intense spy-thriller story. As Agent 47 you perform contract hits on powerful, high-profile targets in exotic locations around the world, from Paris, Italy and Morocco to Bangkok, the USA and Japan in this creative stealth action game. Gameplay focuses on taking out targets in huge and intricate sandbox levels with complete freedom of approach. Where to go, when to strike and who to kill - it is all up to you.
Hitman The Complete First Season is available on January 31st on the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system and Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft