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2013-9-4 07:42 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-1-4 07:25 AM 编辑



2014-8-16 04:11 PM

2014-8-21 06:11 PM
2016-3-17 07:03 AM
Tequila Works acquires rights to Rime from Sony


2016-8-11 07:14 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-8-11 06:48 PM 编辑

RiME gets new publishers, now coming in 2017
冒险游戏RiME更换发行商 或不再由索尼独占

  不知道还有多少玩家记得PS4曾经的“小清新”独占游戏 RiME ,这款公布之后闷头开发三年却杳无音讯的游戏近日宣布将更换发行商,这或许意味着游戏将不再由索尼独占。


  本作开发历程十分坎坷。 RiME 最早在2013年的科隆游戏展上由索尼公布,平台为PS4独占。游戏画面采用动画渲染技术,风格清新秀丽,让人联想起《塞尔达传说》与ICO这种名作,一亮相就惊艳了包括小编在内的大量玩家,拥有极高的期待度。当时现场公布的影像就已经包括了地图探索、战斗等诸多细节,让人觉得完成度已经比较高了,后来,索尼又在E3上展示本作,但游戏从此便杳无音讯。

  今年早些时候传出消息,索尼打算放弃 RiME 的商标所有权,具体原因未知。稍后坊间有流言称是游戏开发遭遇了极大的技术难题几乎无法完成,过长的开发周期也使索尼失去了信心。更恶劣的是,当初首部宣传片中疑似实机操作的游戏内容其实全是预渲染动画,连界面UI等部分都是通过后期软件"Duang"上去的特效,这使已经投入大量资源的索尼觉得受到欺骗。

  如此巨大的负面消息流出后,制作团队Tequila Works马上出面辟谣称传言不实,游戏还在制作,只是确实需要更多时间。今天早些时候,Tequila Works通过官方推特宣布,他们已经正式向索尼回购了 RiME 的商标所有权,同时找到新的“接盘侠”,将本作转交给Grey Box与Six Foot联合发行,并且宣布游戏将于2017年上市。而发行商更换或许也意味着本作将不再由PS4独占。

Grey Box to Publish RiMe in partnership With Six Foot and Developer Tequila Works

Grey Box and Six Foot have announced they are teaming up with developer Tequila Works to publish the studio’s much-anticipated adventure game, RiME.

“From its very first moving reveal, RiME has been a game that has excited and fascinated our team,” said Christian Svensson, COO of Six Foot. "Tequila Works has put an immense amount of passion and creativity into shaping a beautiful and deeply personal universe, and we’re all excited to share that experience with gamers next year.”

RiME is a single-player puzzle adventure game about a young boy shipwrecked on a mysterious island after a torrential storm. Players must use their wits to decipher the challenges and secrets of an expansive world strewn with rugged terrain, wild creatures and the crumbling ruins of a long-forgotten civilization. With subtle narrative, colorful cel-shaded artwork and a sweeping score, RiME offers players a meaningful journey filled with discovery.

"We’ve always wanted RiME to captivate players' imaginations, capturing that feeling of being a child and experiencing the wonders of a bedtime story for the first time," said Raúl Rubio Munárriz, CEO & creative director of Tequila Works. “We’re so excited to find in Grey Box and Six Foot partners just as eager as we are to make that vision for such a personal project a reality."

Additional information about RiME, including gameplay and platform availability details, will be unveiled at the beginning of 2017, as Grey Box, Six Foot and Tequila Works ready the title for release later that year.
2016-10-26 06:07 PM


  虽然有坊间传闻称,当时预告片的内容都是捏造的,游戏的实际开发进度为0,而索尼方面则因为Tequila Works无法完成游戏,而主动中止了合作。对于这一的传闻,当事双方最终都没能给出正面回应,而在风波平息之后,Tequila Works的负责人Raul Rubio也在近日再次站出来为明年即将发售的《RiME》宣传。


  《RiME》是一个艺术风格独特的冒险解密游戏,有人用《ICO》和《塞尔达传说:风之杖》与之相比。游戏现在由Six Foot and Grey Box负责发行,预计在2017年年内发售。
2017-1-4 07:23 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-1-4 07:16 PM 编辑

Rime launches for PS4, Xbox One, Switch and PC in May, re-reveal gameplay trailer
冒险游戏《Rime》IGN 独家演示预告

  Tequila Works近日公布了旗下即将发售的冒险游戏《Rime》的一段新演示预告。

  外媒 IGN似乎对这款游戏十分感兴趣,他们表示在接下来的一个月中会持续关注游戏的进展情况,IGN 西班牙团队此前也拜访过 Tequila Works,他们试玩了《Rime》随后还与开发团队共同探讨了此项目,了解到了Tequila Works 与其前发行商索尼之间发生的故事以及之后游戏的进展等。

  《Rime》已确定将于今年 5 月正式发行也不再是PS4 独占平台作品,本作正式公布登陆PS4、Xbox One、PC以及Switch平台。


Rime Re-Revealed for PS4, Xbox One, PC, and Nintendo Switch – IGN First

Intriguing action/adventure/puzzle game Rime, which was first unveiled as a PS4 exclusive at Gamescom 2013 before going radio silent about a year later, has been re-revealed as a multiplatform game due out in May 2017.

As you can see in the re-reveal gameplay trailer above, Rime retains its distinct cartoon-like look and its intriguing vibe, which reminds us a bit of a combination of Zelda: Wind Waker, The Last Guardian, and The Witness. It will now be released for PS4, Xbox One, PC, and Nintendo Switch. Tequila Works describes Rime as "a single-player puzzle adventure about discovery, experienced through the eyes of a young boy who awakens on a mysterious island after shipwrecking off its coast. Players must navigate the island’s secrets by making use of light, sound, perspective and even time. Inspired by the rugged, sunbaked terrain of the Mediterranean coast, Rime paints its breathtaking world with a fusion of vibrant colors and moving musical undertones to set the stage for the deeply personal journey that awaits within."

Our IGN Spain team visited developer Tequila Works to play Rime and discuss the project with the developers – including what happened with Sony and what has been happening with the game since. We'll be bringing you that coverage all January long, so be sure to check back regularly for gameplay videos, hands-on impressions, interviews with Tequila Works, and more!

2017-1-5 07:30 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-1-5 06:41 PM 编辑

Rime will have a physical release
解谜冒险游戏《Rime》将会发售实体版 新游戏截图公布!

  《Rime》昨天正式公布最新消息之后,今天官方确认将于 2017 年 5 月登陆PS4/Xbox One/Switch/PC平台推出实体版以及数码版本购买。

  在亚马逊 Amazon 和 Best Buy 上都列出了PS4 和 Xbox One的实体版游戏,游戏售价为29.99 美元。尽管目前游戏的官方发售日还未确认,但亚马逊的页面上已经显示了游戏的发售日为 5 月 9 日。实体版的Switch 版游戏同样也在计划中,不过在任天堂 1 月 12 日的发布会之前,零售商们似乎还不准备把Switch 版游戏的产品页面放出去。



  一片有待探索的大陆展现在你的面前。来探索这个美丽却又崎岖险峻的霜华世界吧,这是一款单人解谜冒险游戏将于 2017 年 5 月发售。







深深着迷:沉醉于美丽的,地中海风貌的游戏世界里,聆听由David García Díaz谱写的动人音乐。

Official Site Launched













Grey Box, Six Foot and Tequila Works Will Release RiME on PlayStation 4 Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and Windows PC in May 2017

Grey Box, Six Foot and independent developer Tequila Works have announced that RiME, the highly anticipated puzzle adventure, will launch this May on the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system, as well as three new platforms: Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and Windows PC.

“We’re proud and excited to reveal that fans on multiple platforms will be able to experience RiME this spring,” said Raúl Rubio Munárriz, CEO and creative director of Tequila Works, which confirmed its partnership with publisher Grey Box and Six Foot last year. “We want to express our most sincere gratitude to all those who never lost hope, faith and patience towards us. They gave us the will and strength to create such a personal experience, and we cannot wait to show you more of RiME in the coming months.”

RiME is a single-player puzzle adventure about discovery, experienced through the eyes of a young boy who awakens on a mysterious island after shipwrecking off its coast. Players must navigate the island’s secrets by making use of light, sound, perspective and even time. Inspired by the rugged, sunbaked terrain of the Mediterranean coast, RiME paints its breathtaking world with a fusion of vibrant colors and moving musical undertones to set the stage for the deeply personal journey that awaits within.

“Once we began working with Tequila Works, we became excited at the prospect of releasing RiME to a much wider audience,” said Christian Svensson, chief operating officer of Six Foot. “This is a title we think will resonate with gamers, and we can’t wait to share it with them in a few short months.”

RiME will be available for retail pre-order on the PlayStation 4 system and Xbox One. For more information, visit rimegame.com, and follow the title on Facebook and Twitter.
2017-3-9 07:31 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-3-9 04:27 PM 编辑

RiME comes out in May 26, costs £10 more on Nintendo Switch
官方《RiME》正式公布发售日期 预计 5 月 26 日上线

  因为各种研发问题《RiME》终于有了明确的发售日期了!根据最新消息,这款动作解谜游戏将在 5 月 26 日上线,登陆PS4,Xbox One ,PC 以及 Switch 平台。

  《RiME》在 2013 年首次宣布,并且在 2014 年的科隆游戏展(Gamescom)上发布了新预告片,随后该游戏的开发商Tequila Works 从索尼的手里买回了游戏版权,去年 8 月找到了两家小型游戏发行商负责发行工作。在告别 PS4才独占后,《RiME》不仅会登陆Xbox One与PC平台,且还会登陆刚刚发售的任天堂Switch。


Grey Box, Six Foot and Tequila Works' RiME Will Launch on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Windows PC on May 26

Grey Box, Six Foot and independent developer Tequila Works have announced that RiME, the highly-anticipated puzzle adventure game, has a confirmed release date of May 26 for the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system, Xbox One, and Windows PC. It will arrive at both retail and digital store shelves with a suggested retail price of $29.99.

​Shortly afterward, RiME will launch on Nintendo Switch, allowing players to take the adventure with them anywhere on the go utilising the system’s portability, as a physical and digital release with a suggested retail price of $39.99.

RiME is a single-player puzzle adventure game about discovery, experienced through the eyes of a young boy who awakens on a mysterious island after shipwrecking off its coast. Players must navigate the island’s secrets by making use of light, sound, perspective and even time. Inspired by the rugged, sunbaked terrain of the Mediterranean coast, RiME paints its breathtaking world with a fusion of vibrant colours and moving musical undertones to set the stage for the deeply personal journey that awaits within.

For more information leading up to release, visit rimegame.com, and follow the title on Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr
2017-4-13 07:21 AM
Rime Second Developer Diary











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